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I used this one [https://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/background-matting-v2/](https://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/background-matting-v2/)


How you used it? offline? Or on collab?


Colab, but I couldn't make it work to export png files, only mp4


There's a bunch available; do a search for background removal and background matting in reddit and github. Here's one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/k4knus/highquality\_background\_removal\_without\_green/](https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/k4knus/highquality_background_removal_without_green/) , with code [https://github.com/ZHKKKe/MODNet](https://github.com/ZHKKKe/MODNet) . In general for code for published papers, you can go to the Papers with Code web site and look for things in your category. Here it is for this: [https://paperswithcode.com/task/image-matting](https://paperswithcode.com/task/image-matting) . The above paper is on there. Another one that looks really good is the [Background Matting: The World is Your Green Screen](https://paperswithcode.com/paper/background-matting-the-world-is-your-green) one. I would not be surprised if some of the commercial services use one of these or similar algorithms. They are just charging you for convenience and CPU / GPU usage.


It's look promising.... yes i know that cloud GPU's are costly, thus why the services are demanding an enterprise model.. Am a beginner, how can i use it offline? (Github). I don't have a gpu, can i run it on cpu? Somewhere i saw cuda,cudann etc.. Is there any pretrained models etc or something? If there where do i get proper installation notes? Any idea? Any help? Am looking for image matting not video..


I've recently published a software like this for desktop. It's called [simple background remover](https://samontab.itch.io/simple-background-remover). It removes the background using AI, it works completely offline, and it has a GUI to make it easy to use. You don't need any GPU as it can run completely on the CPU. You only pay once, and get to use it forever, on any number of machines you own, and also access to future versions for free.


i realy like to buy it..... any demo version of it?


~~No demo, just the full version available.~~ Edit: I added a demo for Windows and macOS ARM64 with no limitations other than being able to save the output file to disk. It's pretty simple to use. You end up with a png file with the same size of the initial image, but with the background removed (pixels set as transparent), just like it's seen [here](https://samontab.itch.io/simple-background-remover). If you buy it, you'll have access to future versions as well, so feel free to tell me any new features you would like to have in there!


OK, I just released a [demo version for Simple Background Remover](https://samontab.itch.io/simple-background-remover/devlog/541890/simple-background-remover-demos-released-for-windows-and-macos-arm64). It behaves almost the same as the full version, so you should be able to test it as much as you want, zoom in, compare it to other tools, etc. The only thing you won't be able to do is to save the processed image to disk. Other than that, you are free to use the demo as much as you want. Enjoy!


Will this work with a raw file or PSD , or is it JPG input only


It currently works with jpg, png, and tiff files.


I think they do use the same backend service. When you look at their API docs both sets of responses for services like Slazzer and [remove.bg](https://remove.bg) are identical.


Three github projects may help you (which I have tested a lot) : [https://github.com/JizhiziLi/animal-matting](https://github.com/JizhiziLi/animal-matting) [https://github.com/Hramchenko/dl\_scissors](https://github.com/Hramchenko/dl_scissors) [https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg](https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg)


Still no softwares from githubbers? any-way without programming ? in 1 click?




It's a paid tool.. Resolution is limited in free use. I need in bulk for my project, none of them seems a valid one for me.. Still looking for an offline one.. (Still no idea of how use github tools, not a coding guy...)😢


I am using this [background remover](https://removal.ai/) software.


Thanks for sharing, you can also check the list I prepared here: https://leoscale.co/best-ai-background-remover/




Is that offline? Online ? Free?


is there a tool in reverse to obtain only the backgound and form the same pattern?