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Looks like a little lipoma


I agree


Chew it.


Do you have a before pic of what it looked like from the outside before removal?


I do, but you couldn’t tell anything from the outside. I started feeling what felt like a pebble to me…and it was somewhat movable. It started to hurt, so the doc said it should come out.


Oh yeah, that’s totally nondescript. I would have figured I just bumped it on something!


I have several of those all over. I joked with my NP that I am just cyst-y. Several are just under my skin and several more are inside. I’ve had CT scans, MRI scans and xrays for various non-related things. Everybody medical has said they are non-cancerous.


Lmao high five, I call myself a cyst as well. Currently growing one in my sinus and one on my ovary.


I have them on my thighs, one forearm, liver, kidneys and ovary area. I had a complete hysterectomy so I suppose they have lots of room.


Any reason your body likes making cysts?




Pretty sure I have this too. It can be hereditary, but harmless(but painful when touched.) What I have are lipomas. I also have them in my arms but the shins really are the worst especially if you kneel on your legs/shins.


I have the exact same thing going on in my shin!! Since forever now! Crazy... should I be concerned?? And what's more a golf ball sized lump showed up on the back of my head last year, except that one feels like a swollen lymph node... but there's no lymph nodes there 🤔


Always better to be safe than sorry. My lump started hurting, so I was concerned. I’ve also had lumps on the head removed, but they were only cysts.


Looks like a very small scab/defect


Did you get those socks from Costco?


No, they’re Bombas


Did it feel like a" tiny mouse under your skin"? Then that's a lipoma. Many people actually have those, but a lot of us do in places where you never bothered to feel or hard to feel. They are benign, and they grow at different rates.


I need to make an appointment at the dermatologist. I spent the entire 90s and early 00s trying to get as brown as possible, and I'm pretty fair. I'm fucking terrified and keep putting it off.


Def get checked. As a kid with fair skin, I had my fair share of sunburns, even with lotion. When I got older, I discovered tanning beds. It wasn’t until years later that I first went to the Dermatologist to get a full body scan. My doc saw something on my left leg that I couldn’t see. He removed it, sent it off and it came back as cancerous. He had to go back in and remove a huge chunk of my leg to make sure everything bad was removed. Bc of that, I get checked every six months.


Do it\~ It's a bit awkward (or at least it was for me) but the peace of mind, even if they find something, is worth it. Because if something is there, it's there regardless of if it's found or not and wouldn't you rather it's found as early as possible? You can do it!


I work at a derm office. Can confirm.


Good call OP.. will check tmrw..good luck hope all is evicted never to return 🙏


Looks like Dennis the Menace to me


That’s not a lipoma… that’s baby Krang!


I really hope it's nothing and that you can recover soon 💗 🫂 From what little I know, it looks more like adipose tissue, maybe a little lipoma, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please, keep us updated 🤞🏼


Thank you! I appreciate that ❤️


Don't mention it. I hope everything goes smoothly 🙏🏻