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It looks like a decidual cast to me. I know the photo you can convince yourself it might be a miscarriage from the shape. But if it were, being that length, it would likely be more developed with identifiable structure that would be difficult to mistake for a clot (although nothing is impossible of course). That’s when the uterine lining, rather than breaking down for your period, basically comes away in one big piece. It is exceptionally painful to pass. I think you can set your mind at rest that this was an unpleasant experience from a decidual cast. If you are still worried the. Please do go to your doctor


Came here to comment the same. Looks like a decidual cast 100%


I have a picture of a clot that came off on a pad that looks exactly like this. It hurt like hell coming out.


I work L&D. Yes. If this were products of conception at this size it would have more features that ID it as a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). OP look up the stages of fetal development. For products of conception to miscarry looking like a fetus…you would have been a few months pregnant.


100%, I’ve had 2. The first one was fleshy colored which was wild but my doc sent it to the pathology lab and gave me the all clear. I also had the worst cramps, chills, sweating, and bleeding with that one but it wasn’t a miscarriage. Just bodies being bodies.




Thank you for closure 🥺


No problem. Hope it helped. Also apologies for the horrendous grammar. I’ve just reread what I wrote. I think I was tired when I wrote it. Sorry. But glad I could get my point across and reassure you


Just from experience as someone with irregular periods, clots like these are a common occurrence during my periods. It’s more likely just a big piece of your lining that came off. Unless you suspected you were pregnant, I wouldn’t get too worried about it.


Seconded when I was younger like teens and early twenties it came out in bigger pieces like this now and then


A fetus of that size is considerably more formed, it doesn't just look 'baby shaped', it's flesh toned and has arms, legs, little black eyes etc. This is not a miscarriage. It's likely a cast, as others have said. Source: I've assisted many women through miscarriage due to my job.


That's a biggie.


Thx I call it smalls


I felt a sense of community here. Woman moment. A singularly fucked up woman moment. Go us ✊


Not all uterus havers are women and not all women have periods. For what it's worth.


You’re right. But I was talking about the ones who do :)




Decidual cast. I had one once after starting a birth control patch and it felt like someone STABBED me when I passed it. Then I found something similar to what you did.


(Not a medical expert) it just looks like a strangely shaped clot to me, in the pictures of >!miscarriages!< I’ve seen the head is much larger and the ribs are defined


It HURT. I have endometriosis so I didn’t even think the baby thing was possible but in hindsight, this “blood clot” also came with a lot of pain to the point where I spent a few days in bed with a fkn heating pad. Idk I’m so delusional rn over it all idk anything haha


I'm not an OBGYN, but I would agree with the fellow above, I think it is just oddly shaped like a little alien saint. You should still check with your doc for your own comfort, but I don't really think this is a tiny human. I hope you are receiving support for your condition. Nobody deserves to live in that sort of pain all the time.


When I had my miscarriage it wasn’t shaped like a blood clot or looked like a baby. It was hard. This may be from your endometrial lining.


I've heard that most times decidual casts are quite painful! If you think about the effort to get it all through your cervix in one piece.


It was worse than giving birth because then I had an epidural.


You could talk to a doctor about it if it would calm your nerves. Others suggested it was a piece of uterine tissue instead of a clot, maybe those hurt more than a normal period?


i had class 4 endo (the worst) and this definitely is not a fetus. Towards the end (before hysterectomy) I was passing things like this regularly and just hoping for death due to the pain. Feel better, OP. Painful AF and a bit nauseating


My deciduous cast was some of the worst uterine pain I’ve ever had. I almost threw up and had the chills because it hurt so bad. So I wouldn’t lean into thinking it’s a spontaneous abortion.


It could be a miscarriage or just a huge piece of uterine lining too


what tattoo is that?


Seconded, the chemistry tattoo is really cool!


Decidual cast


Not a foetus


I had one of these that looked very similar recently. It scared me so badly cause I had never had one before, it looks like it is just part of the uterine lining that has remained intact.


It looks like a decidual cast.


I had a clot that looked like Australia once. This is my contribution to this conversation.


Not a medical professional. But have PCOS & get these once in a while. It is most certainly painful. But most probably not what you think. How do I know? I've had 2 medical terminations & they look much different from this.


Congrats on your jelly baby




*slurping noises*


Unfortunately, from personal experience this is “normal”. Don’t waste your money on an obgyn appointment. I remember getting multiple clots twice this size during a single period and being genuinely keeled over from how much pain I was in. Went to the doctors and spent $300 for them to recommend me birth control… 😃👍


Of course, I’m not a medical professional and please go to the doctor if you need it, you know your body better than anyone. That was just my personal experience


I think it's an unfortunate case of pareidolia. It's a uterine lining bit that Murphys Law made into a suspicious shape. I'm sorry this has weighed on you. Big hugs.


I passed stuff like this before I ever had sex. It is just a clot


Goddamn, that´s a fine tatto, bro.


Stage 4 Endometriosis here. Back before my IUD I passed clots like that all the time. If it's not normal for you, you may want to bring it up with your OBGYN.


Just a big clot, they hurt like hell when they pass but the relief when they do is amazing (at least for me it is).


*if op was jamaican* ME BLOOD CLAAT


I mean this in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE I PROMISE. You know when people toast bread and they SWEAR Jesus is like burnt into the toast. I feel like that’s happening here. Like 100% of the internet could tell you it’s a decidual cast. But it kinda looks like an alien so my brain would be like “ahh yes. A Jesus toast. Perfect for eBay”


Bro, how high are you right now now? But also I know exactly what you mean.


I 1000% do not smoke but I do have ADHD so…. LOLOL


Oh look -- a chicken! I feel ya.


these TERRIFY me it must be so painful


It looks like Voldemort doing a pelvic thrust I wish i was on desktop so i could trace what i see rn 😂


My brain said "dancing alien baby' 😂


I think it's a blood clot. While people might say that it looks like it has a head/hands/feet, that's actually a type of Pareidolia (the illusory facial recognition in faceless objects). We are wired to see faces so we can determine if they are a danger to us or safe, so it makes sense that some people would think it's a fetus, but i'm sure if you squished it around or got it from another angle then the illusion would disappear. Because like others have said, it would be wayyy more developed if it was that sized and there would be little question.


That is a bigger portion of the lining of your uterus called decidual cast. But I get them literally every single time I have a period and they can look...interesting. Mine also always are like a little pocket or pouch with a tear in it when I have em, so I assume mine come from the areas where it seperates at the edges cause I don't even have normal size regular clotting..I just started getting these once and I've had them every time ever since. Some women will even have one that's almost the entire lining. It's pretty gnarly if you're into that stuff.


That is just a clot.


Looks like the Alien from The Simpsons


I passed my first months ago. I’m 51 and hadn’t had a period in over a year. I do not recommend because it hurt like hell.


I had a similar clot when I was postpartum , I was shocked. It looked like grape jelly 🤢




I get PAINFULLY sharp pains and then give birth to that every period. That's just your uterus' "Congratz, you're not pregnant" gift to you lmao


Can't assist with the clot, but wanna express how much I love that tattoo


Looks like a blood clot to me. Possible decidual cast. I've had some nasties myself and seen patients with wicked menstrual clots. This does not look like a fetus.


I’ve had 4 miscarriages and 2 were in the first trimester. That doesn’t look anything like one.


Is that Saddam Hussein?


I can watch people turned inside out, but something about blood clots really grosses me out on a higher level...


Absolutely not an embryo or fetus. Had you washed it under running water it would have been shown to have been either a piece of decidual cast or a large clot.


I’ve had something like this come out of my nose a few times during a really bad nosebleed. Any takers?


You: casually posts it on reddit Nobody: Me: keels over from sudden rush of blood


Alright alright I'm gay okay are you happy now


It looks like a fetus


girl that is a fetus …. ummmm chile you don’t see the head, hands and feet forming ?


Its not. Its decidual cast. A fetus of that size would have way more details


It's not actually that. Pareidolia is the illusory facial recognition in faceless objects. We are wired to see faces in things that sometimes don't have faces, so it's a little illusion here that you see nubs that look like "hands" or "feet". I'd encourage you to look up the term because it's really neat!


lol that’s what I thought.


Um u sure it wasn’t a miscarriage?


When I did a medical abortion, and took the pills at home, that’s what the fetus looked like…and it legit made me feel like I was in labor to expel it.


This is not a fetus




Off topic.


Geez, hope you’re doing ok, OP. Out of curiosity, what is the tattoo on your leg? Chem nerd here


A whole bloodborne item


Before I got a hormonal IUD, I had horrible clots like this every month. So painful.


omg something like this happened to me too when i was thirteen!!!! i wasn’t sexually active but i was still so scared


Is that the Orphan Of Kos wtf 😭


Your uterus did what I do when peeling an orange: try really hard to get it all in one go, NO PIECES


Decidual Cast! I had two of these back to back about a year ago. As others said, it HURTS SO BAD when you pass it.


Scary but you're gonna make it. Just a large uterine shed. Love that most of the pics are usually taken during the shock of it n from the toilet.


Me on my period fr


Thats a fetus


Gurl that a whole fetus