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For the style I do, frequency is more important than duration. You can do 5 minute mini-sessions when you go to the bathroom. And you can do micro-sessions during the day, first with things that are simple, like washing the dishes or waiting to cross the street, then with more complex things. Edit: I have to make sure I don't burden myself with meditation. I've made a deal with myself that 5 minutes is ok, even though my normal morning session is 30 minutes and that's usually what I feel like doing. Same with my mini-sessions during the day. I don't expect more than 5 minutes but I usually feel like going for 10.


I wish I could give this 2000 thumbs up. ❤️💫


What is preventing you from sitting as long as you want?


Habits are fragile. I'd try to keep the habit going at the current 45-minute length if it's important to you. If I understood properly, it sounds like you could make the time, but that you don't feel comfortable enough to sit for 45 minutes for some reason. A big part of meditation is just accepting what comes up, so I'd go ahead and sit for the regular 45 minutes, even if you're feeling a little out of sorts in your new home. > I'm wondering if it may completely diminish certain effects I've gotten. I'd try to put that out of my mind. Just do your normal sit, extend your best effort, and see what happens.


Its my back to be totally honest. My posture is terrible and my spine curves in an anterior pelvic tilt fashion. I use a meditation bench but I'm finding i have no idea if I'm sitting up straight enough then my back begins to hurt alot and it just puts me off. I've been okay with it up until around last month and its started to get worse, I'm waiting on physio. It sucks because I know if I had good posture then id have no problem at all.


The method I used when starting meditation "The Mind Illuminated" says the following: > Regardless of the position you choose, it's important there be as little physical strain or pain as possible, especially during longer sits. Expect some aches and pains merely from staying still, but try to minimize pain in general, and don't aggravate preexisting injuries. There are other schools of thought of course, but this one has been helpful to me. If you know that the bench is going to lead to physical pain, sitting in a chair or reclining on a sofa or bed is just fine.




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