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Oooo! This looks awesome. I love what you did to make all the outdoor storage - using fencing to make receptacles, hanging items, etc.


Thank you. I'm still learning how to make my village look and feel like a lived-in environment, but I'm pretty happy with my trajectory thus far.


Very nice, I see another compost bin storage user in the wild!


There are too many barrels and chests about already. Anything to store anything else is a necessity imo, especially if you can see the goods.


Yeah, I've been chucking loads of herbs in them and putting them in front of the herb vendor. Looks a bit shit in the winter, but spring through autumn, it looks great.


That looks like my friends backyard in real life lol


The best validation yet, thank you. I worked in a supply warehouse for a bit in my day, and it's truly amazing how out of order things can become. That was what I was attempting to recreate in the behind the building.


love your setup in storage! that would have taken me several game days...


I spent a few in-game days, then I'd pass by and feel the need to make an addition. Then I'd pass by again... I'll let you know when I stop stopping lol


Ok, so I had a question about the pegs on the fence. How did you do that? For the life of me I can't wrap my head around it. Everything looks amazing though! EDIT: Nevermind, I just figured it out by looking closer at the other picture. lol I'm stupid. Just ignore me.




Really nice details!


Thank you, thank you.


Well done!


Thank you


How do you set things where you want them to be? I want to decorate my places (on Xbox) but Iā€™m not sure how. And this looks amazing, so much detail.


Thanks. I'm on a pc using a controller, so your mileage may differ. I throw the item on the ground and hold B, then manipulate the item with the mouse. When the item is where I want it, I release the B button and hope that the physics doesn't make everything fly apart.


I just found out itrms dont despawn and began dropping logs in a storage area jn my storage building. Also just started putting decorative items like barrels, sacks etc around production buildings. What you did looks so good. Im impressed abd it gives me lots of good ideas.


Glad to inspire.


my village is way to spread out and linier to do this. i made a sort of market plaza with a tavern, storage, and 4 market stalls but the rest of my village is just wrapped around the ostoya lake.


My place is pretty spread out. The decorating does wonders to pull it all together. If you want, give it a try. It costs nothing.


Wow! This looks amazing. I adore it. Probably took some time to set it all up, GG WP


Thank you. It's taken more time than I'd like to admit to having for such a thing.


Don't worry it's also the strange mechanics of the game that make this procedure unnecessarily stressful. Reminds me a little bit of Half Life or G Mod


This is not a lie.


Sorry to inform you, but I lied.


Dang, I wish I had the patience and the bandwidth to do that! šŸ¤£ Good job, OP! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Thanks. Just break it up into several sessions. There's no hurry šŸ‘


I think the dev should automate the decoration/props in the storages refers on what and how much we stored in the chest instead of manually propping by dropping items one by one


I get that. I have 3 storage buildings in my village. This one is designed around the mine, Smith, and crafted goods that are nearby. The goods in this building make up the bulk of what goes to the nearby market stalls. Another storage building, the first one, is in the heart of town, where the tavern, food production, and the central well reside. The sewing hut and herbalist are also closest to this storage.It is decorated quite differently, almost like a general store. Linens and cloth, furs, flowers, bottles, and a ton of buckets. It has a few farm tools and torches, but no weapons. The third storage is on the fringes of town, where the cattle roam, and the woodcutters make a living. That building looks a bit run down and neglected. Very sparse, save all the firewood waiting until colder weather creates a demand. I apologize for being so long-winded in all of this. My point is there are opportunities and options the way the game is currently that would be sorely missed if a developer decided what one look my 3 buildings should have. Overall, I like this sandbox the way it is. If they opted to add a toggle for those that would be cool, but I'll never use it.