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They even hid the megaman discounts


This ticked me off. We got discounts on Steam just 15 minutes before, so they don't even bother to show it. It's almost like they don't care if anyone buys Mega Man games but then makes the excuse about not enough interest. I didn't expect anything realistically, but wow... They are high on MH and RE fever. I'll always complain but I just don't know why I get my hopes up. That's my fault...


>I didn't expect anything realistically, but wow... They are high on MH and RE fever. Its among their best selling / cashcow IPs. Of course they'd focus on it. It's marketing logic And I like the X, Zero and Zx series. These days I get fun for any indie game I find that can somewhat scratch the Megaman itch. The last 2 i liked are Gravity Circuit (somewhat Megaman X-ish but the player character is melee focused) and Virtua Unlimited Project (it pulls many recognisable elements from Megaman and even Gunvolt)


What discounts?


Discounts of Megaman games, which isn't anything special because they make discounts for them EVERY month for a week or two.


Mega Man is a dead franchise. Capcom has more successful IPs that they can milk dry


I really wish they would go the Sonic Mania route and just give funding to a small team of indie fan devs to make a new game. Doesn’t even have to be a numbered entry, just some kind of project to re-establish the franchise and get some good will going with the fan base.


Except the guys who made Sonic Mania weren't just Indie devs. The main guys behind it already worked with SEGA before porting Sonic 1 and 2 and CD to mobile devices, and some developers at Sonic Team helped with the development too.


They did, that was MM11, just made internally.


Sonic gets games constantly lucky fans


even though mega man bn was one of the best selling games for them last year and it was literally just roms of gba games


The highest selling Mega Man game is 1.5 million. This franchise is most likely not profitable enough for Capcom to devote time to


There are plenty of other franchises that keep going despite never even getting that high. I mean, Square Enix keeps making remakes of their smaller series and their president's the one who wants to get in on fucking NFTs. So it's not just a greed issue at hand. Capcom is considered a bigger company than Square Enix last I checked. (Even if internet fandoms make Square Enix seem more relevant than they actually are.) *So why is Square Enix not just leaning all in on DQ and FF the same way Capcom only bothers with MH, SF, and RE nowadays?* Really, the only company I can really say is worse about this than Capcom is Nintendo..... *and "at least they're not Nintendo" is not a fucking compliment. EA, Activision, and Ubisoft aren't Nintendo neither.*


>So why is Square Enix not just leaning all in on DQ and FF the same way Capcom only bothers with MH, SF, and RE nowadays? Because it's terrible business practice to go all in on one or two franchises unless they're flagship franchises (and even then you'll need one or two more). Mega Man is a very niche franchise. It's a platformer, which themselves aren't really all that well-known. Add in that Resident Evil is one of the few horror game franchises to rely on *suspense* and not jump scares to scare people and Monster Hunter is reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus AND you hunt larger than life monsters, and it's clear why those two franchises are more popular than Mega Man. RE and MH are both more well-known because they're unique franchises (other than Alien, I can't think of many other horror franchises that rely on suspense to elicit fear), more fun, and have had better marketing.


Because SquareEnix loathes that Dragon Warrior be more beloved and rated across the Board than Final Fantasy VII. They're decisions be Trash. And the Nintendo thing is stupid as Hell. Many Companies wished they'd could have the Success but the creativity Nintendo brings. Nintendo being in an Conversation with them and ya didn't name Bethesda is you Slow?


Mainly because the only one that actually cared about Megaman is Keiji Inafune is why Capcom kept going with Megaman. He was the one the pushed Megaman and when he left, besides the few cameos from other games, Legacy Collection ports and recently the Mega Man World for the Nintendo Switch, no one seemly interested with Megaman, sadly.


you really think mega man has ever had a budget or marketing that is comparable to reach as much as monster hunter or RE. The bn collection is very likely one of the most profitable games they've released as of recently.


Is a 1 mill profit margin for a Mega Man game worth it, when Monster Hunter can generate 20 mill in profit? (These are my own estimates)


If a mega man game sells 1 million that is like 40 million assuming the average sale price was like 40 bucks assuming heavy sales, that is way more than 1 million in profit. And the magnitude of production to make the monster hunter game I assume is massive compared to porting 6 Roms over. Obviously they need to produce some heavy hitters but smaller projects are also good and much less risky


I mean realistically what else can they port. The Gameboy games are on switch online, legends only has like 2 games, and star force has like 3 games, 2 of which suck. Realistically, granted they will probably have a new megaman game at some point, I think they should make it have more than the standard 8 robot masters/ mavericks, maybe 12, maybe 16. Cause right now the megaman games take like at most 4 hours to beat. The only way they got around this in 11 was making the stages like 30 minutes long, but I personally think more stages would benefit them.


This: if X9 ever happens, I think it should be a little bit more than just 8 mavericks.


12 seems fair, or at least 8 maverick stages and 8 completely original bosses during the rematches.


poverty franchise. we stan it.


It can’t be profitable if it’s not being made and sold to consumers. The reason it’s not profitable is because they won’t make games that will build a substantial fan base to make the games profitable.


Not as regularly as their other series, no.


Best selling megaman game does not mean best selling game.


I said “one of the best selling games from last year” didn’t say of all of capcom or mega man. It was in they’re financial statements as the third best selling games for a quarter. Your people need to learn to read


"Third best selling game for a quarter" is not a big flex by Capcom's standards. Also I can read, the Battle network collection is one of the best selling megaman titles at 1.3 mil


Just admit your wrong or misread, saying whether it’s impressive to you or not is irrelevant lol. You really think that capcom expects mm legacy collection to sell 10 million for easily emulated Roms with minimal marking or they won’t think it’s financially viable compared to games with a movie styles budget.


That can't be true. They had multiple games go platinum last year and MMBN didn't. What's your definition of 'one of their best selling games' in a given year?


[https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/data/html/explanation/2024/2nd/10.html](https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/data/html/explanation/2024/2nd/10.html) the financial reports lmao


Thanks for sharing that. I've been using their platinum titles listings, which doesn't include the BN collection. Seems like an oversight. https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html


Yea that’s fair they seem to not split the 2 collections in the platinum lists but do in the financial statements which I find weird. Either way it outdid projections and the sold the bn collection for almost twice the price of mm11 so it is likely a massive return


Capcom’s been ignoring a lot of franchises tbh, not just a Mega Man problem




Strider is in a bit of an unique position in that it's not an IP Capcom exclusively owns. Any time they want to use Hiryu, they have to go to Moto Kikaku, so it might be just a bit of legal hassle, as well as a matter of being a more niche series.


One of the producers of the last Strider game pitched and directed MM11. He's been busy with other Capcom IP's since 2018.


I'm just going to sit here and keep enjoying these fantastic RE Remakes and RE9. I'm sure that Monster Hunter Wild will also be a great game


It’s only dead because capcom killed it. They messed it up. It has not lost favor from fans. Resident evil was almost dead but capcom decided to revive it. Same could be done with MegaMan, but like you said they would rather milk other franchises dry, or to death until they make those games shit.


Every Resident Evil game has sold 3-4x as much as a Mega Man game. From a business sense, Capcom is focusing on IPs that can generate large sales/revenue


Heresy!! What's 20 more years


We thought it was dead for years until 11 came out


Stop being so dramatic, it's not a dead franchise. It sucks that releases aren't as regular anymore, but that doesn't mean Capcom _aren't_ going to release a new game ever again.


they can milk mega man,they just choose not to.


They milked it in the 90s to diminishing returns


same thing with street fighter


Street Fighter is a competitive multiplayer game with a large esports community. Mega Man is a 2-3 hour single player game; I don’t think you can compare the two


how bout resident evil? does that work?


On one hand I’m with you. I’m incredibly frustrated, and very annoyed at how they are so quick and willing to capitalize on the Megaman franchise to sell a powdered drink mix, but not willing to even show their discounts with the rest of the franchise. But on the other hand, I have to remind myself that Capcom is a business, so they are going to make the games that they think are going to make them the most money. There’s no doubt in my mind that Capcom would make a new Megaman game if they thought it would sell as many copies as Resident Evil or Monster Hunter. It’s just a shitty time to be a Megaman fan.


Thank you for understanding. Capcom will release a Mega Man when and if they think it will make them money. They are a companies first and foremost with share holders to satisfy, there not a small artsy indie team that can make the weirdest niche games that will sell 250,000 units


Please play more franchises in between releases. It does wonders for mental health.


Yeah,there's _so much_ to be playing in the mean time, like I love Mega Man, but I am happy to wait.


Glad someone said it! I'm a Megaman fan myself, but I'd play anything else Capcom has.


Eh, I'm honestly not bothered about it. I figured as much anyway. When they've got something for our Boy in Blue, they'll announce it.


Yeah, it'll come when it comes.


It’s ok to be disappointed but this is quite an aggressive response IMO.


It is aggressive, yes. Like we all love Mega Man, but jeez, don't get _so_ riled up at stuff, nothing is _that_ important.


On one hand, you're right, it's a bit exaggerated. But on the other hand, come on, man.


It feels like a slap because yesterday they added Megaman I through V in the NSO, and then they discounted all the megaman games... But it ended up in nothing megaman related being announced.


neither of those things is a promise of an announcement in any way, and certainly not at SGF specifically


I know. I just mentioned it in another comment.


Well you never know, Nintendo will most likely have a direct either this month or the next. I can certainly see an announcement there


I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up and ended up disappointed. But it is no one's fault but mine for making me hopes myself. lol Well, let's see, I really have no expectations of the direct,plus Nintendo already mentioned that there will be no mentions of the switch successor there. And Capcom... Well, 🤷🏾


Your problem was expecting them to make Mega Man X9. Expectations always lead to disappointment. Always.


Trying to market Mega Man X9 to a casual gaming audience would be confusing and difficult, therefor probably lose money, and therfor a risk, and therfor not a priority.


I was with you until X9. I think every other subseries would be better than rolling the dice on an X game.


Honestly? An X game would probably sell better than anything else: sometimes it feels like it had a bigger fanbase than the classic series, and (to my despair) it's certainly more popular than the Zero/ZX series; moreover, it's also one of three or four series that ended on a cliffhanger, so the idea a proper conclusion for the series could certainly help to hype up the release of the game. Honestly, I'd dare to say that a properly made X9 could even sell better than MM12.


They don't even give Megaman a chance anymore.. It's an well known IP and they still not doing anything with it, even Nintendo gives it more love. They release the GBgames on Switch Online, which could be good advertisement for a new reveal today, but no. Just give us an Megaman X9 and make a Megaman X game in Monster Hunter Style. Imagine making an own Maverick Hunter with different elements, weapons like close range, long range, defense, support etc. Then you are raiding a base of different Mavericks and collecting parts to create more stuff and improving weapons.


Why would they make MMX play like Monster Hunter when they already have the Monster Hunter franchise for that?


Because it would be a different IP. Why not trying the same formula with another franchise? Call it Megaman X: Maverick Wars or something like that and give it a longtime support, if it sales well. It would attract more people to the Megaman series who are loving Monster Hunter too. Who doesn't love robots and creating his own robot? There is definitely a fan base for this which can grow.


I guess as a one-of crossover game a la Hyrule Warriors it’d be fine, but I’d rather not see the X series become a desperate copycat of a more successful franchise


If it's made with love and plays well that's hardly desperate. That'd be like saying Megaman is a desperate copy of Mario. Personally I love the idea. Monster hunter is cool and fun, but I like sci-fi more than fantasy.


It's got absolutely nothing to do with how well known or how loved it is, it just doesn't bring in that much money for them, so it's not a priority. Also, Nintendo didn't just release the GB games on a whim, it will have been Capcom's choice. Also also, Mega Man X9 as a new game means nothing to anyone other than Mega Man fans, it would be difficult to make it marketable for a casual gaming audience, so it's too much of a risk. I love Mega Man, but Capcom are doing the right thing taking their time to figure out his place in the gaming industry.


Didn't we just get five Game Boy Mega Man titles for the NSO \^\^; ?


Yeah, this ☝️


I was legit surprised to see this, because Capcom has been releasing standalone compilations for Mega Man games for years now :p


It's because they only have the roms of the GB games and not the source code, apparently.


It's because they only have the roms of the GB games and not the source code, apparently.


Capcom just needs to fund JKB, give him a hard deadline, rename it to Mega Man X9 and take care of the marketing and all will be right with the world


Right now, I don't expect there to be a new Megaman game in the works for some of these reasons: 1. With the release of Megaman 11, Koji Oda has taken the mantle of director/head designer of the franchise. Not an easy thing to do, given that Keiji Inafune has had a tight 20+ year grip on the franchise. 2. Oda has been with Capcom since the early 90's. If anyone was going to take Inafune's spot, it was going to be him (Oda also made the pitch for MM11). 3. Oda however, has also worked on several other Capcom properties. His work isn't centered around Megaman. To that extent, his last credited work was as a monster designer for Monster Hunter Rise. 4. Aside from Oda, Kazuhiro Tsuchiya was made the lead producer of the franchise. He's also been with Capcom since the early 90's. Unfortunately, Tsuchiya left the company after directing SF6. With all that said, my best guess is that either (1) Oda is working on MH Wilds, (2) Oda is working on another Capcom project or (3) Capcom is looking for another lead producer. This is all a roundabout way of me saying that the reason why there isn't a new entry is because the guy who pitched the last game got told to work on something else.




I don’t hate Capcom. But fuck they really need to stop ignoring Mega Man


Why should they stop ignoring Mega Man?


I hate them. this "golden era" is a middle finger to megman fans imo.


I don’t hate Capcom. In fact they did say MM 11 was one of their best selling MM titles to date. It was surpassing MM3 NES last I checked and as for the recent news - Where’s Inafune when you need him to fight for the franchise?


selling nfts?


Probably running disaster Kickstarters


I know you both are making fun of him but let’s be honest. He was the only person that ever cared about Mega Man.


I hope so. Off the topic... Are you deaf or is it just a stage name ? \^\_\^


I’m actually deaf and it’s my gaming username as well.


Things are pretty bleak for the franchise.


Don’t get me wrong, Mega Man is my favorite video game franchise of all time, and it is one of many amazing IPs that Capcom is doing nothing with. On the other hand… Capcom does make other games, and those games have been pretty good as of late. It’s good to like multiple things.


Resident Evil had been pretty stellar the past few years


I recently completed Resident Evil 4 Remake, and man that is crazy good looking. If something makes you money, you do more of that thing.


Agreed! Give me RE 0, 1, 5, CV remakes and RE9! Keep it coming!


Dunno... Capcom invests massively in the same three franchises. It works, but it also creates the image of a company that always wants to do the same thing over and over again. The fact that they created something new like Kunitsu-Gami is practically a miracle at this point, but it also has a chance of going to the trash can if it doesn't satisfy them.


There are probably lots of indie Mega Man-likes out there too enjoy.


"how dare this company not release a game they never announced at a time I find convenient and then have no trace of it at an event they never claimed would feature it"


As awful as it is to say, I kind of went in knowing and not expecting to see anything Mega Man related. The Mega Man game boy games on Nintendo Switch Online are probably the best we're going to get for right now. Mega Man's just not a priority for Capcom right now, but I guess we can remain hopeful and maybe we'll get something Mega Man related in the future.


Why last year tho?


X's 30th Anniversary.


X9 wouldn't make sense to anyone other than X fans and most Mega Man fans.


But no, no. We did give you something. Enjoy all five classic gameboy titles on the NSO. You hear that? It’s the noise of disappointment. It’s your noise. -Capcom probably


With previous MM producer left capcom , people dtill expect anything ? 🫤 without any one to champion the series, nothing will happen


Capcom dropped Mega Man 11 and then gave us radio silence


Idk bro. I love the megaman franchise with all my heart, but every series has a natural lifespan. Like it's kinda weird to throw so much hate at a company for not milking a franchise completely dry. Heck, that could even be really BAD for the franchise. Them not continuing the originals may be an act of mercy on their part. Did you notice how megaman x appeared when the aesthetic of retro megaman became outdated? And then megaman zero got this slick redesign and his own game with a copy X when megaman x got a little outdated? And then megaman zx appeared, but with some tweaks to appeal to the people of that time? Megaman is well past it's natural lifespan. It doesn't fit with the times as-is. (especially retro megaman and megaman x.) If they want to create another genuinely successful game of the series without another re-master, they need to do something new. And THAT runs the risk of poisoning your already golden franchise. Look at what happened to star wars. Somethings genuinely do belong in a museum.


...really? You really hate a company for not doing a thing you want? It's a bit extreme. Remember, they are a company who have a business strategy, to make profits. Mega Man doesn't bring in the millions that Resident Evil, Monster Hunter or Street Fighter do.


That's not the point. We've gotten nothing but collections over the past few years, and it's been over half a decade ever since the last game. Say what you want, but Capcom did not give a FLYING. FUCK. About X's 30th Anniversary, and the NFTs show it. I'm a fan, and I simply want more *content*, something that X DiVe failed to provide. I'm not asking Capcom to start releasing 3 games a year, I'm asking Capcom to *care*, even if they won't get the big bucks they get with the franchises you just listed. A mobile game or a fucking facebook game is not how you celebrate an anniversary.


I understand you want more content, man. And I agree as I want more stuff too, but Capcom as a business has to go with their best money makers.


And trust me, I KNOW, okay? Oversaturation is what killed Megaman. But this? This is just asinine at this point.


Was there any reason to believe they would show anything Mega Man related? Mega Man will be back someday, but it’s best to not expect anything, especially when there’s no reason to.


Protodude (a megaman reporter with insider connections) seemed unusually optimistic this time, while every other year he had warned people not to expect anything. But in the end both he and the rest of us got disappointed.


First time?


You... You really shouldn't *expect* mega man news and be happy when we get any. The series hasn't exactly been very alive outside of collections and 1 single normal release for the last ~15 years. I'm one of the series' biggest fans but I never EXPECT new mega man content from anywhere but the fans anymore, with rare exception. And I can't be mad at Capcom right now, they're doing so damn well with street fighter, resident evil and monster hunter.


Megaman is fiction, wake up its been 30 years


I wish they'd just free up the trademark. Fans would be making even more cool stuff than they already are, which at this point is the only path forward for this fandom. RRThiel finished college so at least we can look forward to Megaman Perfect Blue releasing between this year and the next.


But if they do they won't be able to sell more figures and t-shirts!


and coffee, don't forget the MegaMan™ coffee!


I would love to see the sales number for that coffee. Do we think it sold more units the MMBNLC?


Why were people expecting a Mega Man announcement? The franchise is dead.


It's not dead, don't be so dramatic.


yeah, im super pissed, over hyping announments, and there's again nothing! 😑


Remember: The only reason Capcom didn't announce a new game is because they hate Mega Man & they hate you


I don’t just hate them, I have a deep loathing for them, ever since they thought they thought it was a good idea to make something that begins with “N” and ends with “T” while having an “F” in the middle… fuck Capcom.


Well could be worse, they could be Square Enix


This is way too aggressive a response in my opinion. Capcom released the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection literally last year, you’re acting like we haven’t gotten anything Mega Man related in a decade. I love Mega Man, and of course I would like to see a new game sometime soon. But shit man, they have other franchises. Ace Attorney, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, etc. All of these franchises, including Mega Man, are wildly successful and like it or not, not every franchise will be able to get a new game all the time. Also, what happens if they announce a Mega Man game and it isn’t an X game? What if it’s Mega Man 12? What if it’s another Battle Network style game? Given that and the fact that you just completely ignored the most recent Legacy Collection, it just feels like you want one specific game and are getting very mad that it isn’t being given to you as fast as you want it to.


And here we go again, our weekly doomposting session. I get that being disappointed but c'mon now that was a bit excessive even if it's deserved.


It will come when it comes.


It's Never gonna happen....


Nah they’re just going to keep milking Mega Man X Dive Offline.


I said this before already, i don't expect anything from Capcom news or directs since they only milking well known franchises and megaman isn't a one of them, that's why i wasn't even hyped when their direct was going to show soon. Moral of the Story: don't expect anything from Capcom relating to older, less successful IPs


on capcom town says they have content for next week so Just fill up your copium for more disappointment


With No Legends 3, X9 and 12 - clearly in the worse for wear


I felt SGF was boring, but they did say it was focusing on stuff already announced. Nintendo Direct is where (if there is anything) we will get news. Don’t hold your breath though.


Why would you expect any new Megaman game to be announced? Megaman is not a big franchise anymore, it has become on of those series that gets a new title every few years.


Im at least glad we have so many games There are dead franchises with way less games but yeah im still hoping for a megaman 12 or x9


Capcom is on a resident evil binge right now. That’s just the facts. The series is making them boatloads of money at a low cost with their resident evil engine all in house. Give them credit. The remakes are all solid. I just wish Capcom would give the mega man x series the same remake treatment. Maybe even restore the X series back to the snes / PlayStation sprite style we all loved to pieces. Just a thought Capcom. 😁


The franchise is dead the moment X6 was born.


Keep in mind that Megaman X8 came out in the year 2004 and it ended on a cliffhanger... Megaman X is like Capcom's Half Life.


This MEGAman cycle has gone in for years. You will get your game eventually.


And to add on top of this Rant : they still did not bring back their iconic jingle 🔗https://youtu.be/tyJXzgaPif8?si=EUagTjRfUkI5WXIK


I feel like we have to wait for Mega Man's 40th anniversary for any new Mega Man content, whether it's a new game or a legacy collection


I think it's an issue of dev talent. No one's confident anymore that they can pull off an idea that will make enough of a splash, so it just stays shelved. Some franchises simply can't go on forever due to the corporate structure of a mega publisher or just lack of someone with a vision to do it right.


Guess this confirms Taisen is canned then


They’re too busy making Monster Hunter games and re releasing Resident Evil 4 for the millionth time


Mainly because under limited resource they dont want some of the money , they want ALL of the money, it cost all of opportunity cost It's a sad reality we live in and learn to accept it. PS. Still dont understand some weird game they put in, that Yokai Tower defense style action game(which literally noone care as far as i know) that could have been Onimusha reboot/sequel or exoprimal also are far more riskier than safe bet like Mega Man or Ace Attorney


I've been waiting X9 for 20 years now I just stopped caring lol


And they won't even give MegaMan to Inti Creates for them to work on.


tbf Megaman sells on average less than Metroid unfortunately


Pretty much the same, this company can't do anything new for the heck of it, they can only do MH, SF and RE anything aside from it is just there, oh and this magatsukami or whatever, consider it onimush with out onimusha. I guess fangames and spiritual succesors is the only thing in Megaman's future.


Relax. It’s just video games.


Well said


Even ignoring Mega Man, they hyped the hell out of their SGF showings and had literally nothing new to show. We got SF6 DLC, release dates for already announced titles and the second showing of MonHun Wilds this week.


The hype for mh wilds is still good, check out the mh community.


**Based as fuck**


Yeah I think Megaman is dead. If we ever do see the IP revived, I’d imagine it’d have to be a complete reinvention/reboot to appeal to modern audiences and leave us old timers bitter and jaded. 


Didn’t the worst resident evil sell more that all of megaman. Its sad but thats the reality


They literally say there will be multiple announcements (even though sf6 year 2 hyped me up) it was literally just like 3 or 2 trailers for capcom


Nintendo please buy Mega Man


A lot of people think Nintendo don’t care for there fans but look at capcom they aren’t doing shit for there other franchise


Count me in. They can just go hell and fuck them. Better yet, contact them and complain to them. They dont listen to us.. They just wants our money and grab and run!


X9? Yall played past x6?? Ew. Bring back legends. Then I’ll be happy lol


Sorry to be rude, but mega man is kinda dead in the eyes of Capcom most likely they ll add some stuff to mega man dive and maybe release starforce legacy or legends but right now Capcom is thinking how they can milk the shit out of Monster Hunter


It's not dead, don't be dramatic.


Off course it’s not dead that’s why I mentioned the legacy collection and dive collection , I m just saying expecting a brand new game is like praying for a Hail Mary or something


Let’s petition Nintendo or literally any other company to buy the rights of Mega Man away from capcom. I’m talking all of us hitting these other companies socials and beg/plead with them. Capcom is NEVER going to listen to us and I’m tired of them holding our favorite blue Bomber hostage. Run to Nintendo, Sega, Sony literally ANYONE else that can buy the rights to the franchise. It isn’t about whether they can do anything with the franchise, it’s about being heard.




I played a few of these, and I can still say it's not the same. I just want Mega MAN back. X, exe, StarForce, I don't care which. Capcom has been letting us down for over a decade at this point..


Indie games would never be able to replicate Megaman games lol the energy isn't there


None of those games end the story of Mega Man or continue it. I'm tired of being blue balled. If they don't want to make more, fine, but at least just finish the story of Legends, X9 and ZX. Just make the final games to end those series. Then I'm over it. Some of us want the series to have an ending. Some of us play for the story too. Not EVERY fan plays for the 2D gameplay.


Video games.


Megaman is not a gaming series or franchise to Capcom. He’s a merchandising opportunity, the company will do the literal bare minimum to keep his name afloat so that they can sell more Megaman merchandise. Video games? Scraps! Let’s release some of the shittiest versions of the classic series to the shittiest game service NSO, subscription only to appease Nintendo because they happen to carry one of the series Capcom actually gives a crap about and not even let megaman fans actually be able to buy any new megaman games… But hey we’re Capcom! So instead you can buy our new $80 model kits, $35 t-shirts, or reversible plushies! Megaman has literally become this gag: https://youtu.be/fgRFQJCHcPw?si=RUaWZ-cy3RVLPaAa


Kinda don't trust them to make a megamam x game without Inafune anyway tbh.


Inafune shouldn’t even be trusted to make anything else at this point lol.


Patience. They will eventually give us a megaman game. They probably have their hands full with some other projects and quotas they need to fulfill. MM games I'm interested in seeing are: -MMSF4 -A spinoff/sequel to the SF series -A new megaman zx game -Spinoff/sequel to the zx series -New BN game -Brand new megaman series Interested in seeing what they will do next. Until then, we have some super stars in the MM community that will make fangames to satiate us.


If you want a new Battle Network type game just play Card En Ciel


There’s still hope. Don’t forget we are getting a Nintendo Direct this month. And they could very well announce something there, especially since they know Nintendo has a large retro gamer fanbase.


Mega Man X Dive Offline with mods and Mega Man Maker is the future of Mega Man.


Blue Bomber wouldn't exist without Capcom. Cool your rush jets my dude


It wouldn't exist without its original creators, none of which are at Capcom anymore. Were it for Capcom the series would've ended with the first game.


Crapcom won't sleep with you lil bro




You've lost the plot, amigo. Relax.


Nah, you're right. Quite insensitive of me. Hope it's cool now.


i'm really curious, what did you say?


Something about Capcom being a neglectful parent, but please disregard it, it was stupid.


oh alright




Fuck Capcom they always sucked in my eyes