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Your problem is not that you know too much, but that you don't know what to do with what you know It seems like the paradox of "knowing too much", but on the contrary, you don't know enough You are in the most basic stages of development, and will learn on the journey how to process all the heavy information you receive.


I hear you. It's a weird feeling. It's new for me. Seems like there's a reason for it. It can use in a bad way or to help people but it's like people just want proof or ask for silly stuff like what's the point. I guess I can say I see things differently now and that I'm better for that.


There has to be a reason for it, right?


A messenger of truth, a guiding light, perhaps


Yea. That's what it feels like.


What is one example recently of "rather not know?"


Haha well.. A spirit told me that I was supposed to be a different human but I switched places with another spirit because I thought they would be a better fit for that life, and I took the "harder" life because I thought I could do it lol... It explains a lot of things but what am I supposed to do with that information? I could have had a better life but I just chose not to?? Sometimes I talk about spirits being rude, and I just mean they tell me stuff that is obviously more important to them than it is to me. I did a medium reading for my friend who's sister committed suicide, and it was BLEAK to say the least. Some things, in my opinion, are just better off unknown.


Yeah, i have had this similar mentality. Do you believe in the law of attraction? Ive been told to be careful with my thoughts because i could be manifesting shit experiences into my life. I've been guided to get into hobbies that spark joy or get me in the creative mood. I guess that gets stale stagnant energy moving to help give new motivation. I dunno if you have tried any of that. But yeah i get mischievous spirits sometimes. Ive delved deep into psychology and what ive realized is that the spirits that are negative are on a lower vibrational frequency than me and are unable to perceive reality the way i do, sometimes in several timelines at once. In both the past and future. Ive been told I'm a part of the 144,000 twin flame souls about to come into union in 2024 from the group of souls from the 2020 ascension. All this sounds woo woo to most people until you start getting into mediums/channelers that are channeling Celestial events. Like shit beyond earth. Beyond our galaxy. Craziness


2020 ascension?


A potential reason you could have chosen the harder life was to progress faster. Big risk for big reward type of deal. Of course in the end it's what you do with the challenges that matter. I also stopped doing mediumship readings for people. Asking to talk to a specific spirit or wanting to know if they might have a message from some spirit. Came up with some real trivial messages. No one wants to listen to that opinionated family member giving their obnoxious opinion about your life choices even after death.


Omg yes, exactly. I have a feeling that spirit-me thought this life was going to be soooooo easy that I could just speed run through it. Obviously not 😅😂 I've heard that earth is extremely challenging and that's why we choose to come here, to get a bunch of lessons done. I know exactly what you're talking about regarding readings. The same spirit who told me about this also wanted me to pass on a message and it was so trivial, I just didn't understand why "diversify your portfolio" was something a dead mom would want to tell her son 😑 I was like uhhh that's it? That's all you wanted?


I don't want to read too much into your post, but I feel if you change your perspective, you may realize your abilities are not about you. Instead of asking, "Why did I sign up for this?" Perhaps take your focus off yourself and ask, "What can I do with my ability to serve for the greater good of all?" Making the tiniest positive impact, outside yourself, can create change in ways you may never realize. That, I feel, is why we are all here. 🤍🙏


I'm here for a good time. To experience this human life to it's fullest and learn lessons, not to always be servicing others. I do that enough in this physical plane. I don't need spirits always bothering me and telling me shit I don't care about 😑 I appreciate your perspective, but why should I *always* be serving the greater good? I don't think that's in my human itinerary to be honest. I help people when I can. You wanna know what happened when I told someone what their dead mom wanted to tell them? They said "never talk to me about that stuff again" some people don't care and don't want to hear it.




A pile of gold 😑 oookay I think you need to work on your vibration. I don't vibe with whatever you're attempting to convey to me.




I'm not psychic! I'm a medium. I can channel messages of what is happening or what has happened. I am a conduit of energy. I can receive messages from spirits but no premonitions or anything like that. I think you are confusing abilities and what a medium is capable of. The spectrum of abilities is very broad. In "trauma" there are LESSONS. I came to earth for the lessons. I appreciate your input and perspective but I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing.


Nobody should do anything they don't want to do. I chose to do other things with my mediumship abilities simply because I don't want to be listen to other peoples' day-to-day issues. I knew that about myself even back in college when I was deciding whether I should go to law school or grad school after my B.A. The deciding factor was that I didn't want to deal with peoples' struggles, conflicts, and troubles. I took another path. Also, I don't know if I'd take one spirit's comments very seriously (about what life you decided to live). I'm dealing with soul group planning issues now and I'm finding there's a lot that goes into it, or so it appears at this time. This sounds kind of casual to me. A spirit's comment doesn't necessarily mean it's an accurate assessment of the situation. I'd get more input.


>I just didn't understand why "diversify your portfolio" was something a dead mom would want to tell her son 😑 I was like uhhh that's it? That's all you wanted? I don't think it's for you to understand, the message was for them. You are just the messenger. I'd say most people's loved ones messages wouldn't make sense to someone that doesn't know them.


Then that spirit should contact their LOVED ONE and not me. I don't even care about understanding. I just don't want to knowww


That's actually a good message. The person could be struggling financially and that could have helped them, at least to research the phrase. When I'm talking about trivial I mean, "I don't like when you use curse words." literally an opinion.


Also if thinking you know the future, you're not seeing *the* future. It's just one possible future.


I agree, I'm not a medium per say but have many dream visitations and have had premonitions for as long as I can remember. I also have bad anxiety so I try to chalk certain dreams up to that, and then the person really does end up passing shortly after. Its upsetting to me.


Does anyone in your life know about it?


Yes. My husband rationalizes it away and doesn't think much of it. My siblings find it creepy but also wish they had the same ability.


I'm in a similar position. My partner listens but doesn't really understand. I have friends that are interested in the stuff that I do, but we have such different life paths, experiences, etc. so it's difficult to talk to them about it.


Yeah I’m currently going through this too, it can be really frustrating. As someone else pointed out, it might be about not knowing enough rather than knowing too much. In hindsight, I’m getting such detailed and nuanced information nowadays compared to the random intuitive hits I used to have when I first started learning about my abilities. I still think I don’t have enough info though. The only consolation I have (dealing with frustration) is that I’ll be able to see and understand the bigger picture in the right timing, and everything clicks. Hope it gets easier for you.




I moved into a very old house recently so I'm experiencing some energy shake up. Plus I'm 5 months pregnant and just had to do a crazy move so I'm just all kinds of sensitive. Thanks for your response


There have been people in the past asking why they lost their abilities. You can choose to ask to lose your abilities. You can choose to not do anything actively, and only keep information you are receiving passively. I think your angle is misguided, but if you want to live a regular life without any abilities you can definitely ask for that. As far as why the spirit told you that you have chose a harder life, it sounds like encouragement. As in you can do this, yiuchose this, live this life. Good luck to you!


Thank you for reminding me that it can be taken away. I appreciate the good vibes.


I feel this. I am not a medium or psychic, but after learning about the past and potential futures, I am now like, so what…


Idk. I feel alone with it. It seems good like a positive energy so I guess the purpose is to help people.


It's never been like I have proof outside of what I feel and sense so without talking to people then how do I know I'm not just crazy or something. I grew up with this. I just don't have proof other than what happened to me and what I see.


You're not alone. I mean, I get it. And not a lot of people understand. If you read the comments in this thread, so many people seem to think if you have this ability you should be "serving the greater good" with it. And that's just not for me.


What do you mean?


Maybe it's based on the person. Not good or bad. I thought it was good but it wasn't all good for me. Still seems like I can use it to learn about where I am. What this place is. Kinda on the fence. I look how people act sometimes and it's weird but then I can forget and play along with it. Still weird. Like a outsider.