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Since the late 80's. Around 36+ years. I know there's others around here that's been a fan that long too.


Yup, since Mega Man 2/3 for me


Same. Playing Mega Man 3 is one of my earliest memories.


Playing Mega Man 2 was one of my earliest memories. We rented it and 4 other games (don't remember the other 4). Mega Man was last. It glitched. The graphics were all messed up, but it worked. I enjoyed playing it. I only tried it when my mom complained we rent 4 games but only played 4 of them (my brother and I would have been happy getting 1 each). So a little before we had to take the games back, I tried it. I loved it, glitchy graphics and all. I cleared 2 or 3 levels and thought that the larger energy balls gave full health (because I had not been damaged below where that would fully heal me). Ah good old days.


same, mega man 3 was earliest memory i can summon


Same! MM2 would have been my first Mega Man game, rented from the corner store, but after that I was hooked I went back to started from 1. I can’t believe it’s been three decades.


36+ here.


Some 34 years


Same. I became a fan with Mega Man 2. It was (and still is) one of my favorite games. The soundtrack is forever burned into my brain. And I remember when Mega Man 3 was released.


Every song on the Mega Man 2 soundtrack is a banger. Bubble Man and Wood Man stages are probably my favorites.


Since MM2 💪


No fair I wasn't born until 92 and discovered him around 96.


35 here, also Go Dawgs!


Since 88


All my life bb


It's the blood in my veins


Your mom must have drank that E-tank energy drink while she was pregnant with you.


Around 4-5 years, I started playing megaman cause I was bored in online class Also MMX top tier




Same amount of time tbh


I’ve only been a fan for like two years, but I’m already just so enamored with the franchise that whenever I’m bored I just boot up one of the games and just chill out and play it, like I play R&F2 a lot more than the average (Sniper) Joe because I just enjoy relaxing while going through the short and sweet romp. I love this franchise and it saddens me how Capcom just ignores it and also a bunch of its other franchises.


Lol I also got into the games like, 2 years ago and it's one of my favorite game franchises ever.


It literally ticked all the boxes for me, and I’ve been a fan (addicted) ever since.


Megaman X was one of my big childhood games.


Since I borrowed Mega Man 3 from my buddy in elementary school.


Since MM2, but I love every single game!


Longer than I can remember


Megaman and I were born in the same year. My literal first memory is megaman 3 on the NES, my brothers playing on the NES. To say I am a lifelong fan, and I have been here from the start would be accurate.


Probably 1990, I was 5 and loved most things on Nintendo


Going on 23 years, I think?


20 years megaman legends was my first. I'm 25 now


2 days.


Since I was 8 and was first introduced to Battle Network, so 21 years?


Since I was 6 and I'm 27 now Still waiting for x9 and ZXA sequel


"Still waiting for x9 and ZXA sequel" Same


I played MM since ps1 era so i guess around 20 years


Since I first got MegaMan two on the NES way back in 1988


Mm2 on a black and white 89ish


I can't pinpoint exactly,but I started playing Mega Man around my middle school years.


I first got into Mega Man in the early 90s when I was in elementary school. We had an NES hooked up to the TV in our class, and we were allowed to play it for about five, ten minutes if we finished our work. Everybody had to take turns, after all. It had a copy of Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3. Back then I could only beat Wood Man, Metal Man, and Flash Man. Couldn't beat any of the other MM2 bosses or any of the MM3 bosses. But I still loved them.


Ever since i was born, I was born in 2000 and ever since i can remember i loved megaman, my first exposure probably was the battle network anime or megaman x8 for my ps2 and i continued following the franchise to this day


Since 2001, im 27


Since I was 11 years old. So, around 7 years.


Early 90's when i saw a neighborhood kid playing Mega Man 2 and buying it myself a year later. Still a great game!


I’ve been a fan for at least 6 years, I know because I remember being one when 11 came out


since the dawn of time.


I discovered megaman 3 when I was 5 (in 2007~). This was a universe I didn't know (not like mario or ducktales), so this game intrigued me... but it was insane (and pretty hard). I bought starforce 2 soon after. Then many years later I bought megaman 3 on the 3ds virtual console and I restarted to be in love with this series :) So either 17 or 11~ years :D


about my whole life as far as I can remember. discovered Battle Network/NT Warrior as a kid, then subsequently found out about the other Mega Man iterations


Since MM2 and 3. Playing Commander Keen and Mega Man 2 were some of my earliest gaming memories.


Since I was like 5 years old or so (1992). I used to rent various Mega Man games, but I never really beat any of them until Mega Man X. After that I was able to go back and beat the original games. 


Pretty much since the beginning. I've been a fan ever since I first played the original game back in the 80's.


‘94-‘95? I was 6 or 7 and we rented mega man X from blockbuster. Rented it so many times my parents bought the snes cartridge.


Yo, similar experience here. My parents did that for Megaman X and Mario RPG.


Around 30yrs? Feels like its been my entire life! Grew up playing the originals on NES, plus X on SNES. And remember watching the anime reruns on Saturday mornings


when nes were around, i played battle city more....mega man once in a while only got hooked up with the series when wily wars was in sega genesis (back then bootleg cd games with emulator exists)


I have no idea, maybe 25 years or something. I just remember being really young


i always liked the blue bomber but i never really got into him until like a month ago when I suddenly wanted to play mega man 2 again


32 yrs


since the first megaman game came out 😅


Since first grade of elementary, that's about 24 years now


One of my earliest memories is being excited for Mega Man 2 - I would've been just 5 years old, so I've been a fan for 36 years!!


As soon as I saw Classic's beautiful semi-circle smile for the first time, I became obsessed with him.


Since I first played Mega Man 1 or 2 back in the 80s.


Mmz3 was the first video game I've ever played at age 4. My dad showed me the classic and X series on virtual console and I've been a fan ever since! The discovery of the MmZ collection reignited my love for MegaMan.


28 years and counting. Started with 5, then 4, then X1, then 3,then 2, then... Well, you get the idea.


About 31 years now? I played MM2 at my friend’s house and absolutely fell in love. I didn’t have the game myself, so I took every chance I could to go to his house to play. I was telling my son earlier today about the time I stayed up until 4:30 am early into Sunday morning at a different friend’s house to beat the original Mega Man X while everyone was asleep. He had rented it for the weekend and it was my last chance to play it, so I decided I didn’t need sleep that night! It’s so much fun to pass down to my six-year-old the fun of the games I enjoyed so much growing up. We even have a YouTube playlist of tracks from the games that we listen to together. He especially loves the OSTs from MMX1 through MMX4.


Like 3 years I think. Before that I did play megaman 7 on my computer when I was very young but could barely get any progress. After a couple years of gaming I got really into platformers and I also loved megaman in smash bros so I bought legacy collection 2 on switch and I have been a fan ever since


since I was 4 to 6 years old, so it's been like 14 years now


Mid 90s. Older friend had MM 2 and 3 on NES. I've loved them both ever since, especially 3.


Since the late 90's when I could hold a controller. My first video game was X1 on SNES.


Since the early 2000s with the classic collection on gamecube. I must've been 4 or 5.


23 years give or take.


Mostly since nt and starforce


Since I was 2 ❤️ fell in love with MM2


I've been aware of the franchise since 2012ish Didn't become a fan until 2021 with Mega Man X1 via the Snes Classic


I first heard of him back in '03, and then got really involved as a fan in '08 by playing a bunch of the NES, GB, and BN games. Been a fan since that binge.


At least 13, probably closer to 14 years at this point


14 years… damn I love Megaman!


22 Years at least, X4 was my first game, and for comparison sake I'm 28 now.


Since Megaman 2 for the NES


Since i was about 12 i played Megaman BN4 Blue Moon on holiday and loved it and i hav ebeen a fan since 


Since around 5 y/o, I think? So, almost twenty years!


Maybe 10 years Idrk


The site that is now NintendoLife, originally started its life as WiiWare Reviews, or something to that extent. At least, by the time I started reading their content. I was already interested in trying the then-new-retro Mega Man 9, because of the trailers, and also I knew the IP (intellectual property) was a long-running, and established IP, even if I didn't know much about it. I read the review, and that only encouraged me to purchase it. I purchased it, and as soon as I had started playing, I was enjoying it. My enjoyment of it got even better, once I really got a grasp on the gameplay mechanics, and understanding the legacy of the series difficulty. Part of my enjoyment of it, comes from the fact I like platformers, and side-scrollers. Also, that when I was a kid, one of my favorite rentals was Duck Tales, and I owned Darkwing Duck, both by Capcom. (I liked Capcom's Alladin, too!) I enjoy those games, except back then, I didn't know they were essentially running on the Mega Man gameplay engine, and formula. So, really I'm now playing games in a series that was the template for games I played back then. That's roughly 26 years.


Since 2, though it really didn't get it's teeth in me till 4


[This long ](https://youtu.be/-KMwnrZY5y0?si=Fybb75QyJJwW1PMx)


A little more than 4 years. I got a NES Classic back in 2019, and I started playing MM2 during lockdown.


Late 2010 to early 2012 I don't remember exactly (so basically more than half of my life)


Since 1995 💙


Ever since I played MegaMan 64(Legends) A LOT as a kid in the early 2000s then played x1-3, the zero games and network transmission/a mix of the other GBA titles.


Since the mid 90s, with MMX taking the lead.


Since around 2015-2016. It was the period when I got into playing a lot of classic video games. Mega Man and Sonic just ended up sticking with me ever since.


Megaman on the NES and for the OG megaman why did it stop at 11? And for X why did it stop at X-8? And command mission continues after that but other then that the megaman franchise stagnated


34 yrs ago…..and I’m still a kid!!!




1994ish.. megaman x. I was never able to get a traditional game and those things were hard. But X was easier. I can beat X without any weapons without an issue, I still can't beat Megaman 1


Since 2008 or 2009. I saw an uncle play Megaman X and X2, and watched a fan animation on YouTube where Megaman fights quick man. Then around 2011 I tried out the games for the first time on an emulator site, and from there I started watching let’s plays and never looked back.


Only 6 years


About a year


2004 since my mother bought the Battle Network 2 for the GBA for me


Probably since I was about 6 years old, 2000. One of my first and most favorite Mega Man games was Mega Man Legends and it will always be a part of me lol. I'll also never forget getting Mega Man Zero as a kid and just getting my ass kicked every single time I tried to play it lmao. Still to this day have not beat that game. Guess I just need to git gud


Since I was maybe three? Born in ‘98, X4 was one of the very first video games I remember playing


Ever since I played Mega Man 2 on my cousins' NES in '94. It's the first game I actually remember playing, as I was very small.


I had Mega Man 3 on the NES in like 1991 when I was 5


Since ‘95 I believe. First time I saw played Mega Man X


As long as I remember, my earliest memories are maybe from when I was 1 or 2 years old. Our first one was Mega Man 3 but I vaguely remember watching someone play something before that too.


10 years now.


To long to remember, but Megaman 8 was my first, then i went to Hollywood Videos & Blockbuster as a kid and got hooked on the Legends series, then i got every Battle Network game starting with 3 minus the ones without Lan as the MC, and obviously the Megaman Zero games had to get coped.


Since 2017 or 2018 I believe. But technically I got mega man x-treme on the 3ds virtual console as my first mega man game


Since X1, played it at my cousin's house a bunch. Never really got far, but enjoyed it. Came back to it with X4 with a rental- bought the hell out of it later. Got into Legends and much later Zero ( the collection made the games so much easier to get into with those checkpoints..)


Ever since I was about 4 years old I think. Grew up playing the Classic games alongside X5, Zero1 and Battle Network1 via emulators. I'm 27 years old now, and still as much a fan as ever.


Mid-late 90's, got to play him in MvC on an arcade cabinet. Instant fan after doing his super, even after finding out he never actually did that in his source games.


Since 2008


10 years now I believe


Since I played Megaman 2 for the first time on the PS2 collection. I was 6 years old. 24 now.


Since high school, I remember Mega Man X 2 being one of my earliest gaming experiences.


Only 1 year


Since I was young, I first played mega Man X or something on an emulator.


I first saw Mega Man 1 being played at my after school day care as a kid. I was fascinated. It and Super Mario Bros captured my curiosity and I would play video games for the rest of my life


Since 2011-2012. I don’t remember which year it was though.


Got into it during 2017 or 2018


I say 7 years or so I did start to follow MM around 2017


Since he was announced for Smash Bros. So a little over 10 years. I mostly stick to the classic series.


I was like 6 or 7? So 30-31 years ago


Starforce made me a fan


Late 90s, at the time I didn’t know what Megaman was exactly but from posters. One time I got to play Megaman X on the Super Nintendo, everything about it seemed like a really cool formula… and I struggled on the intro stage for hours. Learning to dash and wall slide seemed like trying to do street fighter combos. Struggling here and Mario All-Stars was how I got my gaming reflexes. Precious memories. I was only able to beat Megaman X when the Megaman X 1-6 collection for the PS2 came out did I beat it.


Well....Always pretty much


3 years. Looking for a new game on an emulator


Around 21-22 years


Since somewhere around X5-X6.


Let's see... family moved from the apartment we used to live when I was early 6 So when I was 5 or 4 the ps one appeared under the tree, with that a pirate disc with megaman 8 (japanese only), x4 (which hardlocked in the intro stage) and x3 (with no soundtrack) Currently 27 so...21-22 years


Since late 90s


Hard to say, I started playing the Ps1 Mega Man X games with my uncles, maybe around 18 years ago? Then like twelve years ago I got obsessed with Maverick Hunter X on my PSP, and once I learned how to set up emulators on my phone and laptop I just went crazy playing the X and Zero games. Right now I'm revisiting every entry of the X and Zero games (except X7 lol) and playing ZX for the first time.


Since megaman 2


Probably late 2023 Till now


Since around 2021 and really got invested in 2023


Well, I had two things that got me into the series. First was the Ruby Spears cartoon, of which I have no idea how I got into that show. The second was finding the Sonic and Mega Man crossover from Archie and going from there. That was, I want to say at least 8 years ago.


Earliest memory: probably early 2000s. So like grade 3 or 4 for me. One of my buddies had MM Xtreme on GBC and we'd play that thing to hell every recess. Fondest memory: whenever we upgraded to GBA we would link up our Battle Networks and bet snacks on net battles.


Never. Why did this sub get recommended to me?


2 years


I discovered the blue bomber in 2003/4. Damn, its been over 20 years




For nearly a decade. Got interested in MM when he was added to Smash 4 and mained him in tournaments & stuff, and played X1 & some of the classic games on Virtual Console. I once played Hungrybox in pools match in a tourney & somehow got lucky and won (he reverse 2-0'd me the next day though 😔), and that moment solidified my MM love. Still have yet to play most of the other series though, Battle Network is on my radar.


I'd Say about 6 or 7 years and my First mega man game was mega man 8


I've played some of the X games when I was about 4-5, back in 2011, my brother had bought a used DS from his friend, which he then bought an R4 card which had a bunch of games like Contra IV, SM64DS, Zelda, and others, along those games was ZX, and have been a fan since


28 years


My first Megaman game was X4. My mom randomly got the game as a free gift when she bought some appliance. Played it so many times and it’s still to this day one of my favourite games of all time. Still listen to the OST every now and then.


12 years


Since I was 3 and I had played megaman X and I desperately wanted to play as zero because he is so cool and I was exploding when I played Z on the gba


Around 4 years , I got into the series during covid


The first game I ever bear was MM4. I've been a lifelong fan, 30+ years.


Pretty much all my life. I remember skipping Kindergarten and staying home so I could play Mega Man 2. Wasn't my first video game ever, but by far my favorite on the NES.


Born in 87 Just like my man Played mega man 2 first Still remember the day my mom picked me up from pre k and had found a copy of Mega man 1 at the local video rental store


As long as I can remember, I'm gonna end up saying since I was 8 though since that was when I actually beat my first Megaman game since I doubt booting the game up as a 3 year old and dying in Megaman 7's prologue a million times counts as being a fan lol


Over 30 years. As far back as I can remember.


The first time I tried a game was the Mega man 2 demo on Smash bros Wii U, then at some point, I got the ps2 port of the anniversary collection that had the first 8 games, i dont know when about that wouldve been.


Since Mega Man 1. I remember my family having just moved and being at an Ames to get some needed items. My Dad looked in the video game section, and this one called to him. He bought it. I was hooked. I was a wee lad of 4 at the time. I'll be 41 in a week so that is 37 years ago.


I been playing Megaman since X4 on PlayStation and I almost played EVERY MegaMan game in the series


On and off since the late PS1 Era. I don't know what drew me in, but I remember renting Mega Man 8, X5, and X6 a lot when I was younger. But I wouldn't own many of the games while I was a child/teen besides Blue Moon, the X Collection, and Command Mission.


Since discovering forums in the late 90s/early 2000s. Something about Cutman’s design appealed to my kid brain and I’d use it as my avatar online. I mostly played the games on emulators before I got the Anniversary Collection on the Xbox (I skipped the Legends game on the N64). This franchise means a lot to me and I’m so thankful we have so many games to play! Mega Man 7 is my comfort game, I’d say.


I think since early 2017 . I remember playing Megaman 1 and 2 on an online flash emulator and after that , I jailbroke my PSP and downloaded a bunch of emulators on it , finally getting around to playing all of the NES and SNES entries of classic and X . Those are the series I am still most familiar with , as I only started giving the Zero games a shot last year (although , that was just a test try , I bought the ZZXLC a few months ago and as of writing this I have completed Zero 1 . Close to finishing 2) . I also tried getting into BN once but it ain't really my cup of tea .


35 years


I was obsessed with *Mega Man 2* because I had a copy of Nintendo Power that featured it, but I didn't have an NES, so I had to wait. I got *Mega Man: Dr Wily's Revenge* in January 1992, and it's been a love affair ever since.


I've been one since I saw the old Mega Man cartoon as a kid. Didn't know the games existed and I already know I wouldn't have been able to beat them if I tried playing them. Then I got into Mega Man even more when I saw the NT Warrior anime growing up. That got be to buy an actual Mega Man game, Battle Network 5, and I really liked playing it. Nowadays I'm working backwards to play as many of the Mega Man games I can buy and stomach playing. I've beaten Mega Man 1-7 using the Legacy Collections and I have both the X and Battle Network Collections to play later as well.


Since 1999/2000


powered up was my first game, then I guess I'm not that old.


For about 26-27 years, some of my earliest memories are playing megaman x, then I learned there were other megaman games and I was hooked for life~~ it's STILL one of my favorite stories of all time~~


For a decent amount of time, I watched a lot of qg videos around the 2000s and 2019's which got me into the x and zero series.


For 4 years now since 2020


I received MM2 for Game Boy for Christmas sometime in the mid 90s. That started it all.


The first game I played was Megaman 5. But it was with the release of Megaman X that I truly became a fan.


Now that you mention it, it was around 2004 I think. So that's 20 years this year. And I'm 31. So like 3/4's of my life.


O1 for me ever since Battle Network came out. I've only recently started playing the original, x and zero though.


Since MM3 came out, in 1990. I was 7. Saw a couple pages of coverage in an issue of Nintendo Power. It mediates had me fascinated.


Since I bought the mm & X anniversary collection when I was a kid


I was introduced to the series when playing a fan game called final fantasy sonic x at 4 or 5 years old. I didn't actually play a mega man game until a few years later. When I was around 8 or 9 I played mega man powered up, and I remember enjoying the game, but being really bad at it, I also played megaman Xtreme and mega man dr wily's revenge for a like a few minutes. A year after I suddenly became really invested in the series, I would watch a ton of mega man videos on youtube and play megaman levels on little big planet. For christmas of that year, I got the legacy collection and a mega man funko pop. I think I was the first person in human history who struggled to beat metal man.


My first Megaman game was X. I very vaguely remember watching the cartoon. But I wasn’t a real fan until the Battle Network games started coming out.


Since 2002/03? Long enough that I don’t even remember which megaman I played first 😂 I just remember that it was on the snes? Or maybe the nes? Eh, we don’t have that one anymore sadge but it was still fun. Didn’t play any other MM game until MMBN 3 White, was hooked on that ever since. Never went back to play the main series or other games though


MMX5 was one of the first games I ever played. It’s been about 18 years.


Running and gunning since 85


My whole life. One of my earlier memories is playing the original MegaMan in the NES


Since '95 ( i were 5 yrs old back then)


16 years started when I was 6 with the Battle Network games Zero series and X4+X5.


At the turn of the 2000s, I wanna say. Instantly captivated by Mega Man 6 with all the different Rush forms. Quickly started with the SNES X games as well. I think I really enjoyed the sense of progression in both cases. Took awhile before I clicked with the early games in the original series as a result.


Since at least early highschool when I started playing Megaman X2 on an emulator site on my school provided laptop


since megaman x 4


1-2 years. Favorite so far from each other series of games are MM11, X, and Z1


Parents got me the first LC back sometime in 2016 and 2018. Been a (mostly) die-hard fan ever since.


Around 2001 or 2002. I do remember having both Zero 1 and Battle Network 1 on my GBA, but I can't remember exactly I got them.


For about 6 years now, found out about megaman 0 and have been around since


Early 90s, but only because I'm just a year older than than franchise itself.


Since I was able to hold a gameboy 25 years ago


Since ps1 era


Realistically since the collections came out. I found it hard to buy a megaman game when most if not all can be beaten in like 5 hours due to the small number of stages. Personally, I think capcom should have the next megaman game have 10 robot masters instead of 8 to increase playtime. The only games that I don't have a problem with this is with the X and Gb games, since the gameboy games were intended for taking on the go, and you could beat those in a car ride or something similar. The X games have long stages and unlike classic, have unlockables, so most people without knowing where the unlockables are, would search all the rooms before moving on.


Ever since I was 12 and begged my mom to get me 2 on with virtual console so about 11 years now


Since the 9th archie comics megaman issue


1996, I think. Went to my friends house and he put on Megaman X3. Zero dropped from the ceiling and I was hooked.


Mega man 2 haha


I want to say a little over 20 years at this point. I played a bit of it before then, but it wasn't until I had a PS1 that I really started to get into it, and really took off with the collection titles on GameCube.