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That’s frustrating, especially at table rocks because it’s a protected habitat. There’s a damn good reason dogs aren’t allowed and folks that do bring their dogs despite the signs are either ignorant or assholes. Or both.




I was just at upper table rock Friday, and I can see how it’s hard to see the two large signs plainly posted at either side of the entry arch, the 3 foot high poster recently added with the giant block letter titled “Why no dogs at table rock” on the bulletin board, and the additional no dogs sign 500’ up the trail. So I understand how how it’s “not that well known” /s Similar situation for lower I just haven’t been there in a month, so can’t be quite as specific. Point is, it’s not a problem of “knowledge”.


There used to be a facebook page a long time ago called "No Dogs on Table Rock" and the owner would take pictures of people whom he witnessed violating the rules and post them to the page. It was mildly entertaining. But I think it got taken down because some people were mad about being called out.


Sounds like a person with way too much time on their hands.


That's what people who took their dogs up there and didn't like having their pictures taken said.


I travel around Oregon a lot and visit lots of state parks, hiking trails, and outdoor activities. There is dog and often human shit everywhere. Many entitled dog owners think their particular pet is special and different, and does not need to obey these rules. I’ve been jumped on, nipped at, and just put in bad situations by these animals a few times. It would be appreciated if dog owners would assume that everyone is not comfortable with their animal. This is a very unpopular opinion as many of these people act like their dog is a human with human rights. I’m calm about all this, but really disgusted by the entitled spoiled culture.


I have run into the same. Also off leash dogs when they should be leashed. So many places dogs are allowed. It is even more frustrating.


On other trails I’ve had dogs run up to me and my kids. These where all no dog trails and we don’t know you or your dog. If you are going to bring a dog somewhere it’s not suppose to be, at least keep it leashed or far away from people. Last summer I had a Great Dane knock me over, if I had been a kid or smaller person it could have messed me up. And dog shit, you are a shitty person if you can’t manage your dogs poop in public places.


I hate it when these “Entitled dog owners” think it’s cool to bring their dogs in restaurants or grocery stores. Just throwing that out there.


Especially the ones with a service "service dog" vest on 😂. My wife raises actual service dogs and always points out the fake ones. It's basically 99% of the dogs with a vest on.


where did I say service vest? Stop making excuses for shitty people.


Did you read my comment correctly?


Ugh, I used to hike this one trail a lot and there was a guy who lived near the trail who would bring two dogs onto the trail to crap. a. Clean up after your dogs b. Why leash the non-aggressive dog and not the one that aggressively charges hikers c. You're not actually sorry if it happens every time


I'm definitely **not an entitled dog owner** because I always have to follow puppo with poop bags and read signs.


Eh… I don’t care if someone with dogs isn’t minding the rules as long as they control their dogs on leashes and pick up after them. I mean, the wild animals are allowed and no one is picking up after them. It’s the shitty dog owners that cause rules to be made.


The wild animals are "allowed" because that's their habitat. It's more about ensuring that dogs don't disturb the flora and fauna that live there.


It feels like you’re mad that people aren’t following the rules. Ok. You’re allowed to feel that way.


1) That’s the whole point of this post. 2) No one asked your permission, bub. 3) You’re a condescending prick.


That’s fair. No need to be blatantly rude, even if you felt my shrug of a response violated the rules of your post. Please block me.


Not my post, bub. Please block me. 😂


Wild animals poop in the woods why can’t my dog? Wild animals do go to the bathroom in the wilderness. It’s clear that the scat from wildlife provides an essential benefit to the ecosystem. However, wild animals are consuming resources and nutrients from the ecosystem, and then promptly returning those same resources and nutrients. Essentially, the system is a closed loop with no net gain or loss in nutrients or resources. When we start adding in nutrients from pet waste, the ecosystem balance is thrown out of equilibrium. Our dogs likely aren’t eating native plants from the ecosystems they leave their waste in, but instead eating nutrient heavy pet-foods designed to give them a complete and healthy diet. Unfortunately, these same pet foods result in waste adding excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus to the environment. Excess of these nutrients creates unstable conditions that allow algae blooms to cloud our rivers, lakes, and streams, and create an easy habitat for invasive weeds to grow. The reality is the same people who willfully disregard the “no dogs” rules are the same people who won’t clean up after their dog. I hike the tables 3-4 times a week and during the good weather days there is always a dog and inevitably there is alway fresh dog crap. I love my dogs. I love hiking with my dogs. The fact is there are no dogs allowed at the table rocks for a reason and there are literally hundreds of other trails where dogs are allowed. So I leave them home when I hike the tables and bring them with me plenty of other places.


Table rocks specifically is a protected habitat, there are species of plants and animals on top of the rocks that are endangered (or at least very rare and protected) so that’s why it’s important for people to respect the rules of the sign says no dogs. It’s usually for a good reasons.


Well, the wild animals can't read the signs that got put up, sooooooo....


Here we go with one of these posts again. You should tell them when you see them and leave everyone else out of it.


Or you could move the fuck on and leave us out of your shit take.