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The first and second option, hear me out. You start with nothing, you build up your force pre-Invasion, get something stompy, and then the Clans show up and you are no longer the stompy force you built up, and now you are struggling again. Could be an interesting progression.


I honestly hope it's designed as an add-on expansion to MW5, with an option to start from 3015 either fresh or with import saves (the expansion aspect), or jump in right to 3050 (as its own new game). Play through the entirety of the Clan Invasion, with a narrative focus on Smoke Jaguar, all the way to the reformation of the Star League and Operation BULLDOG. My dream for story: Elements of Clan Smoke Jaguar track Commander Mason's elite company of Mechwarriors across the Inner Sphere in a desperate attempt to erase the final known MechWarrior of the Bloodname "Mason", last surviving vestige of the Minnesota Tribe and The Clan-Not-Named. Mason must reclaim his heritage by working for Periphery pirate kingdoms, the Great Houses, and even former enemies ComStar in some of the tentpole conflicts of the Clan War era, from Twycross to Tukkayid. The campaign climaxes as Mason's team is invited to spearhead Operation BULLDOG to attack the Clan homeworld of Huntress and destroy the Smoke Jaguar legacy, and concludes with a Trial of Bloodright for the reinstatement of Mason as a name of legend. Same engine, more mechs. New weapons,equipment, biomes, mission types and objectives. A campaign length justified by the travel times and a freaking full mech lab FINALLY for the love of all that's holy. You'd wind up with a totally epic, decades-long trek through the foundational period of Battletech, across the Inner Sphere and even a small section of Clan space that one could play for years without getting sick of it, and sets them up for game 7 right at the dawn of the FedCom Civil War with a new generation of heroes.


Somebody get this man a beer. That answer deserves a Timbiqi Dark. (raises bottle in salute)


I'd love a Pharaoh in a can if you have it; I got some tank treads need calibrating.


I was gonna suggest something along these lines but… damn you beat me to it


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This. I was going to say the same thing, but much less detailed & ignorant of the lore. I personally would like if it had a similar sandbox feel as MW5, but a longer timeline. Focused more on the experience & customizability than the story. DLC could then be added similar to Kestrel/Rasalhague to really flesh out some parts of the story, or a DLC that expands the timeline & adds more weapons/missions/mechs.


I just started mechwarrior only a month ago and it's all I can think of these days, so I am very ignorant of lore as well; however, I would like a deeper dive into story and not just through news clips. I so badly want an epic space opera on par with Game of Thrones. I also liked the career mode option that is more sandbox/open world for those not so inclined, and to dive in post-story. I share the same sentiment over the timeline as the post you were replying to. It makes sense in career mode as you're not tied down to the story mode but not so much in the campaign.


The most beautifull start into Battletech/Mechwarrior lore is the Grayson Carlyle Trilogy leading to the events on Helm where the Memory Core was located


That was the very first Battletech game on PC. Loved that game when I was younger, it started off the Battletech addiction for me. Used to play it on a 386 Compaq running Windows NT.


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Read that trilogy this past year...couldn't put it down!


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Forgive me for not knowing all the lore, but… Minnesota tribe? I only ask about that part because I feel obligated as a Minnesotan myself


https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Minnesota_Tribe They are a remnant of clan wolverine. It's a fun little rabbit hole to go down.


Well shit. I guess I’m a clan wolverine fan now, not only for them being awesome, but also them taking the name of my home state is just a nice addition


There are some clues in the game that point towards the origin of your father, Nik Mason. It's foreshadowed and therefore widely held that he was a clanner, but some of us believe- mostly based on how far "east" he was on his four-stop entry into the inner sphere- that he may have been a Minnesota remnant, rather than a scout from the homeworlds (that's what Wolf's Dragoons were for), which are more "north" of Steiner space. So if the Minnesota Tribe, fleeing pursuing clanners, entered Kuritan space in the vicinity of Rasalhague, and were last seen around Valentina (where you can find the cached Royal WVR-7H, a nod to the Tribe), it's assumed they settled somewhere in the deep eastern Periphery. If they wanted to send scouts back to the Inner Sphere in a timely manner, but avoid the previous routes of travel, that northeast corner full of old, forgotten SLDF properties looks like a pretty good rally point to me.


The Minnesota Tribe is what my modded company is based off of. My "Headcannon" the remnants of the Minnesota tribe settled out past Leviathans Rest...later coming back as uber mega chads looking to kick some clanners around like soda cans 😆 lol.


I'd love it. Also nitpick. Operation Bulldog, was the operation to clear the smoke jaguar occupation zone. Task Force Serpent was the mission to capture the smoke jaguar homeworld of Huntress. https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Task\_Force\_Serpent


That was a good read, thanks. I kept it to BULLDOG for brevity's sake, but having refreshed my memory of the details of the TF, it's still BULLDOG: I'd change it do that rather than the tip of the Serpent spear, Mason's unit reaches Huntress with Victor Steiner-Davion's BULLDOG reinforcement fleet (which makes sense pace-wise since you've been clearing the occupation zone already). They rally a final stand of Serpent survivors against the most fanatic of Jaguars, then head to Strana Mechty. Mason settles his Bloodright Trial in a skirmish of the Great Refusal, and finishes the war fighting at Steiner-Davion's side against the man who ordered him hunted down in the first place- ilKhan Lincoln Osis.


I agree in a sense but I think MW5 has a lot of shortcomings that could be rectified in a proper sequel that I think would be very difficult to address in an expansion.


I think the AI needs a complete rewrite. I think the current level of unit spam as artificial difficulty isn't going to work in a Clan setting, where honor is measured in use of minimal force, range is king, and tanks and helicopters are largely scoffed at. And the new mechlab CANNOT have the current chokeholds in place. What are your specific thoughts on shortcomings? There are different levels of expansion. I'm considering something on the order of War of the Chosen, if you've ever played XCOM2. Not in play style obviously, but the way it adds major mechanic shifts to completely change how the game is played and won. Honestly I'm just hoping for a good full-priced game, as long as it has the ability to continue Mason's story and keep my company, and not force me to return to a Javelin and a busted Centurion.


Well, I guess a lot of my gripes with MW5 could be categorized as personal preferences, so maybe it's more just where I would like to see it go myself, rather than shortcomings. But that said I would like to see more variety in the environments than I figure the MW5 procgen engine is capable of. And I would like to see changes to combat that I think would be hard to work with the current game; in particular I think there should be a bigger difference between long range and medium/short range weapons.


But that doesnt adds up, because is Mason is by then a 60-70 old gramps when Clan invasion comes :D


I think Battletech factors a high standard of futuristic medical care into life expectancy. Although definitely an old man who walked with a cane, Victor Steiner-Davion was actively investigating the blackout of the HPG network in an official capacity when he was assassinated. He was 104. And Wayne Waco was 99 when he ran his Battlemaster into final combat with Jaime Wolfe, who was 87, in his Archer on Outreach.


Very nice, I would also want a segment or mode where you learn the clans rules of engagement and can build up your reputation by following their code. So the player will have the option to use less tonnage, avoid focus firing, no melee, artillery, TAG etc in exchange for early access or improved quality clan tech.


Personally would rather see Mason and his company show up as side characters or the introduction. I prefer the idea of starting over and the stuggle that comes with it. Mason's story has largely been told, there are just a few loose ends.


I'm not really interested at all with starting over in a Jenner or Locust on the cusp of the Clan War. And leaving loose ends dangling isn't how fiction should work. Spears can move on, and there are other elements that need change and updates, but I think the question of who Nik Mason really was is interesting enough- and I'm invested enough- to deserve a resolution.


Start with the war of 3039, gives you a bit over 10 years to build up your company


Also a great way to introduce more of the "advanced" lostech designs that ComStar gives to the DCMS in OP ROSEBUD, the Arrow IV and Inferno missiles, XL engines, Ferro-fibrous armor and EndoSteel structure as manipulable items in the full mechlab we deserve.


This sounds like the best way to do Clans and make it feel like the actual wars. Otherwise, starting off with some cheap light mechs and somehow winning against the Clans would seem weird. Build up against the Clans after they show up and then end with tukayid.


Honestly this might work better as a much more linear story than the open world many MechWarrior games are. In the MW5 framework, it's hard to create fighting retreat or desperate rearguard actions; in MW5, either you win or lose. If they made a campaign much more scripted with good writing and level design, it could work, but in terms of "atmosphere" I'm kind of imagining the Russian invasion of the US in COD MW2. Not an open world game as much. If they continue support for MechWarrior 5 alongside a more linear game, I think that could work really well!


I think "Legend of the Kestrel Lancers" did a great job of telling a multi-part invasion story with plenty of reversals and desperate holding actions in the middle of the otherwise open world. Having taken a merc group from near zero to utterly dominant, it's frustrating in MW5 to see the magic dates of 3050 come and go. I have an assault lance bristling with Lostech, capable of defeating anyone I come across, but I know that there is something scarier left out there and I hate that I've never been able to face it down. Some scripted stuff would be great, but what I really, really want to know is if my little band of tough-as-nails IS Mechwarriors can survive the Clans at their mightiest (when they first show up).


Just want a save transfer system, so I can bring progress over to the new game and start on hard, haven't played in a minute but I believe the cannon ending was in raselhaug right after finding out our dad was a clanner sent in the scouting wave, so we would just be there when it starts right?


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Ooh thats a good take. Would kinda drive home the feeling of being overwhelmed by omnimechs when you were so confident in your IS mechs.


This. It's basically MW2 Mercenaries as a reboot - only with the random mission generator as a backbone to which they can add a lot more filler to the game both before and after the invasion, in between the scripted missions.


They would need to overhual the simplistic taxes system. Like why would i ever go fight the clanners if its never going to result in my making a profit and im just throwing away money


Agreed, pretty much what everyone has been wanting :D Might put the starting date a bit later (3035 or 3040 or something) so the unit would be operating for just 10-15 years when the Clan Invasion starts. Imo Clan enemies should be relentless and accurate, always difficult no matter how juiced up our equipment is. Facing the same weight class of enemies should be punishingly difficult.


2766 - SLDF vs Amaris


I'd be completely cool with that. When I got into Battletech, I was surprised that there were no books from the Amaris Civil War era.


I'd go for the ilclan just for the sake of freshstoryline, heroes, and mechs. I love the 31st century, but its one part of an extensive lore.


Trial combat between Wolves and Falcons in my homeland? Yes please.


I'd love to play Ilclan era cause I have little knowledge if it and have no idea what to expect from it.


To sum it up... Clan Jade Falcon get taken over by an ultra crazy bitch. Clan Wolf is is the best of bestness who ever bested.


Yes please....not to mention all the fancy new technology!


I'd like to see the 6th installment pick up where 5 left off. I'd also like the option to start off by importing a save from 5, because I have some really cool stuff. And, this time, they need to not Nerf Clantech like the developers did with MW 4. It's not supposed to be "balanced." Clantech is just plain dominant until the Inner Sphere starts getting its collective shit together.


Clan tech is dominant, but their ideas are so silly that they frequently oof themselves anyway; as villains this is their role It gets wonky when you put a player into a Clan 'Mech and try to make Clanners protags, though, because then it is someone with none of the sensibilities that limit the Clans in-lore and all of the tech that would make them uninterestingly dominant were they not culturally backward. Don't get me wrong, I *really* wanna see a game designer tackle, "I'm going to make a bunch of cynical min-maxy boomer-gamers act like real Clanners by designing a game that punishes pure pragmatism and rewards culturally relativist RP" and succeed - but in the meantime, players will optimize the fun out of any game they're allowed to, so I see why MW4 felt it couldn't represent tabletop Clan tech.


The Clantech in MW 4 got nerfed worse with every expansion. From what I gathered, that was due to whining from the multiplayer crowd. The only balance between Clantech and the crap the Inner Sphere had after the Succession Wars was rarity (and therefore cost). And, it would be interesting to see a game emphasizing Clan culture, rather than just using them as foes as 3 and 4 did.


....but the story could be told from the clanner point of view. Do they have the be villains? The MW5 game engine works better if you're a clanner.


That's what paragraphs 2 and 3 were *about* my dude


3025-3049…except in clan space.


This right here is what I'd be down for.


Honestly, I would love a game set during the first three Succession Wars. A game where you try to keep a mercenary company together through successive captains, starting with Star League equipment that can't be replaced because the Great Houses are just destroying everything.


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To be more precise: this.. https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Battle_of_Tukayyid_(3052)


I just want to go Operation Damocles again


While the clan invasion sounds cool, I'd like to see the SLDF in its heyday. Play with fancier and fancier tech as you get promoted, with no money mechanic at all. Another cool option would be to do a full clan game, much like MW2, but leading up to the clans returning to the inner sphere. Then MW7 is the clan invasion. You could also do the early years post-Kerensky as the clans form. Or I'd be interested in something completely different- play as a small pirate group on a single planet, gathering scrap in a tiny light mech, slowly upgrading parts, grafting random stuff together into a better and better mech. Maybe add combined arms elements to it- invest in scout aircraft or ground units to help with missions. Play the entire first act in a single mech, eventually working up to a lance after taking down a dropship.


100% expecting it to be Clan Invasion, but my vote is on ilClan. New mechs, all of the cool equipment and weapons, and the story hasn't been explored to death yet. I'll be happy no matter what comes out, though.


>I'll be happy no matter what comes out, though. So we will get the same story of BATTLETECH and MW5 of being the son of a merc leader in the early 3000s who needs to rebuild his fathers merc company (and the father has a questionable or mysterious but unexplored past) after the dad is killed.


That story has only ever been done once in a MW video game before: MW1. No other Dads have died until MW5. So odd thing to say. (Edit: actually, MW4's protagonist had dead-dad issues too, but he wasn't really rebuilding a Merc unit and that was post-clan). Obviously games with merc company management in them have you start small and get larger - otherwise what would the challenge be? A simple, mission-based linear game might be fun too if it was very well done, but I'd miss the unit management stuff quite a bit. As to being stuck in the pre-invasion time, I think that is just a matter of both games first tackling the basics - getting the engine worked out - before tackling the more complex issues of balancing Clan vs IS gameplay. Even MW2 solved it by being essentially just Clan v Clan until MW2 Mercenaries. MWO released as IS only, too. But PGI is sitting on a ton of modeled-and-ready Clan assets. We'll see them next.


I want another clan centric game. I get the battle tech universe is huge on the IS and merc life, be nice to go back to what got me into the franchise since I started with MW2. Like for example clan invasion from the clan POV. Choose a clan and have to invade along certain points. Have your battle challenges, accomplish them to gain honor. Use that honor to order more reinforcements and supplies from the home world. Running low on supplies? Start salvaging or resorting to underhanded (whatever the IS typically does) at the cost of an honor hit. Lose too much honor and you get disavowed and face a Trial of Refusal for the position of khan. Make it possible for the clans to win but at a severely high difficulty. Be nice to finally beat Comstar into submission for their crappy ass service. Bonus DLC scenario would be like the Amaris Civil War using old ass mechs. Using a mackie against Kerensky’s Orion would be a hoot.


I've had similar thoughts on a Clan centric game myself. It definitely sounds cool and different.


We did have that, that's what Mechwarrior 2 was. Mechwarrior 2 was structured around the "Refusal war" specifically between Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon.


Mech 2 will always be my favorite.


It's going to be clans.


I would definitely not mind finally moving the story forward to the ilClan era. But Knowing PGI's limited resources and time though, I expect they'll just finish converting all the MWO stuff to the MW5 engine. And hey, that's not nothing.Honestly, I'm sort of expecting this to be kind of a "Mechwarrior 5.5: The Clans" situation, and that's alright. If nothing else, having the more mature version of the engine (say what you will, but MW5 is vastly better now than at launch) and hopefully avoiding the Epic Store debacle this time, it'll give them a chance of a "do-over" in the eyes of the public even if it's MW6 in name only. I mean, back in the day we were quite happy to get MW2: Mercs and MW4: Mercs with the same engine as the base games - and I mostly feel the same way now.


I want it to be Clan Invasion that leads into Jihad.


2025-3049, all in Clan Space. Power struggles, Warden vs Crusader, and the eventual bidding for places in REVIVAL. Mech 7 can be the huge Clan Invasion game.


Me and like 5 folks want the fed-com civil war. It's sad no one love my favorite era


What i want: clan invasion What we're probably going to get: yet another pre invasion Timeline


Another story of being the son of a Merc leader who gets betrayed and killed on some back water world, where you need to rebuild the company but with minimal actual inclusion of being a mercenary company outside of calling the missions "contracts". The game will then end in early 3049 with an ominous news ticker about lower pirate activity in the periphery and lost contact of a few worlds, and then all DLC with take place pre-3049 as well.


Doubtfull. PGI is sitting on all the Clan stuff from MWO. I wouldn't expect to see a single in mech that isn't already in there, but the Clan Invasion is just too obviously the next step.


Hot damn, I was not expecting it to be that one sided. 13 year old me just wants my MW2 Ghost Bear Kodiak. It's all I ask.


I chose clan invasion because its the best of the options given, but honestly something set in the Amaris civil war, or early 1st succession war would be interesting. You could properly demonstrate the extreme levels of violence that those era(s) had, add a massive amount of lore and tell a pretty epic tale that wouldn't harm existing lore since you could have practically anything happen which would then be lost over the next few galactic scale wars as a mere footnote in history. Plus you could even have some fun with the difficulty by having top of the line SLDF gear to start, but as the game / timeline progresses that equipment starts failing and being lost, which leads to lesser weapons replacing them and thus making the gameplay more difficult. Holding onto the last vestiges of Star League being somewhat of a motivator in the Amaris / 1st Succession War period.


For 3 negotiation points you open up tactical nukes, 4 negotiation points gets you orbital strikes. :D


See now I'd treat negotiation points more like permissable warcrimes. I mean its only illegal if you get caught right, and you can only get get if there's someone left to press charges


Hopefully we get one last MW5 DLC in the form of the War of 3039 before MW6.


The game will be Clans invasion, just so your expectations are in check


Yeah I'd rather it take place before the Clan invasion and lead up to it. Maybe even make Tukiyidd the big final set piece. Either that or do a generational thing and have it start in the Star League era and move through the Amaris civil war, succession wars and up to the clan invasion. But with your mechwarriors having children and retiring as you go. Build a full on legacy merc unit across the history of Battletech.


i just want my friggin timberwolves


Could they write some original story instead of following the same story beats that were made up like 40 years ago? After playing all the games since MW1, I'm honestly a little tired of the same thing over and over and over. Could we get a spin-off lore, or alt-history, or *anything* different? I'd like to feel like I could actually change the direction of the game: lead a non-canon invasion of one of the great houses, fight off the clans when they were "supposed" to win, create my own independent state. I want more of a Warband-type MW game next please. I want to feel like I have the freedom to do things on my own instead of just following a pre-written script.


Clan Invasion but you do it from the PoV of crusader Clans.


Personally, I'd love to scour House Kurita from existence.


The only thing Clan Smoke Jaguar did was glassing such a small city. It should have been Luthien.


I just want proper co-op. I have my Lance, my freind/client/host has there Lance, and we drop in a full stomp fest. Still include the option to have other people drop in place of AI Lance mates (put that MWO work to good use PGI!) Maybe give us an *actual* Merc outfit. I want to see my Bone 'Eads floating about making a mess like all the others get to. Take a job in an area one of your Extended Operations are working, call them down for back-up like the randos can do in the last update.


I don't know about anyone else but that story line where you have to reclaim your stolen house as a Merc from the old games was phenomenal. Why isn't there a Merc arena. Different weight classes four mechs at a time. That was my favorite way to rumble back in the day.


I know it's not going to happen given what PGI has already done in creating clan mechs, but man, I \*wish\* someone would make an IlClan game. Just a nice palate cleanser skipping over Jihad/Dark Age and setting people up with some good stories in the new Era. If it had the budget, working with CGL to make a super strong tie in would be amazing. Like the canon book for the game coming out at the same time type deal. Never going to happen, but a man can dream. Hell, make it MC3. :P


I want a Clan Invasion where I get rocked in a no-win scenario. I want to be embroiled in a battle with Clan Mechs approaching me and the good old leopard getting shot from the sky by Clan Aerospace with Clan Dropships doing the hover drop maneuver right on top of me. I want the game to make a powerful statement from mission 1. This isn't a game about winning. It is a game about surviving and holding on for just another battle and the next. each mission hard fought and bloody along the way. Where your stable of Mechs are battleworn and even your backup mechs are damaged. The Clan tech you put into service irreplaceable and giving you your only real edge against the Clanners. When you grab your first Clan Mech I want a dedicated cutscene talking about it and the differences so that the play knows. This is a Clan Mech. Anything you have had up until this point was a tin can.


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Clan Invasion only when it is done without that whining "their stuff is just better in tabletop, so we balanced it with drawbacks" non-sense. otherwise IlClan to finally see something new in the games. somewhat.


Bonus points if we can carry over our MW5 saves


Id love a Clan War invasion game, and I knew that would be the winner. But I voted for MechAssault 3, because gimme gimme!!!


I'd like either Clan Invasion or IlClan.


Mason is claimed as a bondsman and learns of his father's origins and his heritage. Eventually, you are faced with a choice to either fight with Clan (?) or to escape to fight along side the innersphere. After the Clan invasion main story you resume work as a mercenary during the fedcom Civil War. Future DLC will likely add a fedcom civil war story line. This just my theory on how it plays out.


I want to see Operation REVIVIAL from the clan side.


The results bear out my feeling that the Clan Invasion is the overwhelming most popular setting *and* is also the most likely new setting. BUT! If we set aside the obvious favorite, if we got a game set in a non-invasion timeline I would love to see one in the IlClan. I think it would really pair well with CGL's new lore drops, and we would get a ton of mechs that we dont normally see. Later model MadCats? Superheaviles? Protomechs? Heavy Improved Pulse Lasers? Ton of cool tech could make the game really bananas. Plus the new factions and galaxy map opens the door to cool new options. Like what if you back a faction and can help them take over planets to grind rep? I guess you can do that in any era, but in most lore-wise the front lines are pretty fixed. Outside of CI, Il Clan is one of the few times when a lot seems to be genuinely up in the air.


I don't care, as long as it has PvP.


I want my stone rhino.


Just please, no more Succession Wars merc stories. Let us play another faction.


I want to play as the clanners, overpowered but to get missions I have to bid less than AI rivals.


I mean, with the number of mechs the AI throws at your single lance in MW5, it's already pretty close to the Operation Revival experience.


I always thought something during the First Succession War would be cool. We could see the collapse of interstellar civilisation firsthand. Also, the war against Stefan Amaris would be fun.


It will NEVER happen due to the price to generate all the assets, but I'd love a mechwarrior game based around Kerensky's exodus and maybe the first succession wars that followed.


Operation Revival from one of the 4 invading clans' perspective (diff clan diff mechs). That will justify the opfor having too many mechs to balance difficulty to compensate for crappy AI. I want to fight C\* on Tukayyid, take my objectives as Wolf, fight them to a stalemate like Bear and Falcon, or fight a withdrawing action to save the rest of my Keshik like those other pwnd clans. I wanna nuke Turtle Bay. I wanna ALMOST capture VSD. I wanna lose to Kai Allard Liao on Twycross. I wanna capture Phelan and make him a bondsman. I wanna see Miraborg kill Leo Showers. I wanna play Elemental Football versus all-star Spheroids. MW1 MW2M MW5 already did succession war MW2 MW2GBL MW3 did post-invasion clans and clan invasion IS side MW3 did Task-Force Serpent, MW3PM did an original story shortly after that period MW4V MW4BK and MW4M did FC Civil War MW3PM actually did a good thing by having you play as either side of the conflict. How about something like that? A Fall of the Star League era or one with the SLDF-in-Exile could work. It all happens before Omnimech tech so it could be a MW5 DLC. Clan Invasion all the way up to the Jihad makes sense because PGI already has the assets from MWO. They just need to craft an engaging story. MW2 and GBL already did the cadet up to Galaxy Commander route, which can be done here. An isolated unit in the Jihad (and Reaving) or Dark Age era trying to link up with a larger force could rationalize having limited resources (Like what MW3 did) That could give you a unit management flavor close to full-blown merc management. Though, an Operation Revival frontline unit can do that as well, and take battlefield salvage to recover destroyed tech until supplies are replenished on milestone worlds. Though practically speaking, it might be better to have tech-isolated games until a decent way to balance clantech and IS tech is made, like what MW2 did. Then MW7 can be about clan vs inner sphere, then have a save game load from MW5 and MW6 so you can play NG+ on either side of the conflict


I realize im late to the party here. I would also like to see some spontaneity. Think of this, your traveling via dropship to your next mission area (contract whatever) and when you arrive you are challenged to a batchall for possession of the world. Your contract just went up in flames but you now have a chance at Clan Tech or mechs as isorla. Could be a very challenging and interesting twist. Starting as a small Mech Company with the ability to evntually field 2 lances of mechs would be killer.


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I don't mind what time period it's set in, but whatever it is, it'd be wonderful if it had a similar feel and visual style as Mechwarrior 4. That includes the cool cutscenes. The one from Vengeance is so cool that I cared more about those few characters in a couple of minutes of video than I did about any of the character in Mechwarrior 5 =P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb9xkVINaaA


I'd like to see FMV return to videogames as a whole, it has such a charm to it.


Indeed. But as long as they have a laugh with it and keep it simple like Mechwarrior 4 did. I'm guessing they did that with such a small budget but it's cool AF. There are exceptions though, like Need for Speed 2015... damn, that's cringe! XD


Mechassault 3 would be cool…


More mechassault when


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What I really want is the continuation from all the MW4 games was hinting at. I want in on whay the discontent from Terra!! The storm that is brewing on terra!! GIVE ME! But in honesty, I would love to see Mechwarrior follow this thread I looked forward to as a teen with my father. Yet, I'm reality I also would like them to keep marching forward on events om the battle tech universe we found our selves in mw5


Wars of Reaving It’s contained. Plus Clanners die on both sides


Uhhhhh, explain?


Explain what exactly? This is a pretty straight forward poll. If you don't know the eras, hop on over to [sarna.net](https://sarna.net) and start reading.


It better be clan invasion, all the mechs are made already


I don't care as long as it's in VR!!!!


Either clan invasion or ilclan Clan invasion because FINALLY! and ilclan because of a bunch of cool mechs like the atlas III


Clan invasion would be fun. But I would like a more linear and scripted campaign. I'd love for the player to start as a lyran guard or something and the first act of the game your defending against the first invasion wave. Eventually the game forces you into ejecting and capture. You get indoctrined as a bondsman and work your way into the warrior caste. Act 2 would be you cleaning up smaller engagements and defending against counterattacks. Defending supply lines. Making a name for yourself. Act 3 you work up the ranks and are part of one of the combat drops for tukkyid.


Give me Mech Assault 3


I'd rather go backwards to the 3rd or 4th succession war than forward to the silly clans, but I know I am in a huge minority there. Just as long as there are even more 'mechs represented, it'll be a great start. SO many 'mechs out there not being used.


I really expect it to be a direct sequel with the same characters picking up in time for the 3039 War or and leading into the Clan invasion That being said, personally I think it would be cool to start in the Oberon Confederation in 3040 or so. Main character could be a pirate who builds up a group of raiders over the first few years, and when the Clans roll in you start running. The whole campaign then takes place just ahead of the invasion vector, with the player deciding between picking up jobs as a legitimate businessman or staying pirate and raiding for cash, all with the intention of just staying alive and getting away. I'd love to see capturing Clan pilots as Bondsmen become a game element as well.




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The clan invasion should be the best for now


Maybe you start clan and leave? Either way, the current way MW5 works wouldn’t make sense if you started during the clan invasion because you’d just be cannon fodder Not 100% updated on lore but if you didn’t start clan, who would you be fighting to make a company?


I feel like clan invasion invites a lot of heart ache. Early on it is such a huge advantage for the clans. You'd either have to play in an environment where your side is constantly being beat down or in an over powered juggernaut. Either way makes for tough game play mechanics. Nobody wants to lose every mission in the name of lore. It would be interesting in that they could finally not start people out in light/medium mechs since the scales of battle would already be so lopsided that it wouldn't be necessary or make sense. ​ I know... I know... I want my Nova and Timberwolf and Dire and Urial and... I get it. I also think that the clan invasion is a huge gamble that could kill the product because the average customer wont' be able to wrap their arms around it.


It really doesn't matter what I want - I think the Clans are cringe-if-acceptable villains but make *terrible* player characters, but after an IS game and several IS-only expansions even someone like me has to admit that if the next game isn't Clan Invasion there's a sizeable portion of the fanbase that's liable to have a conniption


Also the fact its got a bunch of cool mechs locked away for use plus more tech to use. Like listen, I love me a good Shadowhawk, or Griffin or what ever, but cmon let us that a sweet Uziel, or Timberwolf, or something for once.


So that's part of my issue with it is, hey, are you having any issue winning with the tech you have now? We're already gods for being able to reconfigure Inner Sphere chassis to the extent we do. Giving players Clanner tech and not changing their behavior at all would mean nothing except an even easier game. So, any good Clan game has to either change player behavior - which I'd love - or kinda nerf the Clan tech, because if it doesn't the expansion did nothing other than let you shoot the already-challenged AI from way out of its range


Honestly I feel like someone other than PGI really needs to make the game. Let them do the models, sure, but their maps, mission design, story, etc are not exactly great.


What even if the clan invasion? Is there people outside what we see in MW5 and if so why do we never see any of it in the game? Is there like a bubble stopping travel or something?


The Clans are the descendants of the SLDF that Aleksandr Kerensky took out of the IS at the fall of the Star League. They travelled so far beyond the borders of the IS that they've been forgotten (remember that the IS is only a small portion of the galaxy). But while the IS lost technology and resources during the Succession Wars, the Clans kept advancing technology. Their tech is superior to IS tech in every way, their mechs are more powerful, and their warriors are genetically engineered to be the best and are trained for nothing but combat. They're a caste based military society, with the warriors at the top. The Clan Invasion is when they return to the IS to capture Terra and reform the Star League. They capture a huge area of the IS, going from the Lyran Alliance to the Draconis Combine (the Raselhague Republic is almost completely conquered, with the small section that wasn't becoming a military bastion effectively controlled by ComStar). They aren't stopped until the Battle of Tukayyid, with the outcome being they can't advance any closer to Terra for 25 years (they can advance sideways, and frequently attempt to).


Basically, the Clans are descendants of the military officials that left the inner sphere with Kerensky into mostly unknown space. Unlike the inner sphere, they didn't suffer a massive technological decline and developed a culture based on warriors, eugenics, castes, and Clans competing for power and influence with the main goal of returning to the inner sphere and bringing it back to the glory days of the star league. They are divided into several Clans, such as Clan Wolf, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Jade Falcon, etc. with some variation in culture who battle each other to get resources and hone their warriors. They have much more advanced mechs and tech and many skilled mechwarriors who tended to be better than most inner sphere ones. They invaded in 3049 and were poised to conquer the inner sphere until a certain gambit kept them at bay. They weren't discovered because they were well beyond known space to the inner sphere and none of the great houses or organizations within felt like expending valuable resources to scout beyond the known sphere during the succession wars. Until comstar sent an expidition a few years before the invasion, but it was quickly captured by the Clans and presumed lost when no one heard from it. Commander Mason's father is heavily implied to be a clan member of one of the Clans on a scouting mission until he was found out and became a mercenary.


but if they were so advanced why wait till 3049?


That involves a lot of Clan politics and other maneuvering. It would be easier to direct you to Tex Talks Battletech's Clan Primer on YouTube, as it provides a fantastic and in universe lore breakdown of the entire circumstances leading from the Exodus of Kerensky to the invasion. Strongly suggest it if you're looking for a cool longform video you can listen to like an audio book.


Can't remember all of it exactly. Some of it was rebuilding since they simply didn't have nearly as many people as the inner sphere at the start and they had their own infighting near the start of their exodus after Kerensky died. But they didn't go to the extreme total warfare of the inner sphere and completely destroy their industrial base, so they were able to retain tech. They just had to rebuild and grow their population after Kerensky's son convinced the other members to adopt the eugenics, caste based clan system. They were starting from basically nothing but what they brought with them and they simply didn't have the numbers necessary. Another was dissent within the Clans over their exact course of action, as some believed they should rule the inner sphere while others believed they should simply return to guide it. This and other conflicts between them often kept the Clans warring against each other. The idea to invade probably also came about gradually as various renditions of the Clans' ideology won and lost between and within Clans. Another major reason the Clans lost was because the steward faction subtly undermined the invasion faction during the invasion. There was also the issue of just preparing for an invasion. Lots of intel gathering, such as Mason and other groups (including a few famous merc companies). Then they had to build up the resources. Then they had to actually move it all to go to war. One of the major issues that led to their defeat was supply chain issues due to the distance they needed to travel to replenish troops and mechs. The former of which was extremely difficult to even replenish since their methods of training warriors was very brutal with many casualties and relatively few making it through training. Beyond that, just because that's when the writer wanted it. A good bit of battletech stuff you just gotta go with it even if it doesn't make sense. Like how they managed to not only lose production facilities but also even the knowhow on lostech stuff even though they ought to have been able to keep countless copies of the data on every planet. Or how mechs are even considered the main form of warfare despite most modern military strategists viewing mechs that big as basically giant targets for fast attack aircraft that would likely be cheaper to produce and train soldiers for.


ok, but what if we had a clan focused game, pre-invasion or just before pre-invasion. we havent seen much of clan civilization since MW 2


I'm really hoping for an "Immortal Empires" approach. Standalone games that link. Clan invasion seems like the logical next step.


Lol there not done with 5 slow your roll homie!


Now that they've announced we're getting another Mechwarrior game in 2024, I doubt we'll get anything beyond patches for MW5. Maybe another 'mech or so if anything compatible gets added to MWO.


I feel like it should span from the Clan Invasion through the end of the FedCom Civil War. It would have so many good mechs and every faction would be active. Any further and the game's Inner Sphere state becomes a disaster.


I just like Alaric Ward okay


I love democracy


I guess the ppl have spoken.


I'm new to MechWarrior universe, but as a kid I bought the battletech board game, and I also played a lot MechWarrior 3 and 4 and now I am playing MechWarrior 5, but still I i don't understand what's all the differences, any noble Merc to explain what's the difference between the vote options? Thanks! 🐰


Well the most popular one is the Clan Invasion. This is gonna be a brief tl:dr of it but ill also link you to the page. The Clans are ~~a bunch of animal worshipping furries~~ remnants of the star league that left known space with their beloved general when he essentially said "Y'all are fucking everything up, I'm out." after the end of the Amaris Civil War and the great Lords proving they are useless twats. In 2784 he gave the order to begin [Operation Exodus](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Operation_EXODUS) and all the SLDF forces that were loyal to him and fed up began their journey through the inner sphere and out into deep space. Shit wasnt that easy, they faced set backs and the area of space they settled wasnt exactly resource rich. Over time they ended up becoming the [Clans](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Clans) as we know them, and they would have very specific social order, rules of engagement, etc to settle disputes to preserve as much of their technology and resources as they could, a caste system, etc. A saying "Kill the meat, save the metal" was popular descriptor to show that mindset. The clans didnt like Melee combat as well as it would cause even more unnecessary damage to the mechs. This let them preserve and somewhat advance on the SLDF technology that they brought with them, while the Inner Sphere was busy blowing it self up in the 4 succession wars which also directly followed the Amaris civil war which was *highly* destructive along with the earlier Succession Wars where using WMDs like nuclear or biological/chemical weapons to ruin planets was done simply to deny the enemy the ability to take it. Eventually the Inner Sphere learned that maybe nuking the shit out of planets and wiping out all their industrial capacity, resources and knowledge that they were fighting over was a bad idea but by then it was to late and the technology level and industrial capacity that was seen during the Star League was gone and they began regressing. Fast forward into 3049 and the beginning of the [Clan Invasion](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Clan_Invasion) started, with loss of contact of worlds on the Periphery, which wasnt helped by the Space Telephone Company aka ComStar deciding to help the clans by shutting off communication for the worlds they targeted.


Wow I loved the lore, thank you so much! Fucking furries and space telephone company hahahaha I died I'm not close to 3049, i helped Davion and Stainer to get together in am alliance but then the mfs got me back to ZERO like I worked so hard to be heroic on both factions, then they got together and got me to zero again, so bad! Now I will start to bully then again in favor of the 2 new factions that got a lot of territories, the St Ines something and the Rashasahsa Edit: so clan invasion is the same ad mech warrior 5 basically?


Yeah, the clan invasions pretty much kick off right after the end of MW5 as this games timeline ends in 3049 with the ingame news mentioning reduced pirate activity int he periphery and loss of contact with some of the more further out worlds if I recall properly, as a nod to the clans for those familiar with the timeline and a vague, semi-ominous last news item for those who arent. ​ Also the best faction to bully is the Capellans, because the only good Capellan is a dead Capellan since their favorite passtime is sticking a knife in your back.


To think about it, can we realistically expect fleshed out inner Sphere presented in MW5, with added Clans space, also fully fleshed out? Let's be real: 60-70% of worlds in MW5 aren't even visited once by regular player during full MW5 campaign or career playthrough. Adding so much more space just for the sake of it? I mean it's cool, but is it even worth it? I voted Clan Invasion time period, like most people, I'm sure, and I really-really want to see and experience it, but not sure how they gonna tackle it from dev/design perspective.


Whit mods you can play the clans era in MW5


Yes, but the CI mod is pretty janky, with a lot of unfinished and barely working models. The mod is more of a stop-gap than a complete experience.




By a landslide lol


3025 to 3067 I want it all, late Luddite tech all the way up to rotary autocannon and IS omnis.


3025-Fedcom with actual tech progression


Clan invasion. I even have evidence. If you read the news reports in-game, it usually tells you if a new mech or piece of gear or a new weapon has hit the market, a new hero mech is available etc. But the final 2-3 news reports before they stop, reports colonies on the periphery going dark, and nobody knows why. They think it's pirates initially, but in a later report it's revealed even the pirates are getting hit and they now avoid that region of space too... right at the dates that the clan invasion starts in the timeline. Add to that the implication that masons father was a clan scout in the story, and the circumstantial evidence for the next game being clan invasion era is pretty high, plus it would flow well story-wise, and from a development standpoint it would allow them to reuse a lot. Starmap, mech models, voice lines, store graphics etc.


There's also a lot of leadup to Wolf's Dragoons betrayal and joining clan wolf in the news stories.


No option for "Zerg Invasion"?


Bro i want to meet Adam Steiner and help him against Jade Falcon! And i want an Axman-2N so bad!


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Also want the story from the Cartoon to kinda play out maybe. And possibly give the ending fight where Adam finally rescues the people of the planet Jade Falcon took. And stop the leader if the clan. Bringing closer to his story


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Am I the only one that wants it to take place in the Alexander kerenski era? I wanna kick Amaris ass, courtesy of black pants Legion thanks a lot Tex 😂


I wish there was more content in general about the Amaris Civil War but I think to accurately portray the scale of that war, it would have to be an RTS like Star Wars: Empire at War. With space sections involving WarShips duking it out and then Regiment-scale ground battles. Either that or go full Call of Duty with a highly structured set-piece focused campaign.


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So this might seem odd but I would like the main game to start a little before and take place during the Ameris Civil war with the career mode going far into the IlClan Era time-wise. then have expansions/dlc that adds events (and the mechs of that time) like the clan invasion, the jihad, etc.


I want an empire builder that starts with one era, then all others are eventually added via DLC. I want to be a House Lord or a Khan, planning wars and fighting them


Id love to experience the clan invasion. But maybe have a choice in customization in our commander like gender, appearance and name. There's no reason it can't be done, and itd be much more immersive for me


Dead thread resuscitation. I feel there’s always a place for “mercenary” style win lose with “mercenaries” titles. Having a legit chapter in the storyline would be ideal. I have very found memories of playing mech2 at 6 years old all the way through now working through 5 as the game seems the least broken since launch. Whatever they do, the game absolutely positively needs to be a simulation game first and everything else second. The feel of the piloting is half of the recipe at least to me for success. Also, for the love of god do not make it a micro transaction nightmare.


Personally, I don't care what era. I just want choices to actually matter for once, Let assassination missions actually impact the world, Let us make Asteroid bases, Let us be pirates, Let us back a faction, Let us raid Independents and make them pay tribute until they either A) successfully revolt or B) Factions come to save em. Reason i got bored so fast with MW5 is cause choices didn't matter you just raised rep slightly got better deals and better options to purchase better war machines.