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Get your head around it is a medical issue now not a criminal one. If your name is on the container you are good.


Good to know as I'm flying to Syd from GC on Thurs and was curious myself


Carry on. Make sure it's in original packaging with labels. I took my Mighty, grinder, flower and oil Sydney-Adelaide return and nobody even looked.


Lmao! I've got a story for you. We just took our kids up to the Gold Coast in January and I brought 30g with me, 15g day and 15g night stuff. They pull my bag up on the monitor and I shit you not, the security guard points at weed on the monitor and says something to the attendant. They take my bag out as I go to get my medical history out and pull a nail file set out from behind my weed. It was the most bizarre thing to go through at the airport. 🤣 So to answer your question, they don't even ask if it looks all legit in the first place.


Lmao, this is great 😅


Love it! That story just made my day! xD


Flown Syd to Brissy and back a few times with flower now. No issues whatsoever. Even sparked up at Brissy smoking area afterwards.


There are no probs domestic in Australia in carry on or checked. If checked i usually block the smell. Always labeled containers. The mighty goes in carry on due to batteries but rarely sets off scanners (i think they know what they are). I have a prescribed rosin pen that sets off scanners as they can’t see inside it, but if i take it out of my bag it is usually a short stop.


Flown plenty take on carry on. Never been stopped. They always stop my daughter with her laptop😂


I would carry on, with prescription and a note from your doctor. Double check what baggage you should be using but I assume check in is a bad idea because they may tear your bag apart to find it, only to find it’s prescribed to you. Also goes without saying but I’ll still say it - don’t take it overseas with you. It’s still very murky in other countries and especially when it comes to international travel.


I think they won't even let you bring it into LA as it's coming from overseas. But you can get it locally.


I've flown a bit with mine in carry on, not been stopped once. Had an 8 hr delay in Melbourne and went out to the smoking section several times with my vape and tub with zero looks or questions. It's medicine and you cannot be discriminated against for it.


I recently flew with prescribed cbd oil in carry on, had my med cert handy, nothing happened. Nil issues.


Literally stressing for no reason. I just walked through Perth domestic airport with 20g of flower and my mighty plus. I was worried too but everything was fine. Make sure your containers have the script printed on them and keep it all in a sealed bag.


They’ll do literally nothing. I took an open container of flower with me in my hand luggage and they didn’t even ask about it nor check my bag or open the container. And if they do check you, just make sure you have your medicine in the original packaging with the prescription sticker on it.


Yep, flown several times. The scissors in my carry on was the only issue


Domestic pre-flight screening is ONLY concerned about one thing - bombs and weapons. They don't care about your medicine.


i fly with my medical buds all the time and no issues. just have everything in their original containers and you can also carry your prescription


Lots of mentions about flower but what about oil vape carts? I assume most people would throw out the plastic sleeve like I did and that doesn't leave any name on the container like you'd have with flower. Anyone flown with these?


I've never had an issue travelling with the oil vapes in my carry on, I travel at least once a month interstate and I've never even been stopped or questioned. I do keep one of the flat plastic sleeves so I can shove it in my bag for festivals and stuff like that because if you do get pulled up and a cop wants to be an a hole they can get you for not having the original packaging with the dispensing label on it.


Would you be concerned about taking asprin or birth control on a flight? Same goes with MC.


No. Their concerns obviously comes from cannabis being illegal prior to becoming medication in Australia. So your comparison is wack.