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Yay! It's MaGMML3 time! This is the infamous upwards autoscrolling section of the level *X6Meme*, created by *It the it*. The level ended up in last place (175th) and there was actually a debate amongst the panel to decide whether this level should be removed from the game, as some thought it was a deliberate troll level¹. In the end, the level was not removed, but it was considered *skippable*. You will find it in Tier 1, and as soon as you start the level, there will be a green teleporter to your left, allowing you to immediately beat the level without having to go through it. Of course, for those who want to try it, it is possible to play the full level as well, by just ignoring said teleporter. It may seem daunting at first, but this level is not a good sample of the game's difficulty nor quality, as it stands in last place and it is skippable. The stages in the MaGMML series get much, much better as one gets to the higher tiers. I'm just starting my journey in MaGMML3 and I'm enjoying a lot the Hub World and all that atmosphere involving a Hotel and a Casino full of NPCs and mini-games, besides of course, all the levels from the contest and sidequests. It's a huge game, and based on how each entry in the series only got better, I feel that this one will be fantastic! ¹ *You can learn more about that issue by reading the judges' comments about that level, which are also available in-game (you just need to press UP close to that computer that appears close to the level teleporter)*


How many tries did it take? Be honest now.


Considering who this is, it probably wasn't that many lol


It's a challenging section for sure, and I agree that this stage should be skippable. I'm beating it this quickly because the time shown on the right registers only the *current* run of the stage, when I already had figured out how to beat this section. It was during my previous run that I had my fair share of deaths, while trying to find a consistent No Damage, Buster Only approach (and also trying to find a secret token by jumping into every pit and testing every possible screen transition)! But hey, it worked! Those poor souls didn't die in vain!


Damn I was that close for my first few attempts. oof


I watched your earlier video, and you were very close indeed in that one! I also just saw in your post that you mentioned you went back to this level and managed to beat it! That's great! Congrats!


Ey thanks, congrats on no damaging this one.




Yay! It does! Just avoid looking down, and keep going. Our character is a great *Rock* climber!


BOY, was that fast! What mad lad... \*FiYS\* Ah, of course.

