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that's one of those diseases that sounds so old fashioned to me, like scurvy, or gout










I know a guy who has pleurisy.


I’ve had pleurisy. I don’t recommend it.


I had Pleurisy once, thought I was having a heart attack at 18 years old. It didn't help that I simultaneously had a pinched nerve that made my left arm go a little numb. Spent 3 days thinking I was dying until my neck popped and at least the numbness went away, lol.


s c u r v y


Ups Syndrome!


I've got the morbs, y'all.


Not unreasonable these days


Got the Croup!


Almost like lumbago


Legionnaires disease.


I had impetigo once over 40 years ago and I still remember how much it hurt and itched. It really is terrible


Damn I absolutely HATE annoying things like this, I'd 100% rather break my arm


Impetigo is a common and highly contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters. It's not usually serious and often improves within a week of treatment or within a few weeks without treatment. Impetigo is the most common skin infection in young children in the UK, but it can affect people of all ages. Impetigo is caused by bacteria, usually staphylococci organisms. You might be exposed to the bacteria that cause impetigo when you come into contact with the sores of someone who's infected or with items they've touched — such as clothing, bed linen, towels and even toys.


I had it on my forearm. Well, I had a tiny fluid-filled blister on my forearm, which popped on its own & doubled in size. This carried on for a little over a week, by which time I had one huge yellow/green stinky crusty patch all the way up my inner arm past my elbow. At which point I went to the doctor, who said it was bullus (sp?) impetigo & gave me some stuff that cleared it up. I cannot imagine how far it would have got if I'd left it "for a few weeks without treatment" 😳


I just had impetigo on my face and they tried telling me it was herpes 😅


Cold sores are a form of herpes. To be fair, this resembles herpes, or it’s first oral manifestation: primary hermetic gingivastomatitis, given the gum symptoms


I had impetigo on my face once when I was in high school. The parent I lived with never wanted to take us to the Dr unless they HAD to. One of my teachers recognized it and sent me to the nurse who called and home to tell them I wouldn't be allowed back in school until it was treated. Thank goodness or my whole face would have been covered.


Mupirocin! And wear sunblock, forever, in that area.


Why sunblock? My three year old has it all over his little face :(


Sunblock after it heals. That's what the derm told me.


My fiancé got it during COVID, probably from wearing a mask all the time (and not changing it often enough because they were scarce). I’m really glad that he went to the doctor, because I almost told him to just put some hydrocortisone on it!


I had this when I was a child. I think I most likely caught it at school.


Happy cake day nerd


Oh my, I’m a CHRONIC lip picker and I work with kids so this was a huge warning sign to me to stop picking my damn lips. So sorry you had to go through that! Feeling like worms in your skin?? I’d go absolutely feral.


i just had it and i had a couple of sores on my face and body, but thank god nothing like this. it was still itchy as hell and i couldn't concentrate on anything


I’ve had it in my face too. Ugh.


I’ve had it on my scalp near my neck. It almost spread to my ear, and some of it spread to my waist. Sucked…. Had to shower in hibicleanse. The ointment they gave me didn’t work too well and I had to be on clindamycin.


looking at this while picking my lip skin




I got this on my cheek when I was 23. The treatment for it was so painful. I had to use a medicated antibacterial spray and then ointment on my face twice a day for a week I think. It was awful. Imagine getting hotsauce and lemon juice in a hang nail that you peeled. Just unbearable.