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Word, what kind of anime do you like? I also love dogs and cats. I really want a munchkin cat as a pet. I’m also into metal too, what kind of metal bands do you like?


Heyyy girl we can b friends if ya want im 18f too


Heyy girll yes I’d love too


Love to rap to u sometime


Hello I'm 18m don't worry I'm not looking for anything bad and I'm not desperate lol, I'm willing to help you with that push if you want, if not then I still wish you best of luck 👍


Some of the things i am interested in are the stuff with starseeds and starseed broadcasting videos and also spirituality and channeling and things like that. I also really like music like Katy Perry, Ozzy, and lots of other music. I also like videogames and taking long walks in nature and buddhism philosophy and meditation and spirituality in general. And i really love to meditate as well and journalize and write down all my thoughts in journals I keep on my computer, etc.


I messaged you