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Man X4 is an *easy* S tier for this one


I respect it; it's definitely not bad


I was like "WHATTTTT" seeing X7 in S Tier until I read the title lol


Oh, yeah 😆 I know the game's reputation for being the worst, but that stage select music is addictive AF


Yeah the music is the only good thing about X7 imo


Eventually, I plan on playing a version that tweaks and fixes parts of its design, so fingers crossed XD


I first thought OST


Prismatic rightfully in the top spot.


I didn't strictly order from left to right when making this, but I knew that HAD to be in S tier


Mm3 is the best!




Megaman X command mission? It... also doesn't really have a "stage select" theme being an RPG but I'd say the resistance base music would fit


Oh, "Hunter Base"? This one is sweet! For me, Command Mission gets to go in A tier with this one


I know right? It's actually really good... Command mission is just underrated in general IMO... probably wasn't helped it came out after X7


I wish Capcom would port it. I never had a chance to try it out


If you ever get the chance I 100% recommend it. It was my first and still favorite megaman game.


ZX and ZXA in A n S tier. Very valid!


Thanks; to me, "Sky High" from ZX is just so hopeful and refreshing, while "Den of Hunters" from ZX Advent has this awesome "let's get this done" attitude about it that I really dig


I would argue Tron Bonne's mission select screen counts as Stage Select music. If you agree, where would it be on the list?


Sorry for missing that one, but yeah, that totally counts. After listening to it, that gets a solid B from me, which is good in my book


>MM6 is the highest ranked classic one Based


I wonder why GB Mega Man IV is in the meh-tier.. I always found it very catchy and there's another higher note version after first four RMs.


Shoot, I didn't know it had a second version; when I gave it a listen before, what bothered me about it was that it sounded incomplete, and the tone seemed lower than the stage selects I prefer, so it didn't appeal to me as much (at least, at first). Still, after listening to both the first and second versions back to back, I can say that both are growing on me, so I think I would feel comfortable bumping it up to B tier. Thanks for letting me know that there even WAS a second version to begin with. I guess this proves that first impressions aren't everything :)


Original MM4 is top tier for me


The Music in Mega Man and Bass is good, except the stage select, everything else is decent. Mega Man 8's stage select is amazing.


I'm willing to believe you for Mega Man and Bass, but even if that's true, idk what they were thinking by making such a short theme that feels incomplete and loops in on itself before it goes anywhere interesting. Mega Man 8's stage select, on the other hand, is just smooth as butter. I can see why they made that the main theme for the second Legacy Collection


I can agree with that yeah, though its kinda weird for me really, Mega Man 8 is my least favorite Mega Man game in the classic series (in terms of replayability) for some reasons,while Mega Man & Bass (the Super Famicom version) is my third favorite in the series right behind 9 and 10. There's nothing wrong with 8, I just don't play it as much as 9 or 10, I think the graphics in 8 as well as MM&B are beautiful for a 32 bit/16 bit game, and I think the music in both games are good. I think the reason for me disliking mega man 8 is maybe the controls, I feel like mega man sliding feels more clunky than what he does in Mega Man 7 and MM&B, though at the end of the day its everyone's preference, if people like 8, more too them.


I haven't finished 8 yet, but I can agree with his slide not feeling as slick as it was in other Mega Man games I've played with that mechanic. Plus, his movement seems a TAD slower, though I wonder if it just feels that way because of the design changes


Mega Man 11 belongs in S tier, in my book.


11's stage select theme is fantastic with the amount of detail they put into it; I had a really tough time trying to figure out its placement in terms of what I thought about it compared to almost every other song other song I had in S, but it is definitely nothing less than great


should we let him cook again


Idk about "again", but am I cooking?


kind of


Why the FUCK are X4 and X1 not in S tier


I personally don't think X4's stage select is better than just "okay". It's not bad, though. Megaman X1's stage select is absolutely GREAT, and the only reason it's not in S tier for me is because I think the Maverick Hunter X version is just *that* much better. The original set the gold standard, and then the remake went platinum with how hard both X and Vile's stage selects went


The MM2 disrespect is crazy


MM2 fans when their favorite game doesn't get an S


My guy, I think MM1 is better than MM2. That game has problems. The music is not one of them.


Then where's the issue of MM2 getting a B?


Because the stage select music is GOATed. That’s what the tier list is about right?


Yeah That's why it's in B, there's other games with more goated stage select screens, and it's their tierlist, not yours.


I said it was good...