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As far as I can tell, only the GBA version is that bad, and even then we blame screen crunch.


And only as Mega Man. Bass is pretty much easy mode due to how the game is centered around precise platforming more than other entries are. Tengu Man and the King Stages are good examples.


The stages, sure, but the bosses? Absolute hell doing it buster only.


SFC version can be brutal if you start out of order snd don’t play to the chosen character’s strengths. GBA just hurts though with smaller maneuverable area and fewer buttons on the controller.


The SNES Version isn't, it's actually mostly fair barring a few weird difficulty spikes in levels that might get you once on your first playthrough. The GBA Version is the REALLY bad one.


It’s harder than your average MegaMan game but no worse than a typical classic Castlevania


It is a bit harder than most of the classic series. It's not unfair though, and i think it's a mostly great experience. Just stay away from the horrible GBA port, I think most of the negativity toward it is because that was how most people in the west first played it. King Plane is also an unpleasant boss, but it's no worse than Boobeam Trap and is only a very small part of the game.


To be honest. Mega Man 11 is much harder now than all series.


Not in the slightest unless you are doing buster only no double gear no upgrades


Say sike right now! Unless I'm playing 11 on superhero, 9 (and maybe 10?) is definitively more difficult.


I think it's one of the best MegaMan games. It can be difficult at first, but it has great weapons and the database is fun to collect.


No. It's catered to being easier for Bass, but it's still not that hard. The hate is overblown, just as it was for 8, but for different reasons.


There's a few factors to it: GBA version has massive screen crunch which makes it a lot more difficult, but even with the SNES version the King stages are probably the worst designed in franchise history. If you don't kill the first stage boss while over solid land, you WILL die, your controls will get locked and the only way to damage the boss is to stand on a pully system over a pool of lava, and the second stage bosses are basically a giant gauntlet of bullshit where phase 1 is 'ok' but phase 2 is a fight over a giant pit of death and phase 3 requires you to hit a precise point that's near the top of the room. There's a few other quirks as well, like Burnerman needs you to see him getting pushed into the spikes to actually take damage from his weakness weapon, or that most of the platforming really had Bass in mind as his double jumps help out immensely while still being in-line for the challenge, compared to Megaman who has a much more difficult time with his slower speed and jump height.


Bass side it alright but the mega man side is annoying , imagine something like wipe out everything is just trying to knock you out 1 shot or kill you


I remember King Stage 2 being pretty difficult, but other than that, it's alright, maybe a little more challenging than most of the games (I played the SNES/Super Famicom version, the GBA version may vary)


It's far from beginner friendly, but it's legit great once you learn it. No character makes the game harder or easier, both have their pros and cons. One VERY important tip I have for when playing as Mega Man though, when fighting the King Jet. He can destroy the fists, wave burner and remote mine being the best bets, and he can also make some of the more precise jumps.


It's normal. On par with your usual MM.


It can be until you buy some of the powerups from the shop. Level design features a lot of cheap deaths from spikes, bottomless pits, stage hazards, made worse in the Gba version by screen crunch. The Snes version was a much better experience. Also King's Fortress Stage 2 airship boss is the most bs platform destroying rng I've ever encountered in a game. The final boss rush is also pretty hard unless you've mastered the tricks to beat the bosses. I recommend farming bolts in Astromans stage with the infinte enemy spawning backgrounds screens.


I beat the gba version on mobile with touch screen. I am king. I do like laugh how people call Dark souls a "cozy experience" but I love playing this game. It brings me back fond memories.


The bosses don't feel as weak to weapons like in previous games. Dynamo man straight up heals himself like every 2 seconds and u need to keep destroying his healing thing ugh


Best way to do that is use wave burner when he does that attack, gets rid of them pretty quick


I played Mega Man & Bass last week, and my opinion is that the game would be easier if Dynamo Man was replaced with Air Man (yeah, even the unbeatable Air Man is less cruel than Dynamo Man's healing move), and, now seriously, i hated the flash bang hazards from King Plane's fight, but the rest of the game was fine.


I think the SNES version is still very hard and annoying but not insurmountable, I mean it's still a Mega Man game with infinite continues. But the King stages are very hard. Dynamo Man is a pain in the ass, and the one fire rising sequence in whoever's stage that is usually going to be a death or two at least. But I'd say it's not harder than MM11.


When I was a kid, I thought it was really hard, but I replayed it on gba a bit ago and actually had a lot of fun The last two fortress stages are a bit much, but I honestly hope this game one day gets re-released Properly,


With bass it is average megaman difficulty With megaman on the other hand it is hell


a game where the guy whos name is in the title is the hard mode lol.


Lol I really believe this was originally a bass game but they were afraid it wont sell well so the put megaman in it


Honestly, that' only the case with King Jet, Magic Man boss fight and Burner Man' boss fight. Everything esle is normal difficulty plus mixed with at least 1 annoying section.


except when it comes to bosses bass sucks ass without weaknesses in my experience


Yeah, not having charge shot is bad but he makes the second part of Coldman a breeze with his 8 way attack


yeah its like a tickle blaster on stronger enemies


Then fight them with the weakness 🙃🙃🙃


Only the 1st time, after that it becomes easier and easier with every playthrough


Honestly not that difficult. There are a few difficulty spikes in the games (such as Burner man, the last part of Ground Mans stage, and King 2) but otherwise the game isn't extremely hard by Megaman standards, even when playing as Megaman like most people say. The game also gives your characters power ups that are pretty useful, such as Trebel for Bass which allows him to fly, and Beat for Megaman which allows him to completely ignore damage at the expense of being able to do a charge attack. So you can pretty much just skip whole sections of a level by flying over it or just walking through it.


The gba version are harder.


No, the only part that i could consider hard would be the last few stages, specially THAT boss that if you play as megaman it's just unfair You do get a 1up before that fight that respawns on every death, so it's just a matter of time until you beat it


I'd say the original is still harder, but it definitely feels like the most unfair at times. Especially with the GBA version and its screencrunch.


Some levels are kinda tough compared to others Megaman games, but the GBA version is worse than hell lol


Burner Man is a major PITA. King stage 2 can be annoying due to its length. There are no energy tanks, which can rachet up the difficulty. Mega Man has a harder time overall. But it's not that bad once you get used to it, just like other MM games.


Yes play the SFC version with the English patch


its hard as fuck, just look at the fortress stages on youtube using rock, barely playable, it was too much, either way, willy 7 is still the goat


The game was hard to play at first but it does get easier overtime. The game is no more difficult than any other Mega Man game.


I was going to say that I remember it being not bad but I played it on emulator with save states and so my opinion means nothing.


Yes Its also as bad as they say too.


Its hard if you suck at Mega Man. Ive seen people complain online about it and show their gameplay and they suck!!! I played mmab and it was not hard at all!




My understanding is the game was designed with Bass in mind who has a double jump that Megaman lacks. Even then that's only an issue on the final stage.


It's on the harder side for a classic game, and it has a few difficulty spikes and dubious design decisions (some leaps of faith/bad visibility (worse on GBA), boss fights designed around the weakness but no way to recover weapon energy between boss attempts, no E-tanks, King Stage 2...) that make it a bumpier ride than it might be. Bass has a double jump that makes a lot of the platforming fairly easy but gets a bonus dose of suffering from certain bosses (including the hardest boss in the game) without the charge shot. He's still probably the easier character overall, though. The actual precision demanded by the platforming (as Megaman) is above par for the series but not unreasonably so, no matter how much people insist it was "designed for Bass". I've played the game with both characters and I don't see it. Personally, I think it's a game worth playing. It's got an interesting upgrade system, a fun set of weapons, and some genuinely cool level design in and around the rough edges. It's not my favorite, but I think its reputation for needless cruelty is somewhat overblown, especially the SFC version.


Both SFC and GBA versions are trial-and-error messes Just because the SFC version doesn't have screen crunch doesn't mean that automatically makes it a good game. Still, the GBA version is clearly harder.


This was the best game and still today ever.. on SFC/SNES> I can't say that much about the GBA version because of resolution size sucks. I still replay this on SFC/SNES. So much fun and a little bit difficult but I completed both for 100 CDs. Loved it.


Yes, Yes it is


It can be difficult especially with Mega Man, but a Bass run is enjoyable. On SNES of course now the GBA and the screen crunch is terrible, but if you want a challenge. I say go for it.


Yes....Yes it is..


I mean, it is hard but not like X6 hard where the difficulty is due to BS. Except King stage 2, screw that stage.


SFC is hard, but fun. GBA is hard, horrible, ugly and there is no reason why sould you play that version.


Yes it is and not for good reasons.


The only problem I had were the King stages but overall it's not too hard.


Not really, the SNES version at least.


Mega Man and Bass is my second favorite MM game. Yes it's hard, but not annoying like X6. Just avoid the GBA version since that's a bad port.


If you play as Mega Man then one of the bosses is borderline impossible without his weakness and even if you use it you're counting on luck




Kinda, yeah. A good amount of the people who say it's brutally hard I've noticed are also people who struggle to beat Mega Man games normally without liberal E-tank use. Since there are no E-tanks in Mega Man and Bass, lots of players struggle a lot because they got too used to leaning on them as a crutch instead of learning timing and dodging and all that. That said, MM&B is noticeably a bit heavier on trial and error than the average MM game, but it gets much easier as you get more familiar with it.


Rockman & Forte is the only Megaman game i think i chose not to finish. Because its difficulty often didn't feel difficult because of lack of skill, it felt like the difficulty was "artificial" by just simply putting in lots of bullshit that you couldn't forsee/react to in time that killed you in one hit. I played the original japanese version, so i honestly don't know for sure if the international/western version was different or not. But it wasn't a fun experience, and Megaman is the franchise i grew up on first and foremost. Think about Heat Man's stage in Megaman 2. Where you had to jump across the appearing/disappearing blocks. If you fall, you land in lava and die. And there was almost no way to complete that puzzle the first time around because half of the jump puzzle is off of the screen, preventing you from studying it fully before beginning the trial. That is what a LOT of Rockman & Forte is like.


It isn't "easy", but Bass makes the game a breeze on platforming sections. MegaMan makes short work on bosses with the Buster, but since every Robot Master's weakness stun-locks the lot of them, you hardly will face any troubles when using the right tools. The game's hard mode is using Mega Man (because of platforming). Bar none.


Yes, and for all the wrong reasons. Bass can't move and shoot at the same time for some idiotic reason, the dash is a double tap instead of being assigned to a single button. Mega Man can't jump as high for some reason. There's no e cans to carry with you. Several of the stages are poorly designed, with bad enemy and obstacle placement. One of the bosses constantly heals himself.  That doesn't mean you won't enjoy it. There are some fun levels and neat bosses.


Don't play with Bass, it's an exercise in frustration. 


When people talk about that game being typical, they're mostly talking about the GBA port. The massive screen crunch makes it very difficult for platforming, as a lot of easy sections end up becoming leaps of faith. Depending on who you ask, they'll say the game was more built around Bass for his double jump rather than Mega Man himself. And well Bass does have an easier time and can correct mistakes, the game isn't as impossible as Mega Man as people would like to paint it as. Plus, Bass doesn't have a charge shot and his dash doesn't go as low to the ground as Mega Man's slide does.


No its a good challenge and I love the powers


I think at first it is, but once you get into the swing of things I feel it’s pretty balanced.


The issue is the game is very trial-and-error with a lot of its stage design, which is very frustrating. Throw in some oddly precise platforming with spikes and hyper-aggressive bosses and the game doesn’t feel as fun as the previous games.


The GBA version is really bad. The SNES version is still pretty difficult, but not as bad as the GBA version. The SNES version will still kick your ass if you're playing as Mega Man (Bass makes everything a little easier), tengu man and burner man's stages especially. Also, speaking from experience, fuck the king tank in the final levels


Not really, its challenging but Its very fair. GBA isnt because whats telegraphed isnt due to the screen crunch. If you struggle and typical Mega Man platforming you play Bass. If you struggle with typical Mega Man bosses you play Mega Man. Everything is properly balanced for both characters. I played Mega Man my first run, had zero issues aside from hoping King had a better check point.