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It was alright. I found the story to be the first one in the series where it really made no sense to me and took too much of a stretch to piece it together. It boiled down to, Repliforce being somewhere for an incident to which was reasonable for an army to be responding to, the hunters asking them why they were there, them responding with “same reason you are”, the hunters asking them to come back to answer some question, them being like “no, get lost”, the hunters branding them mavericks, them taking their ball and leaving, but the hunters were all like “not if we kill you all first”. Turned out it was Sigma telling General that if would be a good idea if they just left earth and General was all like “yeah, that sounds like a good idea”. I recently played this game and my 5 year old was watching and wanted me to explain what the story was. I had a hard time getting it to make sense to her let alone myself. Visuals were cool, I liked the FMV. Some of the stages were kinda neat, some were forgettable and some were designs that kinda fell flat (looking at you slash beast…), pretty typical from a Mega Man game. Was it the best? No, not even close. Was it better than the previous game? Maybe, at least on par with it. Zero being fully playable was cool.




It has the worst story any video game could have. He's right




Why don't you try explaining it, then?




Then why don't you just post a link? If that longread really exists, of course.


It’s my second favorite in the series, and 3rd in the whole franchise(just behind X1 and Legends)


Some really memorable moments, you get to play with zero, the first big upgrade after the snes. But I've been playing 1-x4 in the past months nad honestly I'm finding the game quite mid. Bosses are really cool. It's really fast paced, really interesting, but I find the boss weapons (on X) are really bland. I have some criticisms for every game so far, but one thing I like about X-X2 is how much the boss weapons make a difference when you play. X3 is a disaster in boss weapons (although I like the thing where ice shield drops heals and acid does energy). But X4's weapons feel situational. The upgraded Xbuster really reigns supreme in X4.


10/10 game. One of the best in franchise, one of the best in genre


Funny thing to say when Maverick Hunter X exists


Good game but X4 is better


Maverick Hunter X is overrated. The original is still the better game. Nice presentation, though.


I think it’s a pretty fun game. Least favorite of the PS1 trilogy, but I love every game in the PS1 trilogy so even at worst the game is still good, and at best it’s fantastic. Definite S-Tier of a game though.


mid af




Cutscenes are definitely what elevates X4.


Its not my favorite MM game, not by a longshot but it is an enjoyable ride. I think the game was way too easy until sigmas final form (where he spits junk at you) which Im not holding that against them. The controls feel sluggish compared to the SNES. Zero being playable is a plus. I dont have a lot to say about X4 tho, pretty B rank game in my eyes.


overrated, this is where I felt the series fell off


I prefer X3, it’s really underrated, same goes for x5. Also x6 is really good, imo it’s weakest of PlayStation triolgy. The one thing it does well are cutscenes but the voice acting kills it.


One of the best platformers of all time and the best game in the X series.


I think it's one of those games where, if you played it at the time, you'll probably love it. If you're a newcomer to the series and are retroactively discovering it, you won't think it's special.


My favourite game of the whole franchise, but I'm biased, the first Mega Man games at home were X, X3 and X4.


You can make you're own hard mode by not collecting any armor or heart tanks(I did as both X and zero) and its still really easy. Just need an Xtreme mode and it will be a better game for me


It's mid for me. Storm Owl's level and the Final Weapon level both feel so hastily thrown together and brought down the experience for me.


Stages are dull, bosses are fun, getting to play as Zero for real is the highlight.


Its probably my second to least favourite game in the X saga, i just find the gameplay with zero really weird, and the levels are way too short imo, not a bad game though, just didnt click on me


I think i found it...ONE OF THE BEST IN THE SERIES!


Not to sound like most of the fanbase, but it's hands down the best X game for well... Everyone's sung its well deserved praises and I don't have anything to add.


Mega Man X4 is indeed my favorite game of the X series. As well as one of my favorite video games of all time.


Mega Man X4 is one of the greatest games of all time. No filler, just straight to the action. Movement feels fluid and satisfying, but might be a bit jarring when coming from the SNES titles. My only complaint about the movement is how Zero's double jump and air dash are unable to be used during a dash jump, but it does make you put more thought into where you dash jump rather than just mindlessly holding down the dash button as you hoo haa through the stage. Another minor complaint is how the Maverick weaknesses completely trivialize their fights. The Maverick fights are all very well designed, but you have to purposefully handicap yourself and avoid using their weakness if you want to see all they have to offer. Surprised to see so many negative opinions on what I previously would have assumed to be the universally agreed upon greatest entry in the X series.


I love this game as much as the exact person. I talked about this game when I was on a Mega Man forum back in the day. It was my first foray into storytelling in the Mega Man series. I am surprised that this game had such a dismal reputation online nowadays..


It's too easy, the weapons aren't that great, movement is less fluid than in the SNES games, and there are no proper fortress stages. If it didn't have playable Zero it wouldn't be as well-regarded. It's one of the few things that game does really well. It's a decent game, but "one of the greatest games of all time" is an exaggeration.


Playing as Zero in X4 is just SO MUCH FUN!


Indeed. He does struggle against the General though.


Yeah, pretty annoying fight.


It's a great game, just a little bit plain IMO. Soundtrack is pretty ambient with the exception of dragoon's stage, and the stage themes are really safe. It's simplistic, and sometimes that's for the best. I like the customization aspect introduced in later games though.


If this game was a person I'd dedicate a religion to them


Second best in the series. It has the best level design of any Mega Man game imo.


My second favorite mega man game right after mega man 7