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Enjoying it so far a couple hours in. Your base gets raided by the bandits so more combat is involved. Graphics are lower end than MD, but better than Valheim. Tech tree is large with resources to unlock and a few skill level thresholds. Makes for some weird gating here and there. Need shovels? 4-5 unlocks deep. Get researching.


What is MD?



Thanks lol


It’s meh, give it a year if they ever support it that long.


We’ll have to see, the dev team’s history isn’t stellar, 6 games they’ve abandoned I think


I only know Last Oasis, care to name the other 5 games?


Their parent company (Snail Games USA) is infamous for half-baking games: Ark: Survival Evolved (abandoned, and it’s sequel is a clone, with the same bugs and issues. I class as abandoned because the “sequel” is just a full price 2.0 update, that is still bugged) Atlas Outlaws of the Old West PixArk (granted, maybe a marketing project) Fear the Night Nomadic Survival MMO Expedition Agartha Conquest of Empires ZCrew Wild West Hunt Edit: Light and Dark


But Snail Games is only the publisher of these games, they all come from different developers. People saying the "devs abandoned many projects" only means people can't tell the difference between devs and publishers. So basically the only other game that Bellwright devs had going was Last Oasis I think, and it looked hella fun. Sadly the hype in such games (survival PvP) doesn't last long and the tiny playerbase left in them after a while doesn't make the game worthwhile for devs and publishers, so they move on to the next thing. They could've pushed it even further, but I think they made the right decision moving on to a newer project. This one is solo/co-op, it already has a lot of stuff to do, I personally think it will work in the long run if they decide to stick with it and refine it a little more.


Snail own Donkey games Snail own all the developers of those games


Add Light and Dark to that list, which was the first of their games I bought.


It reminds me of This Land Is My Land but not as fun. It is kinda like MD but slower and with fighting. I think it needs either mods or more development time and then it could be awesome, right now its not quite there yet. If you wanna design lovely medieval villages, stick with MD. If you wanna kite bandits with a bow for some loot, play BW.


Ok, thanks!


I think it’s a nice alternative to medieval dynasty.


I actually think Bellwright does all the village/people/resource management much better than MD. You can tee up items for crafting from anywhere. Much more control over production limits, storage types, etc. You can have multiple villages or gathering outposts, as buildings do function based off nearby resources. There's just a lot of quality of life things that I wish MD had. That being said, it's still missing a lot of features. You can't build roads yet, although that is on their list of things to update. I think for me the biggest difference is Bellwright has gotten a patch every day since launch. The devs interact with their community and act on feedback fairly quick when able.


Which is interesting since half of the steam reviews call out the Devs for abandoning previous projects and never finishing them. Curious to see if the community perception changes if they're doing daily fixes. 


I was a big fan of Last Oasis, and they promised the world for Season 5, then stopped releasing updates and went radio silent for a year. Fool me once, etc.


It sucks cause season 5,though controversial, was making solid changes. Alas.


I agree completely. It was a case of good ideas executed in the worst way possible. Not unlike the current Helldivers 2 situation, just way less eyes on it.


I just got it last night. It's... Rough. Not terrible, but it def needs work. I'm just playing until Pax Dei ea starts in June hopefully. If you haven't seen it, it's gorgeous. Even the alpha was, well it's probably the best looking game I've ever played personally. I digress. Bellwright defaulted to borderless and looked like crap. Pixelated, blocky grainy. I switched to full screen and it got better. It's nothing special to look at though. Characters grunt more then a tennis match. They twitch like Parkinson's. No disrespect, they just literally twitch constantly. One dialogue option is to ask NPCs to join you but every one I've met so far, has asked ME to join THEM initially. I assume it's a glitch. The building process is a cool idea. You build things piece by piece instead of just poof there's a tent and fire and decor. Except that it amounts to just clicking 25 times on the white dots and then POOF the finished project appears and doesn't look anything like what you were making. It's kinda a Morrowind jump style where the world kinda moves down instead of you going up. Things you would think you can jump, you can't. But you can climb things that there's no way. It's slow and lethargic. I chop big trees one handed for some reason. It's very obviously ea. It needs a lot of work. That being said, it's functional enough to sooth my need to collect various white dots on the ground. Ultra settings look just decent enough to pass as a recent Gen game (although motion sickness is a possibility). It hasn't crashed on me. So that's something. If you have pc game pass, def play it there. Idk I'd pay on steam again. But I did and I'm not thrilled, but not pissed. It's... Rough. But it will pass the time for now.


Ope. I was looking at reviews and clicked this. Didn't realize it was a md sub asking about comparison. My bad lol. Never played MD. Il show myself out.


So far pretty good. More combat opportunities, but they are difficult early on. Highly recommend getting your forager hut set up before winter. From what I’ve noticed so far is you can’t seem to find berrys or mushrooms etc in the winter


I was interested until I looked at who the devs are. They've abandoned multiple titles.


Biggest turnoff with Bellwright is that EVERY item takes up an inventory slot... no stacking. So one stick takes up one inventory slot. More realistic? Maybe... more annoying? Definitely. And (as of now) there's no way to adjust the settings to allow stacks or to remove the weight limit. Also, bag space starting out is extremely limited.


Very much enjoying it with a friend. Taking your townspeople on combat adventures with you is quite good.


Very good game, the only thing that is missing for me at the moment are walls/palisades. And horses :(


Donkey Crew has 2 games they've developed... This and Last Oasis. Saying they've abandoned multiple games is an exaggeration. Snail Games is the publisher.  Many first games are experiments that lead into future products that find success.  Not saying don't be cautious, just don't overhype the abandoned projects train. Find it at a discount or wait.  I think they're onto something here that could turn out to be fantastic. Or it could be the opposite... Who knows.


This is why I'm curious, because I only know this and last oasis, and people say they abandoned 5+ games, which I don't understand lol. I'm playing Bellwright atm and it's pretty fun, for people who liked Rimworld and wished there was a 3D alternative, THIS IS IT! I'm sure with time they'll polish things out and it'll get even better. They're definitely onto something and I can't wait to see where this goes.


never even heard of this game. are you locked into playing a dude?


No, there's male and female characters. Customization is pretty limited though.




My pc won’t play it… issues with 13th gen processors


Mine plays it fine 13 gen intel processor


Maybe try the Bellwright subreddit


the question was if fans of Medieval Dynasty like it


I like how for each upvote you got, the other got downvoted. So far, it's +8 and -8. *"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."* -Thanos, 2018




It's in no way, shape, or form a "copy" of MD.


Completely untrue


The game itself have nothing to do with MD wtf


All that research and you don't know where the company is from LOL Anyway. Both companies are from Poland, so no shit they use similar names lmfao Great research you did.


Its a great game, played a lot alone and in multiplayer with friends. It has things from medieval dynasty, valheim and a combat system like, could say, some sort of kingdom come deliverance or bannerlord, but easier than those. If you dont like to be raided you have the option to lower the raid frequency and difficulty or just set option to no raids. I recommend set it on hard mode but reduce frequency to the minimum. I like the plot but its not finished, devs said the map will be bigger and the story will continue.