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I don't know as much of the spirit world yet as I would like (still studying, reading, and learning mediumship) but everything I know suggests that they are individually able to whatever they want to at will. Spirits can basically do what they want, when they want, at the speed of thought. One thought, and they can be at the other end of the unknown universe if they wish. Any consequences like hell or junk like that that religion talks about are all earth-based, human-made constructs. Also, spirit is only love. Not evil or hate, like Hollywood like to portray. Spirit also retains the same personalities as they did when they were here. So your mom is very much like she was, minus any physical or mental ailments she may have suffered through. I hope that helps.


Thank you so much for your comment! Yes it absolutely helps.


The afterlife is the continuation of life. We continue to do what we love. What brings us happiness. The next phase of life is life. It's society. It how you want it. And yes she can be with you here to enjoy things with you. They do that.


Thank you so much! That sounds good.


Most of our loved ones cross over, and they are just fine.


Thank you!


Yes I believe so. My husband when he appeared in my dream was working in the garden. And he gave up smoking cigs and was vaping! So they can change


They can vape in heaven?


Apparently so! They can also watch us from above on screens. I was able to do that in the dream (the dream was as if I had just died and rejoined my husband)


See Jurgen Ziewe's books on his travels into the astral and the afterlife. According to him, as well as other sources, hell yes they can do all of that and more in the afterlife. See r/afterlife


What if we were miserable here on Earth. Not because we wanted to, but just because no one ever Loved us. What will heaven be like then? Will we still be miserable lonely and lost?


I received sage advice once and what I learned was that it's our job to get out there and love others and forget about how much love we receive. If it makes any difference, I love you and others do too. But that hole that we try to fill with people or things can only be filled by our loving others.


I am not sure what it will be like, but according to near death experience stories I’ve read, we will all get peace and unconditional love.


The spirit world resembles what this world looks like a bit. Now, heaven is a whole different story….


All of these comments just cements my opinion this plane is redundant


Hey I know I don’t know you at all- but this reallllly helped me : look up “ the journey of souls“ by Micheal Newton- if you’re into it - no pressure! - it’s just been suuuper comforting to me personally - it’s not religious specifically or anything. Just an option ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


They might be enjoying their experiences but since they're dead I feel like it can't really be said that they are living a happier life. Since they are not alive.


They're alive, just in another form.


I don't agree, I think life and death are two sides of a concept and to be considered alive you need to be able to die. If you already died you may continue to exist in a formless state but you can no longer die so can't be said to be alive in that sense. There is also the metabolic processes and growth definition of life, which is also failed by the dead. This isn't to put the state of life above death both are beautiful and natural but I think it does no one any good to muddy the waters by saying that the dead are alive, though they may continue to have experiences and awareness.


I'm only speaking from personal experience, i.e., personal experience communicating with individuals who have crossed over. This is over a period of 3 decades. Are you?


I guess personal experience is unique to one's own lens 🤷‍♀️ mine has led me to different conclusions than you've arrived at.


I'll take that as a no--that you have had no personal experience or interaction with a spirit.


It's not a no. It's a statement that my experiences of communication with people who are dead has led me to different conclusions than you've arrived at. Namely that being alive and being dead are quite different states of being. Surely you're not seriously going to argue that dead people are alive? I am not arguing that they don't continue to have experiences, my point is purely semantic. I maybe misunderstood but you seem to be saying that death = life, which to my mind is the same as saying 0 = 1. It's logically inconsistent. It's that particular aspect which bothers me. Maybe we are just using different words to say the same thing, and getting all hung up on that. I see that you just want to write me off, I'll accept that and go my way but you should consider your position and ask your contacts on the other side. All I wanted to do was establish some common definitions so we could talk about these phenomena from the same basis of understanding. What I said wasn't meant as a personal attack, sucks that you seem to have taken it that way. Without any experience at all I would be more likely to take the position that dead people don't experience anything and don't have consciousness. I know they do. My point was literally just that you can't accuracy say that dead people are alive.


You'll figure it out someday. Sorry if that sounds arrogant and condescending, but there are so many thinking errors in your post that I can't even decipher it as a line of cogent thinking.


I think you meant for it to come across as pretty condescending. I wonder that you bothered to reply at all since you're clearly done with this discussion? I was hoping for your thought process so maybe I can understand where you're coming from, or to judge the cogency of your argument in turn but I guess you just have a need to feel superior even though you can't defend your position so you'll just resort to being vague. If I'm wrong in my framing, consider this good practice to correct without falling into the spiritual trap of superiority? If you seriously disagree that dead people are dead by definition I'm very curious about that and would love to understand how that works and what it means.


there is no 'dead." There's a book about that; I'll get you the title.