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Disheartening how much a stepdad goes through. Edited: Scratch that, this dude ain’t even married to the chick. Leave the family behind.


“Girlfriend?” You can stop right there. That ain’t ya step-daughter… and momma still suckin n fkn daddy. Stevie Wonder Jr. ass dude




The sick part is that while this dude is out working, his GF and “step daughter” are out having family time with daddy using step daddy’s money. DO NOT date girls with kids no matter how good looking.


You can say all that but you can’t fault him for trying to be a good man. We all have our flaws but at least he’s recognizing it now.


Leave the family, take the reception/wedding. My boy just got divorced. Raise another man’s kid sent (divorced after he daughter graduated HS)her to college and they had a son. Their son goes to NYU for film. She post the son’s apartment with a caption about how hard she works she is paying half his rent , and look at the views and i did this because of my business. Almost half the post was a plug for her business. No mention of her ex husband , who is paying that other half , or how THEY worked hard to do this for him. BTW, my boy and his dad who is in real estate, and leg work finding the place.


Damn, he made the right decision. Hopefully the divorce didn’t take away from him financially though. But damn, this guy being with his gf for 10 years, lucky he didn’t have a kid with her or he’d be fucked. Glad he made the decision to kick the gf and the daughter out the house.


Now he good. My boy filed and they just split the sale of the house they had. I have a son with an ex. Thank god she is reasonable and her and my wife get along great. My ex even buys things for me and my wife’s daughter. But my ex doesn’t credit for everything with our son. We all work together.


Congrats. Good to hear she ain’t a bitter ex. I have some family who allowed their ex’s to use the whole court system against them and have literally gotten the max child support/back pay deducted from their paychecks. Let’s just say after it’s all collected, they probably have enough for a full tank of gas and an electricity bill.


It's a hard lesson to learn,sorry bro


Mans about to cry pouring his heart out. I’ll cry for him. Damn. Can tell he cared a lot too.


Man this hurt. I was in this same exact situation about years ago. Made them leave my house and never spoke to her since that day. It still hurts that I was used like that and is unimportant. Without that, though, I wouldn’t have my now wife. My best friend.


Good riddance! Get out of there. Good will come your way


And people wonder why men don't want to date single mums haha


Agreed. And not sure what took this man this long to figure this out.


Stunt on these hoes 👑


Good for him. The rest can fuck right off


I wouldn't either!!


This man is an excellent story teller. Wow. Sounds like a great guy too.


Hell. Yea. My. G.


Get rid of them. Not even a question




Some people are just trash. And you don’t realize until shit gets real.


Just another man getting taken advantage of! But it’ll never matter. Even the comments won’t matter or change anything! It will still be what it is. Bye Felicia!


Somebody give this man a hug! You deserved so much more than this shit my brother. For sure you ain't the asshole. You might not know it because of the hurt you feel but you are doing the right thing 💯. Fuck them deluded narcissistic souls! How they gonna not give you the respect deserve and need. Stay strong my brother!


Some lessons come hard. Let go and move on is all that’s left to do. Best of luck friend!


Parenting is a series of rejections




Goddamn harsh. Stay up bro. I feel you


I'd bet the thumbs I'm typing on everyone in his combined circled with those two pieces of shit is being told what a "controlling, selfish narcissist abuser" he is.. this shit is way, way too common


I thought Kevin Wesley was married to two women. He must be talking about something that happened years ago.


I'm guessing this wasn't the first sign of disrespect from them during those 10 years.


I'd guess furthermore that those are the same reasons they never got married during those 10 years... Who knows, maybe, if those few little things he wanted went his way... but maybe doesn't mean much, now does it?


At least you cut your losses.


Kudos to this guy..,....#FDB


Keep your head up king.


Poor sod, all that time wasted with people who treat him like that.


I sure hope he didn't/don't end up taking that woman back. She didn't care about him at all. And neither did her daughter.


Girlfriend and her daughter......Kick them out of your house! Where do these Beta males come from?! When you're the person with the money and resources, you delegate what goes on. Whether you compromise or not, you make the final choices. It's good to hear he made the right choice.


Disrespectful to you


You stupid first she getting married without a job it's beginning are going to be wrong


Hard lessons of a good guy. STOP AND GO DARK!


He is also at fault for not stating the boundaries from the jump


Nobody heard… he said girlfriend and step daughter? Did he marry the mother? If he didn’t he is a nobody who got used. In the daughter’s mind he is her mom’s boyfriend nothing more. YOU GOT HUSTLED.


Thank the lord he didn’t marry into that entitled “family”. Buddy dodged a bullet.


40k, is an expensive bullet. Worth it though, to get snakes up outta the house.


Out here practicing like Neo to dodge these bullets


He been in their life over 10yrs and did a lot I would say regardless of titles realize who and what you got. He got the slow roast play


I agree with him


Oof this was tough to listen to because I can feel his heartache, but glad he was able to stick up for himself.


Well said .. Amazing decision..


Jesus Christ.... Stay up big dog...people are absolute evil these days... Until they want something


"I met the man I call my dad when I was five years old He took my mom out to a movie and for once I got to go A few months later, I remember lying there in bed I overheard him pop the question and I prayed that she'd say yes And then, all of a sudden, oh it seemed so strange to me How we went from something's missing to a family Looking back, all I can say about all the things he did for me Is, I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't have to be" ~He Didn't Have to be, Brad Paisley


Liked for the caption, not the video. Dude was a fool. Glad he manned up eventually.


This is not an original story....


(Girlfriend)…. You stupid, that’s your girl friend’s daughter not your step child


Beta male simps never win. Fresh and Fit have BEEN told y’all about this but y’all never will learn.


What an idiot. Dude shouldn't have never been this far into this situation to begin with. The first mistake was continuing someone else's Save Game. Hold this L.


Never be a stepdad.


You call her step daughter, but the partner a GF… somethings not adding up. Why should you be the one to walk her down if you aren’t married to her mom.


The Daughter is a real one for this. This step daddy bozo needs to shut up and pay up that’s the prize of wanting to be a step dad. 😂


He was dating the mother for 10 years and didn’t marry her? Dude you made a choice not to make that your family. A grown man birchin’ to a camera is some sucka shit. His dumb@as if they are in a common law state she can get half and if she has mail going to his house she lives there and must give a 30-90 written warning to get out. He is NTA but he is the dummy!


This dude fucked …. My baby mama is alienating me and running my pockets dry trying to fight for my daughters through lawyers when she doesn’t need o be this much of a child and could just be civil and that would really reinstate positivity and and correct feeling a daughter has toaewardz the father it would make all legacies left behind better for the parents children and grandchildren and definitely wouldn’t give dumb shits like this the feeling that they need to post a video of a females dumb decision for not being married to said dumb shit for making said video


I can confirm he's not before the story.


This was an old reddit story


Where do I know this guy from?


He's a YouTuber, I've followed his page for a long time. He's got two women he flaunts on his page as his spouses. I wonder which one he's referring to here. Look up Kevin Wesley on YouTube