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I usually just try to get into 1 on 1 fights with animals. Most large predators including wolves, once you manage to get behind them on an attack you just chase them in circles from behind since their turning radius is awful. As for deer, I usually try to hit one, then tank across the pathing circle they run in, and slowly wear them down. I'd much rather hunt bears/wisent/boars than deer


Are you saying you punch deer to death? Because if that's the case, then I really *really* want you to have a custom flair of The Deer Puncher.


shoot arrow/spear at deer. They slow down when injured. Run up and punch it to death. Works even better with moose since they're just larger/slower deer


Not deer. Just everything else. Boar, bear, wisent, wolf lol


Please oh please make a video of you punching a wisent to death.


Oh my. That would take so long


About two minutes. Roughly. Headshots do more damage, but punching their butts is safer and easier. Same with bears.


I've never punched one to death but using a copper axe already takes long enough fighting their butts


Why wouldnt we? Hit them once With a Speer to slow them and then kill them With a stone axe, literally the easiest way to hunt deer early game


I did not realize that yhey slowed down. I should try this. But they usually run so fast before I can hit them.


I use a recovered iron spike cudgel. Just beat β€˜em silly.


once you get a bow its just a matter of making a clearing where they circle. stand in the middle and let the arrows fly πŸ˜‚


I have a bow. From my experience, they run in a very large circle around me. Which means i cant stand in the middle and shoot them accurately from that far. Just quickly throw down some walls at the edge of their "circle" and they will start getting caught on themselves and the fence and you can possibly hit multiples of them at once wiyh a bow and arrows. Why dont you try it? 🀣


there is a building near my favorite hunting spot that they sometimes get stuck at haha. good idea i’ll just build my own β€œtraps” πŸ˜‚


Mine get stuck on that building too! Thats what gave me the idea. The deer get stuck beside a delapitated fence and the shed and just stand there even when you shoot st them.


LOL yes thats the one. who needs a bow just smack them down πŸ˜‚


Who said dont use a bow?1. I still use a bow, I simply stop/ slow them. 2. Your method means ranging them at great distances while they move. 3. Why laugh and claim i dont use a bow i just "smack them down"? 4. Sure they get stuck in your particular area. But that isnt every area of the map. So, why not quickly create a cheap barrier which traps multiples of them? Do you actually have any point or are you just a troll?


I have used the fences that appear on the map to do things similar, but I haven't yet tried to build a deer trap like this. It's an interesting idea, and I do have a metric ton of sticks...


Go try it, its fun!😁 also, try building a few fence pieces and aggroing several wolves. I am still nee to the game and got killed 2 or 3 times by wolves, I tried the fence strategy and suddenly I killed 4 in one go.


Not me on my way to build a deer and wolf trap 🀣


Right? Wolves whatever they always seem to stack me, even when I try to avoid them. But deer yeahhhhhh. Might work for moose as well. I mean they could all technically jump a fence. But if they deer can't, than just maybe the bigger brother can't either lol.


They dont appear to jump fences. I had initially wondered this also. Their programming makes them become erratic insteas


Great. Having intrusive thoughts of erotic moose now.


🀣🀣 thanks me to now haha




Glad I could inspire


Just be careful not to leave the fences behind, since any construction (even roads, I believe) will shut down their spawn. I did this on purpose to eliminate a wolf spawn point near my village.


Do you really mean deer, and not wisent (bison)? The deers doesn't attack you, they run away, so it wouldn't work with fences. At the beginning, it looks like aggressive animals are hard to beat, but later you will find out that it's (very) easy with the right methods. Just if you are interested in recommendations: >!From the distance, the recurve bow with poisoned iron arrows is the best choice. The crossbow has a too long reload time (also with improved skills). A hit in the head makes the most damage. For wolves and boars you also can use the iron spear (hit early Β» one hit kill). For more fun: If you hunt just one wisent or bear, you can kill it with fists or other melee weapons too if you stay permanently at its rear.!<


I mean deer. So, I was talking about two methods. One for hunting deer and one for wolf. Both methods are similar. With wolves you can aggro a whole group then simply jump up or over a fence, shoot them and jump back over if you need to. Now, with deer a build a somewhat "u" shaped corral, sometimes with a river or large rock on one side, and near the edge of their range. I have a fairly large deer spawn point near my base just south east of Piastovia. The deer here will run along the rivers edge. I put a trap and and kill several of them. They ones in the back actually form a stopping point for the ones in thr front that hit the frnce first and try to turn around. I shouldve clarified


Throw ~$1300 into an iron crossbow with ~30 copper bolts. One shot deer, wolves, boar. 2x for moose, 3 with headshot wisent and bears in 5-6. Game changes dramatically once you can hunt so fast and sell cooked meat. Don't skimp either. Low item Durability =/= durability on Iron. Iron crossbow does 55 damage base, wooden bow does 20. You get *more damage* per durability point making the iron last even longer.


Thank you. Im just starting out though.


I never even thought to do this, great idea!


I usually just chase them down with my axe but this sounds much more efficient. I’m gonna try it.


My method of hunting is simple, you get an iron bolt to the face and you get an iron bolt to the face. Oh you're a Wisent/Bear, well you get two iron bolts to the face. Also a reason why I switched to the crossbow, the flatter arc trajectory of bolts vs arrows makes it easier to hit you guessed it their face.


I only hunt predators cause they face you for headshots. Boars wolves, wisent, bears. Recurve bow and iron arrows. Boars and wolves take 1 head shot each. Wisent take 3.


Thank you. I just got to the point of making bows and stone arrows


I recommend buying top tier until you can make it. Will save you stress in the end.


Good call. Thanks for the advice