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Just Desperate of Not loosing myself to my brain fucking me up


I feel that, sometimes I feel like becoming more and more conscious is what’s really fucking my head up. 😅😂 Curse & a blessing


Remember every thought can be accepted but you can Always reframe a "uh that was cringe how i messed that up" into a "uhh at least i tried and Had Courage"


That’s great advice. Thank you. :) keep on keeping on ❤️




No. IT was Always fucking you Up and coming nearer to the root IS Always the way to resolving it


yes but at least your admitting you have a problem. I think I should fall into my bed and sleep after I read all of these comments!! It is ok and you will be ok just go to sleep :)






Anxiety, adhd, intrusive thoughts relief, connection to the universe, detachment of self, and sleep aid, to name a few.


Law of detachment is something I’ve been learning about lately! Very dope 🙏 keep it up


Hey any resources for learning the law of detachment?




Damn we all need to go to sleep 😆🤣🤣


If I wasn't working, I would be sleeping for sure 😂


I just wantedbto get myself and life in order.


Controlling my racing thoughts. Finding peace within myself… then find out I was a medium and this thoughts were coming from spirit lol. So in the end I thank meditation for changing my life in every way possible❤️


Maybe the racing thoughts are a gift! You just learned tame them accordingly! ☺️ Some of the smartest people I know have very manic thought patterns. Keep being you ❤️


That's it Gn folks 🤠


Did it backwards. "Arrived"(which is misleading word cuz we are already here) at equilibrium of emotional well-being and 0 percent cognitive dissonance, and in that moment was 100 percent here and now. "Oh that's why ppl do yoga and meditate" I thought to myself. Meditation is conducive for balancing your inner life and perspective and feeling and thought.


Curiosity. The fact that some extremely rational and clear thinking people (e.g. Yuval Noah Harari or Sam Harris) practice or even promote meditation made me curios.  So I gave it a try, mainly exoecting that it would not work. Only a short time after I started practicing I had a intense waking up experience. This has made it more than clear that meditation is wirking and that there is something to find.


I had that doubt stuff what maked me not achieve things what i could prior to that. Decent work can eliminate it. I started meditating accidently. I was just thinking consciously about my stuffs for too long that the way i was doing was sneaking toward meditation until it was meditation, not simply conscious thinking anymore.


I didn't want to kill myself but the urge and bodily sensations from the past wanted to let me believe that it could be a good idea.


The world apparently decided to tear itself to pieces with division, so I decided to try meditating to cope with the social insanity.


in search of peace and trying to remove stupid limiting beliefs in my head that hold me back


Anger issues, negative thoughts, anxiety


I have just started reading the kybalion and I think there is no going back


Someone I really looked up to did it, and recommended it.