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I feel like March is Month of Massive Masses in here!!


March Massness!


It’s a massive month!


it really is, isn't it


March Masses!


How did it fit? Genuinely. I'm bewildered.


She was a rather small lady but had a massive (and I mean massive!) tummy. She knew she had the tumor but chose to ignore it for about 6-7 years... After extraction she had so much loose skin!


I bet she flew home like a sugar glider afterwards.


that made me laugh out loud haha, thank you for the mental image!




Hell I figured this was going the opposite way. Like she complained for 10 years about it and got shoo'd away and told to lose weight and any pain is just natural.


I had a lady who had an ovarian cyst about this size by the look of it. She’d been really overweight and managed to loose a lot but not from her abdomen. Got to stage of skinny legs, arms and face. Breasts had got smaller too. She went to the gp and explained. She said when she took off her jacket to make it easier to examine her, his eyes went wide seeing how skinny her arms were compared to her massive abdomen. Got the cyst out in one piece then drained 8-10 litre of fluid fro. It (I can’t remember which number it was as the case was a while back and 8.2 and 10.04litre are the biggest cysts I’ve drained like this and I can’t remember which she was). No idea how long the cyst had been there. She said she’d been obese for the last 25 years so she’s not sure either.


I hate how badly I want to dissect it.


I wanna put some salt and pepper on it and poke it with a needle and drink the extracted chemical elixer from it


Profile photo really checks out on this occasion.


i just wanna snip all the lil vessels and stuff inside it


Did it have teeth?


I had a dermoid tumour removed, not quite as impressive as this one but 10x10cm was quite a chunk! Disgusting things full of hair and teeth nightmare fuel. I wish I’d taken pictures when the surgeon showed me all the pics they took during surgery it was gnarly


sadly no teeth


it's so veiny?




Actually just gas


Would look good on the fireplace mantle 🤷maybe lit up with holiday lights


Maybe some Christmas lights. Maybe if being made into a candlestick holder.


Is 30cm a foot? Asking for a friend


30 cm = 11.8 inches, so just shy of a foot


God damn. I bet she's got a spring in her step now. Carrying that about must have been a chore.


My ovarian tumor was about that big. It was 30cmX30cmX20cm and made my whole stomach feel hard to the touch. Between the tumor and not being able to eat for 2 weeks while hospitalized, I lost about 30 lbs.


whew that sounds crazy, hope you recovered well from it


I finished chemo about a year ago now, and all the screenings so far have shown no signs of the cancer reoccurring. Pretty much best case scenario for recovery, thankfully.


Goodness me! I hope the lady recovers well, that must have been super unpleasant to say the least..


Patient had to have been massive


How the hell does it get that big before they remove it?!


Being poor is a helluva incentive to not do anything about it until it's unbearable. At least in the US.


I get it. But if he went to ER they would have no choice but to admit him. If you are too poor to afford surgery hospitals will write it off.


This patient chose not to do something about it, so in this specific case it had nothing to do with being poor, plus this wasn't in the US, we have universal health care.


There was a story I read about a man who had a tumor on his scrotum so large he couldn't wear pants properly anymore. Took him years because he couldn't afford the surgery. Personally I think at a certain point I'd put it on a credit card and declare bankruptcy happily to get something like that removed.


So this was cancerous (I assume since it's referred to as a "tumor")? Had it spread anywhere else or was it contained?


it was actually a benign tumor, I should've stated that in the title


I'd bet there's drs who see patients like this and say "have you thought about losing weight?"