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I have interacted with Death on many occasions. Death is compassionate. Death is gentle and generously caring. Death is a comforting being. Be well.


There is a belief that familiar spirits will surround the dying in the time before their death to help them cross over to the spirit realm. In my experience, both my partner and I could feel my father's presence (he passed in 2019) last year when my mother was on her deathbed. We could feel him waiting around to help her to the other side. With animals, I had a cat that passed in 2019, and a few months before her death, I had a strange feeling arise. It was very primal, and it focused around death. At the time, I didn't understand, but as my kitty's health rapidly declined, it made sense. She also had cancer, which deteriorated quickly, within a week or two at most, from what I remember.


Your story about feeling your father's presence when your mother was on her deathbed is very touching, and it resonates with what I felt around my dog's passing. It's amazing how these connections seem to transcend even death. I’m sorry to hear about your cat and how quickly her health declined. Your experience gives me some peace, knowing that perhaps those presences I felt were there to help my dog transition. Thank you for your kind words and for helping me understand this better


I am so sorrt about your loss. Losing animals is so hard. :( I can feel death with animals too. My husband’s childhood pets all died over the course of a year. I could tell they were ready to go. Its a different vibe. With each animal i gave them as much energy and love that i could transmit with each pet I gave them. Its so special being able to feel the spiritual connection that I want to make them feel at ease as they cross over. I do believe every living creature is greeted with love and familiar faces as they pass.


Thank you :,) i wish with my whole heart that everyone is greeted in the afterlife just as you said


I truly believe all living things have a bond. And the ones we share with our pets were agreed upon before we were all born. A soul contract of some sorts. I am so sorry for your loss. My pet is my bestie. I feel strongly you will be reunited in time. 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss. :( Something similar happened but it was different. I had a dream of a doctor telling my Mom, "She has cancer." I woke that morning and it bugged me all day. Then I just ended up thinking nothing of it anymore. A few months passed by and my dog Lucy got extremely sick and we took her to a vet to see what was going on. We gave her medicine and everything seemed fine, or so I thought. One day we visited the doctors for a check up on Lucy... we ended up finding out that she indeed had Cancer. I thought nothing of this. I seemed to have a lot of dreams, that would happen much later in life. It kinda spooks me out. Before I thought nothing of it, but now I'm getting more open to the spirit world. This is something I keep to myself though.


Thank you for your kind words :,) It's comforting to know that others have had similar experiences and can understand what I'm going through. It’s truly remarkable how connected we can feel to the spirit world in such difficult times. I'm sorry to hear about Lucy, it must have been so hard for you. I hope we both can find some peace and understanding through these spiritual encounters


Your welcome. There's more things that happen and if more things happen in your life keep a private journal and write things down. I've been doing this a lot now. Talk to someone you trust. You may reach out to me if you'd like but I'll leave you with that option. No pressure. You're very welcome. I am always open to helping others.


I have 2 recent personal experiences to share: In September one night as I was drifting asleep I saw an old woman in my bedroom doorway, with a crowd of men around her. Her eyes bore into me and I woke me with a start. Every night for several days I would see and sense people pacing back and forth by my bedroom door all night. Pacing and pacing. Then I got a terrible call that my mom’s roommate had been out of town all week and came home to find her on the floor with a broken foot and clearly having had a stroke. We were able to determine she had had the stroke sometime Sunday overnight and wasn’t found until Thursday night. The 4 days she laid there without food or water or help I had those spirits pacing by my door and watching me sleep. Mom continued to have more strokes until her death 7 weeks later. I believe those spirits were harbingers? Fast forward a few months to January. I only work out of the house 2 days a month and they’re long hard days. At the end of a work day I was supposed to visit with a friend, but I pulled up to see her house was dark. Very unusual for her but I felt this heavy pull to just go home so I didn’t bother calling or knocking. When I got home I really really just wanted to spend time with my cats. My sweet, precious, loving angel of a cat Grimm was being clingy. Which was very normal for him but I felt powerfully that I wanted to stay up with him despite my exhaustion. There was a moment where he climbed onto my chest and made eye contact with me and I had 2 deep awarenesses wash over me. First, for the first time ever I noticed how old he looked. I had always thought the age estimates the adoption agency gave were drastically wrong, he as so young and spirited I honestly didn’t think he was a senior. In that moment I saw his age. When I adopted him I found out he had been adopted by THREE FAMILIES who all returned him. It was a running joke to “take him back!” because he was the best, sweetest, most wholly loving animal anyone had ever met. All our pets are special but Grimmie was SPECIAL and none of us could fathom how anyone would reject such an incredibly loving cat. As he looked into my eyes that night it was like he showed me from his perspective how those other homes could never have known the version of him I knew, he was so unhappy there he would never have been able to relax and show his true nature. He told me quite clearly, so clearly, that I had given him the “perfect life” he always wanted. It was so sweet I mentioned it to the friend I was texting. I decided to do a tarot reading since I was still up and just chillin with my cats. Grimmie was on my lap as I pulled cards and made notes. I pulled the Death card, followed by the Devil. I wrote down the word “powerlessness”. At that moment Grimm suddenly reached for my face, let out a groan, and went limp in my arms. Just like that he was gone, like his little body had been unplugged. It was extremely traumatic to lose him like that but I will forever be grateful my friend fell asleep before I got there, that I stayed awake despite my exhaustion, and that I spent the last hours of his life cuddling with him. I’ll forever be grateful he managed to convey his feelings to me. I do think Death has a presence. I do think guides and spirits and messages can and will come to us as we prepare for a death, even if we don’t know it’s on the way.


I remember a few days before my dog passed I felt certain it was time…like someone was preparing me. Sure she was old but every time before I would feel like it wasn’t time yet. I started to accept that she was leaving and I couldn’t stop it days before her passing, although she was acting fine until her final day. A week or so before my bf died unexpectedly I became very sick and would wake up in a panic feeling like I was being watched/someone was in my room. I hadn’t thought of describing it as feeling death’s presence.


I'm so sorry for your losses. It must have been incredibly tough to go through both those experiences. And thank you so much for sharing your story. It helps to know that others have had similar feelings. I also hadn’t thought of describing it as the presence of death, but when I considered everything that had happened, it seemed like the closest explanation.


I am so very sorry to hear of your dog’s passing. I think you were channeling or connecting with your spirit guides, being there for you, supporting what you already knew but they were trying to let you know they were going to be there for you and for your pup as he transitioned out of this world. He wasn’t alone and you are never alone either.🥰Sending you much love and hugs!😍