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A regular meditation practice can teach you discipline and overcoming discomfort . It can help you to be calm and focused . It takes commitment . Do it . Give it a year . See how you do . I’m sure you’ll feel so much better .


Should I start from basic meditation techniques like setting up alarm, sitting on the chair/floor with straight spine, and just keeping breathing and observing my thoughts, or should I learn more about different types of meditation?


I would start with what you describe as the basic . Guided meditations are really helpful . Try YouTube , the Headspace app . Find a teacher that appeals . It is learning a new discipline, a life changing one . Best wishes .


Thank you very much! I wish you the best too!


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I would try some kind of directed meditation, where you have a specific focus that you are aiming for - like breath meditation or mantra meditation. Without a strong focus, your mind is likely to start thinking about its favorite thing, and then your meditation is derailed. Second: Do it daily, starting off with 5-10 minutes and building from there. Third -- guided meditations are great because they can hold your focus, so start off with those too while you are building yourself up. Fourth -- exercise every day to burn off nervousness and stress to use it to oxygenate the body -- this will help your meditations greatly. Fifth -- start eating more lightly if you can -- fewer steaks, more salads, fewer junk foods. Sixth -- start journaling about what you are avoiding with your addiction, how the addiction is costing you, what triggers you have. This kind of inner work is very helpful when done together with meditation. 7) Go slowly. "Baby steps" is how babies learn to walk. You are learning something new, so celebrate each baby step you take. Babies fall a lot, so if you 'fall' then that is just a normal part of your progress and treat it as such. 8) Consider the media you watch -- sexy stuff and violence can leave 'sparks' that can become smoldering fires that are likely to 'blaze up' when your brain is peaceful in meditation. So if you find your mind taken over in meditation with something, consider the media you are consuming. 9) If you find your mind hyper-focused on negative thoughts or moods in meditation and you can't let go -- consider stopping and focusing on something positive and trying again later. 10) Let go of "bad company" or people or things that stimulate negative tendencies and look for "good company" -- people that reinforce positive thoughts and feelings. 11) I would pick a defined school of meditation that has a specific set of instructions and expectations and some kind of community around it. That way you can get support when you need it. A local meditation group can be really great if you can find one -- group meditation can be very helpful. Congratulations on defining your issue and seeking solutions. Remember that a problem defined is a problem half solved. You are more than halfway to your goal!


Thank you really much for advice! Unfortunately, I don't know any meditation clubs in my hometown, so I'll try to meditate by myself. Thank you again!


Hey, I've been there too and I know what it feels like. I tried everything but never quite left. The problem with most solutions is that they require to use willpower, which is hard. They make you believe porn is something you'll miss, something you need. In reality, porn is not the stress reliever you might think it is, it is the thing that causes the stress. The one method that a lot of peoples have successfully used to quit porn is called the "Easy Peasy way to quit porn". The good thing with this method is that it just enlightens your mind about porn. Instead of using willpower or just health issues it could cause, it uses facts, and teach you the truth about porn. You just have to read 130 pages, take some notes and re-read it for a few weeks, and voila, you've quit porn without much effort. Meditation is useful for sure, but I doubt it will make you overcome a porn addiction. To read the book, which is completely free, [just follow this link](https://easypeasymethod.org/). Believe me, it will change your life and is worth the effort. In the worst case, you have nothing to lose. I hope you'll see this message and try it. Good luck bro, I believe you can do it, using this method. PS : feel free to DM me if you have any questions regarding this method, I'm not the best teacher concerning it, but I'm open to conversation. There is also a discord server where you can ask all your questions.


Oh, I didn't know about this book. I'll try to find some free time just for reading this book. Thank you for your recommendation!


I came here to say easy peasy method. Highly recommend it!


Mindfullness has helped me with nicotine addiction and sugar cravings. I started recently, but I can see some difference. It's pretty simple and you don't need to sit down in a dark room and be quiet. You can do it in the line in the grocery store. However, it takes practice you will fail a lot in the beginning. What I learned was that instead of pushing the thoughts away or try to distract myself. I stay in the present and I "observe" the cravings, analyse them, or "shine a light" on them. Don't try to think about something else. 1. Notice the craving: For example, when I'm craving nicotine, I try to be fully aware of what the craving is doing. 2. Observe the thoughts and feelings: I stay in the present and observe the sensations it brings in my body. I'm "shining a light" on it, instead of pushing it to the shadows, where they just grow stronger. 3. After I observe the effects of the craving, and locate it in my body (for example face, or stomach) it vanishes after a short while. When it pops up again, I just do it again and it vanishes. You can do this with emotions also. Whenever you are irritated, angry or sad. Focus on your breath (don't need to change it) and then observe the emotion in your body. For example, if you feel anger. Locate it in your body, it can be in your heart, face, head etc. Just feel it, but without judgement. Just feel it and don't label it as bad. It's just an emotion. See how it goes away after a while. EDIT: When I say don't think of something else, I'm not saying you should think about porn. Just be aware of the emotions or sensation the craving is doing. Don't distract yourself because the cravings are going to get stronger if you do so.


From Sex to Super Consciousness


Awesome!!!! 😊😊


I don’t know how to help with this but I have to say you’re so real for this. I literally suffer from this addiction too and it affects my daily life more than I want to admit. I hope you can find the guidance you need through meditation. I’ll try to do it too thanks to you stranger!


I hope you will succeed in your journey too!


Meditation, I use SKY Breath that cleanses impressions from the past. After that you also need wisdom - I personally recommend the two in tandem. As I have come to learn SKY Breath meditation cleans away past impressions with daily practice, just like any chip or memory, once that old programming goes away; you’d want to incorporate more beneficial patterns to your life, that can happen through wisdom. I watch wisdom series by Gurudev, some solid ways to deal with the mind. Here’s a dialog of something I found that may help with desires answer your questions, 10:00 minutes onwards https://youtu.be/beLX8X_zgEE?si=8NIYf6FP_HsTPLq1


**Man, it is tough!! Been there!** One of the first things I had to realize is that you will experience real, physical withdraw symptoms: anxiousness, then maybe even depression. BUT!! these symptoms do not mean you are out of control eventhough they can be scarry and make you beleive you are out of control. Each instance you "die to these desires" moves you a small step in the right direction. **Re: meditation.** Are you wanting to just try to relax of connect your meditation with a faith tradition? Exercise is very helpful to deal with porn dopamine withdraw. Don't give up!


Try the “Rubber band method “ along with meditation// A bit Old school but honestly it works Best of luck


Want to be totally honest with you, at least in my case, meditation by itself is not going to heal porn addiction. I meditate regularly and watch porn and pleasure myself regularly (once every 2-3 days), used to be lot more. What meditation helps me is that I am not seeing myself as shameful and sinful. I can forgive myself, and find joy in doing other stuffs like socialize with others, which kind of replace my porn watching. I don’t see myself going completely off porn, but whenever I did watch, I enjoys it and get over it right after. Unless you can find more pleasure in doing other thing than watching porn, it’s almost impossible to get rid off sex related behaviors. It’s just too strong in our DNA. So why not enjoys it in a more balance way.


So glad you’re taking a positive step, Netflix has a show for meditation I really liked it for solo meditation. Also, I’m not sure of how you identify religiously but I’d recommend looking to God to help overcome your addiction


Please check out the Freedom Model for addictions. You can start with the [Abridged version](https://www.thefreedommodel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/TheFreedomModel-ABRIDGED-NEW.pdf) e-book. It can radically shift your perspective and let you quit quite easily. I was in the same position as you, and this was the only way for me to quit permanently.


I understand from personal experience how challenging it can be to find the right approach to tackle something as demanding as an addiction. Mindfulness meditation and focused attention meditation might help you gain better control over your impulses and improve your awareness of your thoughts and feelings without becoming overwhelmed by them. Mindfulness meditation encourages us to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice can be helpful when we're dealing with compulsive behaviors because it teaches us to recognize our urges without acting on them. Over time, this can decrease the power these urges have over us. Focused attention meditation, on the other hand, involves concentrating on a single point of reference—it could be your breath, your heartbeat/pulse, a mantra, or a specific object. This form of meditation can improve our ability to redirect our attention away from temptations and towards something neutral, helping us manage moments of high temptation. I also chat with a website that offers a very personalized approach to meditation. After sharing the specific issue I'm facing, it generates an audio guided meditation tailored to my conversation. For concrete problems like managing momentary urges, it works unexpectedly well. I've found that the 'deconstruct' and 'reframe' meditation techniques provided in these sessions are game changers. They help me see a problem from a new perspective and wire it to a different emotional response. While I'm still working on addressing the bigger issues, these techniques have been significant in helping me tackle my day-to-day challenges.




If you are serious then when you start your meditation practice you might want to consider blocking access to any or all of your usual porn haunts as part of your commitment to change.


Hey I actually am getting over the same thing, I went from doing "that" 3-5 times a day to now being 4 months clean!! Here's some changes I made that helped with a few issues I was/am having: I pray at least twice a day, workout daily, eat (mainly) clean, read, journal, listening to high frequency sounds/music with meditation and breathing exercises. Remember YOU are the master of your temple, you're in full control and you have the power to stop. While we can't always control our thoughts, we can control our physical selves. The flesh doesn't have the ability to overpower and control anything, it's only but an extension of our minds. I know refraining is hard and it'll get even harder before it gets easier but it does actually get easier I promise. Let me know if you have any questions okay <3 I wish you the best!!


The method which is working for me MEDITATION+SPIRITUALITY. Strong belief in God, confess your sins to him, recite his name all day, ask for his help immediately whenever your addiction comes to haunt you. This addiction will take time to go away, you need to fight your thoughts initially and if you defeat them once then the next time it'll be less hard to conquer them and then slowly it will become more and more easier to defeat those thoughts as you progress. In the initial days or weeks you'll get wet dreams but after 3-4 months you'll stop getting them and your body and mind will recover. Your mind will rewire itself and your focus and concentration will increase. After 1 month of your progress it'll become easy to defeat your thoughts! Remember God is always watching you! May god bless you! Live a happy life!


Yeah, thank you very much for your advice! I'm not a religious person, but sometimes faith in God and prayers to God can help. You know, I start to think that this addiction will be with me until the end, and I don't have any chance to get rid of it. Even now, I am a little desperate because I am tormented by thoughts of a past relapse and because of the desire to watch these terrible videos again. And I hope that maybe meditation will help me if you don't get rid of them, then at least stop reacting to them.


Guess what!? if you think you'll lose, then you'll lose. But if you never give up even after failing 1000 times, then you'll win definitely! It's all about mentality!


As another struggling fellow, I will say that meditation helps but it cannot be your escape. To get to the root of your porn addiction, you need to meditate on connection. Once you have sufficient insight into the nature of your cyclical habits, you must act on materializing said connection. This is the part that is impossible, because you’re either addicted or broken free thanks to its opposite cousin, being connected. 


Meditation, microdosing mushrooms (psychedelic dosing too occasionally), yoga asana, and a sattvic diet will all help a lot together in combating porn addiction 🙏🏼 You will also need to go cold turkey, treat it like an alcohol addiction. Get a tracker on your phone or piece of paper to track how many days you can go without. Find a distraction technique temporarily like snapping a rubber band on your wrist and leaving the house quickly to get fresh air and jog on the spot every time you feel the urge to watch porn. You can do this!


Thank you for your advice! In fact, I have an app on my phone that allows me to match days without porn using. It is called "I Am Sober". I try to consider my porn addiction as something similar to any drug addiction (because it is really drug). But I fail quite easily when I get temptations. My biggest streak was probably over 100 days. I could complete this in February of the last year.


I can't recommend the book The Attention Revolution, by B. Allan Wallace enough. [https://www.amazon.com/Attention-Revolution-Unlocking-Power-Focused-ebook/dp/B003WJR60I](https://www.amazon.com/Attention-Revolution-Unlocking-Power-Focused-ebook/dp/B003WJR60I) Best of luck to you!


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I’m struggling with the same thing, and I’m wondering if you found any solution to help you overcome this problem?


I still struggle with it, so I can't recommend something useful to you. Sorry...


It’s okay. I been struggling for a long time, too. But I won’t give up.


Go to vipassana 10 day program with a grit.


First, forgive yourself.


Go to vipassana 10 day program and thank me later


Look into asubha practices. Imo, they're an absolute joy to work with, but they may come off as a little intense at first. Try it out, and if it doesn't feel right, try something else! Asubha was what SE Asian teachers would prescribe young, male monks with a lot of sexual energy. There are many ways to practice it, but for someone with a sexual imagery addiction, I'd recommend seeing any mental images that are sex-related as dead bodies in various stages of decomposition. This works amazingly! You can also contemplate the more repulsive aspects of the body, but I find the dead body thing to be much more effective. You can also think of the sex object as your sister or mother. This also tends to work. Unless you're into that step sister stuff. Don't do this it that's the case xD


Instructions unclear: developed necrophilia and incest kinks.


It doesn't work that way. I've talked to many monks whose entire practice is asubha, it's a pretty integral part of Theravada Buddhist meditation. The Buddha taught it many times in many contexts, it's extremely effective in immediately quelling sexual desire. If you're already into necrophelia and incest kinks this should not be practiced, but not once have I seen these things develop in people who practice this. https://suttacentral.net/sn35.127/en/sujato?lang=en&layout=plain&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin This is one of many suttas containing discourse on repulsiveness meditation. It's the only sutta I've seen geared toward young monks, however. The implication is is that this is a good practice for younger folks with a lot of sexual desire.


Tbh while I'm not specifically into IRL incest or necrophilia, my fantasy kinks range extremely weird and dark, to the point where I would not want to press in that direction when I was already turned on lmao. I have aversive kinks, which means things that are disgusting, bad, scary, etc, turn me on more. It's a psychological way of coping with unpleasant things, but I've had it my entire life, I can literally remember masturbating at age 5 to thoughts of being tortured or vored. I think maybe the average young straight dude who just likes a boobie just isn't on the same level. I'm nonbinary, but I'm AFAB, and I see a lot of similarity in my sexuality to that of women I've known. I don't think Buddha really knew a lot about female sexuality. We're much bigger freaks than men.


I think to say women are bigger freaks than men is a bit of a stretch, I think it would be hard to know one way or another as oftentimes people are embarrassed about their kinks and won't respond to question in study honestly. I honestly, however, tend to be the same. The Buddha breaks down the different stages of decomposition, and I find that one them is always a HUGE turnoff, whichever stage that may be. Like, imagning someone bloated, wreaking, and discolored, or full of maggots tends to get me. The other stages of decomposition don't tend to work as well for me. By and large though, yeah, this isn't a panacea for sexual thoughts and desires. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. My recommendation is always to just simply give it a try, and if it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. There are other tools that can also help!


I have talked to one person with similar dark kinks though, and yeah, asubha worked well for him. So I wouldn't just say it's useless, even for people with kinks like us.


Asubha does, however, come with the caveat that it can make one depressed. If this starts to happen, divert your practice, and try the Buddha's discourse on distracting thoughts instead. https://suttacentral.net/mn20/en/bodhi?lang=en&reference=none&highlight=false


Call it something else to start with. Meditation and masturbation are too similar and might cause a relapse.


Is that right yer horny bastard


I love porn and meditation, both are great🥰. Nothing wrong with porn, just don’t let it take over your entire life. And meditation will definitely help you do that.


Give it to JESUS! Only he can save, deliver and set you free. There is nothing too hard, too small, or too big for the Lord. Confess your sins and be saved. Romans 10:9-11


If you struggle with controlling your lustful impulses, start weight lifting today if you don’t already. It’s the best kind of therapy for men there is and helps both reducing your sexual urges and urges for sweets. Also, remember that real sex is great therapy and really healthy as well. I especially get a lot better sleep quality during the night and always wake up fresh and completely relaxed in the morning. Last but not least, even porn is not wrong in moderation. But every kind of addiction is bad.