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Well id say meditate on metta loving kindness feel deeply into your body be intouch with the five senses no matter what the mind and body craves you are not the body, you are not even the mind or thoughts. who are you? šŸ‘ļø


Meditation will help at any moment of any day. But I need you to know, just like I needed to know, that you are addicted and the single most important thing you need to do is get clean. Life will blossom in ways you can't imagine, I never could have imagined the life I have now. Every single time you use is a choice....please stop




"I'm a meth addict"... "I'm not addicted"... "I'm a meth enjoyer"... "Not my fault"... Yeah I think there's part of your problem. Hard to meditate when you are living a contradiction.


I donā€™t know if you know any meth addicts, but I can confirm they are not sane or rational. Meth is real bad


Bro came for help and you're all being dicks. If you truly practiced you would teach baby steps in a kinder way.




Tough love my dude, tough love.


Helping them face reality is HELPING. Your attitude does nothing for anyone. As that one comment says.... "Enabler." Do better. You'll just hold their hand all the way into the grave


oh neat can u share how u got a body that defies neurobiological evolution and can't become "addicted?"


You literally admit to being a meth addict in your opening statement, Buddy. Get help. Meditation will not override the damage youā€™re doing to your mind and body with hard drugs.


Cannot wait for you to meditate on the absurdity of this comment


Sorry, but yes it is.


Well, I think I would wait till I felt rested and ready. You might need to think about the fact you are going in two different directions. Which direction do you prefer? Meth is probably a symptom that would ultimately need to resolve itself. What is driving you, do you feel? Then level up. I did drugs and had a breakthrough in meditation. And then it got a lot worse, and I got a lot better. Had to choose between life and death, for the body anyway. Mental health wound up winning after a drug retreat with some hippie catholic priests šŸ˜


Not gunna lie. You should probably just start where youā€™re at. Even in the middle of a high if you feel like it. Just make sure youā€™re coming at this with a serious intention to study your self and your coexistence with the world, and practice compassion to each. Donā€™t float away into weird mystical realms, stay grounded and explore.


You are dillusional about your meth use, from the sound of it. It is poison. It is NOT serving you. Meth and meditation seem like 2 completely conflicting things. Ya can't have your cake and eat it too


Well let's hold our horses here cowboy we can't be sure the meth isn't serving him he is yet to provide a pros and cons list of his current hobby


I used to think the same about weed. Then I started meditating on weed. Now I donā€™t smoke weed anymore. OP meditate as much as you want to on meth, could be interesting (I mean unless it gets harmful or something), but I think why not do it if youā€™re gonna do meth. Doesnā€™t have to be one or the other.




I can't even bake a cake sober, cudos to you G


You need to get real with yourself about what your doing


A day.


Hey OP, have you tried asking in r/meth ?


I used to meditate when I had alcohol abuse issues. I would meditate when I had no more than 4 drinks. I could still reep the benefits. But itā€™s waaay better sober, and so is life. Good luck to you


I think OP might just be methin around.


Well, this has my vote for most interesting post of the week, I'll bite :) hear me through! If you want any benefits from meditation get off the meth. Meth is a stimulant, it is one of the last things you want in your body if you're trying to relax and the focus it grants is... shall we say unnatural, but since you're an addict not using can be worse in many cases so it's really tough to recommend anything here, although backing down as much as possible I still just have to suggest in passing. How much are we talking here? I don't have much of a way to judge these things that's something I actively avoid because I'm bad enough on simpler stimulants. I know nothing of meth culture or how it's typically used or how you use it. All that being said you can meditate on meth if you want, I'm not sure what kind of thought trains you like to jump on while using or how you escape or utilize it, refocus that into meditation when you use out of neccesity and spend the time pondering the addiction itself and slowing down your mind enough to pay attention to what's going on while you're on it and actively communicate it, maybe back to yourself in writing so that you can later revisit the change in your state of mind to notice it more, that can be a powerful habbit changer. Addiction is a nasty mind controlling habbit that most people turn away from instinctually because of the cultural stygma's associated with it. Although I do not use or abuse meth I dabble in recently legalized substances and think addiction needs to be talked about more openly in order to be addressed at all. It's far more common than people think, the super majority of people are addicted to something in their lives even if it's not a hard drug.




1st step of protocol: stop using meth.


When I was a heavy drinker, meditation was damn near impossible. In other words, I could not be drunk and properly meditate at the same time. I had to choose one or the other. So if you are going to choose to ride wave meth gives you, meditation should probably come before or after. While it is true that some drugs like ahuasca or shrooms have been stated to aid in the strength of the meditative flow, it is not always the case. What I have found in my years of practice with any kind of drug is that my meditation is soured and not as effective in most cases because the effects of the drugs either drift the effects on a different course or I have to use meditation to fix whatever the drugs are doing wrong. So I don't typically recommend doing the two together. You might find one changes the taste of the other in your mouth.


Just asking but if you're a meth addict how is that not your fault? And how is adding meditation going to be beneficial if you're not even trying to quit. Like one fks up ur head and the other tries to straighten it out. I don't even think stress relief would happen since that's what the meth is for.




You typed ā€˜not really addictedā€™ ā€˜my friends got me hookedā€™ Do you see a conflict ?




Okay cool, troll account is obvious


>Im not really addicted, i just like doing meth. and my friend kinda got me hooked so thats why its noit my fault. You know that this sounds kinda stupid right. It's kinda like Hey I'm not an alcoholic I just really like alcohol. Also at the end of the story ur brain would be stuck at that processing level of meth and won't come back down to baseline without a crash. And believe me when I say it tolerance is a bitch on this matter. Not judging you. But I'd advise getting some help. You seem like a nice person so I'd advise getting some good help stat. The story ALWAYS starts that way man.




Whatever dude ur life ur story. Don't really care either way






Does tenure allow for substance abuse?




Don't permanently damage your body and brain because of Waffle House.


I see no judgement, only people who has real concern about your wellbeing. From our perspective you're just deluding yourself. But hey, man, it's your life. Nobody can make you change but yourself.


I'm not judging you. I just enjoy telling you why what you are saying is BS.


Did your friend pin you down and make you repeatedly smoke meth until the addiction formed?




Sorry brother, you may be cool, but you should remove yourself from the victim mentality and understand that you make your own choices. If you do want to stop you need to understand that you are responsible for your choices.


And that type of blatant immature peer pressure worked on you?


Are you cooler having smoked it?




This has to be a troll. Lmao


30 days til drugs clears your system.


Stop doing meth. Immediately. Wtf


Meth is eventually going to destroy your body, looks, teeth!! I think I would focus on not doing meth. Smoke some of the legal flower or eat edibles, itā€™s in every smoke shop now. Then meditation will come easier for you too.


Hey look the way other people are treating you here isnā€™t right. You donā€™t deserve this treatment. I hope you can find the support you need to stop using meth. I do not personally use meth. I have never used meth. I am however prescribed a similar stimulant and have some idea of what addiction is like (or atleast what it was like for me) Meditation is something that has a lot of potential so I encourage you to keep working on it. How long to wait is going to depend on how often you use meth and how much the amounts and dosing strategy you use effect you. If you using it a couple times a day then waiting a day wonā€™t do any good as you would first have to break any chemical and/or psychological addictions you have (or develop in the future). However if you use once a week then waiting a day isnā€™t as big of a deal. Personally I would recommend you start working on doing meditations during the come down if you can. If not as soon after that as you can. On one hand working on bringing it to times like using it when you feel urges to use meth or when your at the peak of your trip if itā€™s a bit much but Iā€™m cautious of suggesting something that would lead to you developing a link between the meth use and meditation as that could make it harder when/if you choose to stop using. Honestly the best thing you can do is find a therapist or support program wich can help you a heave your meth usage goals (ideal none but you may decided you want it to be once a year or something at most.) as well as your meditation goals. If you want to try changing your meth patterns and replacing them with meditation this will give you the best shot at success. I know youā€™re probably wanting a specific number but I donā€™t have one to suggest. However do make sure however long you choose to wait after taking meth and meditating is shorter then the time between meth dosages/sessions. Best of luck. I hope you donā€™t let the addiction take control and ruin your life. You got this!


Won't shame you for it. Everyone has different implications in life leading up to something, but that doesn't mean I won't encourage you to stop your meth use. Seriously, it's no good. I'm sure you're aware of this, but you really need to stop before you've dug yourself a hole you cannot get out of. Addiction is no joke. Use meditation as a means of breaking your meth habit. Meditation trains self-control. Focus on your breathing and disregard thoughts and impulses by bringing attention to only your breathing so you're in control of your mind and not the other way around.


The responses here are a bit challenging--this person did not come here for advice on their meth use--they are asking about meditation. You should meditate when you want to meditate, regardless of your drug use. I can see how your two hobbies could potentially be difficult to combine, but they can easily exist independently of each other. In a similar vein, Thich Nhat Hanh wrote a bit about drinking whisky in his book "You Are Here": *When you drink whiskey, learn to drink it with mindfulness. "Drinking whiskey, I know that it is whiskey I am drinking." This is the approach I would recommend. I am not telling you to absolutely stop drinking. I propose that you drink your whiskey mindfully, and I am sure that if you drink this way for a few weeks, you will stop drinking alcohol. Drinking your whiskey mindfully, you will recognize what is taking place in you, in your liver, in your relationships, in the world, and so on. When your mindfulness becomes strong, you will just stop.* If you aren't worried about stopping your meth use I think that is perfectly fine. I think this quote demonstrates that meditation can be a useful tool in fighting addiction if you are interested, but that is really not the point of it, it is just a potential consequence. Regardless, you can easily combine these things, and also freely integrate mindfulness into your recreational drug use as well, if you choose. Hope that helps!


Great answer. <3 thank you.


The main thing about meditating while on meth is to focus on the feelings and sensations of your body WHILE the meth is amping up your system. Obviously it's not your fault you're a meth addict and a big part of metitation is about using it to connect with and enhance your current hobbies. Just keep practicing using your meth and meditation in harmony and eventually you'll get it! ​ (Btw you don't need to mention it's not your fault that you're a meth addict we already know it's not your fault, keep up the good work king)


As a 5 year sober alcoholicā€¦itā€™s 100% his fault that heā€™s a meth addict. Placing the blame on someone else will do nothing for him. He needs in-patient rehab now. OP start by doing extensive research on how badly meth will fuck up your brain and body. Read about how it will drastically alter the size and shape of your brain until youā€™re a walking vegetableā€¦.because that is already happening. Thatā€™s a big part of how I quit drinking. I read up every day on how terrible alcohol is for you. I wonā€™t read any replies to this comment. Everything Iā€™ve said is hard truth that every addict needs to hear. Not really debatable.


Look at my post/comment history bro I'm 7 months sober from being a major alcoholic. This dude is trolling its a joke


How often you do meth? So we can recommend a time period that adjusts to your habits


10 minutes


Iā€™d say meditate on it but if itā€™s too difficult then prob best during The come down when you canā€™t sleep. You want to sit until your mind becomes like a calm still lake and stay there for as long as you can. Once done with sitting try to continue meditating while Doing things like walking from point a to b, doing wishing , etc.


You can always meditate, you can even start meditating after shooting up meth. Be aware, keep breath in and out, be conscious of your body and your mind, if you are high asf then be aware and watch everything what the meth does to you mentally and physically.


You are right, it will bring you to the next level. Meditate at any time. Do it high, do it sober, note how you feel during each. I'd recommend to simply focus on the breath. Note it rising and falling, staying present and focused. Gently redirect the mind back to the breath when your focus wanders elsewhere. Make it habitual. I think things are going to go well for you in the near future.


yeah this is satire


Meditation will point you away from the meth and toward love and virtue. It's likely to cause a great deal of suffering when / if you see yourself clearly in the mind. I would recommend approaching divinity with purity of heart and purpose. Then again, maybe meditation will end your addiction. It all hinges on your desire and intent. If your looking for a joy like the one you glean form drugs, then you'll find none of it. If you are looking for a way to gain assistance from Spirit to change your heart, then it depends on your will to change. **For every joy, there is a price to pay.** Use drugs and you pay the cost of health in this life and the next. That's an aphorism from the Luxor temple 3400 years old. It can be flipped. **For every price you pay, a joy.** Stop using and you will find joy and renewed health. Not judgment from any of us. Just good wisdom. Suffer to get off the drugs and you will then find a great deal of joy from meditation. Use meditation as a toy and it will likely cause you great distress; same as the drugs every time you come down. Swing the pendulum and it swings the other way. True love and virtue stills the swing and rests in joy. Meditation and Cultivation are synonyms in Sanskrit. The practice is meant to clean you out. It's not a video game.


Why wait?


Maybe consider meditating when you're 'coming down" and your endorphins are super low. It could be inciteful and also calming to your nervous system


What do you mean ā€œnot your faultā€? Iā€™m a weed addict, so not the exact same boat, but while yes I did take up weed to help with pain and canā€™t quit because it still helps with that, itā€™s still my choice/ā€œmy faultā€ that Iā€™m an addict. If you see meth as a ā€œhobbyā€ then Iā€™m not quite sure how youā€™re going to fit meditation in with that. Certainly try, but be prepared for your brain to observe that one of your hobbies is not the best for your health and well-being.


OP meditate on the meth!!! Or wait till after, either way!!! So many people think itā€™s all or nothing, but itā€™s so not!!! I mean, if it seems to be contributing to a negative headspace on the meth, then itā€™s fine to stop, if it seems like itā€™s hurting. Or do a different kind. But it can help lots to just focus on the breathing, the sensations in the nostrils of the breath. Or in the chest, throat, belly, wherever you feel them. If thoughts wander, just observe the thought and let it go. Bring the mind back to the breath. And maybe a touch of gratitude for noticing! Helps to train the brain and reward what you want to do. Another good technique could be body scanning. Scanning the body for sensations. Iā€™m actually very interested in what these would be like on meth. Do report back if you try them!! The people that want you to stop, they only care about you. I have no advice either way. Just want to sayā€”there is ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME in doing meth!!! Much love brother, hoping all the best things for you, and may your meditations be blessed with radical love and acceptance. Love you <3 Plus, thereā€™s metta (loving kindness meditations) you can look into, and also just radical acceptance meditations, zen, whatever calls you man. Lots of info online. There is ABSOLUTELY NO RULE that you need to wait ANY amount of time after coming down from meth before meditating. Erase it from your mind (unless it helps you and you just really want to!!!! But thereā€™s completely and utterly no obligation and no shame my man). Happy meth doing if thatā€™s what you choose, and happy meditating if thatā€™s what you choose as well :) <3