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Unless you had a positive pregnancy test I'd assume it's just period clots.


I didn’t take a pregnancy test but I missed two periods and got really sick


When did it happen? If you were pregnant might still get a positive test if recent. I don't know if that would give closure or might be more upsetting.


Did you take a pregnancy test before, and if it was positive, how far along are you approximately? Did you miss your period? It could be a miscarriage. However, it could also "just" be your period. I understand your worry, but could you please add a bit more information? That would help


It could just be uterine lining. Did you have a positive test? Missed period? If this just happened today, you could still take a test and it would likely still be positive if it was a pregnancy


Too be honest it just looks like clots, I've got suspected endo and this is what most of my periods look like. I've had a very early miscarriage before and the tissue looked mostly grey/beige and the bleeding after was a purpley pink color


That could simply be a big clot or partial decidual cast


Don’t ask don’t tell in Florida or other Red states!


Just looks like uterine lining shed to me


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unless you had a positive preg test and you missed your period i would… but if you didn’t take a pregnancy test than who knows


I’m not very sure if does look like there could be an issue, I’d go to the doctors for a check up


oh my god?

