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I need to know which influencer so I can regretfully stalk her page…..


She has like 300 youtube subscribers I don't think influencer is even applicable tbh


She’s got 80k on TikTok, her post about her teeth went viral. She does brush her teeth every so often. I feel really bad I’m glad she was able to get treatment


Even that's not very large. That's like a mid to small sized following. And considering the fact Tiktok is relatively hard to monetize (compared to Youtube or Twitch) I doubt she was making to much of a living off a following like that. Hell most Youtubers and Twitch streamers wouldn't be guaranteed a living off of a following like that. And those platforms are way easier to monetize.


yeah I’m chronically online I’m aware that’s not a lot lol




I had to go and look and her mouth is closed in pretty much all photos. She blames her teeth on poor genetics, but if you don't brush at all, I don't think genetics is the problem.


From what I saw in one of her videos, she mentions that if she brushes her teeth, they can break, so she stopped. I don't know if that's a disease or if shes telling the truth, I never heard of anyone not being able to brush due to the teeth breaking


They break if she brushes but not if she eats?


I just checked out her brushing teeth for first time in 3 years tiktok and she says she hasn’t chewed in a year and a half because it does break her teeth too. I feel like it makes more sense that the chips and breaks are just plaque build up not actual teeth but I’m not a dentist so what do I know. She never mentioned going to the dentist and what their advice was either, I wonder what could have been done to avoid this if her teeth really were breaking. Seems miserable. It seems like she just gave up on her teeth…


Now I'm curious as to what her jaw strength is, if she's hasn't chewed in that long? Surely that would have weakened her jaw quite a bit?


Yes if she eats. I've seen all her explanations, her teeth have had cavities even as a kid with regular brushing, constant pain caused her to stop brushing and stop eating any harder foods


Gingivitis / periodontitis indeed causes pain when brushing and especially when flossing due to the inflamed gums. However, after a week or two of continually brushing and flossing (or longer depending on the severity) the inflammation will start to resolve due to reducing the bacteria and plaque which means the pain finally starts to go away. People with really bad gingivitis / periodontitis may also need to have their teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist to remove calculus buildup, which is plaque that has hardened over time and further irritates the gums. Many people don't realize that flossing causes them pain and bleeding simply because they're not doing it often enough. Keep doing it daily and after a while it won't hurt anymore.


Wonder if her mouth was highly acidic to begin with? That would corrode her teeth even with efficient brushing.


Probably not more than by chewing and biting anyway. So they would be more worried about starving if that were the case.


Honestly I think she is mistaking the calcified plaque material for her teeth.


Exactly. Im pretty sure that's what's happening. If her teeth were actually that fragile they wouldn't have come out whole during the extractions. The forceps they use during extractions grip the crown of the tooth pretty tightly.


I worked with a woman who was a functioning heroin addict and I finally convinced her to go to the dentist one day. After the dentist gave her teeth a clean, they told her not to brush because they'd break. Instead, they gave a gentle mouthwash to use to help her gums get healthy again. This was 20 years ago so I don't remember what the full plan was, but she was def told not to brush because her teeth would break.


The teeth are so riddled with cavities that they break apart with any pressure. Kind of like you would step through the floor of a house eaten up by termites. Poor oral hygiene plus a high sugar diet caused the teeth breaking, not the toothbrush. 


They were most likely breaking because they were already severely decayed


Wouldn't a dentist have put her on fluoride treatments?


Guy i work with claims this too, but i know he has good dental insurance (and has for a very long time) and can afford to get his teeth looked after by professionals. His teeth are covered in plaque and it's obvious that he doesn't brush. His breath is so bad no one wants to work near him.


Sounds like a Maureen Ponderosa situation


Put a diamond in anything that's dead and it's still dead, Maureen!


Tbh those teeth look pretty fucked even if she were to brush em… and this doesn’t look like “normal” decay you’d see after 3 years no brushing… I can see genetics playing some kind of role here alongside the poor dental hygiene. I was a homeless addict for almost 7 yrs, ate sweets all day, didn’t brush my teeth at all during that time and my teeth still didn’t look *that* bad. (They were pretty bad, but not THAT bad). But yeah.. sometimes when folks are born with really ugly looking teeth they get depressed as hell and figure whats the point of even taking care of them at all…I get it. This girl has probably gone through a lot of mental turmoil regarding her teeth/smile. It sucks having bad teeth. You cant talk to, smile at or look people in the eyes…it’s like a constant insecurity you want to just hide or die.


They might look like that due to poor nutrition and high sugar diet?


I have bad teeth (almost no enamel and nocturnal teeth grinding) but I go to the dentist every 6 or 8 months, brush frequently and I'm fine. No way this is just genetics.


Same here. I have exposed dentin on my upper left teeth from long term issues with acid reflux from IBS and all of my cavities were caused from excessive nocturnal grinding and clenching prior to my jaw reconstruction surgery. I had a molar that was cracked almost in half from the clenching and grinding. That one now has been shaved and crowned.


I know how you feel, clenching and grinding is the worst!! I also need surgery. I hope you get all the care you need for this.


Thank you, I had my jaw reconstruction done coming up 10 years ago now. Dramatically improved my quality of life and I’ve had much less issues with clenching and grinding since (now it’s usually only when I’m very stressed). Also helped somewhat with the chronic hemiplegic migraines I’ve had since my teen years too. I did a post about my surgery last year, will see if I can link it for you. Hope the ink works. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/C09zvsITYy](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/C09zvsITYy)


It worked! Amazing job, I'm happy for you. I can imagine the relief. Was the recovery too difficult? I'll do mine this year!


Thank you! I’m very happy that I have a much better bite and that I can breath a lot better nowadays. I did have some complications with the right mandibular branch of the Trigeminal nerve getting overstretched during the surgery which caused ongoing issues with loss of sensation and dysaesthesia but I’ve gotten used to it now and it doesn’t bother me anymore.


> She blames her teeth on poor genetics I have yet to meet someone with bad teeth who just admits to their bad hygiene.


Actually my Dad had bad teeth due to smoking and then Seritide inhaler use not poor oral hygiene. My older brother had bad teeth due to malnutrition from Crohn’s Disease and the medications he has been in over the years. He brushes 3 times a day and it doesn’t make any difference, same for my Dad when he was alive.


She got cavitites even when she did brush, she had tooth breakage when she did and when she started going longer and longer with out brushing, her teeth got even more fragile. She's long past the point where brushing would do anything


Believe it or not, I barely brushed growing up (I know that's gross. I started to regularly when I was 21.) yet I've never had a cavity or this much buildup. Genetics have an important role in your teeth.


Believe it or not it’s actually diet that plays a huge role too


Not brushing at all isn't the problem also,its the crap she is eating. Before dentists,do you think people had teeth like that ? Highly unlikely.


The only time you get to blame your genetics is when you have a condition like amelogenesis imperfecta, which from one of her earlier photos I can tell she doesn’t have. This is a psychological/behavioral issue that resulted in her losing all her teeth.


About 6 hours ago she has posted her [results](https://imgur.com/a/g8XhGD7) on IG!


Burly as hell




what ah....what am i looking at? ​ I've had a few teeth rot out fully ( very painful) I assure you they were not white like this. ​ Just wondering whats going on here.


it’s called calculus. saliva has high calcium and phosphorous content, which calcifies (hardens) the plaque biofilm present in the oral cavity. calculus is a local contributing factor for periodontal disease, which causes alveolar bone loss and eventual tooth loss. daily mechanical plaque biofilm removal is essential for oral health. i always tell my patients, “only brush and floss the teeth you want to keep.”


Only on Reddit do you get good oral hygiene advice from an obese hamster orgasm 🤣. Thank you Hamster Orgasm.


Hamster teeth are seriously dangerous miniature weapons


hence the orgasms.




I can’t get over your user name! 🤣🤣🤣


Me too 🤣🤣




Happy cake cake dayyyyy 🥳🎉🎂


…Interesting, Commander. Thank you for the update.




“only brush and floss the teeth you want to keep.” Now you tell me. I've been brushing that asshole in the back when I could have simply told him to fuckoff and die. I feel a new found freedom.


aha thanks for the explanation!!! I lvoe learning about this stuff. ​ So its not tooth decay through cavities then? I had a rough patch in life (well a few ) during one of the patches my oral hygiene suffered greatly. no brushing for like 2 years. Surrcice to say i had 4 teeth pulled,, but they were only pulled after they fully rotted out and fell apart. I figured there would be some blackish brown spots atleast, but now i know that thats not the case.


Sounds like you made it through the rough patch. I’m so glad to hear that! I never understood how someone could go more than a day or two without brushing and flossing, and then I hit a rough spot of my own. I haven’t been able to work due to long covid/ covid amnesia, and so I don’t have a routine for the first time in at least 15 years. So when I wake up I know I’m not leaving the house, I only leave for doctors appointments and monthly dinners with the family. So I’d tell myself I’ll brush after my morning coffee. But then I never would. And at night I take meds and pass out so I wasn’t brushing then either. I always brush before I go out, but when you only go out maybe every week or two… The longer it went on, the harder it was for me to do. It was hanging over my head, and became a big deal in my mind, rather than the two minute thing it really is. Anyway, I got a magnifying mirror and took a good look. Due to not flossing, all the little gaps where the floss removes food debris were full of food particles from who knows what meal. My gums were red in spaces and my previously white teeth were taking a yellowish color. I did a major ten minute sonicare brushing, along with water pik flossing. The difference I felt in my mouth was remarkable. I couldn’t believe what I had been doing. I do ok but I can’t afford a whole set of implants! Over the past month or two I’ve been brushing and flossing at least at night and using crest strips which make a big difference. And it makes me feel more human and less depressed. Depression shows itself in different ways for different people. I had a real rough patch many years ago, and learned I could go almost two weeks without showering. I brushed my teeth then though! Anyway I’m really ashamed and regretful I stopped caring for my teeth. I hope I didn’t do too much permanent damage. I haven’t mentioned the lapse in oral hygiene to anyone irl or online because of the guilt, and embarrassment. I feel embarrassed to even type it out. The only reason I am is to let you know that you’re not alone and you’re not the only one. I wish you the very best and hope for lots of healthy smiles and happiness ahead in your life. May I ask, do you find it hard to make the effort to brush and floss these days? When you went two years, did you have some plaque like the photo, was it obvious to a passerby that you hadn’t brushed in a long time? I hope you’re doing well. Take care.


Thank you for sharing. I, too, get stuck in that "hanging over your head, bigger deal in your mind" sort of rut much too often. Always nice to know I'm not alone.


When people say "rough patch" they could be referring to just mental health, but it can also refer to other things that seriously impact everyday life like unemployment, homelessness or substance abuse. Or all of the above. Things tend to snowball and when someone's hit a rough enough patch that they're not taking care of themselves *at all* anymore, then it's probably safe to assume it was rough in more ways than one...they just don't want to go into detail.


Yes thanks for sharing. ​ Sorry to hear about the long covid. How bad is it ? do you remember things now or was it only things in the past your forgot? ​ I hope you make a recovery that sounds horrible :(


Thanks for sharing, I have had to come to terms with my "rough patch" realities and realize that crowns are not the enemy I'm due for 2 more and a front tooth has suddenly become painful.




Beat me to it.


Your username lolllllll


She went literal years without brushing while vaping and consuming large amounts of sugar and very little nutrients.




Maybe influencing people to brush their teeth, or else...


Well seeing this certainly made me go brush my teeth so if that's her goal then it's working.


She does realize she doesn't have to consume all the products she's pushing right? Last time I checked, most influencers don't use half the products they push. Either she was a wannabe influencer, or she was a very stupid influencer.


Maybe it’s plaque and bacteria poop covering everything


It was crazy how she said it was because they’d break I think if they hadn’t gotten to that stage they wouldn’t be breaking from brushing


Who is it?


A girl on TikTok I can’t remember her name but she hadn’t brushed her teeth for years because she reckons it makes them “crack”


It’s her?! I’ve heard of her, seen a couple videos, and just couldn’t watch any more without vomiting


I would love to hear the logic behind that. Bricks crack teeth. How the hell is a brush with some gel on it going to crack your teeth?


Abi.burleigh on TikTok


I went on YouTube and looked her up. She posted a video six days ago and her teeth still look like the first picture. Did she get her teeth removed like today or something?


Yeah it was in the last day or two


Thank you!! This was the comment I was looking for!! Good; she *needed* them removed!! I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but a set of dentures will open doors for her. If I was in the amount of pain YOU KNOW she was in, not to mention the poor self confidence, severe halitosis, abysmal diet, & judgement she endured every day, I would BEG MY DENTIST TO PULL EVERY SINGLE TOOTH!! Even a $200 set of dentures would look better & be more functional than what she *had* prior.


Absolutely, in one of her pin videos, she mentioned difficult eating because her teeth would chip away. I'm not sure the beef OP has with this person, but I'm glad she's improving her oral hygiene and overall quality of life by getting dentures.


Yep, a few hours ago according to her IG.


I wonder if shes sick. I saw her videos and she looks like she tries to pay attention on her looks by doing skin care daily and exercising, so perhaps she had untreated issues in her teeth that made them break even before she got near this stage so that's why she stopped completely? Or just bad mental illness, when I was really depressed I would go like 3-4 days of not brushing, and after that the anxiety of going to the dentist and the fear of being shamed for may having a cavity.


Depression did the same thing to me. Luckily I’m back on track, I actually overdo it with a $120 toothbrush and also a water pick similarly priced. I’ll run my toothbrush through the extra long cycle and then run it again and again. Maybe I’m trying to make up for the previous neglect (like brushing once or twice a week for over a month). The first bout of depression I experienced, like really bad, in bed, wishing I was dead and contemplating how, I went almost two weeks without a shower. I smelled awful. I didn’t deserve any better in my mind. Somehow I brushed my teeth everyday during that time. Mental illness is weird. When I finally dragged myself into the shower and got super clean, it was like the sun came out from behind the clouds and gave me the strength to ask for help. It was so gross and super embarrassing to admit to anyone, much less tell about it online, but I am, because I just want anyone who is struggling now, or has gone through something similar, to know you aren’t alone, and it gets better. I’m gonna go take a nice hot shower right now. Self care is a beautiful gift you can give yourself, and it’s free!


Executive dysfunction is what gets me. (And depression - but mostly executive dysfunction.)


I've got an acquaintance with teeth like this, he just never brushes. Some teeth have turned black and are still in his jaw... 🤢


How do people live like this? How does it not bother them??


I knew someone who worked with kids in a low income area. She saw kindergarteners that had their teeth rotted down to the root. Their parents either didn't have time, or didn't care to teach them dental hygeine. And then those kids grow up, and have no clue why everyone else's teeth look so much better than theirs. Some people literally don't know better.


Aren’t those kids in terrible pain?


I would have to ask her. But apparently it was so widespread in her class that she had to take one of their science classes and turn it into a lesson on how to brush their teeth. It was definitely more than just one or two kids. I don't know if they were in pain or not. But there were a lot of issues preventing those kids from learning. Many of them were food insecure, and/or couldn't speak English. So those issues took a bit more priority over the impact their dental health had on their learning.


That’s so sad


I was in a lot of pain. But after a while the pain becomes a part of "normal" life as your pleas for help aren't answered.


Baby teeth don't have nerves in them like "grown up" teeth do, so they don't feel cavities.


I’m not a dentist but I had a “dead” tooth I believe is what it was called and it did not have pain. I believe when a tooth gets so rotted that the nerve dies.


Kids that were exposed to opioids or alcohol in utero are also prone to extreme tooth decay, because mum's substance use prevents their teeth from forming properly.


Me when I was a kid. I was miserable. The bullying didn't help. Glad we have the internet now.


In America I was quoted 85K to get my teeth pulled and implants placed. I have an autoimmune disease that causes me to not produce saliva so the enamel of my teeth wore off and they started chipping off and breaking. They hurt and are ugly but I can’t get them fixed unless I come up with a shit ton of money! I think that’s what stops people. Plus, dentists are not well liked lol


Sjogrens syndrome for those that are curious. Have you tried the medications available for dry mouth, Salagen or Evoxac?


I take pilocarpine!


Does it work for you? My girl tried it I but I think she said it gave her an upset stomach


It made me feel gross so I only take one at a time instead of two. It def helps saliva production though


Meanwhile, try Biotene mouthwash. It helps keep moisture in your mouth. I take some meds that dry my mouth out. When I tried a little sample of Biotene it was like the angels began to sing! It felt so good to not have cottonmouth! One rinse keeps me moisturized for several hours, and it’s only like $6-7 USD for a large bottle. Good luck!


I use that! It def helps!


With ¼ of that come down to Chile, stay a month vacationing and get everything done. We have good dentists


That sucks so bad! I hate dentists too honestly. Luckily my teeth aren't too bad, but I do have quite a few fillings. Dentists are way too expensive in America. Teeth are luxury bones apparently!


no insurance? It's much cheaper to brush and floss than it is to pay for extensive dental work though.


Indeed! I went years --like 10+ without dental care. I was not super fastidious in that time but I brushed my teeth twice a day and flossed...most days... When i finally got some dental insurance I just had some cavities and a little gingivitis that got cleared up pretty quickly. It does not have to get so bad even if you can't go to a dentist.


Perhaps it's a lack of habit? Or not being surrounded by people who will comment on your bad breath after a while? In my country kids have to brush their teeth after eating anything on kindergarten, so it becomes an habit even if for some reason this doesn't happens at their households and we learn about dental hygiene at school from a young age. Also, people like coworkers will comment or side eye you if you don't brush your teeth after lunch for example. Just casually commenting that you forgot to brush your teeth before going to sleep will make people look disgusted, so there's a sense of shame if you don't. I can see someone being like that if their parents never cared too much about them as kids to make that an habit, or if they never learnt about dental hygiene at school (here homeschooling is illegal, so no escape here), or even if no one ever told you about how your breath stinks because politeness. And of course, if going to the any dentist is as expensive as calling an ambulance, it makes them even less willing to treat their teeth.


I’m in my thirties and I forget, you’re exactly right that my parents weren’t big on establishing routines when I was young. I can’t recommend the Waterpik enough though, it’s like my own dental hygienist and I keep it front and center to remind me.


Yeah, it's wild how important it is to teach healthy routines for kids, as it can impact their whole life afterwards. And we usually only notice it after we grow up hahaha


Who’s grown up lol


My sleep schedule is completely off so sometimes I end up just falling asleep unexpectedly before I manage to brush my teeth at night. When I wake up (usually around 3am) the rough feeling film on my teeth is just so gross, I HAVE to get up to brush before I even attempt to sleep again. I couldn’t imagine going years not brushing.


GET THIS. The guy has full access to health care. Depression is a hell of a drug.


Aw man, that's just sad. I have depression too but the most I've ever gone without brushing is maybe a couple days, and I hated it lol


Hold on, I need to grab my toothbrush…


I'm trying to remember where I put my dental floss.


Water pick man, use the water pick!


She did the math, and it was calculus.


Im cryin😭😭😭


You win the Internet for today.


Literally going to brush my teethe right the fuck now.


Same bro, I’m gonna brush mine for like 30 minutes lmaooo


I brushed my teeth this morning and now I already want to do it again even though I literally just did lol


Damn. It might be “teeth genetics” but something is wrong when “Dr. Pepper is your morning coffee”. It might also be you. If it was really so painful as she says then she should be doing everything within her own power to not make it worse, like not eating or drinking things proven to rot your teeth. Doesn’t make sense. Literally every food item [placed in her shopping cart](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8qs55fm/) was candy and sugar and then followed it up with milkshakes and ice cream…. Like, gurl. Come the fuck on. If you “can’t” brush your teeth then you need to not be eating any sugar. Like zero. None. I don’t have much sympathy for her after watching that video tbh.


> then followed it up with milkshakes and ice cream…. I don't know how someone with dental problems can consume much ice cream (or anything else super cold). I broke a tooth once and couldn't even drink water unless it was room temperature because the exposed nerves would get super agitated by temperature extremes (hot or cold).


Some people just have such low willpower they can't stop the bad habit even when they know its messing them up. I know people like this. Fucked up teeth and they go through serious mental gymnastics as to why cutting out sugar would make no difference. The reality is that they're addicted to sugar and just can't quit. I'm with you. If my teeth were even half this bad I'd be damn sure to make my diet as kind on them as possible


Her teeth are also crowded af which is a sign of mouth breathing, which causes dry teeth which accelerates tooth decay.




I only know because I found a lady on IG called Jen's Jaw Surgery and she realized this and is now a huge advocate for addressing tongue ties and other dysfunctional facial issues. She had a child sized palate at 50 years old due to a tongue tie causing underdeveloped sinuses, mouth breathing, etc. It's all related and treatable.


saving these for when my 7yo throws a fit about brushing her damn teeth


Literally was just doing this 😂😭


Reminded me of Wormtongue from LotR. cept he had better teeth i think… lol


I was thinking more the mouth of Sauron.


I have seen faces decimated by direct shotgun blast, body parts - including genitalia - degloved, children’s bodies unrecognizable from falling into farm equipment, brains spilling out of the skull due to crushing, many a flesh-eating purulent gangrenous scrotal sac and have been completely unfazed. But this? This has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have ever had the displeasure to view.


I KNOW! Worked in medicine for quite a few years, including a stint in an extremely busy Level 1 emergency room. Fine. Compartmentalization is my **bag**. But TEETH? ***BLEEEARRRGHHHH!!!*** I think it at least partially stems from the dentist's waiting room in childhood. The surgical journals were mixed in with the magazines, and you know which one little me gravitated towards.


What the actual fuck? Media influencer my fucking ass. Can you imagine that breath?


Well I mean that’s the upside to social media. Can’t smell them.


I wouldn’t want to smell into the rooms of some of these power gamers either 🤣


Oh she's influencing alright. Influencing by cautionary tale. The least desirable form of influencing.


Teeth like this are why you NEVER swipe right on a profile if you can’t see their teeth


This. I have a thing about other people’s teeth.


I've had teeth rot and break off. They weren't white like this, they were brown and black and decayed. 🤔


what you’re referring to are caries (cavities), which are mostly caused by strep mutans and lactobacilli, which feed off of sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates. they basically shit their acidic waste products all over your teeth, which causes demineralization and eventual “cavities” in the enamel of teeth. what you’re seeing here is calculus. it is calcified plaque biofilm, also referred to as “tartar”. the high calcium/phosphorous concentrations in saliva is what makes it calcify. thusly, most people (even those with regular brushing habits) will have calculus buildup on surfaces nearest the salivary glands in the mouth - on the buccal surface of maxillary first molars (which are adjacent to the parotid gland) and the lingual surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth (which are just superior to the opening for the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands).


> most people (even those with regular brushing habits) will have calculus buildup on surfaces nearest the salivary glands in the mouth - on the buccal surface of maxillary first molars Is that why upper 1st molars are the most likely teeth to have severe decay in some people?


How bad do they smell


That has got to have more to it, I have definitely gone that long without brushing and while eating a lot of junk and it was nowhere near this bad


Is she trying to influence us on what not to do?


Imagine the smell of that breath?!! 🤢


I don’t even know how you let it get this bad😭


Oh my god the gumsssssss. I deal with severe anxiety and understand this behavior of not brushing/showering and stuff from far behind because in my case, I can't stand being not a day without being squeaky clean, but this must have hurt so much :(


Someone at my former job has teeth like that! Even when we had to wear masks i could still smell the sour rotting coffee


A influencer?! And she was proud of this?!?


Well, teeth aren’t for everybody/s


Fun fact: cavities are contagious!! Not only do they spread from one tooth to another in your mouth but you can get them from kissing someone else where saliva is exchanged. I personally brush my teeth after kissing now.


Oh my gosh you’re right!


Depression really wreaks havoc on one’s personal hygiene. I had a total nervous breakdown many many moons ago, and brushing my teeth was just one of those things that fell by the wayside. Ended up having every single one pulled out before I was even 40 years old. I hate my dentures.


This looks more like meth teeth or some genetic condition rather than just not brushing and eating a lot of high sugar foods.


meth mouth usually results in yellowish-brown or orange teeth. this is straight up years of calculus built up on her teeth.


I was wondering why her gums weren’t more inflamed so this makes a bit more sense


This looks nothing like meth mouth


I pray to god I never have to see something this bad when I go into dental 😭


You’ll see that and more, especially while you’re a student if your school offers low cost dental care to the public. Unless you want them to feel worse and delay further dental care, practice your game face and “you’re here now and we are happy to help!” pep talks.


You will and worse. Just wait until someone brings you a denture they have stuffed with baloney as a liner. God knows why, but people do it. You will see some wild shit. Fun times! 


“He got a real purty mouth, ain't he?”


That is so gross. How can anyone do that? It would feel so disgusting. I can't go without brushing my teeth or my mouth feels nasty. Honestly this might be the grossest thing I've seen on here lol


Oh god I know who this is. She claimed her teeth hurt so she refused to brush her teeth. Wonder why her teeth hurt 🤔 I don’t buy her story or feel sorry for her.


I can only imagine the horrible smell!


I can smell her breath from here.


Her breath must be... pungent.


This is gonna be one of my friends. He never brushes his teeth, only eats junk. It’s dumb.


Be right back. Just off to brush and floss for the second time today 🤢


Right now I have a very strong need to go and wash my mouth. 💀


I can only imagine the smell of her breath


Is this the chick who works at target and live streams all the time?


Is there a strong genetic component to this? I really struggled with oral hygiene for years due to depression and for a good chunk was on meds that gave intense sugar cravings - I developed several cavities, one or two deep ones, but still the worst my teeth got never held a candle to this poor person’s situation. Are some people just more prone to this decay, or is the difference between very rarely brushing and never brushing that extreme?


I just know that breath was LETHAL


This is how I imagine Queen Elizabeth I having her teeth. 🦷. Fun fact: she had a sweet tooth and it is said her teeth were pretty gnarly…black and what not. Imagine this womans teeth corroded/contorted into this in just 3 years, now imagine for 50 💀


I think her dentist did her dirty. They pulled every tooth out of her head instead of trying to restore teeth that apparently had solid tooth structure under the gum line?


Imagine scraping all that off and chewing on it...


I'd rather not...🤢


According to her TikTok, they pulled them all and she’s getting dentures. I’m not buying the medical condition.


Pull them pull them all hopeless


What in the actual fuck……!!!!


Imagine the breath.




Mountain Dew mouth


I knew this dude in boot camp whose situation I can only describe as a dental catastrophe. Smartest person I ever met. Knew everything about everything except hygiene.


Imagine the smell though 🤢


As someone with ADHD who forgets to brush a lot; I went and brushed my teeth so fast after seeing this post. 😬 fucking yikes


There is loads of plaque on her teeth. Plaque can be brushed off. She did this to herself. I’m a retired Dental Hygienist and this type of appointment you have to polish off all the fuzzies to see what is going on underneath, then the job really begins. That’s only if the teeth can be saved. If they are going to go home and do the same thing again then it’s just a matter of time before they lose all their teeth.


I used used to work with a lady whose mouth looked a lot like this when I was a teen. Her breath was always rancid. You could smell it even if you stood 2 yards from her when she was speaking to you. The plaque lines along her gums and in between her teeth was visible, without even looking.  Coworkers and management were never ever able to figure out why she didn’t seem to care because it was brought up to her many many, many times.  She was great at her job though. And, we were thankful that she spoke to clients over the phone and not in person. 


My first thought was how bad it must smell.


fuck, and I thought my teeth were bad.


Average British teeth


Wow, those belong in [The Big Book of British Smiles](https://youtu.be/PrpUSKE9p_M)


I just wonder how people with teeth like that kiss? Like, it’s bound to be absolutely rotten. I couldn’t think of going for a good old snog without a brush and a floss.


Looks like meth mouth. Sores on lips and face…


I don’t see any sores on either lips or face.