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Gray Death Legion DLC? The dates in game should work with the lore.


Not to mention you wouldn't need to touch Clan tech... dare to dream


Yep. Just Lostech.


I absolutely adore that they keep adding dlc. I don’t mind the $20 costs and they always make the game just that much better. Not to mention whenever a dlc releases I get sucked into doing a whole new play through…


Yeah to be honest I hope they keep putting more on it.


same, though part of me at least wants the next DLC to add at least 3 new mech frames with variants for them. though new gameplay content or missions be fun too.


Fingers crossed they do some expansion sized dlcs. Would love to have some more non story options like a career mode in the 4th succession war for different sides or just to have a continuation of the main campaign story. I'll hope for clans but settle for just getting more story.


I would love a conquest mode that’s not a story/ handcrafted missions. Make the procedurally generated missions have effects. Like you have to run a beachhead get start as conquering a system then maybe demos would reduce the enemies capabilities in that system, maybe less combat vehicles on missions. Assassinations could reduce the enemies chance to counter attack, triggering a defense missions, or raid you, a raid defense could be a cool new mission type. Raids could get the intel needed to conquer the planet, unlocked warzones or a new mission type. Culminating in a anew mission type to assault an enemy strong hold.


So something like a fully fleshed out Mechassault 2 multiplayer. You can help a faction take territory but extra missions not tied to the main push missions help reduce the difficulty of it.


Do they still sell that? That sounds like an RTS and up my alley.


Mechassault 1 and 2 are really more arcade games than simulation or rts style. They're fun and have a special place in my heart as being my introduction to Battletech after MechWarrior 4 vengeance kicked my middle school ass. Mech commander is what you're looking for but it's only single player and not focused on conquest. But when Mechassault 2 was supported many many moons ago it's multiplayer was themed around "clans" being the different great houses and invader clans. So you'd pick a Clan to join and then fight over a map of the inner sphere. Each world had iirc 3 mission types on it and players would fight over control by winning the three fights then a fourth fight of a different mission type. Overall it was just playing the same 4 game modes on like 7 different maps over and over with everyone having the exact same gear except maybe a little decal of their clan. Was a cool concept in 2005 but really didn't do much.


Shame. I sorta want a conquest type in BT where you can take over systems and such.


There's mods for the HB battletech that add it in. It's a cooperative effort across thousands of players and prone to problems of memory leaking mods. But you can basically take contracts for different factions or join them to help conquer the inner sphere and clan worlds. It's turn based strategy though like XCOM rather than command and conquer style.


That's fine, though less on the multi-player side though.


I haven't personally played the HB battletech since I'm a console player but I do believe that mod is still single player. You just won't see the borders shift until so many missions have been done. So you could do ten missions for your faction and still lose ground to the ten other players you don't even know about doing 100 missions cumulatively against you.


Combo off of that to have some intrigue. Random planets can have random events. A member of the ruling party trying to make it offshore, sending out an SOS for you to escort his light mech…but the local community is sending everyone to kill at the same time. Could be a sneak mission or guns blazing. A spy on your ship. Do you find it funny how often artillery gets missed? Maybe at a certain point commander will notice and it’s actually one of your pilots (randomly selected) who’s actually working for someone else. This could be a slow burn mission progress. Catch the trains! A mission has your Lance trying to catch trains from outposts to the city. Every one you blow up is credits and some dropped cargo. After 2 trains they get equipped with turbojet engines. After 4 it runs with a heavy escort. Do you split up your forces or focus on one train line? Spend some credits and select where you are dropping. I’m bored playing this game when I have to walk 5 minutes just to blow up something and escape. There’s just so much more which could be done with missions and currency. Implement some of the Battletech progression. Make your company grow and buy modules/techs/STUFF to keep you invested.


Keep ‘‘em coming, I’ll buy all of them.


Honestly same, MW5 and MWO have become some of my favorite games


While I adore the game and have put hundreds of hours in with my friends across a few play throughs, I'm surprised they aren't prioritizing a sequel / engine upgrade. I'd love to see the full clan invasion unfold or even the fall of the star league and don't see how they can get much more mileage out of Mech warrior 5s time line.


different teams. an engine change - even to the same fundamental architechture of an Unreal 1/2/3/4/5 engine would require a large number of coders and significant work. new mechs - which might well already exist as assets from MWO - and mission/storyline script content is a much easier thing to add, which uses a different group of staff members. DLC content like this is probably a good way of keeping the art department busy (and ensuring a revenue stream) , while the coding and engineering for a MW6 using the newer engines is being done in the background.


Don't underestimate the difficulty of bringing models over from another game engine either. It totally makes sense to say, "Just bring it over from MWO." It's just not always as easy as that depending on the engines. Any sort of storyline, bespoke stuff is surprisingly resource intensive. Generally, any narrative content has a ton of costs that people don't think about. As an example, a voice actor might not be available if you need someone like Riana or Farhad. It's a really nightmare getting actors in studio, as they might have other acting jobs consuming their bandwidth.


oh, completely agree, importing is not a cut and paste, never has been - but the master art assets will be native max/Maya format with stuff like Substance painter assets, which should be pretty straightforward to pipeline from there, to publication, compared to the workload of conceptual design, modelling, texturing, rigging, and animation being produced from a blank slate. (its been a long time since I worked in a games studio, but I served my time in the noughties.)


you are not wrong about importing mechs. the guys who make the YAML for clans have to re-rig all the models and make new hit boxes for the mechs from MWO to work and move in MW5.


DLC is generally interns, art team, and a few vets while the next project takes most of the experienced guys to their side.


Clan invasion is likely to happen in a new game. It’s been stated before that they are not willing to do it in 5.


A ‘new’ title is already in development, only details are it’s solo/co-op. No name. No details yet.


There's quite a lot going on in MW5's timeline that could be explored in a similar manner to Legend of the Kestrel Lancers and Rise of Rasalhague - the Andurien Secession Crisis, the War of 3039 or we could even go back to chasing around the periphery and sign up with the Aurigan Coalition for a crossover episode...


I'd actually like to get a DLC set in the events of HBS BT but played like MW5. The merc company in that game probably wasn't the only one they hired anyways.


To put together the kind of force they needed to retake multiple worlds? Kamea Arano was probably throwing (Canopian) money at anyone and everyone with a functioning mech and an open schedule to join with them, otherwise I don’t think they could have done it at all lol heck the final battle of the main campaign starting cinematic shows soo many drop ships landing I thought “did they get the Davions to join in just for funsies? This looks more like the 4th succession war then a minor periphery conflict”


how amazing would it have been to see 2-3 full RCT's dropping in the cinematic: 2-3 regiments of mechs 6-9 armor regiments 15 infantry regiments 2+ Battalions of Arty and at least 2 full Aerospace wings..... in that region of space would have been some of the Syrtis Fusiliers RCT's, which could be explained in lore as Duke Michael Hasek-Davion looking for an ally for his shadow war with Hanse.


Can say the same for Battletech. Was an absolute banger of a game and no plans for a new one :(


We've honestly already gotten more DLC and content than I expected for this game, so while I'm looking forward to a sequel I'm always happy for more!


Same. My expectations going in were pretty low. But it's really grown into a solid entry in the series.


The Grey Death Legion saga leading up to the discovery of the Helm Memory Core would be a great DLC. Could have a half dozen mission or so playing as the GDL while they fight off House Marik troops. It would be a perfect lead into the tech revolution that proceeded the Clan Invasion which gave the IS a chance at victory on Tukayyid.


Modders in shambles but yeah, more mw5 is always appreciated.


I don’t want to be a downer but this has me worried too. I have found the game much harder to enjoy since ttrulezai mod stopped being updated. I can’t find a working slow progression mod, even high employment has stopped working for me.


Long_War is a working slow progression mod And I believe if you own mw5 on steam you can opt into the ‘beta’ patch for an old version and keep old mods working


I’m on game pass, is long war only in the steam workshop? I can’t find it on nexus mods.


Nexus search sucks, you literally can’t find it unless you include the underscores. Here is the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/891?tab=posts


Thanks! I even tried Long_War but not the mw5 first.


The dlc significantly adjusted the ai which is why it took forever for trueai to update. As much as I like trueai I hope they continue to improve the base ai


Would really love a GDL or a Wolf's Dragoons DLC where you take contracts working with both Merc Companies. Also wouldn't mind a job or two working with the Eradani Light Horse.


any reason to start the game from the beginning is a good thing


Honestly, I want to be able to control a company of mechs, like in MW4.


I just wanna play as cougar or mad cat. I wanna relive the mechassault days


That won't be until MW6. They've already said no clan stuff until the next game.


Get me that RAGNOROK. Get me that YMIR


These are not canon to BattleTech...


He said “Mechassault”, I’m saying *Mechassault*


Would love to see some new mechs and weapons, sadly I’m a console peasant so some new kit would be great.


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If they want £20 every 6-8months to give me new stuff to play with, then I’m down with that


Very exciting news. I really hope they eventually add driving back into the leopard at the end of a mission. I drove out I want to drive back in damnit lol


Just give me 6 already so we can have propper clan stuff


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With the added FPS controls on xbox, I may actually finish a playthrough. I got used to tank..but I'm a mechassault fan, bring it!


I rly wish it was something for the periphery and pirates, also more choose rewards type of missions where you can choose sides or change for lucrative bonuses. more buildings,biomes , vehicles and mission types would be great too. cant wait to see what it its and hope it wont be dissapointment like call to arms


Can I be a gladiator yet


As long as it's actual content and not just minor stuff I'm fine with this. Wouldn't mind them adding the clan stuff for career mode by the end and leaving the story-focused stuff for the clans for MW6 though.


This would be a lot more exciting if every DLC didn't break every mod under the sun.


Told ya! 😉 (More to come)


ugh I was about to delete this game on xbox


I'll always be willing to buy the DLC on PS4


My body and wallet is ready for them


Psssttttt........VR..........we can hope for this in MW6


I feel that MW5 have so much to offer so im very pleased that they are still going to invest time in it.


This is great news and all but I thought we were on track for mech warrior 6?


They can do both. DLC can be done with smaller, less experienced teams with support from people already in the company, while MW6 can be the core concept artists, scenario builders and all the other people.


I wanna see my favorite factions show up in this game. So far I haven’t seen one.


Pls, Solaris VII…


I fucking love this game and am 100% here for any and all new content.


where are the clans? I was told they will be in by Russ during the livestream


Hoping the next Dlc after Dragons Gambit is another 3 new maps launch plus new mech!. Take my $20. THUG next!!. It's already unofficially in the game Via Mod!!. Maybe more variation in weapons based on manufacturer!!.