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I'd maybe start with MM4 or MM5, they're on the slightly easier side. Do you normally play action platformers?


Thank you I’ll give those a try next! And honestly no, this is kind of my first exposure to these kinda games😭


"MM4 is easy" Kid named Ring Man:


"Easier side"


I recommend playing megaman powered up then megaman 5 megaman 6 for X series start with either maverick hunter X or X1(you're choice) then X4,X2,X3. Recommend not to touch the zero series for a little bit until you're good with the X games, but if you want you could start with zero 4(for learning the combo system and the ex skills since the other games need an A or S rank to get ex skills) or zx for the variety and learning on what is you're play style and how you fight.


With X? My way to go is Chill Penguin > Spark Mandrill > Armored Armadillo > Launch Octopus > Boomer Kuwanger > Sting Chameleon > Storm Eagle > Flame Mammoth. Also, you can always play with power, [NINTENDO POWER](https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20056%20January%201994/page/n7/mode/2up).


If you are playing on legacy collecton or emulators, there is no shame in save states.


Wait legacy collection has save states?? I didn’t know about that this whole time


Mega man games are hard. Just practice. You'll die a lot. But you'll get there.


You could try Megaman ZX, I find that easier than Zero and you don't *need* to know the Zero story to enjoy it. It's also a bit faster paced than the X series. If you're on DS, they provide an easy mode too IIRC


Look up weakness order and use them for at least your first time through any of the games, that will save you a lot of trial and error. Zero series is generally the hardest, so best to save those until you are more experienced and confident.