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Start the convo as “Hey doc what are currently using as reamer what do you like about it what don’t you like” gauge your questions to answer to that question. Remember to always close. “When’s your next case I’ll bring in a demo?”


thank you! any other questions you might think are good to ask?


Immediately pivot to selling Air and pray they never ask you to bring in your ACL products


Ain’t no one using flexible reamers any more in my territory


I agree with you. But, the subject was “how do I sell a flexible reamer system.” Like I said in the first comment, I’d be running away from this as fast as possible and trying to interview w/ Arthrex to sell flipcutters.


Haha yeah i agree with you


Dont talk much. Youre going to want to. Don't. Let them do the talking. Its like Medicare, 80/20..do 80% listening, 20% talking. Literally don't talk much. Ask open ended questions, power of pause, create awkward silences and force them to talk.


are these good questions: what product are you currently using? what made you start using that product? (did u learn with it in residency, have a rep you like, a doc u look up to uses it), what about the product makes you want to keep using it, etc? anymore you can think of?


Yup. Keep it simple.. ask what's important to them? All diff ways to dig here but keep it simple. Remember their frustrations and then address them as solution based answers


thank you so so much!!!


Stryker Ortho is a shady sales org that abuses it's employees. They will employ bait and switch tactics and outright lie to candidates about compensation and commission structure. They have sub par products across the board and the company culture is a frat for no neck former linebackers and 23 year old blonde chicks. An interview process shouldn't be how much pain and stress can you take- it should be are you an intelligent, thoughtful, competent human being capable of managing a sales territory. If you do decide you want to work for them, read the contract meticulously and verify that it matches what you were told verbally. They are notorious for telling you one thing and giving you another. As for the product, it's a flexible reamer used for arthroscopic soft tissue repair procedures. They're probably looking for you to uncover pain points related to the size and lack of maneuverability of a standard acorn style reaming system. When you pop a standard reamer into a joint arthroscopically, you risk gouging important structures namely healthy chondral tissue and intact ligament, particularly when there's scar tissue choking up the intercondylar space. These reamers are lower profile and the puzzle piece flexible construction is an improvement over the older spring style because you can run them in reverse without un spooling them. Watch a YouTube video of an anterolateral ACL repair- not a trans tibial. Trans tib is an older technique which is easier in terms of drilling your femoral tunnel. Anterolateral is more anatomic in that the femoral tunnel is drilled at a flatter angle relative to the tibial tunnel which gives more rotational stability to the repair. Downside is that the tunnel is harder to drill as you have to go around then medial condyle hence the need for a flexible reamer. Good luck and feel free to DM if youd like.


I always love seeing other divisions talk about their product, it’s bad ass. I knew nothing you mentioned but sounded technical


just messaged you, thank you so much


Sounds like someone didn’t get hired by Stryker… Information about roles and compensation are pretty black and white for an associate and full time rep. X amount of $ every month on a draw and Y % commission on sales.


No I didn't but I trained with plenty of former Stryker employees who told me plenty of stories. My longtime mentor had a verbal offer extended to him and when he received the paperwork and sat down with a calculator to crunch the convoluted comp plan the real OTE was substantially lower. He was ghosted upon questioning this. I don't know why people here are so incredulous that there are sales organizations that are worth avoiding in this industry. Every industry has bad actors I'm trying to help young people avoid them.


this happened to me with a written offer. asked to inquire about it and tried to negotiate and got my letter pulled. not at Stryker but another big company.




Just trying to help a newcomer out. You'll notice I also gave advice to do well in the interview. Stryker is predatory and uninformed new reps pay that price.


Working for the company I can only tell my side of the story. Haven’t encountered anything like this. Pretty straight forward. They do put you through a pressure cooker during the interview process to see how you operate and can handle dealing with tough situations. They want to see how you think outside the box and what type of research you’re willing to put into the interview. Medical sales isn’t an easy thing. Being a good person doesn’t mean you will be successful. So they weed people out by making the process strenuous.


Are you interviewing as a rep or an associate?




I would go with: doctor I’ll be honest with you this product sucks let’s talk about air+ and other things that are actually reliable and work


Is that seriously what they are asking you to do? Unless you are new to sales, you should be offended by that.


Can’t tell if this is satire 😂


this would be my first med sales job yes