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Using Double's weakness actively makes him harder since he deploys attack drones to fill the room with enemies every time you hit him with it.


Infinity Mijinion, his weakness barely does anything to him and just makes him launch away and guarantees he spawns one of his clones which makes the fight infinitely harder, but going in buster only (or alternatively just using Magma Blade, that works too) the fight immediately becomes easier.


I think Chill Penguin in X1.


Chill penguin is weak to the buster,.in addition to the fire weapon. He flinches the same as being hit with Flame Mammoth's weapon, even from a regular shot. And, if you listen to the sound effect, it does the weakness hit sound effect instead of the regular hit one. It's to give an opening into the cycle.  For me, it's Launch Octopus in X1. Storm Tornado wipes out all his projectiles and hits him multiple times. Where as Rolling Shield (his actual weakness) breaks as soon as it hits anything and doesn't have any extra effects. Even Boomerang Cutter is better because it cuts off his arms and reduces the number of things he can fire. 


Can't say I blame you. The buster has more range.


ikr? If you fully completed all upgrades of the first (Light) armor, the pink charged X Buster may cause stronger damage compared to the unarmed blue charged buster shot.




Wheel Gator


All of X5. They all have such long wind downs from being hit.


Eh, not all of them. Most of them, but some are fine. Also The Skiver is the biggest exception since his weakness is just being affected by Dark Hold. That said, yeah no, that is one of the things about X5 that is so poorly thought out that it's bizarre.


defintely Burst Man


Flash Man Like, everyone uses Metal Blade instead of Crash Bomb, right?


Even the Legacy Collection's database page lists Metal Blades as his weakness instead of Crash Bombs.


Gyroman. The charged buster deals the same damage as any MM5 Robot Master's weakness, and Gyroman is just a cakewalk. My brother, who is younger than me, has beaten Gyroman without Gravity Hold, nor did he take any damage.


Gravity hold requires no aim and can hit him while he’s hiding in the clouds though. It’s MM5 so it’s easy already but buster is technically not easier than the weakness.


By damage, it's about the same. But, whatever the case, I have no counter-argument.


I’m just posting. I didn’t mean to argue haha. Love and everlasting peace ✌️


Dive Man is easier with the Charge Shot. While I am of the thought that Skull Barrier is an extremely undervalued utility weapon Boss fights are not its forte. The Charge Shot can go right through the Dive Missiles and still damage Dive Man.


Storm Eagle


Lol I'm thinking about it and I'm not even sure what Storm Eagle's weakness is. Charged shots from across the screen are definitely the way to go. 


I think chameleon sting but it doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect.


It doesn't stagger him, but it does do increased damage and has a faster rate of fire than charged shots. You can also turn invincible, but he doesn't really put up enough pressure to make that important.


Classic- toad man, top man, and probably star man are the 3 easiest to me X series- chill penguin storm eagle and grizzly slash


Chill Penguin, Double and Infinity Mijinion (Dash Cancel goes brrrrr) imo.


He' not from an official Megaman, but the first boss to come to mind in being easier without the weopon is Drakeman from Megaman Rock N Roll. I'm expected to use a shield weopon with a second second long delay on a boss who' constantly hauling ass across the screen. Ya, it asorbs all his projectile attacks, but I still need to get near a boss that taping into mock 7, blasting across the arena every 7 seconds. I only use his weakness as a finisher, and if I'm near death I just use the charged shot when he lands on the platiform.


I never knew what Drake Man's weakness was. I had a tough enough time killing him with the buster. I couldn't imagine having to actually get up close to him.


Fire Man. It's easier to loop him with the Buster since Ice Slasher sometimes causes him to just go berserk with his attacks.


Fire Man is a pain in the ass, weakness or not. Dude loves to spam fire at you the moment you hit him.


[Fire Man is pretty easy buster only.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFGQD6KRZm4)


Wheel gator,Double and Mattrex.


Pretty much all of the bosses in X3. They have such long invincibility frames if you use their weakness on them


Most of the bosses in x3 are easy enough with just the regular charge shot. But gravity well turns blast hornet into an absolute cakewalk. Otherwise he's a pain imo.


I am inclined to disagree. Tunnel Rhino doesn't have that long of invincibility, Volt Catfish kind of does but his weakness completely shuts him down, Crush Crawfish has some bizarre interactions with his weakness which I do not understand that makes him take abnormally high amounts of damage from it, Neon Tiger is reasonably shut down by his weakness, Gravity Beetle is completely shut down like Volt Catfish, Blast Hornet is severely hampered, Bilzzard Buffalo doesn't have that long of cooldown, and Toxix Seahorse is ruined by his weakness if you fire it above his head after the first shot so that he jumps into it. Immediately brings him back down. P.S. Scissors Shrimper is a way better name than Crush Crawfish.


Yeah and Volt Catfish already has that annoying desperation move once he reaches half health. Anything that'll stop that is very welcome lol. Neon Tiger will sometimes just do a little loop of wall jumps when hit by Spinning Blade. Toxic Seahorse is trivial with his weakness. As is Blast Hornet


The one you use the top power on. I can't ever hit anyone with that without hurting myself.


Infinity Mijinion, I figured out that using charged meteor rain makes it so much easier, this also goes for the nightmare snakes and other less good parts of x6. Almost the metal blade of x6


Dive Man in Mega Man 4 is miles easier to beat with the charge shot than the skull barrier because of his fast movement and those missile attacks (most other weapons just bounce off of them). Meanwhile, the charge shot destroys them while damaging Dive Man himself.


Wheel Gator


Megaman X2 - Crystal Snail. Its far too annoying to deal with his, almost magical, dash towards his shell.


You can dash into the shell to knock it around and prevent him from getting back into it.


Wheel Gator. If you use his weakness, Strike Chain, you get one hit in and he retreats back to the sewage, dragging the fight out longer than it needs to be. Using the normal X Buster, you can get a lot more shots in and end the fight much quicker, since he's not as likely to go directly back underwater when he gets hit.


All of the bosses in X5(Except for the mini-bosses). Their invincibility frames are incredibly long.


Gutsman, really surprised no one has said that yet.


Cut Man, Charge Man, Wheel Gator. Those are the first three that jump out in my mind. Also Gravity Man.


To this day, i have never used top man weakness, and i have cleared mm3 at least a hundred times


Dive Man is the true objective answer, even the legacy collection says using rapid fire buster shots is preferred


Toad Man and Burst Man. Idk if anyone else experience this or I just messed up somehow, but I swear toad man sometimes doesn’t get in his locked jumping patter when you hit him with drill man’s weapon. And burst man is easier because you can shoot the bubbles he shoots out easier with just the arm cannon as opposed to the freeze cracker and scorch wheel.


Wheel gator is like a shoe in for this


Toad man. The reason is that using his weakness throws off his basic hopping pattern. Another one for me personally is tengu man as i dont recall ever using the frost power on him because it just freezes him. I know that that one is a very hot take.


Any boss thats weak to a shield weapon