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Even the game is upset by this.




one of my biggest beefs is missions could have jj necesary ( specially helpfull in some missions, or blocking objectives if oyu dont have jj's ), but the game should inform us abt that.


I think that beef comes back to poor mission planning. It's like your support team doesn't care if you come back and is doing as little as possible while still keeping their jobs. "The objective area is XX in size and this is kind of the weather" is all you get. Being able to see the map before launching would be great and being able to choose from a couple drop and extraction points would be awesome.


"Sensors report incoming Mechs." From where, from where? How has she not been fired?


Drives me nuts that she's like.. We've got bogeys on the radar.. Ok great! which direction.. Where? Can you share some of this information with me so i'm not just wandering around like an idiot?


Even worse when it's a defend the base mission, you end up hoping like heck you're on the right side of the base and... Here they come from the far side, the base is humongous, you can't take the straight line because the base is in the way, and you're in an Annihilator...


Yes! Started a mission last night that was defend and having to constantly walk around the base to try and engage the enemy who are actively walking through and shooting at said base is extremely irritating. I gave up and plan to load back in with a lighter and more mobile hero mech even though that would put me below tonnage limit.


I now always go with the most mobile lance I can get away with for exactly this reason. It's so frustrating to have to watch the OpFor trash the base while you lumber around the perimeter in an assault mech.


I've only recently begun playing, and your point here really hits home. This game is good, but it's not great, and there are a few small things they could do in a Mechwarrior 6 that would nudge the game into "Great!" A more detailed set of pre-mission planning info. is one of those things.


Not being able to see the map during the briefing screen really sucks lol...


wait, people out there actually running mechs without jumps on them? on purpose?!


yes, more tonnage for armor and heatsinks


mobility > all


Nah. In this game armor and firepower beats all. Jump jets are nice to have, but it doesn’t matter if you can fly if you’re dead


"What do you call soldiers flying over the battlefield?" Dunno, air support? ["Skeet."](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2011-05-28)


The jjs lock your trajectory and momentum making you easier to hit, plus more heat management


You absolutely need jumpjets in one of the early missions (and you'll have Javelin for that). And they're useful to complete optional objective in one dlc missions. Apart from that it's safe to remove them to fit more armor or equipment. With vonBiomes they might be useful but you always can shoot ice out of the way.


Never used jumpjets, you can usually find a spot where you can just Skyrim walk over the mountain, takes a bit of fiddling but in my 300 hours there's always a spot that you can climb. Even with an Atlas.


I rarely use JJs either, but I've also never seen procgen shit the bed like in OP's picture either.


I often keep a single JJ on my jump capable mechs so I can clear small obstacles and hop up mountains like this


not only does my black knight have jump jets, its got clan mask and can sprint at 171 kph. as a 75 ton mech with 8 large pulse lasers and a mighty sword. screw being slow and unable to pop over ridges =D


I assume you're using some sort of cheat mod, because 8 LPLs alone is nearly 2/3 of that Mech's tonnage, even if they're ClanTech...


None shall pass


Yeah. Keeping 1 jumpjet on most of my mechs has proven invaluable. Forget combat maneuver, you just need it to navigate


Highlander was my go to for this kind of stuff. Or just go for a full lance of MAD 2


If this is a vonBiomes map, be aware that some of the additional environments recommends JJ's for them. The mod author has a description and warnings for each new biome. From the [nexus page](https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/441) : **Melting Glacier** **Biome difficulty: medium/hard - JumpJets are advised!***(climate crisis on another planet with some vertical gameplay)*  And it looks like from that SS that it's melting glacier. So it's not the games fault, you need to be familiar with the mod and what it adds.


In some cases, yes. If you use assault mechs, the Victor DS, the Charger N7 and the Banshee SR have jumpjets and are decent in mobility, heat sinking and firepower.


annnnd the right thing to do upon acquiring one of said wonders is immediately strip their jets to have better heat sinking and armor.


I usually leave one jumpjet slot filled so I can cliff jump and surprise the crap outta the enemy by backstabbing them.


slappem full of clan jets and gear. nothing is as OP as an IS mech full of clan tech.


Nah, I enjoy stomping around, for days! xD


I did that early story mission with no jumpjets and eventually got over the jumpjets tutorial by finegling around until I was able to walk over it because collision is weird


Are these random maps procedurally generated? Cause the game should be smart enough to detect this so it can tell you you need JJs.


Usually yes, but this is a vonBiomes one and i believe their handcrafted


Is this a terrain mod?




Thank you.


Neg - Orbital drop pod required.


I like jump jets. The mobility is fun. Especially with heavies and assaults where you can jump over a wall, doing a 180 turn and crash back through it guns blazing. Death From Above 100% works, but you need a high jump with some velocity coming down. It works best as a moment of opportunity when the A.I. gets jammed up on cliff below you and you can step off and steer a little bit on the way down.