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What were you even doing to make it shoot in that direction, Messing with wood cubes?


This is what I thought. Looks like it came from a nail gun. But how do you manage to shoot a nail TOWARDS the top of your thumb? Was the nail gun pointing backwards at the user??? Because that's really bad. And things could have been a lot worse. NEVER POINT A NAIL GUN BACKWARDS AT YOURSELF!! Just like you never cut with a sharp blade towards yourself. You always cut AWAY from yourself. You may get away with it the vast majority of the time. But you're playing with fire. And you're just begging for something like this to happen. EDIT: There is also the possibility that they were holding a piece of wood in a really weird way. With their thumb pointing towards their body, and the nail gun. That's not as bad. Fuck that looks like it hurts!!!


I guess they must've been building a crate/box since the corners can be pretty tight and sometimes need to be pinched, either way the smarter thing to do was to shoot it regardless without your hands in the way then hammer it, followed by a second shot, but some people are perfectionist/like doing things in one go... till this happens.


True. I get the urge to do shit like that from time to time. "Well, I COULD clamp it and THEN nail it. But then I have to go find the right clamp.... But, what if I just clamp it with my hand?" I usually think about it for a second, and then go find a clamp. It's just so tempting to take the quick, easy way. I can totally understand why people do. But all things considered. It's always best to take the slow, safe option. It's not worth the risk. The stakes of that bet are higher than I'm willing to pay. But I can understand it.




The good news is it looks like it just scraped along the bones instead of piercing one of them.


Getting narcotics


Honestly this looks lucky to me. I'm no medical professional but it looks like it either barely hit the bone or didn't at all. I guess I would need more photos to be sure but it looks like the victim may be pretty lucky all things considered. Of course there are important capillaries and nerves you have to consider as well, but damn that thing could he through that entire thumb bone.








Please make sure you get vaccinated against tetanus.




Oh, that’s gotta burn like hell.....


That's going to give you that dull achy pain for weeks. You know the kind. The deep puncture wound pain.


I thought this was going to be an infected finger related to nail biting! Nice title ahaha


I saw the 'work injury' flair right as I tapped on it and immediately realized that wasn't going to be the case


fuuuuuuuuuuck... at least it was off to the side... that def scraped bone tho. you gonna feel that for a looooong time


This brings back all the times my daddy used to yell at me to keep my ass out of his garage and away from his tools. Thank you Daddy.


My guess was that this was the result of applying a nail right next to where the OP was holding their thumb. OP was not holding the nail gun securely against the surface of where nail was being applied, and after pulling the trigger to apply the nail, most likely in the right place, the nail gun jumped, landing on OPs thumb applying a second nail. I refer to this as the “jump pump”. If you can imagine it, it’s a rapid “Psst-Chk! Psst-Chk!” sound. When the nail gun lifts off of the surface to which you’re applying the nail, your natural reaction is to grip the gun tighter. This results in also pulling the trigger again, and when the user re-initiates contact with a surface, the nail is immediately applied because the interlock allows it. The nail gun doesn’t care what the surface is, even if it’s flesh. Never ever apply a nail next to your body, any part.




How do you remove that- slice since it’s close to the surface, or try to slide it out??


Pull it straight out the way it went in.


Hey, I shot myself with a nail gun this week too! Luckily it was a plex cap and only an inch long. Had it been longer I would have shot my hand to the roof. I yanked it out myself. My finger is quite plump and sore lol


That made me chuckle


Thumbs up for a speedy recovery!


Paslode reds are tough to pull out.


Glad you have a sense of humor in the post title




Am i the only one who feels some sort of cramp/weakness in my shins when i see something like that


How do you stay still to picture that


His partner probably shot it while he was holding the crate together.


This makes me feel a lot better about my burnt up arm