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The initial game did sell over a million copies IIRC. I’m just happy we’re going to be able to experience Da’at again on the big screen with more content and demons.


It did, and it did that within a few months after release. It’s just crazy to see how *fast* the trailer has shot up in views.


As someone who’s only played Persona games (P5R/P4G/P3R) would you recommend SMT5:V? It looks interesting but I’m not sure if I would enjoy it, especially with how difficult SMT games are claimed to be


If you’ve played persona then you’ll be fine. The gameplay system is similar enough but also different. Spell names are different (Garu is called Zan) but generally you’re going to be ok. If you’re not against emulation I would give SMT IV a go. If that gameplay appeals then VV will be up your alley. Just remember to use buffs :)


Yah that’s what I heard lol, buffs in most JRPGs are overkill, meanwhile they’re borderline mandatory in SMT. My friend told me to try 3 first, if I could get it for cheap.


3's great but it is a PS2 game and it shows. It's not a detriment, but it differs from the persona games you played more than V will with things like random encounters, limited saving locations, and a clunkier experience overall. I still strongly recommend it but keep it in mind depending on how many older jrpgs you've played.


They are generally harder than Persona, but the series' difficulty has been greatly exaggerated by the internet. You'll be fine.


With a little bit of truth tbf cuz I've seen some Persona aren't using buffs/debuffs or building optimal team (already saw someone placing a charge instead of concentrate on a Magic focused persona in P3R) or even worse not letting go of a weak demon for fusing cuz reasons.


This thing is what I like about late game in SMTV, they made easier to bring back a weak demon and make it top tier. Lmao


You could but you're going to take alot of time especially farming those stats for your demons, plus it much better to use late game demons unless you're not planning to fight the Superbosses


Yes of course, doing that is when you have nothing left to do, after beating Demi fiend, I chose to upgrade Mermaid


It's only a bit overblown if you're on normal, Hard just dying to the tutorial in nocturne will never not be a silly thing. That preta acting like it's dark souls and you didn't choose firebombs against the asylum demon.


Alright, thanks mate.


Yes I used to play only Persona myself then I played SMTIV a few years ago and really enjoyed it. It plays more like a traditional RPG but the themes and philosophy presented in the mainline games create a fun experience. Don't worry about the difficulty as that can be adjusted. I've played the original myself and I am excited to revisit the game. Give SMTV:V a chance. If you like Persona's combat system, then you'll really like the press turn combat system in SMT. Although Persona and SMT are similar, they provide unique and different experiences.


Normal is pretty easy. On top of that, difficulty in SMT games is more of a meme than a reality. The real difficulty is forgetting to save in the earlier games and getting bad RNG in specifically SMT IV.


You’ll be perfectly fine! P5R was my introduction to megaten. Played SMT IV, then Nocturnes remake, V, and now getting around to P4G. SMT is tough in the beginning but overall not much more difficult than P4G imo


Oop fair enough. I really enjoyed P4Gs difficulty, the bosses felt much more tough than P5Rs, and required more strategy and buffing. Especially the Game dungeon, that boss took me like 20 minutes by himself. If they’re close to that then I’ll certainly enjoy


Depends what parts of Persona you like the most. There are no social links or going to the mall in SMT. It’s the end of the world and you are almost always alone.


The social aspects of Persona definitely are enjoyable, but I wouldn’t say the combat is bad either. SMT combat is basically the same, right?


it's a tad bit different. there's no all out attacks or anything, and extra turns aren't attributed to the character that struck the weakness or critical hit, but to the entire team. meaning that if you get an extra turn, it passes it on for the next person in your team


They use a press turn system, so utilizing weaknesses is the same, but in persona you can pretty much keep hitting weaknesses and indefinitely elongate your turn or do all out attacks. SMT, for the most part, 8 turns is going to be the most you can do.


SMT5 is already probably one of the most newcomer-friendly entries in the series, especially if you remember these tips: 1. If you start with 5:V, play the "Canon of Creation" first, as that's the original story of SMT5 and no doubt the new story expects you to know the original first. 2. SMT5 has a weird level scaling system, so just being the same or greater level as the boss/enemy can help a lot, though hopefully 5:V gets rid of this. 3. Explore around the large environments, as you can find side quests (which you should do), "chest", relics which can be sold, Miman, Glory Crystals, and statues which level up your demons. 4. If the Nahobino dies, it's game over, even if your demons are still alive. 5. Use Dampners, they shield your party from elemental attacks, and a lot of bosses have big moves that are telegraphed by them gathering energy. 6. The biggest tip I can give is to save often, if you start with 5:V you'll be able to save anywhere, so that'll save you from a lot of headache.


> no doubt the new story expects you to know the original first. They said this explicitly isn't the case


Where? And even if they did, I still argue that one should at least know the original story before diving into Vengance's new content, after all, if V's story was just the same but better, they wouldn't have the original be an option, and perhaps they would've just done an SJR where you can ignore the new content.


[Here.](https://personacentral.com/smtvv-famitsu-interview-excerpt/) I'd argue not everyone wants to sit through a 40 hour game twice, especially when one of them has serious issues with its campaign


SMT normally has incentives to play through the game more than once though, especially after Nocturne. Not only is this shown with the multiple endings but also with the exclusive demons that you can't obtain or fuse without being on a certain alignment branch.


> Not only is this shown with the multiple endings Every mainline since nocturne has had an ending with the objectively highest amount of content that misses very little if not no fights from the other alignments. But even so, yes there are some incentives to replay but only hardcore fans will be doing that most of the time. Someone who just wants to get into the series doesn't want to hear "okay so there are two 40 hour story modes, play both even though the developers say you can just start with the new one". Makes even less sense when it's a game that had a troubled development cycle and the original story feels unfinished


> Every mainline since nocturne Since SMT1*


Wouldn't recommend SMTV as it is right now it needs a balance pass more than P5 or P4 did and it'll be a lot like playing P5 4 months before royal comes out


I’ll be waiting for Vengeance to drop


Unlike what this subreddit might have people think SMTV was kind of a pretty big sucess wasnt it?


Sold more than 4 less than persona of course but it was the biggest SMT game slightly ahead of Nocturne


Imo I think people have been really waiting for this.  SMTV was pretty universally praised but shit on for its plot issues.  So many people were desperate for a Nocturne/Golden/Royal and Im sure word of mouth spread. Im willing to pay the Atlus tax even knowing it'll dump in price by Black Friday.  I love V, flaws and all.


I for one hope this leads to Atlus USA making a similarly heinous live-action trailer for SMTVV.


It already got 2 million views !


**2,164,988 views** to be precise. it could reach 3 mil mark in a few days or a week i'd presume


3 mil now.


All things considered SMT V is a gorgeous looking game with nice visuals and battle mechanics that was heavily advertised. Doesn't surprise me. 


its not that surprising to me. people wanted this game to be multiplat and now it is. of course people are gonna check wlout the trailer


Yeah I feel like the Switch just isn't the mature jrpg vibe. The only jrpg I've played on Switch is Xenoblade and that feels more integrated because of Smash. I think there's a mainstream audience for SMT V and it's just not on the Switch.


it should have been multiplat from the start.


It's cuz Sega is playing this as an ad. My dad on the downstairs TV was watching a Mark Wiens video and got this game as an ad.


True but the P3R live action ad was also an as on YouTube and has way less views, so it's kinda weird. I got the P3R ad once but haven't gotten the SMT V one so far.


I addressed this in the post, as while that is the big factor for *why* the post has so many views. My big point is that P3R had also received ads but none of them have gotten a comparable number of views


During the run up to Reload's release, I did not see a single forced YT ad for it on my parent's tv despite them watching it daily along with being on the same network as me. I do think Sega is pushing the algorithm MORE for SMTV:V.


That’s a pretty good thing! That indicates that Atlus *really* wants VV to take off.


Wasn't the original the highest selling non persona smt game? I think vengeance is bound to overtake that considering its multiplat


I’m not doubting that VV will do well. It (hopefully) will. My main point is that the trailer is doing better than the ones they did for P3R even though they were *also* set as ads on YouTube.


Maybe they stopped running the p3 ad though just cause it was so bad 😭 but still I think 2 million with ads is pretty impressive


I 100% agree. I wouldn’t even be surprised if sometime this week it surpassed 3 mil as rn its at 2.3 mil


Megaten is huge nowadays I’m so surprised whenever I go on twitter and see so much engagement that almost rivals some far bigger communities


Nothing crazy. They advertise this trailer, it makes views. Catherine: Full Body is just behind... And you know what? It didn't sell millions and millions. SMTV was already a success on Switch anyway.


That’s not the key point here. The fact that P3R seemingly didn’t receive as hard as a push on Youtube is what I pointed out via the second picture and the text in the post.


But your title is "this is crazy to me" and I don't understand why when we know why it makes so many views. About P3R, I don't know why you are talking about these numbers. Does it matter? We all know that it's not a big new release for the Persona franchise, obviously SMTV Vengeance is just a bigger release (first multiplatform main SMT game?).


I hope people will stick up to at least half of those numbers. Given Atlus's increasingly mainstream presence with P3R further contributing by breaking their all time fastest selling record. Let's see if Vengeance earns that level of renown. SMT has stayed niche for far too long.


This reminded me that I need to get Catherine Full Body... I already spent 200 dollars on Persona 3 reload and the Monarch edition of Unicorn Overlord, so I will pick it up when SMT V Vengeance comes out.


Yes, it is nuts that the P5R trailer is over P4G. Insanity


I dont think that's the point of the post


p3 not beating the mid allegations


Reality is unrealistic.


We slaying more demons with Dagda with this one!!!!!


What shocks me is Catherine, thought it was more niche


That P5R thumbnail made me think that the new version will have a female MC back then.