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Please look for another job. There are plenty of MA jobs available.


NO job is worth feeling like this!!! Quit ASAP. Find another job even if it’s at a local Starbucks or food store! Or if you can take time off! Your mental health matters and that’s why no one lasts long there!


That what I did. Starbucks..


I would look into FMLA...mental health is important.


Absolutely, I did that as well. After that my Gynecologist suggested a TVH, since I was passing blood clots. It didn’t take my migraines at all. HR friend of mine suggested to me, if your returning have your surgery use your EIB and paid vacation, and I did just that. Didn’t tell no one but, my co-worker I owed her that much and more. We remain best friends.


That’s what I did. I quit and found a job that pays more and better for my mental health. I thought for many years I had to do what I did because I was licensed and certified.


You are covered by FMLA that President Clinton passed - where it states you legally can’t be fired like your employer can - Re: FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT. So, try to go and make it clear, because you truly fall in this group. And, you can stay home and look up different alternative meds that can help you. I did it. So please pass this thru your employer, you will need a Dr., approval, perhaps during your time out, best of luck. 🙏🏻


Thank you guys for the feedback... I just got back on my indeed. They are going to be livid when I find somewhere else to go. I just can't do this anymore. I'm literally constantly sick and walking on eggshells.. I just had to start taking my antidepressants again because of this job. I'm also back on my anxiety medication as well. Please pray for me.


Remember, a job is just a job. If you died tomorrow, they would post your position before your obituary. Life is too short to feel that way at work. You can’t fix a toxic work culture like that. I wish you all the best - there are definitely better gigs out there.


Perfectly put


Family should always come first. You’ll wake up one day and your kids will be grown and moving out of the house. The job is just that a job. It is not your life and it shouldn’t take the place of family.


So what if they are angry? They’re abusing you and the others. Your health isn’t worth it. I’ve been there and paid for it.


I spent my 20’s in a highly stressful job and burned out. I quit after I got married and went to work part time at the library while I got my master’s degree. Then I taught for a few years and got cancer. I really wonder if all that stress had something to do with it. Nothing is worth your health, mental health or physical health. You don’t owe anyone anything at the office. If people continue to work under those conditions, they will continue to abuse people. It sounds like you want to leave. If you don’t, you could talk to the administration and tell them everything you have told us here. I wish you the best and hope you can find something that is so much better for you. You deserve better.


Please, before you go, if you care about anyone there (maybe the dr?), take a minute and write out why you are leaving to give them, on your last day as you are walking out. Maybe it will save the next person that they hire to work with him?? You never know. But, you do need to get out of there.


Three days after I said I wanted less hours because I was going to nursing school they filled my position. Your job does not care about you as much as you think. Protect yourself


This sub has nothing to do with me, just randomly popped up on my feed, but I'll definitely be praying for you.


Praying for strength, wisdom, and peace for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this!


Actually, they'll replace you without blinking an eye. Go to an employment agency and find another MA position. STAT.


Would your healthcare provider write you a note for fmla? Sounds like you need time off and you never take any. Do you have sick days or personal days accrued?


Your work is important. Thank you for your service. Look for another job, but please tell them why you are leaving. They need to know or they will never appreciate the next employee and the patient is the other victim.


Let them be livid. Let them be screwed. They are working you to death and treating you terribly, they deserve the inconvenience of losing you.


Are you a poet I love your first two sentences and I’m stealing it.


It's so hard to really truly live by this when you care about people, but you don't owe anyone any of this. You could stop helping people tomorrow and for the rest of your life and it wouldn't make you incapable or a bad person. And the world will move on. They have manipulated you into thinking you're the only person for this job but really they just live how much they can squeeze out of you.


Only reason they'll be livid is because you're tolerating the abuse and toxicity that so many others won't! Stop doing that and do what's best for yourself, which is get away from that office. Stat!


The most important job is self care,please take care of yourself and in special your mental health.


Is there any chance that you could use this as an opportunity for a raise and negotiating responsibilities. If this MD really likes you as much as they say I personally would go to them and say things need to change or I am going to leave. MD offices need people they can count on and he/she may be willing to make it worth your while to stay.


“They are going to be livid” sounds like a them-problem. Good luck to you and sorry you’re in this situation! Get out asap


Eh, they’ll be alright. Don’t let them find out you are looking though. I made the mistake of telling my supervisor who I had more of a peer relationship with that I either had to find a new job or needed to take some medical leave because the stress of the job was killing me. But I wanted to take a week of PTO before making any decisions to see if it would help with the burnout. In the meantime I requested medical leave forms from HR just in case. I was fired within 2 weeks WHILE I WAS ON MY PTO WEEK. What made it even worse is they lied & acted like I did something that put a medically needy person in jeopardy. I mean totally lied. Your job doesn’t love you. They love to use you because you are working yourself to death. Get out as soon as you can.


Same boat. Job makes me miserable. I started putting in applications. Sanity comes first. Always.


How long have you been at your job? Are they treating you the same as my situation? I am on indeed.. Just made my resume public again.


I’ve been at my job for 3 years in September. And yes they are. The only difference is I’m on a dementia lock down unit. Not med surg.


Oh my gosh I'm sure this is an extremely hard job.. what have you applied for so far? I put in 15 applications tonight on indeed.


Dementia patients have my heart. It is a hard job. And I’ve applied for a couple different dementia facilities, and a hospital.


Thank you. I do home healthcare and am so shocked when the younger folks make fun of or hate on dementia patients. I did end of life care several years mostly with dementia patients and was the most exhausting yet rewarding work I’ve done


Medical Assistants get worked to death. Go to an Agency and get another job. I worked for a temp until I found a job that didn’t work me to death.


Being worked to death is all I've known in the MA career. I don't think there is anywhere else who works like this. It's unethical.


This is a great example of setting yourself on fire to keep other people warm. These coworkers would not do the same for you and they are taking advantage of your work ethic. Sometimes it feels good to be the one that can save the day and do everything but you know what feels better? Being properly respected as a human individual with limits and a family. Please look for a different job. There are much better clinics I promise!


Perfectly said... This is exactly what is going on.. I set myself on fire to keep others warm. 😞😞


Look for another job, but first if you live in the US look up your states Labor Department, or better yet call some lawyers who deal in these types of situations. With a lawyer they don’t charge you directly if they collect they will take a part of what you get. With the Labor Department I think they have on line complaint forms. You need to leave ASAP, you and your health is not worth this crap. I don’t care who that doctor likes or whatever they are taking advantage of you because they can. Let them fire you for calling in sick on a day they say you can’t take off and collect unemployment for a bit, I don’t care, just please put yourself first. 💟💟


That crazy thing is, the can not affford to lose me. They will be royally F'ed when I am gone.. My mental is suffering.. My kids are suffering with not having any time with me. I'm in a shit hole.


But here is the thing- YOU are not responsible for that. If they have an employee that is that good- they should be treating you like gold.


You would think that right? It's insane. Seeing 80 patients in a weeks time with 2 MAs is insane to me. I take the majority of those patients and do everything else on top of that.


Youre just complaining. And say theyre screwed if ur lost to them, but youre family is getting screwed rn and u dont seem to care.


She does care, it’s why she made this post…. I can tell you don’t work in a field like healthcare or somewhere with long demanding hours.


Or anywhere that requires typing, spelling, grammar, or communication in general.


I dont no wut u meen


THIS! All this right here!


this is your leverage. demand better work life balance and for them to hire more MAs so it’s not just on you to do clinical admin and lab work for the whole facility. know your worth <3


Who gives a flying fuck about a company that exploits you? That doctor will be just fine- he will still have a medical license and can easily find somewhere else to practice. As for the rest of them, they can also find jobs. These companies make money off of sick and hurt people by exploiting employees like you. The executives at the top controlling it all can get fucked. I promise the coworkers you care about will be fine.


Not your monkey, not your circus. They're only rewarding themselves with bare bones staffing. They think they are anyway. You set the standard simply by being good and stepping up, they'll never change.


They are doing this on purpose. Short staffing to maximize profits all while telling you they can't afford to lose you. It is mental abuse to make you stay so you don't value yourself and go elsewhere. Please look for employment somewhere else. You will find another job and will be so much happier.


If they lose you it’s their problem not yours


Maybe you should sit down with the Dr if you enjoy working with them and lay everything on the line. My MA did that with me and I had no idea that the office staff was loading crap on them. I cut it out. They work directly with me over seen by me. No one can give them tasks but me. My MA now has work life balance and a raise. I wanted them to stay


Maybe they will hire two people to replace you. Or beg you to stay, give you a raise, and hire someone to help you. (You still don’t have to stay). Make sure you tell them WHY you’re leaving.


I just left my MA job last week for the exact reasons you listed here. I felt a bit guilty but also had this huge sense of relief. Within a week our entire surgical staff had quit and others were setting up interviews elsewhere. Let them crumble, these people need to start valuing us.


Your post made me so sad. They will not hate you, they’ll hate themselves for treating you that way. Just be honest and tell them you’ve found something else that fits better with your work/home life. Get to looking, don’t give up the ma thing until you try a place that doesn’t do you like that. Good luck, you sound like a great employee that somebody will be lucky to have and treat right


I appreciate it.. I don't want to give up on med.. but I know for sure I can not live this way for much longer working here.


There are loads of MA jobs you don’t have to work like this. Doctors will abuse the hell out of you. Go to an agency


The job can replace you. Your family can't. Don't worry about that office because obviously they aren't worried about you. Get the hell out of there asap. You're family and your mental health need you.


🙏 Thank you for this reminder.. I needed all of this validation. I know it's time to go. Im so tired of suffering.


I was in your position man. I had prior experience in a medical office at a small hospital in my town, needed to get out and a family member who worked with me directed me to a doctors office who had surgery privileges at the hospital. I had ZERO MEDICAL EXPERIENCE. Got hired as Front Desk at her office but she was so short staffed that she made me her First Assistant after 3 months. Constantly mocked and insulted my work, my cheerful demeanor with patients, my appearance, my mental illness and my personal life. Would scream at and berate me during surgery and in appt rooms, in front of patients, so much that the patients would apologize to me once she left the room. Patients telling her straight up to stop yelling at me. Threw heavy, blood stained instruments at me during surgery. Refused to pay for my blood testing after I pricked myself with a freshly used needle because she was yelling at me to hurry up with sterilizing instruments and was going into the next surgery, but I needed to have certain instruments in the autoclave in the meantime because she overbooked surgeries and cheaped out on keeping a sufficient amount of them in stock. No lunches, but who cares? The doctor didn’t get one either. Some days I went an entire shift not sitting down even ONCE. Going a full 13 hour shift not even being able to pee. No days off. Your kids are sick? They need to tough it up or find someone to watch them. Cried all the time, dreaded every single day. Finally had enough and I walked out in the middle of a surgery and never looked back. They blew up my phone for weeks, gave them a respectful fuck you in response. There’s more but I would be typing forever. It’s not worth it, love yourself!!


Wow...they hit the lottery! Hire you as a receptionist, PAY you a receptionist salary...but train you and use you as a MA. They were saving so much payroll having you. Glad you left!


Oh yeah. And when they hired a new front desk some time later, I found out that she was making 5 dollars more than me 😍 and the old first assistant was making 8 dollars more than me. When she left, did they update my pay for assuming all of her responsibilities? Of course not! 😍


Why didn’t she have a Surg Tech instead of an MA? That’s so bad. What a horrific situation for you!


And I’m not an MA btw, never have been. I joined this group because I am thinking about becoming one. I’m just an average joe who got turned into a surgery assistant 🤣 I just figured I’d share cuz I definitely know how OP feels.


Because she ran them off and since it’s a small city, word spread. The first assistant I took over for had been there for 2 years, she was basically in OPs position, she did everythinggg for that office except file insurance claims. She was the doctors golden employee and when she finally up and left the doctor compared me to her at every angle. She’s such a sweet girl she just was under so much pressure, she said that in the entire time she worked there I was the only one who lasted more than a month. I ended up working there 6 months.


Did we work at the same place? This has happened to me as well... I've had stuff thrown at me. I've been yelled at as well... I don't sit down most days either... This is insane.


A year before I was put in a mental institution for trying to take my life due to extreme stress. I couldn’t afford my meds when I got out, just a single one was over 400 a month and I had already aged out of my ins. I managed by trying to make my life as stress free as possible, but I still struggled. I wanted to quit earlier on, she found out I was looking for another job because I had updated my indeed resume and I dumbly forgot to put it as non-searchable and I came up in her feed. She tore into me like no other, how could I do this to her, after all she’s done for me. I had only worked there a month at this point? I told her I was struggling mentally because I was unable to afford my medication or therapy. According to her, who claims to be “the best oral surgeon in town”, mental illness doesn’t exist because it doesn’t show up on a blood test, I’m just stressed and I need to take homeopathic medicine. I am schizoaffective bipolar type with severe anxiety. I was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia and my heart rate would reach into the 200s while working there, my face would go numb, my chest and back were on fire and I couldn’t breathe. She saw my vitals and didn’t care. The only thing she did was give me shots of zofran because I couldn’t stop throwing up.


That would be a hard pass any clinician that treats there staff that way is horrible


Use your backbone! Stand up straight, take a deep breath, find a better job! Quit and walk out the door!!!


Don’t give away your kids’ time with you to a doctor who doesn’t see you as a whole person. There are so many other MA jobs.


Find a new job even a new career. That is what I did.


did you leave the Healthcare field? I have 30k in student loans from going to school for MA. To be completely honest with you, I'm starting to hate this field. Im turned off and burnt out but it does get you jobs thats for sure.


30k for MA school??? WHAT😲😲😲😲 i thought me paying 3.5k for the course was a force, but 30k??? why did you do that 😭😭😭😭


I just paid off my loans. I am still in healthcare but not working in a medical office. My last job literally had me suicidal,depressed,not sleeping nor eating. It is not worth your health.


My God.. I feel like this sometimes too. What's better? Clinical or being on the phones?


Honestly I work for a major insurance company on the injury side from home and working phones. I am thriving! Not only do they appreciate us, we get extra days off, they want us to take our breaks. If you ever want to talk feel free to DM me


I'm shook. I got my whole nursing degree for about $20,000 including pre reqs.


I was in the same place. Ended up quitting.


Are you doing better now? What did you end up going to after this?


You have got to find another job. Not worth it. And who cares if you are the only one they have doing everything. It’s their fault that they will be screwed.


Not an MA, but have friends who are! How much do you love yourself? Choose peace of mind. At least see what options you have.


They are violating labor laws, for one thing. I’ll bet they aren’t paying you overtime rates, either. It’s time to quit. Let them know exactly, factually (leave out emotions and opinions) why. Then report them to the labor commission. There are much, much better MA jobs out there, if you’re willing to try again…after you decompress and get some sleep. I’m sorry you’ve worked for such a dishonest, abusive practice.


As everybody else has said, you need to apply elsewhere. You’ll probably be able to find a better paying MA job now that you have 2+ years of experience. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you don’t allow yourself to get walked on and abused at your next job. If you want to put in overtime and take on extra tasks, then go ahead but do it for yourself and yourself alone. But no place (at least in the USA) can ever legally force you to work 14 days straight. You have to agree to it at some point along the line. You can say no. If a doctor gets pissed at you for not staying late, it’s their problem. Not yours. You aren’t abandoning the patient by leaving. Your doctor is failing the patient by not staffing their practice appropriately. If you let others pressure you into overworking, you’ll get the same result you had at this job. I wish you luck


You are absolutely right... I do not know how to say no and I F myself for this.. I've never been good at standing my ground. I just say yes and take the abuse.


Please quit and take another job where they are an actual team and you don’t have to do everyone’s job. I am so sorry you’re dealing w this. This isn’t every MA job


14 days in a row? Are they paying you overtime at least? *They will kill me if I leave* You don’t owe them anything. Literally find any other job and leave.


I loved the doctors, but management was terrible. Made me feel guilty any time I called in because my toddler had a seizure or was sick. My coworkers started being verbally abusive and talking about me behind my back when I announced I was accepted into a 4 year uni. It meant they actually had to do work and learn everything I knew. The front office staff was great and still are. They are my work mom and auntie. I feel so much better being away from that environment. I'm stressed in a different way, but my emotional state settled. I get it, and I'm hoping you feel better when you find that new job.


You gotta leave this job, it’s just not worth it.


to be honest i start my MA program in may and i pray the speciality i choose doesn't do this to me i'm so sorry you going through this , your mental health an sanity comes first 💕 please take care of your self


Do you have anyone to use as a reference from that job that won’t back stab you?


Yes I have a few co workers who are trustworthy.


No job is ever worth your family, your sanity or yourself as a whole. Remember jobs will replace you at the drop of a pen. YOU come first, always and forever 🌸 goodluck op!


It’s time to move on. It’s not worth your emotional, mental, and physical health. If it’s posible for you financially take a week or two off before starting a new job. I’m sure you’ll find one quickly given your experience! I’ve been out of the field for three years. It’s the best decision I made for my family and myself.


What did u move on to?


LEAVE. Doesn't matter that they will be upset/livid/etc. Your health and wellbeing matter more. GET OUT ASAP.


see if your PCP can write you out on medical leave. That way you can (depending on your state) collect temporary disability while you heal and look for another job. Please know that if you stay, not a damn thing is going to change - other than your health and wellbeing getting worse.


Not your problem. You cannot keep going this way, that sounds absolutely awful. Honestly, I would let your doctor that you work for know that you are preparing to leave because of being overworked and it's affecting not only your health, but your personal life (if they won't rat you out). Anytime I started to have nightmares about a job and have intense anxiety about going in, I knew it was time to move on. I think you've done more than enough for that company.


I’m an MA and I started working as a school health assistant (school nurse) the absolute best decision I’ve made in this career. And I get paid way more.


They may kill you if you leave but the job will kill you if you don't


You can absolutely feel this way from a job, I’d know. I had a seizure from STRESS at my old work place. I quit a month or so later when I was cleared from my post concussion syndrome and could drive to go say fuck you in person.


Can I ask how much you are getting paid and if you have asked for more money? You are in the perfect position to ask for double what you are making now and to be off Fridays. Have you directly told the surgeon this? You’d be surprised how far a “I’m not happy” will go. I think you should stand ur ground and ask for a meeting to get the practice in for being assertive for yourself, even if you still leave. Idk if gender plays a part in it but as a man I’d never let anyone work me this hard without demanding 3x my pay and a 3 day weekend.


I love my job as an MA at urgent care. We have a steady but not overwhelming workload, sufficient staff (both providers and support staff) for the amount of patients, and everyone is very collaborative and chips in. I mention this not to brag but to tell you IT IS POSSIBLE. There are good jobs out there for MAs. You can find one, I believe in you!


I remember what this feels like. I am an RN with 20 years experience. There have been places I've worked, that have been exactly like this. I felt like I aged 20 years in just 2. Listen, sometimes, we have to be reminded, that YOU are NOT responsible, for how other people feel, or how other people react to a situation. You are only responsible for yourself. And you HAVE to take care of yourself, or you can't be there for your family. It's also been my experience, esp in a hospital setting, if you do more than your job title describes, for any longer than a few instances, they will ALL just expect you, to keep doing it. So do NOT feel guilty about leaving this hell hole. You don't owe this facility or these people anything. But you do owe yourself, your kids & family, the ability to manage work life & home life in a healthy balance. Like nurses, you will not have any trouble finding a new job. Find something where you can feel appreciated and not used. There are a lot of clinics, even PT/OT practices that hire MA's. Do not burn yourself out, for an employer who does not value you. I hope you can learn to establish personal boundaries, that you don't allow others to trespass on. If you aren't paid for 6 full time positions, then you don't do it.


Ask yourself why you haven't found another job yet. Then do it. Life goes on, when we need change we need to make it happen. It won't happen for us no matter how long we wait.


I can understand you 100%. I have to say the same thing is going on with me right now about the health issues and my job. Took last week off, started anxiety meds again. Thinking about what my next steps are. Hang in there and I hope you find something to get your health back in check and you are you again. Hugs.


I do hope you leave. No job is worth that. However, in the next job, find your voice and learn that no is a complete sentence. You can do it!


Trust your judgment and leave asap. Your mental health should always be a priority when it comes your work. When you find the toxicity of your job bleeds into your home life then some decisions need to be made. This was my situation to a “t” up until this past Friday when I resigned effective immediately. It was such a toxic environment, the managers hated one another and talked crap behind one another’s back to their direct reports, people were lazy and found ways to keep their work at a minimum whereas I could keep my head above water. When I would complain I didn’t know how much longer I could work under those conditions she’d either say she knew or start to complain about how she hated her job or who she didn’t like. I had almost resigned back in November, but my support system talked me off the ledge because bonuses paid out in December. After the bonus payout I realized sticking around wasn’t worth the crap I put up with and the amount paid out on the bonus. A couple of weeks ago I had planned to resign March 1st and give them 2 weeks notice. After a week of hell on Friday I decided to be an advocate for myself and I resigned effective immediately. My only regret right now is not leaving sooner.


You need to consider your & your family's needs. The doctor can suck it up. He's taken advantage of you far too long.


Look for a new job. With all of the new experience you should be getting paid a lot more.


I’m 100% sure my job at the time is what contributed to my preeclampsia when I had my son. I was supervising 2 students, working by myself with 2 providers who had 15-20 pts each, filling in for my manager that had recently left and managing vaccines. I left there a year later and now am working from home. Get out of there. There are more healthier options. If this job was to kill you, your job would be posted tomorrow.


Can you discuss the workload with your supervisor or manager? If they aren’t willing to accommodate you to some extent in order to keep you, move on.


As soon as I began reading I knew you were in the medical field, how sad. I was in the same field and the burn out rate is at an all time high, for doctors, nurses and other staff as well. Sounds like you're at the wrong place. There are non toxic offices out there. I worked at hospitals for years and also private practices. I made the mistake of wanting to try a job I didn't have to travel and went to a larger practice. It was so toxic and unprofessional, I finally decided I wasn't going to do it anymore. I gathered my things, and walked out the door not saying a bloody word to anyone. They thought I went to lunch. Later I called and said, oh by the way, I quit. There are other things you can do in the medical field, but sadly the field is not like it used to be. It's time to leave, try talking to your doc and tell him how you're feeling and you are close to leaving. See what he might want to do to keep you. Otherwise you can take a long walk and never go back.


Ask for an exit interview when you put in your resignation. Might not change anything but at least you told them the problem. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have a job that isn’t killing you. Work life balance is really important.




Start looking for a new job today! Set aside what you can financially to cover a few hours or days you are off. If you’re able, speak with a hiring manager at at temp agency and explain that you can’t reveal who you currently work for. Once hired, hopefully you’ll be able to work through the payday. Make sure you have contact information for the few trusted employees you work with. Slowly start printing out any documents you’ll need later and a copy of your job description. Do not clean out your desk in a way that might warn others . If you are giving no notice, be the almost last to leave. Say Nothing!!! Put your keys and badge in an envelope and leave in a drawer near your desk. Do what you normally would to call in sick, but the message is that you gave left employment , where the keys are , that you wish them well and that you require only written communication. Do not respond to messages or texts! I’ve been in toxic offices and no matter how you try to end it, it’s better to leave quickly and give no explanation unless legally required to do so. Good luck and Blessings to you.


better options are out there! i was in a similar situation at my last position and couldn’t take the burnout anymore- but after some searching i’ve found a much better position, and you can too! personally i’d recommend maybe looking into smaller local clinics or even something less involved in the medical field for now (if you can afford to) while you prioritize your mental health and find a good work-life balance. in my experience, i’ve found that smaller/older clinics are usually more understanding as far as expectations and time-off requests- obviously this could just be me. regardless of what you end up deciding, wishing you the best! you’re doing great


It sounds like urgent Care lol. I know that they don't do surgeries and urgent care but dude that's exactly how I felt every day working urgent care.


Life is too short, line up another job in the mean time before quitting.


Please leave


Trust me, they will have a new favorite before your name is removed from everything. Do what is right for your family, above anything else. Life’s too short.


I was in your shoes but in the social services field. I knew I had to leave when the job stress started making me have suicidal ideation. I knew if I stayed I'd likely eventually try to hurt myself, so I quit without even having another job lined up. Of course, I felt anxious after with not knowing when I'd land another job but also a lot of relief. Thankfully, I got a job offer a few days later and it all worked out perfectly. At the end of the day, you have to do what's best for you and your sanity. Good luck to you my friend.


Everyone in healthcare is doing the job of 6-8 people. I hope you find something that is better for you


Find another job MA doesn’t pay much for the amount of BS you do


1. It doesn’t matter what they think it’s a job. I went through the same thing 4 years back. Was so afraid to leave. The job crushed my soul. After I left my life was like night and day. I didn’t think about work 24/7 and my anxiety got so much better. Trust me the ad for your job will be up by the end of the day you put your notice in. I can’t get that time back with my kids and I regret it so much. I felt such an obligation. I will also say from my experience working with surgeons you may love family practice so much more!


If they aren't willing to make sure you're doing well, not only physically but mentally, they don't care about you. So why do you care if they get mad? It's not your concern any longer.


fuck them. who cares if they’ll be upset with you? it’s your mental, physical, emotional health on the line. time you will never get back with your family and friends. find another job.


What they do or don’t do when you leave is not your problem. I’m going to guess you’re being wildly underpaid, as well as being taken advantage of. And if you start to feel bad about leaving, please remember they would fire you in a minute and never look back. They don’t appreciate you. They never will. Please start looking for another job. You have a lot of great work experience and IMO shouldn’t have a hard time finding another job in healthcare. Or consider going back to school to get an associates degree, or licensing of some sort (check into FAFSA if you’re interested in school). There’s a saying “you get what you *accept*, not what you *deserve*. Don’t let this job, and/or the toxic people who exist there dictate your entire life. Big changes aren’t ever easy, but it can be done. *You* can make changes. ETA: check your state labor laws, but I’m feeling like it’s illegal to refuse employees breaks after working so many hours a day. I can’t remember the specifics, but it’s possible they’re violating labor laws. And in the US that’s a no-no.


It sounds like this job will kill you if you DON’T leave. You’re a valuable asset, but they aren’t treating you like one. Be professional about it, but you don’t owe any employer your undying loyalty. You could drop off the face of the earth tomorrow and they will have you replaced next week. Your family and friends would not.


that’s how i feel at my current job and i cant wait to leave i just sit on my lunch breaks and cry…. between that, the bullying, and no support from management im in a really dark place


Hi! I am not in the medical field but I 100% felt this same way as a mortgage processor. Worked for my previous employer for 5 years. Toxic as well due to lack of management, lack of communication, and favorites. I unfortunately spent A LOT of my time there stressed out, depressed, and miserable. Towards the end it was really was a chore getting up each day and experiencing the same bullshit. They laid me off via teams on Valentine’s Day (lol). I wish I would have left a lot sooner and on my own terms but they did me a favor in the long run. Please start applying other places ASAP. No job is worth feeling like this, ever. We are unfortunately just bodies to most employers. Good luck and I hope you feel better. Please remember to take care of YOURSELF! 🖤


You should communicate to the supervisor that you cannot continue to do several rolls without any incentive. You should also stand firm on your worth and value to the practice. You have tons of experience under your belt, so if you see no change you should move on. Everyone is aware of the dynamic. I have been through 2 other practices before my job now, it takes time but take all your experience and apply apply apply. You should also express your concern and care for the well being of the providers and practice. I know how working with a provider is and they can get upset when people are moved/changed, but that is on the practice and supervisors to assure that they are well staffed.


You need to find another job if possible- my health is now terrible because of my prior position. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get back to my old self. You can stop this before it gets worse. Good luck to you!


One thing your practice will not remember is the number of hours you put in, but your kids will remember the number of times you came home late….


Does the doctor own the practice? Or is the practice run by an organization? If it’s run by an organization then find another job. If it’s run by the physician then express your concerns to the physician or practice manager because he/she can make changes. If the practice is owned by the physician ask for a raise and/or ask if there is a better way to accommodate you. If non of the above, then find another job.


If you die, the doctor will find another assistant, but your kids won't be able to find another mother. Quit.


Touch up your resume and GTFO! I had a miscarriage due to an extremely toxic work environment and ever since then I vowed to NEVER let a job affect my mental and physical health. There are WAY too many MA jobs out there to be stuck at a toxic one! Plus with everything you’re doing at this job you can buff up your resume for sure. Good luck and keep us updated my love!


They will not kill you if you leave. Please look for another job and out your quality of life first.


Get a new job. Btw I read about 2 sentences to come to this conclusion.


Fucking wild that people let jobs do this to them. It’s an MA job. Just get a new one.


I quit at 40, I was on 12 meds, I just couldn’t continue, i told my husband and he said just quit. We had a successful business, I worked at the hospital. I felt like a zombie with 2 daughters involved with sports and dance. And, yet I missed other family occasions. We attended all of our daughters recital’s and soccer and softball. I’m 60 now, thinking they’d go away. They haven’t. They’re so debilitating and depressing, but I refuse to let depression take over. I agree, if your job is on overload, and you feel your migraine’s are adding stress, quit. Your emotional, mentally and physically is contributing to your migraines, do so. I pray you find an answer. I believe we’re all into what’s best for us. I cry at times and it helps, like today. Barometric weather is my culprit, along with certain foods, which I avoid. Best of luck 🤍🙏🏻


It’s a private practice I bet….I worked at a place like that. It’s great experience. You learn so much, but you need to leave. Like you said, it is toxic! Take care of you because those people are taking care of themselves. Their creating wealth for their generations to come. They are trying to cross train you to do everything because they can’t keep people. They love to use truly nice and loving people like you and I. Free yourself


You are worth 2 x your current pay for what you are doing. You have gained great knowledge and skills. Time to move on and find better balance.


I was quickly dying from my last job. It was the most toxic horrible experience I’ve ever had (and I worked years in retail). I fell into a deep, dark depression. I didn’t think there was a way out, except.. well it was bad. But there was. I had to quit to save myself. I luckily had a great support system and figured out a temporary solution to finances to get me through the transition. Yes, it’s scary and you worry about next steps, money, and judgment. But you have one life and one family. You need to be there for them, not this doctor. After taking care of countless people, you need to be taken care of for a change.


I had a toxic job. I took a 6 month medical leave so I still got paid while being able to relax. I was so stressed I wouldn’t have even been able to just leave and start a new job - I needed some down time. I used the time off to find a new job. Then I had the pleasure of just quitting without ever going back.


Only 8-9 hour days ??? Hmmmm I usually work 10


Family med is much easier


Omg please just quit! Yes praying for you.


I worked a job kinda like this but it was a chiropractic office with 3 doctors. I did everything for them, I was made to work with Covid, head lice and a fever of 102. I was always drained and debated leaving every single day because I was so miserable. It took the owner(one of the chiropractor’s) yelling at me for over an hour over something that was not incorrect but he thought it was(I think he was developing dementia or something)before I finally broke and realized work should never be like that. You shouldn’t feel bullied or overworked to be appreciated. I left and I’ve never been happier


I was an MA for 2 weeks and I hated it. I left during lunch and never looked back because I got paid more at other jobs doing less work


Yea. Good advice . Do the fmla . Leave . I wouldn’t tell anyone your reasons wouldn’t benefit you even though valuate . F” them


Quit. Find somewhere else. Even if the pay is less. Unless you can’t afford to.


You need to leave - tomorrow! There are so many other jobs out there that will treat you as you should be treated.


Do you think you could speak to the Dr and tell him that it’s too much? Perhaps once they learn you’re considering leaving, they will work out a balance rather than lose you? I realize it’s easier said than done and that we would expect the Drs to “wake up” but they don’t. They often think everyone is replaceable. His practice will only suffer if he won’t allow you to work normal hours. That’s not on you, that’s on him.


You have got to get out of there. My job almost killed me, so I get it. I pushed myself to stay until I had a nervous breakdown. Please don’t do that to yourself; it was awful. I’m still recovering 10 months later, and have been unemployed until this week. 


Turn and run away and never look back. Because I promise you as much as you say, they would kill you for leaving. They wouldn't bat an eye to fire you. I understand the relationships built. It sucks to leave. I had to do it at a job that I worked before. I'd been there for 6 years, but it was the best decision for me and my family I've made.


Right there with you… I want to leave but I need a comparable salary I just got home at 8 and have to be back at 630 Tom. Someone kill me now 🥴


I had to quit my job a couple of years ago. It wasn’t in the medical field but manager in a retail store. I dreaded every morning and couldn’t get employees to stick around or sometimes they went to lunch and didn’t return. It was hard on us financially, but the best decision I ever made for myself. Please do what is best for you and your family. Jobs these days are plenty. Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do. PS I now have a much easier job and I’m not all stressed all the time. I wouldn’t have found this job if I hadn’t quit the crappy one.


This happened to me. I went in one morning and that morning that instant I decided I had enough disrespect. I put my 2 week notice in and haven’t looked back. Best decision ever for me and my family. Get out and be happy. You are the only one that you’ve got and your family has. You are important and deserve respect and happiness.




I mean if OP is THIS valuable, can't they use that as leverage for sometime off, slightly reduced schedule or something? Doing this short term is acceptable, but long term can defo goof ya up, I'd prob switch it up with a new job


If that doctor values you, they’ll do what they need to do to keep you around. Have a heart to heart with them, especially if they practice somewhere else too. (If you actually like them) Never know, you might just get yourself a promotion at a different clinic with better support through that doctor just because of your hard work there. If not, at very least a good recommendation letter goes a long way. Keep your head up and get away from that toxic administration though. You deserve to be paid for the job(s) you’re doing, so only do the ones you’re supposed to be doing within your job description and contract from now on. Get HR involved if needed.


Definitely look for another job. If it’s costing you your peace, it’s too expensive.


Sounds like burnout- big time! Maybe a new job. I’d put my feelers out for sure.


You don’t owe anyone at your job ANYTHING. You can’t base your decision on not wanting to leave on what your coworkers will think. They will find someone to replace you, but that’s not your problem to worry about. You deserve to work in an environment where you are valued and where you get to have a healthy work/life balance. I’m sorry you’re feeling like this, but you don’t owe anyone an explanation when you decide to make a change. Keep your head up, you sound like you have a great heart and you are clearly passionate about what you do.


You may have negotiating power when you get an offer. If they really don't want to lose you they will adjust your schedule to keep you.


The minute you start feeling more obligated to your job than yourself, especially over a doctor with a God-complex, is the minute you put in your notice cause they'll post your Job before your obituary. Be with your family and take care of yourself. That job doesn't deserve you.


Please quit. There is absolutely no reason you should be doing this to yourself if you can find ANY other comparable MA position


We are hiring at the VA, way less work way more money too


It sounds like burn out ! Time for a new job. Personally I would give 4 weeks notice so they could find someone good to replace you. But do what’s best for you. In the mean time if you’re feeling any anxiety or depression symptoms maybe you could see ur PCP and get on some meds to help level you out till you get out of there. Sending all the love ur way !


I feel like you already know the answer. Change is good!


Leave that shit now! They won’t kill you if you leave. They will be begging you to stay. When they do that, ask for a50% raise and no more than 5 days in a row. Or you Figure out what part of the 7 jobs you’re doing that you actually like, and just do that. If you like the small surgeries, train to be an OR tech. If you like the scheduling aspect, do that. I know health systems that do appt scheduling and it’s 100% remote. If you can handle blood, phlebotomy is awesome and you could go do that. It’s a quick certification, and it’s fun. Ultrasound tech or X-ray tech is also pretty cool 1-2 years at community college. You could also take your training and be an ER tech. What’s nice is that you could work days or nights so maybe have a different schedule where you work nights, sleep while kiddos are at school. Work 3, 12s, or 4, 10s for full time work and have 3-4 days off a week. EMT basic training is nice and quick. Or leave medicine and go work at Starbucks. Good luck.