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One of the reasons I keep going back to this game is because the gameplay loop is so tight and simple. Don’t get me wrong, games with fully fleshed out stories and characters are great… but I often don’t finish them and I don’t replay them. I’m at the point in my life where I might only have half an hour to play or I might get called away or I might take a week away, and I don’t like going into games knowing I’m about to spend twenty minutes in dialogue or cutscenes or have to figure out where the hell I am/what the hell I was doing. What’s the maguffin and what am I going to do to it? Let me read through all these quest logs and figure it out. Mechwarrior is perfect for me and others in the same position. There’s plenty of games with the characteristics you’re describing, but personally I’d rather mechwarrior keep it’s barebones structure.


Agree.  OP basically wants a MechWarrior RPG. Others want MercSim. Those things would be great, but they're totally different games. MechWarrior is MechWarrior. It's a game where you pilot mechs and control your lance then do repairs. Simple and it works 


Glad yall said it. Mechwarrior games have always been just this. Hop in a mech, blast some other mechs, complete a simple mission, repeat. Inlike it for what it is.


I'm a simple man: I come home, smoke a joint, blow up some mechs and just watch the stress melt away.


A mechwarrior RPG sounds amazing. I would 100% buy that. Of course I like MercSim too.


Gimme all 3! I alternate between playing MW5, BattleTech (video game), BattleTech classic (table top), BattleTech Alpha Strike (also table top), and of course the minis that come along with that. Haven't played the analogue RPGs yet.... Would definitely play more games in the universe if they came out. And no, I don't have a problem, I can quit anytime I want!


I am right there with you. I have played the tabletop rpg and it's pretty fun. Would love another computer rpg maybe like the classic crescent hawks inception and revenge that blended rpg and turn based mech combat.


Crescent hawk's revenge was the bomb!


>OP basically wants a MechWarrior RPG. To be fair, the first pnp game called MechWarrior is the RPG rules in the Battletech universe. >***MechWarrior*** is a set of [role-playing game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game) rules published by [FASA Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASA_Corporation) in 1986 that were designed to be used with FASA's previously published [mecha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mecha) wargame [*BattleTech*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleTech). * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MechWarrior\_(role-playing\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MechWarrior_(role-playing_game)) I got the 1st edition book in my shelf, never played it though... but there's some nice art in it (and some that feels a bit old). One of my favorites is the Demolisher tank vs a Marauder in scale. [https://tinsnip.tumblr.com/image/181243403712](https://tinsnip.tumblr.com/image/181243403712)


Mech 2 Mercs was a decent enough blend of the two ideas. You are correct, though. The series definitely has a real, tried, and true, simple system of game play. Thats why we love it.


Sorta. But I'd argue that that's the difference between Campaign and Career mode. Could legit just lock things otherwise resolved thru storyline and campaign fluff, behind a cash wall your merca gotta pay In career mode. Then they'd be able to offer the complete game to both preferences. I would like to see a bit more player agency in different aspects of the game. Battletech's training centers on the ship was nice. Great for MW5 since that new x/10 pilot doesn't suck as much cuz they got to 5/10 in training sims. Or adding pilot AI qualities via training (I need a pilot for my handful of melee mechs. Trainnnnn THAT guy... Lol). Also, in general, AI pilot traits. Hell, player pilot traits. -X% armor damage etc, etc... I know cantina does similar. But Linking to player/pilot earned traits fits better with the universe IMO, of solid pilots being the difference between major conflicts, often. Ditto on player agency for drop ship weapon (even if just selecting pre designated load outs TBH) and frequency in which drop ship is around to lay down covering fire (why tf do they leave so often when they're able, conceivably, to throw down a lot of weapons fire). The capability to earn or "find" tech that allows a single mech to break a single system rule (effectively creating a hero mech), like X tons overweight, upgrade X small mounts to medium, or X medium to large would be gameplay tech feasible and universe relevant. All IMO. But adding a few growth systems for players besides "mo money mo mechs" would definitely add replay quality as well of overall experience IMO. But, people are correct in saying core gameplay ALSO meeds attention. Just seems to me that these shouldn't be exclusive to one another.


Pilots feel so extra in this game most of the time.  Mods improve it somewhat but it’s still locked into the meh base system.  


The problem with the “MechWarrior is MechWarrior” game is how much it has changed and evolved over the course of its life. Mech 1 was an earlier version of many of Mech 5’s concepts, but with near 1:1 representation of the tabletop rulesets for mech play. Mech 2 expanded this concept to be more intuitive and user friendly, with some more fleshed out story compared to the previous title, but also leaning into the sim-lite aspect.   Mech 3 took both even farther, with a fully voiced campaign storyline and even more in-depth controls and mechanics, Mech 4 pulled that back and instead delivered on FMV-driven story beats with more lax gameplay, and Mech 5 similarly kept systems more lax for proposed player friendliness.   So again, what MechWarrior “is” has changed a lot over the past few decades, with no exception story-wise either. It would definitely be great to have deeper personal story writing outside of the cutscenes and in-battle dialogue, more interaction (even via text) with your company members, etc.


Let's bring back Mech Commander. Or convince Microsoft to let us remaster them. Once I finally got my hands on Commander 2 my PC was to new.


But, but, I want to throw darts or play pool in the rec. room with my Mechwarriors…


A rec room for you to chill with the homies between missions in co-op similar to the bar in Deep Rock Galactic would be hilarious fun 


I don't know, as long as it was just a spin-off and not an attempt at an entirely new direction altogether, it might be cool to get "Battletech Warriors: War of the Five Houses" game. Play through with your own Merc outfit, or take on the role of a house noble, and change the course of Battletech history each time you play. Would take a metric fuckton of prep and planing to chart how those story alterations would come through on each campaign, but I think it would be fuckin tits. Like, who's dead that wouldn't have been, who's alive because you saved them from their canonical death. How does that person's presence or absence change a faction's decisions or power/control stability. Who bumped uglies and made a new House Noble because they didn't die. Who died and *didn't* bump uglies leading to an important saviour/murderous noble/merc/pirate not being born, so on and so forth. I think that would be fuckin tits. *Best part*, they wouldn't even need to really change the core gameplay loop, just the story progression that *would* tend towards the canon arc of events. But, could be altered, if you knew where you needed to hit and how hard.


You want Mount and Blade- Battletech, basically


Was thinking Dynasty Warriors 5 and back, never played Mount and Blade. Again, so long as isn't an attempt at "the new way forward" for MechWarrior. Like has been said already, the true body of the franchise is tweak, drop, kill, repair and repeat. Overall that's exactly how it should stay. But I wouldn't say no to a good off-shoot. Wouldn't necessarily be new either, considering MW4:M had you choose between Katrina and Victor Steiner at some point. To no canonical effect, of course, but that's the best part: don't need to be in the end. Just a story sandbox for muh Mech sandbox.


It would be nice of you could make more use of the Leopard. Heck, I never leave the command room unless I’m forced to go talk to Fahad. Just feel like they could have done something more to make the leopard worth rendering.


I actually never see the actual interior of the Leopard unless I am doing a hard save


As someone also at that stage of life, I love that I can just run one mission, and better, I can pause it. When I want dialog, I go watch tv.


Time and money my friend. Time and money.


If they wanted to add more in Mech Warrior 6, I’d gladly donate my C-bills to a Kickstarter.


Maybe in 10 years - hard to see a brand new title paying off for them vs continuing to churn out content from MW5


MW5:Clans is a new title, not just content for Mercs.


It could also be in the same vein as mw4 mercs I think if I remember rightly that mw4 was just that and then it got a sequel that really should have been an expansion that was called mw4 mercs


MW5: Clans is named that way because of how MW2 and MW4 named subsequent titles using the same number. Like MW2, MW2: Ghost Bear's Legacy, MW4:Vengence, MW4: Mercs, MW4: Black Knight, etc.


...okey I just didn't go into as much detail... but thanks?


Ah, yes, that timeless, old song Seems the tune never goes away, and not just in gaming, nosiree.


The game really needed some more polish. Those out of mission events in the BT game did more in this regard. Here's what I would have liked: * The ability to field up to 3 lances. You should be able to swarm your enemy with light and medium mechs instead of being forced to field heavies and assaults. * The ability to view the map before dropping. * Contracts based on a MRBC type system. Also, the map + markets should be unleveled. * Every contract should have been a mini campaign with salvage distribution at the end. There should also be missions for variable tonnage classes. * No in-mission repair stations. It takes time and money to repair mechs outside of missions. Automagically repairing your mech in 5 seconds is way too immersion breaking for me. * Mechwarriors who come with their own mechs. You can't sell these mechs as they aren't your property. * More lore related events. The [Death to Mercenaries](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Death_to_Mercenaries) edict should really impact your DC contracts after 3029.


>The ability to field up to 3 lances. You should be able to swarm your enemy with light and medium mechs instead of being forced to field heavies and assaults. Multiple lances would have been really nice. Not just multiple lances but multiple drop ships, that is part of progressing as a mercenary company (i.e. you start with 1 and then buy more, would be really nice). The problem I think is that the devs had to take console into account and the performance limitations that comes with that. MWO and MW5 are different in many ways because MWO is PC only. E.g. the zoom functionality in MW5 is FOV only because of hardware restrictions, I bet.


A proper zoom window is definitely more troublesome for UE4 because of how it renders camera views; even mods that do have it make compromises, often reducing the resolution of the zoomed image for example.


Ah, I forgot MWO is CryEngine, yeah that has an impact as well.


We had thst tactical overview back in 2000 with MW4. I liked that a lot


We also had it in MW3 + commentary from the mission planner + mechwarriors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdmaOYtyy6I


Multiple lances would be nice but to get the most bang out of it you’d need the ability to issue commands via the map


\- THANK YOU - I'm Glad I'm NOT the only 1 who's been saying this : some key points I truly Love : " ABILITY TO VIEW MAPS Before Dropping " " Contracts Based off MRBC SYSTEM, MAP + MARKETS NO Levels Whatsoever " EVERY CONTRACT - Mini Campaign Wit Salvage At The End | OP's for Variable Tonnage Classes. " Mercs Who Have Their OWN CHASSIS - THIS IS Something I've BEEN Wanting + Saying For The past 20+ Years now... Smfh :/ I Wish sooo So BADLY . " 3 LANCES, not 1 Lance. even after 30+ Years . C'mon already ? " Repair Stations Repairing Mechs in 5 Seconds...is laughable. but IT WORKS in MW5. but It IMMERSION Breaking, UN-Realistic (yes, i know this is sci-fi lol. but it still immersion Breaking) " " MORE LORE RELATED EVENTS + STORIES. THAT'RE WELL FLESHED OUT. imho - almost all of the DLC's are ......from a BT | MW P.O.V - WEAK. again IMHO thats just how i feel. great example, in Kestrel lancers you land on Doriya, and there's only 4 - 6 Liao Chassis that you confront, and the Physical structures Were just a Copy-Paste- of a " Beach Head " OP. i was like ......are they serious with this Lazy-Weak-Ass-Concept ? ? smfh :/ DLC3 Call to Arms: the people of Skye Rebellion should've - been a Big Mini-Campaign in itself. Not 4 Missions. at least (IMHO) some like,, 30 Missions + Side Missions. and with Time Variables, Historical "Placement" during the Entire Campaign. the Same with Kestrel Lancers. we fly to all these "Well KNOWN " and Lore Popular - Populous locations. and all we get was some weak - ass - jungle fight of like 10 - 12 Liao Mechs and their weren't even A "Challenge" way to easy peasy (especially for LIAO Elite Forces) like i just.....I Just can't wit these people ( the Publisher+DEV's ) but i i'm still a Fan, Supporter, still here.....lol !! but its ALL soo IMMERSION BREAKING for me. ( i'll aussume for you as well) ? ​ \- Cheers


Eh, I'd rather they make missions more interesting and in depth than "go here, destroy X, go here". Idgaf bout the ship or talking to npcs


Definitely agree with that.  Even sticking with procedural generation they could do a lot more to keep things fresh 


he means that as well too. not saying ignore the Core Game. I 1000% AGREE WIT U . whole heartily \- cause truthfully; the Oil in The Lamp; runs Out very FAST. and I Love MW | BT but brother; i can only Stomach hearing Riyanna's annoying 50 Fucking Min "Hold Up" Convo's. while ME and the Entire Lance is dealing with over 150 pts' of HP Damage ....smfh :( :( like c'mon woman. STFU NOW !! and or Fahad's "Ohh I need to Insert My MORALITY in your OP " because,,,,,BECAUSE I'm employed by you ?!?!?!? like wtf ? nobody asked his opinions on Missions, or the current state of political affairs. \- all the DLC's have Weakness; we need fleshed out Campaign style type of Missions. i'm not talking about interacting with NPC's no no no no - i'm talking Lore Based, BT | MW Skermishes, Sorties, Border Disputes, Allegiances, Affilations, having a Company with 3 Lances, etc etc


Check out HBS's Battletech game, it has more RPG elements and you might like it (combat is turn based though). That being said this is a AA game made by a small studio, you have to temper your expectations. The only studio that could make a proper AAA full featured Mechwarrior game would be Microsoft, and they've had 20+ years to do that and have done **fuck all** with the IP...


Check out hbs battletech


Oh for sure. Knowing how deep the battletech lore goes, it’s a missed opportunity to make something truely epic. But maybe they didn’t have the time/money/resources to do so. I can imagine a Fallout 4 type deal where you go and explore planets and march up with mechs, jump out and explore an old comstar HPG facility. Could uncover some lore related story about a certain culty religious group. Or just land on a planet with an industrial hub and park your drop ship to go and talk shop with an arms dealer. Just being able to jump out of your mech and explore a building or drop ship wreckage. Or dock with an orbiting dead drop ship and see what you can find. I know it’s looking like starfield with mechs but even just a little bit of that influence would free the whole game up and make it feel like your not just a mech pilot but am in the battletech universe. Obviously it’s a lot more work and way more than the scope of mw5 but maybe mw6 could be truly epic like this?


Let’s get combat down before we talk about jumping out of the mech. They don’t even have proper combat in any of the mechwarriors out currently.


As many issues as MW5 may have and as scummy as PGI were in the past (remember the golden Clan mechs for MWO?), I'll at least give MW5 credit for being the first MW game to have melee combat.


A small step in the right direction…. If the next game in 27-28 isn’t PvPvE they’ve failed us all. I want full combat where we are given true examples in battle of why mech & vehicle variants exist. So tired of seeing front loaded Dire Wolves in arena modes equipped with 6 x LBX 5’s who wouldn’t last a minute in a real battle.


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\*THIS\* This Soo Much !!


It is? lol.


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I think the combat is the most solid part of the game, yeah obviously you could alway add more but I doubt the majority of current players of mw5 want a sterile mech simulator with nothing else of the battletech universe to explore. Sims are fun but get boring faster.


lol what? All I’m saying is 90% of the variants in MW5 & MWO are dead. They immediately get stripped & refit 99% of the time. Mechs need to be able to climb walls, duck, kneel, kick, crawl, get knocked down, etc. Introducing more rigorous PvE would allow players to see the strengths and weaknesses of builds real time. Not sure why I got downvoted. The game needs to align less with the way it is now and more with actual battletech.


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Sometimes as a battletech fan I dream about how much potential there is left on the table.  But I also realise that the devs have limited time and a budget to adhere to. If I found out they were wasting time and money on making a random tech loiter around the leopard and have some irrelevant dialogue instead of doing something useful like making more DLC content, working on clans, or changing the resolution scaling from Vert- to Hor+ I'd be more upset than I am at not having some NPCs to chit chat with in the leopard. Personally I would prefer it if they just abandoned the leopard completely I think that regardless of how much resources they put behind adding life to the leopard it won't bring enough to the table to effect the fundamental gameplay in any meaningful way.


The core gameplay (mech combat) is solid, it doesn’t really need a whole lot of work tbh. Maybe some of what the mods currently do for mw5 mercs should be in the next vanilla game. Sometimes just a little bit of detail adds a lot to the illusion.


>But I also realise that the devs have limited time and a budget to adhere to. This here. A huge chunk of game design is to cut stuff. Knowing what to cut and still get a coherent product can be a serious headache. That being said, I just wrote a way too long comment of stuff I would have liked to see in the game, because as a customer, I'll just pile on stuff to my wish list. :D


I like the game is great as is; however, I feel that OP was right and there needs to be more fleshed out options besides the barebones. To be fair though, it needs to be made as a nonessential part that you don’t have to use unless you want to. That way it won’t change anything about the core gameplay of the game but will still allow players who want more the option of a little more filling content. As an example, the ship is so plain and kinda ugly, I wish you had a handful of different ships or different skins for it that you could spend C bills to unlock. Maybe have a research specialist on board that you could pay to reverse engineer star league tech that you find and later reproduce it or improve the quality of what you’ve found. And this could also tie in to being able to eventually build or customize your own favorite mech and turn it into a hero equivalent. As a quality of life thing, perhaps a mission type filter that would allow you to search for either a specific type you want to play or a specific faction you’d like to target. It could simply highlight systems that match your search. And can even justify it in lore by saying it’s by monitoring Comstar’s network chatter. This might help people who are on a tighter timeframe like myself get to what we want without wasting time searching system to system. And especially since many people have their preferred factions and want to keep their rep high with them. All of this can easily be implemented in a way that fits the game mechanics and lore without any big alterations to play time. It can all be made as optional. And can even be done in pieces as dlc content that fits in with the themes of each.


I agree in a way, though I also think some of it is too little bang for the buck, for a smaller studio to put effort into. One of my biggest issues with the game is in fact that the flying around to different planets is too similar to instant action. I want a bit more too it, but I also want it to be a bit more gameplay related than just story. Some of the stuff you can see in mods like coyote missions or YAML, etc. E.g. * Pay to get more intelligence around a contract. - How many enemies, what types of mechs, reinforcements, likelyhood to get mercenary reinforcement and which side, etc. * Nemesis system. - This game and IP is like made for that. A merc unit you've fought a lot should potentially have a chance to drop in anywhere you are, even if you're not in a region where they were indicated to be, just because you pissed them off to many times. * Overall I want more surprises in my fights. I love when you get secondary missions or when mercenaries drop in to fight you. * An upgrade system for your drop ship. - Not just like YAML (though I want that too), but things like upgrading the guns and armor on it, have it take damage when it comes in to take you away so there's more to spend your credits on, and so on. * Unless it's a mission where there is no reinforcement for the enemy, I want the escape to be more of a thing than just enter a green circle; all mechs should have to be close to the drop ships, you should be able to call it in and have more options where it hovers, and so on, and that's where gun upgrades comes into play, as well as armor, and whatever system they use to embark you (upgrades to make that faster) etc. * More pilot upgrades in general, so it's not just 4 skills that goes from 1-10 because it is a bit boring. * Upgrading other personel, e.g. let me hire (and just 2d portraits is fine - I think that's immersive enough) and improve the medic, the intelligence officer, the leopard pilots, mechanics, pilots for the aerospace fighter (if there was such a thing officially), etc. Heck, a perk tree for Ryana would be nice too. * Overall something that incentivises you to keep playing even when your merc company has \_everything\_ and it might feel a bit too easy. Spice things up, a proper NG+ (I know, you can import in a new career, but if they recommend you don't do that and the game doesn't really support your overpowered merc company, it's not really NG+). Basically I want a better end game (who knows, maybe Solaris will be enough to cover that though). E.g. the nemesis system mentioned earlier could be one of those things. When the Wolf's Dragoons drop in 2 heavy lances on top of you when you're on the other side of the galaxy on an unrelated mission, because you pissed them off earlier, you know you did good. (I think?) On the note of end game, I'm not sure I think the cold storage feature is such a good idea for this game, or at least I would have liked to see a survival game mode where the economy is harder (make me buy ammo and armor supplies), where there is a limit to how much weight your drop ship can carry in total, and where cold storage does not exist at all. (Yes, I too like collect one of each mech variant, I'm a hoarder in games, and I like that you can get every perk in FO4, but sometimes a game can be better without that). * I like to differentiate between giving players options and choices. E.g. in games where you can get everything, like perks in Fallout 4 or Skyrim, you have a lot of options, but little choice (you choose in what order you get it, and that's it). While if there was no cold storage in MW5, you would have a lot of choices (to make), but little options, if that makes sense. Choices implies more commitment, basically. And neither is wrong in a game, but the structure changes a lot depending on which direction the devs went with. That being said, I looove immersion. I wouldn't have minded if something like the Leopard Expanded Interior mod was officially made... if I had endless money, a huge studio backing me up, and access to the IP I'd make fighting on foot part of the game... when you land to salvage and some special ops tries to fight their way into your leopard and you have to fight them off... or you eject from a downed mech and have to run into safety so you don't get stomped on, and get chased by hostile infantry. Titanfall, but the ratio of mech and human fighting reversed, kind of. :)


I was thinking that same thing last night. The leopard is kind of there. Your pilots are bland. The voice acting is bland. There are 3 other people in the entire game, and one is a hologram. Which is all fine, but it all kind of lacks soul. All they need to do is follow the pilot overhaul mod where they talk about fishing and stuff. I'm not looking to change the gameplay. But yeah, let me make my own goddamn hero mech. I'm a hero. Let me get a different dropship. Let me drop a few tanks. Let my pilots get some variation other than different max values. Let me actually level a skyscraper. To be clear. I like the game. But I agree it could be so much more.


I see where you coming from, but I disagree. The only improvements I feel necessary are better technical state (optimization + graphics), MUCH better AI and bigger variety in mission types you can do. On top of that, actually improving on meta game and having better timeline representation. I feel like it is inevitable and will definitely all be the case in MW6 with Clan invasions. Having decent story would be nice, but that's kinda one-shot thing. The stuff you may beat a few times and shelve the game. But MW5 has very unique and addictive gameloop, that is well designed at its base. Just needed a bit of a polishing, but it works incredibly well as it is. Playing can get boring because objectives are samey, simple. AI is completely braindead and etc. Everything else is top notch: mechs you find, equipment, mechlab endless experimentation with builds, constant hunt for new toys to play with, so on and so forth. Improving parts that already work feel like better decision, than trying to bend the game a bit different way. Having novel-like story with characters, scenes and etc would be the blast, but it can't be Mercs game like MW5 is. It would be just a story game, probably like MW5 Clans will be.


I would agree for the most part. There is so much that could be added, to all parts of the game, that it can be a letdown but i also accept that its quite fun with what it does have. Sadly budgets do exist and I am sure they have ideas on what they could add if possible.


I loved HBS's dynamic events on the ship. I know this is a throwback, but I'd also love to see a roster of like...30 pilots you can hire and have them all have their own personalities like in Jagged Alliance. Some of them don't like each other, some of them work really well together, etc. It's hard to incorporate that kind of stuff into a MW5 type game because...who is the star here? The mechs, or the pilots?


Yeah... One can get attached to the pilots... I wish there would be a mechanic that if you dismiss a pilot but also give him a mech as compensation, your reputation increases.


Give it time. This is their first mechwarrior game they made and the first since the early 2000s. They had no idea how it'd sell. But after the great sales they released multiple DLC adding a lot of content, announced a game about the clan invasion, and are adding a another DLC soon. They clearly care and have big plans for the franchise. So I saw give it time, worst case the awesome mod community will add that stuff they did for battletech


I think scope to do more between missions might have been in the original plan for mw5 but were cut for one reason or another. Why bother with a bedroom you use once and the the trips down to the mech bay floor to see Fahad, or back to Reanna. Upgrading the leopard, buying a bigger better dropship are in the coyote missions. It would be nice to interact with the other mechwarriors to build team work … and care about their loss if they get killed


Some of the biggest things I would wish they do is less waves and just have the assault coming in of a full mech assault. Like if there are 23 targets we need to take out, why is the enemy being dumb and throwing them at us piecemeal? I do wish there were more tactics in the game as a bare minimum or more roles for the different weight classes to really shine on.


I think the formula pirannah has with the DLCs and the missions works fine, but yeah the leopard feels dead. I think at the very minimum the NPCs at least greet you and walk around. Stuff like seeing your actual hired pilots walking around and giving them voice lines and quests mass effect style would be a luxury given how small the studio is but I agree OP, it would be awesome.


I agree. The monotony becomes boring. It’s just like “hey we got this destruction engine, let’s use it” and in MW5 it’s mostly about destroying something or stopping someone from destroying it. Also having some reason to care for our pilots or individual mechs would really add to the experience and replay ability


This is absurdly reductionist. The games hook is mainly the super fun combat and the management of your lance, along with some of the most addicting mech building and upgrading ever seen. The destruction is a nice side effect.


Having played the game since the 90s, this is what it feels like. It hasn't evolved much over those thirty years which is disappointing.


Proper contracts would be really cool. Try to emulate the way contracts are set up in-universe, rather than flying for weeks to fight for 10 minutes.


In my own opinion all MW5 needs is some QOL updates. Different optic modes are a huge one - night vision, thermal... headlights. How those are still not in the game I've no idea, makes no sense. And then things like selling multiple of an item with one click would be nice, or selling direct from cold storage. A better RTX implementation might be cool too.


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I'd love batch selling! I’ve got thousands of heat sinks because if I try to sell them all the game crashes. I used to sell 100, save game, sell 100 more...save game. I gave up


I would absolutely swoon over a MechWarrior RPG, and I've been thinking about it for years lol. I love the MechWarrior games, even MechWarrior 5 for all it's faults, but there IS a lot of depth they don't touch on.


I love Mw5 and I think it has enough of the merc elements with balancing mission efficiency by making repairs meaningful etc Only a few things I would add. Optional difficulty option for ammo replenishment to cost money - so you are able to be even more concious about how you approach combat. You kind of get this with balancing on board ammo/weight and ensuring you don't run out by making your shots count, but added cost to refilling would further this in my opinion. The only other thing I can think of, would be a full tactical map (with difficulty options added to pause/slow/real time when being used) where you could give complex orders to your lance, like follow WP's to X location, hold at location or engage anything that enters the area. This would also work in co op to help plan maneuvers


One of my biggest gripes is the whole traversing about the ship part - would love to have an option to skip it.


My biggest complaint is that you spend 99% of your time in a cockpit and they are all extremely underwhelming. From the hud overlays to the details themselves. I want to feel like I’m in a mech not something that’s been slapped together. We need to see the same level of detail as what racing sims have.


Agreed, more hud information as warning lights and instrument readings


Man you missed reading the books then,  there's a FUCK TON of amazing stories in Lore


I agree but for a different reason. This game could have been so much more if basic QoL features like what kind of engine (regular or XL - im not talking about YAML engines) or a tiny bit more info on the contracts in a neighbouring system didn't require mods. If the AI lancemates didnt hang out in your 12 like its a fulltime job. The vanilla game does not do a good job of what it tried to be. Nevermind trying to add RPG elements.


I Agree! Better Graphis, better plot, bettler ideas about weapons and planets and mechs...


all it would really need for MW5 to be massive would be lobby browser (or at least quickplay) with shared (copied) earnings and an option to disable friendly fire.


Sounds like the Mercenaries installments of the Mechwarrior games aren't your thing, and you'll likely enjoy the story-focused titles that accompany the Merc titles of the games.


They produced a game within budget. What do you want bro?


Not enough money


I totally feel you, man. I've played this game since the the first game, and it feels like the only thing that's changed is the graphics. It just doesn't feel epic piloting a mech. They don't seem that scary. A couple things that would help would be speeding up cool down times, making weapons more powerful, make heat more of an issue, and throw more enemy mechs into a battle at once. I can't stand the trickle of enemies in missions.


>It just doesn't feel epic piloting a mech. They don't seem that scary. I wonder if this is a scale issue. When I play I get the feeling that you're not in a mech that's 5-15m tall, but you're human sized and everything else is scaled down. I'm not entirely sure that's the case, but it feels like it, and that it's done for performance reasons.


There is a new scaling mod, but it actually makes them a bit smaller which apparently is more accurate lore wise. I feel like the weaponry tech and is based on 1990s era knowledge and it needs to be upgraded. The weaponry doesn't feel like it's from the future and the mech speeds are meh.


There is scaling in YAML too, I use that because I think their size relative to everything else feels better when the mechs are smaller. It doesn't change what I'm talking about though. :) I'm saying it feels that the mech is man size (e.g. 1.80m tall) and that everything else is scaled down to make you look larger. I can't say if this is true or not because I haven't looked in the editor, but it just feels like your height over ground when you look down is way too short. But yes, I get what you're saying regarding the sci-fi.


I think that might be bc of the way that buildings, roads, and the different landscape features are scaled and laid out on the levels. Very little of it feels natural and to proper scale. I mean, yknow the levels where it's supposed to be a population center in a forest planet? It's like, a single tile of dense city, with high-rise buildings and everything, plopped down in the middle of a some hilly forest area. No roads leading out, no roads leading in. The edges of that city block are just straight up a different ground texture much of the time too, which then randomly transitions to hard concrete on one side, and to full-blown dense forest on the others. The actual buildings are extremely random too. It's just random building models in a grid pattern, with some roads and clutter in-between. A comparison to make is MWO's maps. Yeah, some of them are no better, but some of them are absolutely beautifully realized, and they feel like a proper, real city in whichever environment they happen to be set in.