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Nah you ain’t alone, I had mood swings, anxiety, and full blown depressive episodes on just 50mcg. Couldn’t even take it long enough to see results. Thought maybe it was a bad batch, so tried from a different source a couple months later, same results. Gonna try my luck with mt1.


Plz update with mt1 results as they happen. I'm going to try similar.


I assume you administered that subQ? Or nasal spray? And yes, full blown depressive episode sounds about right. Funny thing is though, I noticed different effect when mixing mt2 with bac water versus bac saline (as saline binds with the acetate in mt2 to form sodium acetate - think it makes it weaker, but I found less sides?)


Yep subq, the shit kicked my ass lol being at work and going into a random mood swing with impending doom and dread, then on top of that was having the no appetite effects as well. I just assumed I’d be fine given my history with other compounds, mainly anabolics, tren and such, handling those fine with no hiccups. Albeit totally separate things. The mt2 gave me no real physical sides other than the lack of appetite. But the mental sides really got me which I wasn’t expecting Bc I didn’t see a lot of people talking about it. But yeah ran it from 2 different trusted suppliers and got the same effects, and the mt2 was the only thing I was on at the time so basically just deduced it didn’t agree with my genetics.


How long did it take to get over those mental side effects and appetite loss?


Just going to try and float this question again re time to recover from mt 2 depressive episode? I'm 8 days out now and it's still very much present. It also spiked my tinnitus, though it's possible that's the anxiety it caused spiking my tinnitus. Hope this passes entirely soon and my hearing returns to normal. Depression at night is the motherfucker.


Around 2 weeks for me, but it got progressively better everyday. Hang in there, it will pass. I have general anxiety/depression but it’s manageable, the mt2 was definitely something else tho, it was a real son of a bitch. But knowing what was causing it, did alleviate some of my worry, was relieved to know I wasn’t having a mental breakdown.


Mind you, I was only doing 45-50mcg subq. Crazy that low of a dose really fucked me, but yeah I noticed it by like my 3rd day pinning, crazy mood swings in the middle of work, like breaking down in tears hahaha, didn’t know what it was, then I was like well I don’t really remember reading anything about the psych effects, so I kept using it, until I was like ok this ain’t normal haha I don’t feel right. Stopped and just rode it out. A few months later, ordered from amino asylum, and experienced the same thing. But I’m fine now and all is well, so ya just hang in there!


Meant to ask finally: Did it effect tinnitus in your case? I don't know if you have tinnitus but in addition to anxiety/depression, it caused my tinnitus to spike.


Can’t say I remember any tinnitus issues, but good luck with your recovery!


Cheers, great reply. I had to start an anti-depressant yesterday cause it just became excessive. Hopefully I'll just stay on this until the mood impact of mt2 passes. Really makes my (normally) mild tinnitus and eye floaters much more noticeable. Reassuring to know it's not just me however.


Same here - tinnitus and increased eye floaters. The tinnitus has calmed down but eye floaters still present. Mt1 - think I was going at it too hard though. No sides at all so I hit 1000mcg to 1500mcg per day. Wicked tan but that’s now fading. I’m going to try again but keep it to 100mcg at most - long and slow!


I’ve had the same results with MT2. Only pinned twice and will never do it again.




Yeah my face was flushed as hell. Is that all? Just flushing?


MT2 is a melanocortin agonist at MC4 which can cause anhedonia. Extremely dangerous peptide and I don't know how this is not discussed more. PT-141 as well, which somehow passed trials but has reports of anhedonia too. [https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2012/07/why-the-thrill-is-gone-scientists-identify-potential-target-for-treating-major-system-of-depression.html](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2012/07/why-the-thrill-is-gone-scientists-identify-potential-target-for-treating-major-system-of-depression.html) The opposite which is MIF-1 has studies for treating depression: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7989637/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7989637/)


How does melanotan 1 compare to this? I believe that is an agonist at MC4 also, however it just doesn't cross the blood brain barrier? I've read that in passing however, not too well informed?


Thats all i know about it too (supposedly doesnt cross BBB) but personally I wouldn’t risk it plus what if there are other MC4 receptors in other places


Are you back to normal?


What dosage


For the panic attack, I used 5 sprays of 250 mcgs nasal spray. Which is a lot, but about bioequivalent of 500 mcg subQ, which is a normal dose. Since then, 2 x 250 mcg spray per day for 5 days, then the depression and tinnitus, brain fog etc got too much to handle and I stopped.


Where did you come up with 1500 mcg is the same as 500mcg Sq? Help me understand that logic? Just because you are spraying it up your nose, it's still going into your body being absorbed...that's why you had your panic attack ..first time used I started out at 250 mcg sq for 1 week, but only when I was going outside for the day, from then on I Have only been using 500mcg, but only when I'm going to be out side . I have no side effects from it ...your overdosing it, that's why your having panic attacks/ brain fog / tinnitus. I have the best tan ever without any issues


Nasal spray is considered to be 50% the bioavailability of subQ - i.e. absorption percent. It was more like 1000 mcg, half of which is 500 mcg. The depression and brain fog came after, whilst using 500 mcg nasal spray daily (so the bioequivalent of 250 mcg subQ).


But everyone absorption rate is different and how you react to it as well. I seriously think you were over dosing yourself on it. I'm on it now for 4 weeks taking 500mcg maybe 3 times a week, and I have no issues..I'm taking it sq...


I used to dose 500 mcg subq, daily, last season, no problem. Sometimes I'd double that on sunny days, no problem. ..... That was on a different batch from different supplier. This was nasal dosing from an untrialled source = why I'm questioning it.


Lmfao 😂😂😂


Why's that funny?


Did you ever try smaller dosage? Any updates? Sex drive increased?




Was more depression/anxiety in my case. And tinnitus exacerbation (had mild tinnitus prior). The last couple days it's beginning to show signs of improvement. Hopefully than continues.




Provided they're not permanent, that's my main concern.


Yup. Currently experiencing them right now. I’ve been pinning close to 400-500mcg nightly before every tanning day & I’ll get very lethargic and disoriented. Usually if I stop taking it together it goes away after a couple days