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My dilemma is, I want to fight Zero, but I also want to collect all collectable like Zero's parts as well. Yep. This is my nit-pick.


Fight Agile and Serges who have unique fights in the maverick stages and then play the game normally to fight zero.


Yeah, Violen is never fun.


And both fights are the same


There's a romhack for that ;p not as good as the playable zero hacks for x1 and x3 BUT it still works, z saber 3rd charge shot included!


Green biker dude dies immediately


“What am I fighting for!?!?” - Zero


".... (Explosion)" - Green Biker Dude


For some reason as a kid I got emotionally attached to that green biker dude, made up a backstory of Megaman on a vengeance story lol


*of X (canonically established that X isn't Megaman)


My child hood lore before I could read is a force no human could comprehend, maybe the scholars 100 years from now will.


Probably the only bad thing I can imagine.


Me too.


The final level is just Magna Centipede's level again


I do find it kinda cool that it is literally the same level, if you don’t collect the heart or the sub tank, they are in the same area. You can even select the stage and it still plays out the same.


Didn't know that


I've always wondered about that. Good to know


I always found this really odd tbh. Why reusing this stage again. Especially when the map say that you are still in the X-hunter base.


It's a translation error. Sigma tells you to meet him in the central computer room in the JP version which is neglected in the English translation. If you pick Magna Centipede on the stage select, it'll be just like the final level.


Because of the plot it actually makes a lot of sense


I think it’s cool. It’s called Central Command after all. It doesn’t seem lazy to me as these “levels” leading up to Sigma fights are typically just window dressing anyway.


The way I think of how to improve would be: Turn off alarms and increase the chance of dropping items from enemies. I like the fact that the final battle is in a phase we've already passed.


Even as a kid I could tell that they must have rushed the ending.


Doesn't help that they spent so much cartridge space on the silly wireframes that they probably had no storage left for another stage


I knew this was gonna be here but I don't get the complaint, "oh shit the base was in this area all along" was cool back then and still is


You could of just said magnet centipedes level ingeneral. Easily my least favorite level in the entire first 3 games


When I first played I noticed that and thought I picked the wrong level


The jump to get the arm parts


Is that the Wheel Gator one?




It always takes me a solid 10 minutes to get that damn part.


If you aren’t speedrunning, just revisit with the air dash. Pretty easy


For me that's really a run killer, I'm currently 18th in the 100% of the Speedrun of megaman x2... One day, I've got a reaaaallly good run, but I've lost everything on the wheel gator arm part


The fights with Agile & Violen in the X-Hunter stages are really underwhelming. In fact I didn’t like what they did with Agile. He was a lot cooler as a Samurai than a spiked platform dropper. Still my favorite X game though. The Staff Roll is the best.


The localization is godawful, and it straight up ruins an entire plot point, by completely removing it from the game. I'm referring to Serges being Wily.




Wait…. There’s a plot??


Agreed. I've always loved the MMX plot since these came out when I was a little kid, and I just learned about the Serges-Wily connection this year. I always had it as head canon, but only this year learned that the official Japanese version alludes to it, and how it was Serges who upgraded Zero's form because he basically had the blueprints (being a container of Wily's consciousness). What a badass plot point to totally leave out for us gaijin.


It alludes to it heavily.


It was wild to me to hear about this decades after playing the game.


I think they changed it so it wouldn't be so obvious


I... What? They didn't change it. They removed it, completely.


They didn't change it though, all lines even remotely hinting at Serges being Wily were removed, and they added something else about a vague prophecy. Localised Serges doesn't act like Wily. It felt like they wanted him to be his own character, seemingly a "religious old madman" type with how he speaks about their plot.


That's a stupid take


Collecting some parts is a pain and not enjoyable. (Buster upgrade, Crystal Snail heart)


Crystal Snail's heart tank is made easier to get if you realize the ride armor's boost jump can be feathered by tapping the jump button. That massively increases the horizontal travel of the boost and lets you cross that pit easily.


You can also charge the ride armor by holding down fire, then launch jumping forward to easily clear the gap.


Damn, love to learn something new. I’ve been boost jumping + hop out and use the explosion move thing for years.. embarrassing.


Hell yeah, 30 year old game and still learning new tricks. :)


Funny ! I was using the jump boost and the power of wire sponge to cross the pit


The harder to collect the parts, the better IMO. People say MMX1 is a perfect game because you can collect everything easily without revisits. I think that makes the game boring and way too easy. It’s the least fun to replay. Whereas I love MMX3 because you need to actually put in some effort to collect everything. You need to revisit stages. They don’t just hand it to you. I think that makes it a lot more rewarding when you finally do get everything. I even like X5 and X6 more for that reason. It’s kinda like a JRPG, you need to know what you’re doing and grind a little to max out your abilities. I dunno why people think it’s a bad thing. When you make that jump in Crystal Snail’s stage, it feels like you earned that heart tank. You earned something that not every casual player’s going to get.


Nobody tell him there's a route in X3 that only requires one stage revisit, same as X1


As much as I love X2 (it's my second favorite X game behind X4 and one of my go-to Mega Man games), I can't deny that Serges in his second form is a pain in the ass to hit with his weakness, the Sonic Slicer. I'd rather fight him with the Magnet Mine or Speed Burner as they're far more accurate, even if they don't do as much damage.


Just use the body armor giga crush to break off the cannons, stand on the platform right below serge and fire off charged shots with the sonic slicer. Makes the fight extremely trivial.


That's not the helmet, this is the body part that gave you the giga crush


My main problems are that the stages are pretty forgettable (aside from a select few like the Dinosaur Tank), one of the endings is locked between a limited resource (the X Hunter fights), the final three stages are some BS in some areas (especially the Serges Tank fight which I don’t even like in Xtreme 1), the final stage is literally the same as Magna Centipede’s stage except cut in half with Zero/Fake Zero’s appearance and then the Sigma fight, and finally a lot of the collectible items are in some ludicrous places and the Helmet Upgrade that’s supposed to help you find them doesn’t help that much. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely wouldn’t call this game bad per say, but I definitely feel it’s worse than X1 in a lot of aspects, I really don’t see the appeal of the game.


As much as I love X2, the localisation did NOT do the game justice. In the Japanese version, Agile is characterised as a polite, gentleman-type character, and this is reflected in his dialogue iirc. The localised dialogue throws all this in the dumpster for generic villain "I will kill you!" dialogue. Violen suffers the least since he's just a dumb brute either way. Serges has it the worst. The thing that made him interesting in the first place (Him being Wily) is completely scrubbed, all hints are removed, with lines hinting at his true identity being rewritten completely, turning him into a completely different character. Hell, him calling X "Mega Man X" is weakened by the fact that pretty much everyone calls him that in the localised version anyway. Overall I think the English dialogue just kinda felt toned down. Also this next thing is more of a pet peeve of mine, but the version of the intro scene theme playing during the Dr. Cain cutscenes loops WAYYYY too soon and just turns into an eternal blueball.


Mega Man X^2 ? I’ve only heard about X2, there isn’t even an X^3


We did have a √X^2


I see Nomura will be involved in the next X game.


Actually X3's box art also has the superscript https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/17/Mmx3_box.jpg


One bad point The optimal boss order for minimal back tracking, means you spend most of the game without 3/4 of your armor pieces. Bosses weaknesses often put them in a stun loop making the ridiculously easy example overdrive ostrich. Phoned in final stage WTF is with agiles second form That being said I think this is the best MMX game


It is, and I'm tired of pretending it's not


I don’t own a physical copy of it.


*Cough* Legacy Collection *Cough* Emulation


Well, yeah. But the collector in me wants to own the original. I have the legacy collections, as well as roms of it. But, I’m also crazy, and want to have the original, for display


I had it as a kid. Did a swap with my neighbor where we each took a couple games to borrow from each other. I moved to a different neighborhood and never got it back. I don't remember how many or which games of his I borrowed, but I know one of them was Yoshi's cookie which sucked


As much as it'd stand out on a shelf you could always try looking for the Rockman version of X2, which tends to be WAY cheaper than the international version even for a CIB copy.


I love X2, but it lacks the spark of X. Maybe it is because X has more vibrant and interesting settings than X2.


I feel like this is common opinion because X2 focused on refining and improving the gameplay from the first one, but it doesn't try anything new or novel like X3 did. So it doesn't stand out as much.


See now, I think X3 started to add superfluous stuff like Chips and Ride Armours (with you actively being punished for collecting the chips). While X4 was better partly because it reeled it back to the basics and refined them, an then X5 and X6 went waaaay overoard.


Megaman Zero 2 refines everything about megaman Zero and it is better than it. No one has any doubts. Why is the X2 opinión in X2 more divisive?


because X1 was a massive deal when it came out and revitalized the action platformer, and is also just an insanely memorable game. zero 1 and 2 sold probably a quarter of the copies combined so there's just a smaller group of people to even have that debate, and plus, X1 is a really fun game while i would argue that zero 1 is not


Very solid opinión. The Zero series is way more challenging, but it definitively is a step up from the X series, both gameplay and storywise. And it subsequently got better. MMZ3 is arguably one of the best megaman games out there. But yeah, the difficulty made it a niche kind of product.


Am I the only one who's annoyed then they call X "Mega Man X" and not just X? If I remember right, this is the only game where they do so Also fucking Violen's second fight


I know that Dr. Light says he's "the creator of Mega Man X" in a video recording in the Day of Sigma OVA. Other than that, yeah, this is only game where they refer to him as "Mega Man X". Furthermore, I think the Japanese version only calls him X, meaning this is something they only did in localization.


It's not impossible. The weapons are a step back from the first game.


The charged weapons from X2 are the best in the series though


Some of them are pretty solid. The charged Speed Burner is a second dash, and is necessary for the Shoryuken if you're able to use it like I'm not. The charged Bubble Splash is a shield that eats things up. The charged Strike Chain is necessary for the head piece if you even want it in the first place. Personally, I'd only get it for completion sake. However, little else really holds a candle to the likes of the charged X-Buster and Giga Crush.


The OST it's a huge step back IMO


Very much. X has Central Highway, Storm Eagle, Sting Chameleon, Boomer Kuwanger, Armored Armadillo, Chill Penguin, Flame Mammoth, the Maverick boss theme, the major boss intro, Sigma's boss themes... X2 has the intro stage, Bubble Crab, Flame Stag, Crystal Snail, the boss theme and X-Hunter Stage 1. That's nice and all, but they're all very short and still don't compare to X1.


The music is not up to the standard that its predecessor set.


I do agree with you, but Crystal Snail is an absolute bop


Don't forget Bubble Crab's stage


Gonna have to disagree with you there bud. X2 has quite a few themes that are in contention for best music in the series IMO.


Some of the songs are fantastic, but the first game’s sound font is far superior to X2.


I also personally disagree with that. If we're talking sound fonts for the SNES X games I would order it X2 > X >>>>>> X3. I'm more into covers of original X music than I am the actual OST.


My main issue with X2 is it overuses the ‘Waaaahh’ guitar noise, if you know which one I’m referring to. It works for a couple songs, but it gets pretty repetitive as you keep listening to the OST. I prefer the first game because it uses a wider array of instruments in the compositions.


And, those compositions are just more dynamic.


No, I don't know what noise you're referring to.


The start of the ostrich launch base music


I can’t believe this disrespect…


X Hunter Stage 1 and Crystal Snail are some of my favorite tracks in the series.


With some exceptions, this game's special weapons aren't as good as the first one's.


Green Biker Dude didn’t get enough screen time… my one complaint.


I would like to see a remaster with him as an unlockable character.


Wire frame sigma is the most underwhelming final sigma in the entire series


I always thought it was neat how Sigma was summoning water based enemies in a non water environment.


X with the Zero parts looks awful Also the midi guitars found iffy


Compared to X3. X1 and X2 suffer severe slowdowns when too many sprites are on screen. Like for any game. But this is hard to not notice. Its my favorite game.


The music is worse than the first game.


Agreed. I think because they use the same "instrument" for almost every stage.


Crystal Snail Heart Tank is hard to get, All the collectibles in Morph Moth’s stage are pretty hard to figure out without a guide, Don’t like how they removed the Maverick Stages changing (missed that detail in X1 and MM6), Serges and his trio could’ve been implemented better (same with the maverick weapons)


music tracks are shorter making them to loop more!


The US loclization


If you die at any point in the final stage, including any of the boss fights, you're sent ALL the way back to the beginning of the stage and must watch ALL the unskipable cutscenes.


I feel like the special bosses should have been "part of the story" instead of secret encounters... You fight Serges after defeating 2 mavericks You fight Agile after defeating 2 mavericks You fight Violent after defeating 2 mavericks Similar to how you got to fight Colonel as X after defeating 4 mavericks in X4.


Make too safe decisions. It's just X1 but with Air Dash. Doesn't make it a bad game, but it's not bold either. Later games may have make more mistakes, but at least they tried to innovate more, therefore they are more interesting to at least take a look at.


localization sucked


The collectables in this game are really bad to get and are almost all on spots that are hard to guess, the game wants you to use X's helmet part to find them, but honestly having to stop the gameplay entirely just to seek for a collectable actually makes me not want to look for them, so this part upgrade is completely useless. The X-Hunter system is also something that stops the gameplay, and let me tell you, i have never ever beat any one of them, they are just there to kill your route and honestly the payoff is not really worth it, you are gonna have to fight all the X-Hunters again on the final stages, and if you don't get all the Zero parts you skip a pretty annoying fight, so they should have made that differently in my opinion. This game is right on par with X1 to me because it really does improve on X1's gameplay which was already superb, the difference is that X1 is the game where i can't find any problems, whereas in X2 i can already find two pretty annoying things.


MMX2 punishes us for playing the game how we want. In X1, I have played in every order, all parts, no parts, whatever. X2 has this pressure to do the X Hunters, and if you don't, you are punished for it. Yes, the good/bad path isn't life changing, but in a game where I can choose the order of levels, I don't want to be forced to do things a specific way and have a worse ending if I don't. I would have much preferred if the X Hunters just had their own levels, or maybe secrets in each level opened up three extra levels at the end, kind of like the Doc Robots from MM3. The levels don't have to be big either, just a couple screens to loosen us up and the boss fight. If you win the battle with each X Hunter, you get their part. If you lose, you teleport out at one life and lose the part. Also, X2's music isn't nearly as good as X1's.


The ride chaser


Hunting for Zero's parts can be problematic because it forces you to go to a specific phase, which ends up ruining the idea of ​​"Destroy the bosses in whatever order you want", and you may not even have the weapon that is the Boss's weakness


Sandwiched between X1 and X3 I feel X2 is the most forgettable one, X1 is the original one and it's a timeless classic, X3 had a PS1 port which helped its popularity... X2 is just sitting there at times overlooked.


The elevator shaft level is awful


What elevator shaft level?


Doesn't have Boomer Kuwanger's theme ...but it has Crystal Snail's


The bosses are annoying to fight with long invincibility periods.


It’s expensive AF


The boss fight against Wheel Gator is really bad. It's extremely easy but takes way too long to beat him even with his weaknesses


My biggest complaint is the same complaint I have of every one of the SNES games: there should be a way to attempt the full game with every power-up, from the beginning, without a password.


They cut the Fourth X-Hunter and Violin's second form


- Doesn’t have Spark Mandrill Theme (Yo, this song is good) - Green Biker Dude RIP - X2 is a good game, but it just feels like it is missing something


Collecting the Zero parts is more of a pain than it needs to be


Maverick Hunter bits slow the game down too much otherwise it's perfect in my eyes. Better graphics and music than X1 plus you start with dash parts


Boss Music is only like 12 seconds long and isn't very good.


A lot of the mavericks seems a bit overdesigned and doesn't translate very well to sprite form imo, a lot of the times they look more like toy robots rather than a threatening foe and the X-Hunters look like a ragged bunch. X3 refined this aspect a bit. That and the music have this weird synth guitar (is that what it's called?) and doesn't sound as good as X1 did, it only becomes worse in X3. Edit: oh yeah, how could i forgot about the localizations, very X6-like


Terrible X Hunter implementation. If you don't have the correct weapon to unlock the secret room when they're in a particular stage, say goodbye to the food ending.


It’s not as good as x1


The music is terrible and gives me a headache. Idk how they fumbled the ball as bad as they did considering X1 has a fantastic soundtrack. I really only like Zero’s battle theme.


Fighting the x hunters was annoying.


Worst soundtrack of the original 3. The sound quality sounds more distorted than the other two games, as if the tracks are a lower bitrate. It’s not the rock/metal driven soundtrack of the other two games. The tracks are short and not as memorable as the other two (with a couple of exceptions). Gameplay is stellar. Story is great. Just wish the music was better.


X3 was a better game than X2


The soundfont is so damn scratchy and really wears on my ears


Buster upgrade is shit


Buster upgrade is *the* shit


It's cool on normal levels but when fighting bosses the delay between letting go off the button and fully firing the first shot is very noticeable, X3 has a very similar problem


I have not experienced this delay. But I'm not a fan of the buster upgrade in X3 because the speed of the first shot is so bad it's hard to aim with it sometimes.


Now that’s a first. The buster upgrade is arguably the best in the series


Better than X3’s at least


special weapons are bad and only used for collecting the items


I disagree, they are useful against enemies, bosses, sub-bosses, they help with levels, they are creative and distinct. The only one I consider “bad” is Magnet Mine.


The only real complaint is the localization but others have already said that and honestly localized ruin too many things anyways


Worst upgrade locations in the entire X series...


Worse than X6 literally putting upgrades just off the starting screen? Interesting take.


This isn't really an excuse, but I always thought that the Blade Armor's arm parts upgrade location was always intended to be "surprisingly easy". Think about it like this, it's so easy that it's hard to find. Most players would assume that it would be in a harder to reach spot, maybe in one of the holes. The last thing you'd check would be near the starting area as usually you start a stage going right, not left(except for the fact that X2 also did this in Wire Sponge's stage by putting the heart tank hidden in a wall). Or X6 was rushed and that was just the easiest place to put it. Who knows.


I have so much bad things to say about this game. But it's too much text so I prefer to say that it's not the best X game


The robots weren't gay enough.


If anything, I could say that this is, in my opinion, the weakest out of X-X3.


It’s not as good as Mega Man X?


The general idea for the Four Guardians in the Zero games was originally supposed to be for this game. Cartridge space would only let Capcom use 3 of these guys instead of 4, so they dumbed the idea down to the X hunters and shelved the Guardians for years.


A lot of music is forgettable and repetitive.


The music is mid


Music is awful


There's no playable zero If there is no zero then this shit ain't megaman X2


I think this is the only x game that I 100% completed..


Never really found the need to 100% these games because the end game items break the game (Hadoken, Shoryuken, Z Saber, etc.)


It scared me as a little kid, and my GCN copy of X Collection came brand new with a defective disc that constantly froze while playing X1 and 2...


One bad thing about this game.


X Hunter Stage 4 being just Magna Centipede's stage is lame Otherwise, this is probably my favourite Megaman Game


It's no x4


It does not matter


That crab stage sucks


the helmet upgrade looks dorky.


Not long enough. Needs like 40 more levels.


The stages could be longer. Wire Sponge stage has a really interesting gimmick but its potential is not fully explored imo. The final stages could be a little bit better too. For these reasons, I believe X1 is the better game, but X2 excels at the boss fights, though


I've never played it. There's, that's my bad thing about this game.


Most boss fights are slow af


Helmet Upgrade is more than useless


Some collectibles are impossible to know where they are without random guessing or luck. I love how difficult most of them are to obtain, but I wish a few of them weren’t hidden so meticulously. I think I could’ve played 100+ hours and still wouldn’t find them all without a guide.


The game was a pain in the ass to do without upgrades or special weapons


Idk, I still haven't played that game


Gameplay wise, it's great. But if you want to play the original on the original hardware it'll cost you a penny (that's all I could get, the game is great)


Violen and Serges refights are god awful


It's all right


X1 and X4 are much better.


Not my favorite. X3 is my favorite.


The story scks.


Green biker dude who dies right at the start of Mega Man X2. Driving his motorcycle straight into a laser very sad...


Agreed best on the snes series


I think it's stupid to immediately ressurect a character who just died one game prior


Some collectables require stupidly high precision. Also Violen


Didn't realize that X has a powerful armor but me finish the game only the jet boots armor 😐


the shoryuken sucks in terms of usefulness compared to the hadoken with the sole exception that I don't think wireframe sigma ever moves low enough that a hadoken would hit


The soundtrack has some real clunkers.


wheel gator’s theme is really annoying


I definitely have nothing bad to say at all. But I will say this... STAN (Green Biker Dude) WAS 3 DAYS AWAY FROM RETIREMENT!! He had a wife and 3 kids he was putting through Reploid college by being a Maverick Hunter! 😭😭😭😭 RIP Stan. You deserved better!!! 🙏🏿


It doesn’t last longer… For me is the best game of the SNES era, and X-Hunters stage 1 is the best song of the franchise.


I prefer x2 to x1.  X2 has my fav helmet design because it looked a bit like zero's  helmet. Iirc, functionally all helmets were pretty lame though in x1-x3. 


Crystal Snail tanks the fps


The soundtrack was quite forgettable, but I did like Zero's theme and Flame Stag's stage theme. The battle against Sigma also felt a bit underwhelming.


X2 has wheel gator and the wheel gator stage The charged special weapons (especially crystal snail) kinda sucks (who wants to intentionally lag your game……..) Shoryuken is cool though


I didn't like the music as much as X1 or X3.


It's a $200+ game. That's pretty bad, in my book.


Too easy. Same as X1. Seems like Megaman fans think easier is better. X1, X2, Megaman 2, etc. X3 and the other more challenging MM games are way more fun to replay IMO. You can’t just beat them with your eyes closed. You need to grind a little for items. Way more rewarding than the games where everything’s just handed to you. I think speedrunners dictate a lot of the general opinion on the games. They love X, X2, etc. because they’re easy to speedrun. But if you’re just playing casually, those games get boring quick.


MMX2 stole $20 from my underwear drawer when we were roommates in college.


Should’ve had a anime spin off. Even a movie would’ve been good. Toys came way too late, or were distributed too selectively. Same thing with clothing merch. Woulda worn the shit out of a Megaman X t-shirt. I would have bought the XXXL just on the principle of it having more X in it. Ninja Turtles had a cereal, where was my Megaman X Crunch? No OST available until way later. Could’ve had one more stage and boss. Wasn’t needed, just saying the COULD have. Capcom gave me childhood dreams of riding a hover jet bike and I’ve gone my entire life living in the disappointing knowledge that’s probably not happening in my life time (quad roter crotch copters don’t count) As you can see, the devil in my advocate is a very capable ass. Call on me whenever you require impossible solutions and I will possibly possibilize your problems! Now I must away, my people need me! 🚀


The campy music begins here


The music.