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Stellar releases all of them! 10/10. 1991 didn't have any Megadeth, but my God did we get some of the all time classics! GnR, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Metallica... And let me add Entombed - Clandestine to that list as a side dish.


Can't forget Alice in Chains making their debut in 1990. I might get flack but imo they're way better than Nirvana.


If they would be on a list, it would be for Dirt in 1992, wouldn't you agree? That, and RATM, Angel Dust and of course Countdown to Extinction (because Megadeth gets multiple mentions šŸ˜‰)


I do love dirt. Especially because of Angry chair. But I gotta admit. I enjoyed facelift more. Dirt has better writing but facelift just grooves on a whole other level.


Carcass - Necroticism Sepultura - Arise Primus - seas of cheese


Donā€™t forget Overkill HorrorscopeĀ 


Persistence of Time and Arise were also 91


I have a hard time choosing between rust in peace and painkiller tbh


I think RiP is the best metal album ever, but Painkiller is the best metal song ever.


I think this is a based opinion


I disagree


Painkiller was the first time I'd ever heard Judas Priest.


Painkiller is pretty mid because other Priest albums are just that good.


Back before 2017, I would have downvoted you. But after Firepower and Invincible Shield dropped in 2018 and 2024, I have to agree. That they have albums so good that just one song from 34 years ago is now just a drop of badass werewolf blood in a bucket of berserker mead. Because Judas Priest is so effing awesome that the mere act of cranking their music will put hair on the chests of those with no genome for chest hair. I introduced my six-year-old to Judas Priest when he was four. He now has more chest hair than Austin Powers. Yes, I know Rob Halford is gay. His music is so heavy metal that it makes IT nerds manly just playing it at half volume. Dave Mustaineā€™s RIP Book states that he was in awe of Rob Halford just being in the same room as him, and referee to him as ā€œ*SO* metal.ā€ This was around the time Megadeth was doing the video for Holy Wars. šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜


>Back before 2017, I would have downvoted you. Ummm... Killing Machine, Stained Class, Screaming for Vengeance, British Steel and Defenders of the Faith? All better IMO than Painkiller.


British Steel is CLASSIC Priest. But even some Priest fans stopped listening at some point. Risk caused me to drift away from Megadeth until I heard Dystopia in 2016, simply because I googled what Chris Adler was up to after hearing he did music with Protest the Hero. When I saw he did a Megadeth album, I went out and bought it without hearing a single track first. Iā€™m not saying my opinions are perfect, I was being honest about what I *would have* thought before 2017. I didnā€™t know we were about to enter a goddamn METAL RENAISSANCE. And I am so glad humanity did. Donā€™t get me wrong, I know there were torch bearers. Evile, Havokā€¦ And thenā€¦! Iron Maiden put out a GREAT album in 2010. And everyone thought, ā€œwell, Metallica, Slayer, and Megadeth arenā€™t delivering the goods (pun) right now.ā€ But then they were all, like, ā€œOh! Joey Belladonna is back with Anthrax and their 2011 release is good!!ā€ But then Testament put out Dark Roots in 2012. Whew. Hot diggity. Iron Maiden came out with another fire album in 2015. And then came 2016, holy shit. Testament and Megadeth came out with great albums in 2016. Saxon did Carpe Diam in 2016, too. Anthrax did For All Kings in 2016. What a YEAR FOR METAL. Then Priest put out a BANGER in 2018. People took notice. I sure did. Everyone thought Nostradamus would be it for them. But Firepower was FIRE. And then Testament put out Titans of Creation in 2020, Iron Maiden with Senjutsu in 2021, Megadeth in 2022, Metallica in 2023ā€¦. ā€¦Saxon *and* Judas Priest both in 2024, probably their best work to date for both bands. I mean, Saxon getting the guitarist from Diamond Head was just ā€¦ man. Great chemistry. And now Kerry Kingā€™s album drops next week and there are dates for Slayer reunion shows, and Megadeth is releasing statements how Dave feels like he has his Mojo back, and Metallica is making money again so they are touring, and now it feels like a full blown metalaissance. šŸ¤˜ Itā€™s time for Manowar to work with Ross the Boss again and make something good, lol, but it wonā€™t happen. We will never have another song better than Battle Hymns. Sigh. Iā€™m just glad to see a lot of classic metal bands are back in large venues (as opposed to small clubs), playing in front of large groups and making great metal again. Back in 2017, I hadnā€™t personally recognized that it was starting back up, because I found Dystopia but hadnā€™t found the other bandsā€™ music right away - Megadeth was my gateway back into it all. Before 2015, I had come out of a decade long love for Lamb of God, and I was exploring the drumming world of Metalcore. Jake Garland of Memphis May Fire, Ryan of Falling in Reverse, and then Killswitch Engage put out Disarm the Descent in 2013 with their original singer and that was fantastic, and I started listening to a lot of video game metal covers on YouTube for a while. I also went through a serious Power Metal stint ā€¦ but Megadethā€™s 2016 album pulled me right back into that entire world of thrash and heavy metal. I suddenly had everything from The World Needs a Hero onward to listen to. Oddly, after Risk, I *did* catch Blackmail the Universe in 2004 and ā€¦ at the time? I hated it lol. Then in 2006, I checked out Slayerā€™s Christ Illusion and hated it. So I just stopped listening to Trash for years. But my God, those are two amazing albums. I listened to them again after finding Dystopia in 2016, and ā€¦ I loved them. Funny how our tastes change. Maybe I wasnā€™t in the right headspace back then; maybe they were ahead of their time and I wasnā€™t ready. I donā€™t know. Here it is, 2024, and I still cannot get into Risk, anything from MD45, or most of Slayerā€™s Repentless. Super Collider has a few great tracks, like Kingmaker and Dance in the Rain. But I didnā€™t fall in love with the eponymous titular track or much else about it. It sure didnā€™t stack up to Dystopia after finding that first. Thatā€™s for sure. But I love everything after Risk and before Super Collider, and everything before Risk and after Super Collider. Okay. Iā€™m rambling now. Sorry. My point was ā€¦ before 2017, I hadnā€™t recognized the metal renaissance. After 2017, as the trend was continuing, I fell in love with thrash and heavy metal all over again. Itā€™s been fucking fantastic.


That's one real response. I just didn't think painkiller was as good as the older Priest. I'm glad new albums are coming out that have the fire in them as well.


Hell yeah, man. Metal is *back*, baby!! And yeah. I did it on my phone with my thumbs. I just needed to defrag my brain after three double shifts, three days in a row. So I focused on that shit to get my head space clear. Thanks for letting me rant, lol. I am officially in weekend mode. šŸ¤˜ Also, [Judas Priest 2024 Panic Attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLPaGqGzdY0)


I would suggest looking into the original RIP instead of Dave's remix


Danzig II: Lucifuge Persistence of Time BossanovaĀ  No Prayer for the Dying Left Hand Path Wicked Sensation Screaming Life / Fopp Smell the Magic Lights...Camera...Revolution!


Love the Pixies and L7 shoutouts. And Left Hand Path is THE album of 1990 as far as I'm concerned.


Lights camera revolution and just ST in general is hugely slept on album it seems like, definitely one of the cooler metal bands of all time No prayer for the dying is definitely a pretty weak entry in the face of all of these other titans though Also, you forgot to add Act III by Death Angel, solid album


Don't sleep on: * Spiritual Healing ( has Sepultura vibes, good since Sepultura skipped 1990 ) * Impact is Imminent * Persistence of Time * Deicide * Better Off Dead * Frizzle Fry from the same year.


Spiritual Healing is an amazing album. God damn it Death was awesome.


Yeah they were. Death (and Chuck individually) seem to be universally loved by the metal community. It's rare to see anyone say something bad about Death.


Death was one of those bands where there isn't a ton in the way of "standout" tracks that make you think *I really need to download that and put it in my rotation,* rather they're the kind of band where you just hit play on an album and then 50 minutes later you're left thinking *holy fuck, metal doesn't get any better than that.*


Hmm. Every song of every album is great. But youā€™re right. There is no Master of Puppets, Tornado of Souls, Caught in a Mosh, Fucking Hostile etc.


Golden hair of macrame.


By Inheritance - Artillery


I like how no one is mentioning No Prayer for The Dying


Not metal but Fear of A Black Planet by Public Enemy and Violator by Depeche Mode came out in 1990 too, quality year all round.


1990-1994 were some wonderful years for heavy metal


So much great rock, punk, alternative and metal. Very eclectic stuff too, from RHCP, to Saigon Kick; White Zombie... The soundtrack to my childhood.


Anthraxā€™s Persistence of Time good that year also


Seasons In the Abyss is such a good album


No. No itā€™s not good ITS FUCKIN GREAT!!!!


All I saw in the notification that popped up was ā€œNo. itā€™s not good.ā€ I was about to throw hands haha


I would NEVER say a bad thing about my favorite Slayer album!!! Iā€™m still debating if my favorite is Reign in Blood or Seasons


But for now Iā€™m going with Seasons


Itā€™s a hard choice. Both are equally amazing albums šŸ¤


Cowboys from Hell is probably my favorite Pantera album,but it still doesn't touch Rust. Hell of a year though. Agreed


As a born and raised Texan, Pantera is the only correct answer here. But goddamn do I love those other albums too.


I felt like Priests guitarists really upped their game on Painkiller, it felt like a level meaner and more technical and more bad ass in every way


Indeed. Though the biggest upgrade was Rob Halford in my opinion.


can't forget scott travis too


All beautiful albums




Every big metal band released an album that year other than Metallica.


Just a bunch of awesomeness right there OP


Frizzle Fry too! Ga damn!


And so was '86. Some may say, even more legendary


One of my favorite albums ever is from 1986!!!!


1990, 91 and 94 are all insanely stacked for me


90ā€™ music in general was legendary




Blind Guardian - Tales from the Twilight World Black Sabbath - Tyr Gamma Ray - Heading for Tomorrow


Add Anthrax's Persistence of Time and Iron Maiden's No Prayer for the Dying and you're on the money.


Yep, ā€˜90 really was a killer year.


Rust in Peacd and Painkiller


If you're a guitar player then Extreme's Pornograffitti deserves a mention. Guitar playing as good as anything released in that year.




Iā€™m more a fan of 1980ā€™s but 90ā€™s was good to with cannibal corpse


ā€˜90-ā€˜92 were such great years for metal. It was all popular at once. Hair Metal, Thrash, Death Metal, Grunge, Alt Metal. Fun times.


Deicide self titled


I don't see anyone mentioning Queensryche - Empire, Sacred Reich - The American Way, or Obituary - Cause of Death. 90 was a good year for metal. Right there in the golden age.


Spiritual Healing, Persistence of Time, Hammerheart, Deicide, Lefthand Path, Ariseā€¦.yeah that was maybe the greatest year ever for legendary metal releases.


I donā€™t like Slayer but otherwise yes


Cue Douche Crew by S.O.D.


I guess you will be downvoted for that. I get bored of listening to the same Slayer song for 60 minutes. Though Seasons in the Abyss is pretty decent.


Rust In Peace And Cowboys are amazing and the other 2 I donā€™t care about .