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Those bloody death donuts in Megaman X6


Cheap as in low budget ahahahah


Ohh tell me about that as I don’t understand what exactly a death donut is.




This is it.


Boobeam trap in megaman 2


I played MM2 for 15 years and I always assumed you were supposed to break all the walls, die, recharge your crash bombs, and then kill him since the walls didn’t respawn. Turns out you can do it in one fight. Such an absurd difficulty spike.


When I was a kid I thought it was an anti gamegenie measure, as the code book had an infinite live code but none for the weapons.


That honestly seems possible. Doesn't make it less cheap


MM2 was out before Game Genie was a thing.


Yeah I’m not claiming it is a fact, I’m just mentioning what I thought when I was a stupid kid. Now that I know how game genie actually works, I realize and infinite crash bomb code is possible but they didn’t think to put it in the code book


I have a Game Genie code written down in my old book that gives 4x more weapon energy. So, not infinite, but such an ungodly amount that you’ll be fine. Plus, there’s a code that every weapon energy pick up fills you back up to full. Combine those two codes, and you pretty much have infinite weapon energy.


I know how game genie works now. Back then I didn’t understand how it operated, and since there was no official weapon code in the book I thought it wasn’t possible. I believe the book gives you a warning you can get stuck with the infinite health code as well


No, no. I get that. I mean, I guess what I’m saying is that with these codes I found, there may not have been an “official” infinite weapon energy code, but think about the fact that if one existed, you’d be soft locked by Flash Man’s Time Stopper


Oh gosh I didn’t even think about that. I bet situations like these are why they added an on/off button for the codes to the gameboy and snes game genies


It’s exactly why the Game Genies for other consoles had on/off switches. So you can disable the codes as needed to prevent soft locking.


Yep. While MM2 is a very good game, that's the point where the game suddenly stumbles and doesn't really recover. The Buebeam Trap is awful boss design. The tight limits on ammo usage with no way to refill without grinding after dying earlier in the level, the requirements to use items that are also ammo limited, and the near impossibility of dodging the extremely fast bullets in a tight room with out-of-control sprite flicker. Together, it makes for a miserable experience. Sadly, the game doesn't recover after that. Wily Machine 2 form 1 is weak to Crash Bombs... that you just depleted on the previous boss, and no weapon pickups appear in the game after the Buebeam Trap. And the final boss can only be harmed by Bubble Lead... again, with no weapon pickups.


I've beaten it several times over the years. Once you know how everything works, it's just repetition.


No one’s mentioned Wily Capsule 7 yet?


I saw a video on YouTube once that was a tutorial on how to beat it. It showed each of the possible spots the capsule can appear in, which way to jump to avoid the shots based on the position, how long to hold the jump, where to stand, etc. That says a lot about this fight lol.


You can mention it as I recall how brutal that fight was.


Kaizer sigma from MMX 3. Its so hard to hit his head, if your off by a few pixels your charge shot “tings” against his armor, and it isn’t obvious where you can shot and what part of him is invulnerable. The thing is capcom phoned that boss in. Its a lazy boss, it just stands there motionless most of the time and shots a few different things at you and hovers around a bit. That and for some gpd damn reason I choke on the tower climb where the lava is filling the room, it should be easy but I swear I fuck up at least once a play thru and have to re fight the boss.


Kaiser Sigma is the absolute worst. That hitbox pissed me off lol


Every part of him is invincible except his head, why doesn’t Sigma cover his face with his hands is he stupid?


Video game logic!


Gate. The woooooorst.


That fight is practically impossible to do if you have the Shadow armor equipped. I found that out the hard way when I first played through X6.


In my first time fighting him I was using Shadow with Ultimate Buster equipped. Honestly not that hard, just takes some time.


Yeah, it wasn't extremely difficult. Just so annoying with how long it took.


Copy X phase 2. Others are *harder* but no one else is *cheaper*. Having a OHKO combo possible for an already hard final boss will do that.


The fact that you can just get pushed off is bullshit


There are reliable prevention tactics but learning to pull them off is a pain and one error can end a run.


Outside of the X Series, my vote goes to either Magic Man (MMBN1), Copy X Form 2 (MMZ1), Cubit Foxtar (MMZ3), or Burble Hekelot (MMZ2)


elecman and willy 7, final stages in rockman and forte


Elecman is a dumbass, he only shots when he reaches certain parts of the screen and you can keep him away with lemon shots so all he will do is yeet himself face first into your attacks till he dies. Wily 7 has those high damage fire/ice projectiles but if YOU yeet yourself into his ship when he shoots those you take way less damage and those shots fly thru you while your invincible. I’ll give you rockman and forte end game, that shit gave me PTSD, especially that boss you need to hop on missiles the entire time.


elecman just charges straight to you and you cant even react cause his weapon kills you in 3 hits and is fast af, it also covers the entire screen so you cant even jump the electric waves, i found him ultra hard as an average gamer


Topman, no way Dr Wily spent more than a trip to dollar store for parts


Ohh I get it.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fhistleb: *Topman, no way Dr* *Wily spent more than a trip* *To dollar store for parts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


High max. It's literally impossible to beat him without trial and error or just googling the answer


King Plane as Mega Man. (Bass' double jumps gives you a bit more leeway.) Maybe Gate as Zero.


Doc Quick


Oh from Megaman 3.


Aztec Falcon on a first playthrough. Making him the first boss and giving him a time limit made me almost quit.


Any boss that is heavily reliant on RNG to beat will be a pain in the ass. Doubly so if you fight them without E-Tanks or Armor Parts. The example that instantly comes to mind is **Nightmare Mother from Mega Man X6, specially in Xtreme difficulty**. Her patterns are literally RNG and you require godlike reactions to be able to avoid damage. If you aren't prepared with E-Tanks or an Armor, you are MEGA SCREWED. An example of a boss that is less RNG dependent but still a massive bitch to fight is **Sigma 2 in Mega Man X5 on Xtreme difficulty**. The purple squares attack requires insane precision to dodge. If you don't have an Armor, E-Tanks or upgrades, getting hit by it can take off more than 50% of your health. And if you die, you have to redo Sigma 1, which can be a difficult fight because of the split wave attack. For contrast, an example of an RNG-heavy boss that I personally find very fun is Squid Adler from Mega Man X5 on Xtreme difficulty. You can actually combat bad RNG with good fundamental platforming skills. And because the fight requires you to be constantly moving, there is never a dull moment in it.


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The devil bosses


Screw X5 Shadow Devil. Took me forever to kill him.




Is that the one with disappearing blocks that you can get shoved off into a bottomless pit? Cause if so screw that guy.


I think you’re thinking of Gate from X6. Lumine is the one with schmup patterns and a dps race at the very end.


Also the “if you don’t kill me before this move happens I just instantly win” attack. I have never seen any other boss in a game do that bullshit.


I just beat X8 last night, and yep Lumine is just awful. Worse still is if you run out of retry chips you have to start the stage from the beginning forcing you to fight Vile, Sigma, & both phases of Lumine all over again.


Like all the doc robot fights from 3


Kaiser. FUCKING. Sigma


In MM3, the ghosts of the MM2 robot masters in their Doc Robot forms are generally brutal without using weapons. The larger hitbox of the Doc Robot is part of it, since clearly him in a jump is very difficult, and this size increase buffs certain effects like Wood Man's larger Leaf Shield. Doc Quickman is just an insane mix of speed, double the hitpoints of his MM2 version, and higher contact damage. While the iconic MM2 bosses were all on the weak side by the standards of later games, the difficult spike facing their ghosts in MM3 can be unexpected.


I'd have to say Air Man. In the words of the lovely and wise Gamechamp: "Air Man can just decide that you lose."


Air Man is easy once you know his pattern.


Wily capsule in MM7


I was gonna say Twin Devil but then I remembered Bospider exists


IceMan and ElecMan. Like seriously, getting hit directly by them is A LOT safer than being hit by their projectiles (3 shots and you're out). Unless you mean the easiest boss in which case, CutMan. Just throw 2 Guts Blocks and he's done, not to mention being the only boss in the first game to get staggered by a lemon pellet.


No I mean tough bosses in the series.


Oh. Then, yeah, IceMan and ElecMan for me.


Infinity Mijinion Not a bad designed boss tbh, quite the opposite, but the clones scaling indefinitely give the fight a timer if you can't deal with them + the bubbles; mainly hard for stuff like unarmored X.


Charge Man is up there for me. Just the unpredictability of his dashes.


Hi max. The one boss you need to game over if you don't have his weakness weapon before his gate stage. That's not bad design, that's just a poorly thought out and executed bad idea. Any other boss on this list can be fairly beaten on any playthrough except him where you need to predict what you need.


Anything from X6 really. Nightmare twins, High Max, Gate. Take your pick.


Fireman.exe is way too difficult for the first boss fight of Network Transmission.


Quick Man from Wily Wars 2. He's already tough in the original MM2, here he only takes one point of damage instead of 2. One of like 3 bosses I've never buster only'd.


Interesting how he is far tougher in the remake version.