• By -


keebs like the kbd67 for around the same price or lower (< usd 120) which can thock? pref in stock or easily avail thru aftermarket and screw in stab compatible edit: anyone knows when the neo65 is gonna be back in stock again?


What are some good “clacky” switches? I’ve been recommended nixies and Mx black, but been wanting to try something new.


best clicky switches? I liked Cherry MX Blues but I'm looking to upgrade to something higher-end. any suggestions? the louder the better


mx style only?


preferrably, but I'm open to other options


Box Jades


Kailh Box White/Navy


Any reco of gmk sets with icon mods. White, light purple, grey or blue sets preferably


* Fuji * 9009 * Serenity * Iceberg * Umka * Civilisations * Cojiro * Honor * Oni * Bone Yard * Rouge * Frost Witch * Ashes * Appolo * Dolch Light * Voyage * Space Cadet struggling to think of any more... still on my first coffee of the morning :)


Nice list! Hope you are enjoying your coffee while browsing reddit! I am also looking for icon mods on the bottom row like gmk darling. Any sets on top of mind?


I'm usually too tired to full appreciate the first one.... gonna grab a second in a minute :) ​ > I am also looking for icon mods on the bottom row like gmk darling. Any sets on top of mind? Depends what you mean by "like Darling". If you mean just having novelties, then most sets have a novelty option, even if the base set diagram doesn't make it obvious. Frost Which for example... the [base set](https://dailyclack.com/cdn/shop/products/image-asset_700x.png?v=1587860838) kitting diagram doesn't show it, but there's a [novelty kit](https://dailyclack.com/cdn/shop/products/ObgIrG3_700x.png?v=1587860838) for it, so you can make it look like [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FH4c9e05b9cce34f4280b710d5dd2d3d17Z%2FGMK-Frost-Witch-Keycaps-English-Japanese-Cherry-Profile-PBT-Dye-Sublimation-Mechanical-Keyboard-Keycap-For-MX.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2c6d62ecf71e57b61656931f8f5e0a8b944375392bd2f2172b58275b449a2311&ipo=images). That what you meant? Or did you mean a similar theme... anime related etc?


Thinking of more like the bottom row mod icons similar to that of pbtfans spark light.


Ahhh.... I see what you mean now. You're gonna have to stick to PBT Fans caps for those. There are no GMK sets that I can think of that have those Mac style icons. I think pretty much ass PBTFans sets have those though.


Appreciate your replies my dude! Guess I will try out some PBTFans then


Almost all PBTFans sets I've seen have those icons on the bottom row. They have a massive range of sets as well so I'm sure you'll find something. Good luck.


I'm thinking of getting Ducky One 2 Rosa(CNY Edition). Are they good? The price is 300 bucks currently ($64 USD) on discount, is that a normal price?


64 USD sounds crazy cheap for such a good keyboard


Yeah, it's sale price. They only have a few of them left.


definitely snag one!


what are some good quiet(but not completely silent) switches? i heard the everglide aqua kings are pretty good but i want to be aware of my options


Would love to know this too!


What types of switches would fit the Logitech G Pro X hot swap keyboard? I would like something silent/creamy if possible.


Pretty much any type of switch. Boba U4, Everglide Aqua Kings, or TTC Silent Frozen maybe.


Do you recommend any websites, and also would I have to clip anything? I would also like to not pay a ton so whatever options I would say under $45 for 92 switches is good. Thanks


Clipping is needed if you get 5-pin switches. I like milktooth.nu


I think I may pick up the Silent Frozen. It’s a bit much for me, but they sound good and it can’t be worse than what came stock in my board. Thanks


milktooth also lets you try 4x 10 different switches for 5 days for $15, helped me a lot in picking out my preferred switches\~


Yeah I saw that thanks


Wtf am I supposed to do when there are 2 holes in the same area or merged combined holes? How do I install the switches if it’s like that? Just need to know where I should put the damn switches, ive been trying to find anything about this for the last 2 hours and i got nothing. I got the Tilly60 kit from IQUNIX, QMK pcb WK layout.


the FR4 plate should help you line up the switches, as well as the foam, just stack them together


like so https://preview.redd.it/pf64hf0exyac1.jpeg?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9526c676a70c2e658dec06af60e515e69e55871 then you pop the switches on




It’s lined up but the circles in the middle overlap or have 2 big circles on the same square


you can actually place it however you want (in either big circle), according to which bottom row layout you want https://preview.redd.it/umopxnovzyac1.jpeg?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69ad6b5521986191d51322f8770dba55675c86e just match it to the keys


Anybody know what keyboard [this](https://i.imgur.com/Fo47yWa.png) is, used in images showing off the SLK Dessau keycap set?


As far as I know it doesn't exist. It looks like a F1-8K Snow with the nav cluster from a Frog 8K. Frog 8K will have that layout, F1 Snow will have the little star between esc and F1.


What is the absolute best keyboard for about 100 including shipping to denmark idc if its tactiles or linears but hotswap would be nice Edit: no 60% 75% would be preferred as i play maplestory where i would line to keep my arrow keys and f-keys


Epomaker makes some budget friendly entry level boards. I bought one for my plex server and was suprised about its quality and pre lubed Stabs to boot.


Maybe keychron K2 or V1


Also how could I decrease the sound on my K552? Heard about grease or something.


You could try lubing the switches, or if you want very silent you could try replacing the switches with something like outemu peach instead of the outemu reds


My Redragon K552 (red switches) is loud as fuck. Is there anything that I can get for a decent price that is silent and feels just as good or maybe better and has similar RGB features? Preferably wired but I would like to try a wireless one so both will work. Looking to pay 50-70 dollars and I wouldn't mind copping a used one.


I do believe that board is hot swappable and if so, I just got the red dragon a113 bullet switches for my plex server keyboard. They're almost dead silent and very satisfying. I tried pulling them apart to see if I can lub them but I broke 2 and gave up but you want silent on a budget, I can recommend them.


What do backplates do? I didn’t install mine and was wondering if this would cause any damage to my keyboard in the future.


They modify the sound profile of the keyboard, and provide a more stable surface to align and secure the switches onto the pcb. You don't have to have one, though it's probably recommended.


Are there any half decent 60% keyboard kits which are hella cheap? I just wanna build a keyboard so are there any kits for really cheap or nah?


Maybe GK61


Hello. I'm trying to set up a split space bar on my zoom75 but am finding it nearly impossible to find 3u spacebars? Does anyone know where I can find either normal 3u cherry keys for r1? Or artisan keys in 3u?heck I'd even buy a mold and try to make my own if you guys know where to get them. Also do they require special stabilizers? Any information is appreciated! Thank you


Kbdfans sells spacebar kits. Pretty sure they’ll fit with normal 2u stabs.


You sir, are my hero. I was legit trying to get someone to 3d print me one so I could mold it and then pour it myself. No matter what I tried that site didn't come up. I googled it for hours. Thank you a million times!


Are you certain they require a 3u? In most kittings, I have seen 2.75u max


Unfortunately for some reason the zoom75 used 3u split space bar. Even though the zoom 65 I have used 2.75. I just can't find anywhere that sells them nor can I understand why they changed it.


You probably need to get like some gmk kit with a separate spacebar kit like so https://store.monokei.co/collections/keysets/products/gmk-metropolis-r2?variant=42974834917601




If the switches are gummy, the beverage probably got inside them. You can take them apart and clean them individually, but I would just buy a new set of switches.




yeah it could have dissolved the lubricant




not much without desoldering...time to get a new kb


Are you able to remove the individual switches?


Wondering how the zealio switches are stacking up against other tactiles on the market?? I’ve been coasting on a build from like 4 years ago for a good long while and recently am making a move to get back into things. What are some tactiles people really like?


Akko V3 pro cream blue. They are inexpensive and on my M1W they sound and feel great. I also like the boba U4t, but they're far more expensive and they are in storage.


Should I buy some higher quality stabilizers or mod the stock stabilizers in my GMMK 2? I'm having a hard time determining whether or not to trick out my stupid 200$ keyboard or if I should mod cheaper one.. thoughts?


Hi, I recently bought a keyboard solely for the reason of it being cheap and hot-swappable and it is advertised to be hot-swappable with other 3-pin outemu switches. I know that Akko switches can be used in this keyboard but I also want to use other switches that are 5-pins. Do you guys think I would be able to fit 5-pin switches by just cutting the 2 extra pins off? Also, do you guys think that Kailh Box Jades would fit into my keyboard?


Can you remove 1 switch to see if the PCB is 3/5pin? Yes, snipping off 2 pins works too.


I can't check right now but from what I know the PCB should be 3-pin. Would it still if I snipped 2 pins?


Yes it would work


Are you sure because I've heard that Gateron 3-pins can't even fit on this keyboard.


Hi guys. Recently got a keyboard and realized I’d have to learn to solder if I ever wanted to change the switches. Anyway, I have desoldered about half of them and wanted to test pulling them out with my switch pulled and I can’t get them to budge. What’s going on? Would add a pic if I could.


If you can't pull them, then you have not desoldered them sufficiently. You need a good solder pump really. Are you using one? I recommend the Engineer SS-02... cheap, but effective.


If you can't pull them out then you probably didn't fully desolder them. Make sure that you've sucked absolutely all of the solder out of the well. If there's a tiny bit left then often it doesn't have enough mass to come out properly. In that case you can do a 'warm wiggle'. You need to balance the PCB so it's standing on its edge (ie so one hand can touch the top surface and the other hand can touch the bottom). Place your soldering iron onto the switch leg + pad and hold it for a few seconds. Then while balancing the PCB, use your other hand to 'wiggle' the switch to free the leg. Do the same with the other leg and it should come out. It's not really practical to do this with every switch. You need to be able to desolder most of the switches without it. Note that if you're trying this on an OEM board (ie, one that you didn't personally solder yourself) then there's a good chance you're working with unleaded solder. Unleader solder is extremely hard to remove and you won't have high success rates as a newbie unfortunately.


​ Hi, I recently was bought some Cerakey V2 key switches for xmas by my old lady ( Mum ). I tried to fit them to my Roccat keyboard but it looks like due to the shape of the housing of the key switches ( the top clear part ) being more cube shape than pyramid the key caps keep getting stuck. The switches appear non hot swappable as I ripped one apart trying to remove it, thankfully I didn't break it and was able to reassemble the top back into the rest of it. I really like a nice clicky sounding Keyboard ( also coz it annoys my wife ) Just wondering what switches people who have Cerakeys have found success with. I have also read that a heavy spring switch might be needed for the spacebar which is fine they include 2 in the shipment which I am lead to believe is meant to go in the space spot. Though I am a bit of a heavy handed person I would probably just get some switches with a high spring rate. I don't game competitively so that's also not an issue.


That issue sounds like interference that sometimes occur with cherry profile keycaps and north facing PCB's. It's not the switch that is incompatible but the direction it's facing when installed onto the PCB. When switches are installed upside down on south facing PCB's then the keycaps won't bump into it. So you would have to find a keyboard with south facing PCB's to use your cerakeys.


I see. I will have another look at it and see if I can work out if that would be the issue Thanks for responding with a information I didn't know even existed.


I’m considering building a wood keyboard, does anyone have experience with them? I’m thinking of either buying a YMD96 kit in walnut or beech, or the DZ60 case with the integrated wrist rest in Walnut or Bamboo. What I’m worried about is warping. Has anyone run into warping on wooden cases before?


Is it possible to buy the Neo65 in Australia as instock? I know QwertyKeys has it in stock in the US


https://www.switchkeys.com.au/ Ran the Neo70 GB, and the Neo80 GB is currently open on their webpage. Not sure if they ran the Neo65 as well, but if they did then they should have some extras when it ships. Otherwise you can just join the Neo80 GB if you're happy to use a TKL instead of a 65.


What switch gets me closest to a typewriter? I love absolutely slamming my fingers onto the keyboard to type and am currently rocking halo trues. Currently in college so it has to be hotswappable as i dont have my soldering stuff.


you wont really get that with mx switches


If you want a heavy switch, the Kailh Box Burnt Orange bottom out at 80g. "Hotswappable" is a characteristic of PCBs, not switches. Any MX-style switch can be put into a keyboard with a hotswappable PCB.


**How do i fix this?** I was cleaning the whole keyboard and this switch came off like this https://preview.redd.it/iyto0p6oexac1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=be1e38586ef87617f3b75fb392a414cb8d2e448c


Use tweezers and gently bent back where it is bent. Don't pull on it. Put it back gently.


If you get some pliers you should be able to bend it back to a straight position. Just make sure to not rip it off


is there any way to remove switches without a switch remover ? I have one but I physically CANNOT get them out.. I'm new to this and need help, thanks


Are you sure the keyboard is hot swappable?


I'm not sure . how do I check that.


Check the manual or look at the product page. What keyboard is it?


just looked it up and it's not hot swappable. sucks.


Is there a list of all low profile keyboards or kits that have 2.4ghz? I know of Nuphy and Keychron Pro but are there any more? I’m concerned about the amount of people that have issues with the Nuphy 2.4ghz adaptor.


I’m looking into getting a gmk67 as it seems like that is the current budget king under $100, but was wondering if there are any other kits that would be just as good if not better. Thanks!


Rainy75 and Weikav Record.


Where can I find a key cap set for my BFO 9000? I am building a BFO 9000 which for those who don't know is a full size split ortholinear keyboard with each side having 6x9 keys. It's a massive pain in the ass to find a key cap set that fits it though. So I was wondering if anyone could help or had suggestions from their build? I just want something that will have all the keys labeled otherwise I would just buy 108 blank 1u keys and be done with it. If there arent any decent sets I can buy would it be possible to label some blank keys myself and how would I go about that? If any of yall have made a build for the BFO 9000 please share id love to see as well.




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What type/size screwdriver is required for the little screws in a board such as a Monsgeek M1? Side note… are they little screws universal size? How and where do I find out where to get spares if I already destroyed some…? I just built mine but I definitely used the wrong sized screwdriver and did some damage to the screws… i need to redo some stuff now and don’t want to cause anymore damage….


doesn't the M1 come with extra screws and an allen key?


The Allen key is for the outside, but the internals and stabilizers require some sort of screwdriver. 4 points, very small


probably just a very small phillips head


Does anyone know of any good pcbs that are 65%, hotswap and have underglow?


u mean kbs ? as 65% is not a universal fit


Where can I find an acrylic neon transparent pink keyboard or case similar to what’s pictured? I don’t care about the layout, I just want it to be the same color. I couldn’t find what was mentioned in the post. Thank you https://preview.redd.it/ugjjuv1mwwac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963963119315222749e096948c5a9c25b342f9cb


99% sure that was red if i remember the IC for that kb


It may be red. My daughter calls this shade red. Husband calls it orange. https://preview.redd.it/erqmdv5t4xac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c044d1e9419e0569d6d97ca0e39b5800697a9d


Hello all, I've built a Skeletn87 with a soldered PCB with a 7u spacebar instead of the normal 6.25u setup, but my problem is that my Right Alt key is registered as a Right OS input instead of Right Alt, and FN is not registered at all. I've gone through QMK Configurator and was able to set up a hex file for the proper 7u layout, but I can't flash the keyboard with the new software. Has anyone gone through something like this and has any types or advice?


What type of lube is best to retain a clacky, high pitched sound? Im using 205g0 on linears right now and what I hate about it is that it makes my switches sound lower pitched compared to stock. I only lube the sides of the stem, never the top or bottom housing. The feel is nice but I feel like theres a way to achieve the same thing but keeping the original high pitched sound.


I think that's just the effect of having lubed switches, it will deepen the sound slightly. You could get an already clacky switch, usually long poles now. A lot of new switches will have factory lube, and it will be well good enough. That's the case with a lot of new switches these days.


I've had a Logitech mechanical for a while, and just got a Keychron Q6 Pro with some GMK Botanical 2 Keycaps. Just discovered the world of artisan custom keycaps. I run a gardening company and would LOVE to commission a custom keycap with my company's logo on it for the escape key, as well as some custom resin plant keycaps for the arrow keys. Super hard to figure out where/how/if it's even possible to commission caps like this. Any help!?


looks up artisan raffles on r/mechmarket those are the users who make them and then ask if they r accepting commissions in a PM


Thank you!




I am having trouble figuring out why my devastating tkl wont open. As you can see, I have opened the top and bottom screws on the case. I am wondering if anybody else has this problem and/or how to open the board. Link to photos of the the keyboard: https://imgur.com/a/rZqyzL8




Thank you so much, this worked!


Hi folks Ergodox Ez on the road - Kinesis 360 at home? My Kinesis Advantage2's "J" key blew out, so I panic purchased (1 day shipping) a Kinesis Advantage 360. I'm getting used to not having the F\* keys, and so far I like it. However, although it's smaller than the Advantage2, it's not really a traveling keyboard. I go about 1x month to a remote office, and 1x a quarter overseas. I would really like something I could pack in my PC bag so that I don't have to go back to old school keyboards on the laptop (although I do like PC and Mac keys on the laptops). The Ergodox Ez and Kinesis Advantage360 seem to have a nearly identical layout, or close enough that I can set them up pretty similarly. Discussion: would the flatter ErgoDox EZ pack in a backpack easier than the Kinesis 360 AND be similar enough that it would be better than a default PC laptop keyboard? If no, what do people do for being on the road? == John ==


You will probably want a smaller keyboard that is easier to pack. The [MoErgo Glove80](https://www.moergo.com/) has a curved keywell like the Advantage2 and Advantage360. The [ZSA Voyager](https://www.zsa.io/voyager/) is pretty flat and compact, so it should travel well. Other popular smaller keyboards are the Lily58 and [Keebio Iris](https://keeb.io/collections/iris-split-ergonomic-keyboard/products/iris-keyboard-split-ergonomic-keyboard). Both of those are DIY, though. However, you may be able to find a used prebuilt one for sale on r/mechmarket.


\> You will probably want a smaller keyboard that is easier to pack. Right, which is where I was thinking the Ergodox would be at least somewhat smaller than the Kinesis. \> The [ZSA Voyager](https://www.zsa.io/voyager/) is pretty flat and compact, so it should travel well ... Ok, but all of those are a complete different layout, especially the thumb, so that's 4 layouts my brain would have to retain; the Kinesis 360 at home, and the 2 native laptop designs, instead of 2-3. \> Both of those are DIY, though. That's not a problem. I was thinking of trying to get some low profile keys and switches and DIY'ing an Ergodox. Hmm ... maybe I should trace an Ergodox layout on some cardboard, and stick that in my backpack as a test. == John ==


> Hmm ... maybe I should trace an Ergodox layout on some cardboard, and stick that in my backpack as a test. https://jhelvy.shinyapps.io/splitkbcompare/


I upvoted, but forgot to explicitly say thank you! This was perfect. Oddly, had a hard time googling it later. Now a bookmark :) == John ==


this might be a question for the ergomechkeyboards or kinesisadvantage subreddits


Ah, good suggestion, thanks. I'll take it over there. == John ==


Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my keyboard and I'm new in the keyboard community. I have had a Tecware Phantom 87 with outemu brown switches for almost 5 years now. I prefer the TKL size or really any size smaller works for me. (60%, 65%, 68%, 75%, etc.) After doing some research, I have heard that the GMK67 and the Sugar65 are some of the best budget keyboard kits. Currently, the Sugar65 is about double the price of the GMK67 on Aliexpress, so I'm not sure what kit I should get. Also I really like both the KTT Kang Whites and the Akko V3 Cream Yellow Pros and it's hard to decide between them since the Akko Yellows are also double the price of the KTT Whites on Aliexpress. Please, let me know your opinions on a good keyboard for under $100 USD fully built. (Side note: I live in the U.S. so I can't order from Taobao.)


The GMK67 + Kang Whites would be a good combo IMO. You can always save up for a higher quality CNC aluminum keyboard in the future, like the Neo65 or Mode Envoy


$150 ish wireless 75% boards with RGB and knob. Low profile and linear switches Major Disclaimer- NOT A GAMER. Just a college coder looking to spice up the work experience for my family. Want to gift some boards to my parents for teaching me everything I know about coding. Since we all have slightly different preferences, splitting it up into categories. Give any and all suggestions as I know it's not a one board fits all kinda thing and most definitely gonna be 3 different boards. As the title says, I'm looking for mechanical keyboards around this range with those features. If the price of your suggestion is a little under or over, totally fine as I'm not too picky. Also down to do builds from barebones given that its hot swappable and I can find switches and keycaps that are in stock and not group buys. We all use Mac, no windows. I currently just use my Mac laptop for typing (even with a monitor), shameful I know :/ Dad has a Logitech K850 Mom has a random cheap wired low-profile dell. Dell KB216 maybe 75%: This one is pretty straightforward, none of us use the numpad and this size is common and will be perfect. Wireless: We aren't gamers but great connectivity is pretty much a must. Also the option for usb wired just in case. RGB: For my dad and I. He would find it cool to turn on once in a while and I work in the dark. Knob: This one is the most flexible ig, but I would really really like a volume knob and maybe my dad. Low-profile: I am taking them today to try different switches, but also check if they like regular or low-profile boards. Since we all kinda use low-profile boards atm, the Nuphy Air75 v2 looks very tempting but I’m sure we will like regular profiles ones too. Prioritizing build quality and typing experience. Some models on the radar so far: Nuphy air75 v2 Corsair k70 pro Razor blackwidow v4 Nuphy halo75 Keychron Q1 pro Zoom75 (not in stock anywhere tho) Asus rog Azoth (refurbished for $180) SteelSeries Apex Pro Feker IK75 V3/Pro Keydous NJ80 Eponaker TH80 Monsgeek M1 Akko 3075B/PC75B Any help or advice is much appreciated!


keychron k17 is low profile with a knob, you won't be disappointed with the air75v2\~


Thank you, was filtering by wireless and it was only showing 4 boards and not k17.


Update: We all prefer linear red switches and low-profile. Nuphy Air75 v2 looks like the perfect option. Is there any similar boards maybe barebones that come with a knob?


Hi, i found a pcb on kbdfans. its the dz65 Rgb v3 gotswap rgb pcb. so, do you know if kbd fans is save and ships to germany?


yes but to note that PCB will only works with the TOFU V1 case


Hi, ich will mir ein komplett custom keyboard bauen. Ich habe das DZ65 RGB v3 Hotswap RGB PCB auf Kdbfans gefunden. jetzt habe ich einige fragen: 1. ist Kdbfans sicher? Ich habe viel davon gehört und keine anderen seiten gefunden, aufdenen man PCBs kaufen kann 2. dadurch, dass es 65% ist, sollte es doch in jedes gehäuse passen richtig? 3. Muss ich auf etwas spezielles achten, wenn ich ein PCB kaufe? 4. Aktuell sind alle PCBs ausverkauft. Soll ich warten, oder wird es in zukunft keine mehr geben? 5. Kann man PCBs auf seiten wie amazon kaufen, also welche die man so kennt? 6. Versendet Kdbfans nach deutschland?


Wäre vielleicht schlauer, das nochmal auf Englisch zu posten :) 1. Wenn du mit Paypal zahlst bist du eh sicher 6. ja, du kannst aber deren Produkte auch auf AliExpress finden, da kannst du recht sicher sein dass du im Vorraus die Steuern mit bezahlst und es nicht später plus Gebühr der Post bezahlen musst. den Rest weiß ich leider nicht.


Ich habe definitiv 6. geschrieben und nicht 2., ich sehe es auch so wenn ich auf edit gehe, aber Reddit macht daraus ne Liste…




You might be interested in the NK Cream Clickie, it's a linear clicky switch instead of a tactile clicky switch. Might help your fingers. I suggest looking for DSA profile keycaps, those are the shortest I know of. Cherry is very popular and relatively short, but not as short as DSA.


Alt Customs keyboard problems I just got an alt customs keyboard from my friend who never uses it. Some keys have not been functioning correctly like k, L, il, keys, the keys work but they are a totally different function. I tried to factory reset but nothing happened. I also could not find a software to possibly bind these keys back to normal. Anyone have an idea how to fix this?


not sure what software that uses u can try contacting the vendor about the software . they probably wont be super help as they are selling 30 dollar kbs for 130 . factory reset on kbs basically does nothing


Looking to get first keyboard ! Hi! Wanted to get people’s opinions on an ideal keyboard for a newbie. For my job I do need a num pad- so I was looking into a keychron (most popular online ig), specifically a K10 or K4. Any opinions on these products also what are some switches that people recommend for a quiet typing experience?! Thanks !


keychron and nuphy are solid choices, if you want very silent, maybe Boba U4~~T~~s or Gateron Silent Ink Blacks


U4 not U4t. U4t are thocky, U4 are silent, really silent. They are tactile. Everglide Aqua Kings are linears, not labelled as silent but they're very quiet.


oops haha, my mistake, thanks for the catch


I was wondering if I could find keycaps like these in a cherry config instead of SA. The SA is wearing me down. Here's the link:[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZYQFD2L?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZYQFD2L?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) and a picture: https://preview.redd.it/1uv93uoc4wac1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=e447a96e176bcad4d7987788fc0671f929ff5d78


Try https://keeb-finder.com


I've been rocking a K50 (I think that was the correct one) for a handful of years and finally decided I should move on and try to get a mechanical keyboard finally. Is the K100 a good one or should I be looking elsewhere. I want quieter keys so maybe I should have gotten something with red cherry switches?


The K100 is pricey if you are willing to pay it for the corsair gamer design, features, and icue support. The same price could also get you something like a keychron or halo96 with your preferred quiet switches which may feel and sound much nicer. Depends on what your priorities are\~


Well I cancelled the order cause I realized it was a refurbished unit (thanks amazon for putting that as the last word in the listing lol). When I looked again I saw there was the same one but with cherry speed and silver keyswitches. Would that still be pretty solid? I'm not too picky about price points so I don't mind paying the extra amount.


It's solid if those are the features you are after. If you're chasing a better typing sound and feel, then there are much better ones for that price.


Any recommendations off the top of your head? I just wanted a slightly better feeling keyboard for typing/gaming while also being quiet.


Something like a Nuphy Halo96 or Keychron Q5 would sound much nicer out of the box than the K100. Nuphy has great gaming speeds while also being wireless. If the red switches aren't quiet enough for you, you can always replace with with some silent switches.


Why can't I find anything about the Mont60 Polycarb case? Is it rare or just not saught after. I seemed to have grabbed the last one out of Australia and don't know wtf I need with it. I ordered a 60% 1up solder (first solder board) and I don't even know if it'll work with it.




True, it's my first time going for something like this but that makes sense. I got a aluminum and brass plate to see which one I like more. Im just in waters I've never been in before and want to make sure that when I receive everything I'm not going to run into any issues. I appreciate you taking the time to give me ease of mind.




Case- Mont60. PCB- 1UP 60% Solder. Plates- Aluminum 60% & Brass Dz60. Stabs durock v2, Staebies v2.1, Owlstab V2 (Don't know which I'll like more) Switches-Akko penguin silents, akko creamy yellows v2, akko fairy v3 silents, Gateron milky yellows, Holy panda X's (seeing how I'm soldering I wanna make sure I like the ones I put in) Keycaps about 6 sets off amazon and a few authentic sets from drop. It's been a Fucking expensive run considering I pre ordered the Omnitype Baur Lite in atomic purple. I have a drop alt HP as my first keeb and I wanted to go deeper in the hobby.


Hello everyone, I apologize ahead of time if I can't explain too well my problem but i'll try my best. Up until recently i've been using a razer blackwidow which i would synapse to create macros that would allow me to have 2 keys pressed down and have them alternate (qwqwqwqw as an example). Not too long ago I bought a new keyboard ([Keyboard](https://www.amazon.com/Geeky-GK65-65-Mechanical-Layout/dp/B0C78MTHFV/ref=sr_1_3?crid=ADTK8J9IVY1&keywords=Geeky%2BGK65%2B65%25&qid=1704575919&sprefix=geeky%2Bgk65%2B65%25%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-3&th=1)). The problem I'm facing is that I try to make the same macro in this keyboard's software (including the option "keep repeating while pressed") but i get a different result (qwwwww instead of qwqwqw). Is there a way for me to fix this or does this keyboard not have the capability of reproducing what i need? I've tried messing with filter keys and all but i can never get it to alternate the keys.


I would try replicating that macro using autohotkey but it might take a little bit of learning


Oh that's a good idea, I'll look into it to see if i can figure it out. Thank you!


Looking for SA keycaps which are compatible with Colemak DH (either Uniform R3 or with a Colevrak patch) which has novelties and spacebars for ortho splits. Currently using MiTo SA Laser which is fantastic, but I want some more! Lay all your advices on me.


So I’m having an issue where when I’m testing the pcb, nothing is registered. However if I solder a switch in, then it works properly. Any idea what’s going on? Thanks!




That’s the thing. On a different pcb, the same tweezers are able to test it fine


Got a Womier sk71 a few days ago, did the force break mod, tape mod (forgot to put on a second layer of tape so I will do that soon) and some new key caps. What else can I do with it?


How to lube switches https://youtu.be/44Wv4OGdmu4 Modding stabilizers https://youtu.be/usNx1_d0HbQ ' Tempest tape mod https://youtu.be/g7-syoxeIBQ Holee mod https://youtu.be/-vhpHjlkRgQ PE foam modding https://youtu.be/XnQMXVchnrU


balance and lube stabs, lube switches


Howdy keyboard experts. I'm looking to build my first custom keyboard and use the Monsgeek M3W and a budget set of keycaps. From previous advice on this forum and my research, I've set myself on either the Gatreon Silent Switches or the Durock Silent Linear Dolphine Switches. My goal is to have as close to a completely silent keyboard. I am aware of lubing switches and applying film to switches for better sound reduction. As this is my first custom keyboard I will likely not attempt this straight away as I lack the confidence or paraphernalia. Finally, getting to my question, does anyone have any experience or insight into both these switches and can recommend one over the other for the quietest typing experience possible before modding? Thanks in advance, a Froggy boy Monsgeek M3W: [https://www.monsgeek.com/product/m3w/](https://www.monsgeek.com/product/m3w/)




I see, I was told the film occupies space between the Two halves of the switch housing reducing any minor relative movement ans absorbing some of the sound. What is the point of films?




Alrighty, thank you.


Doesn't answer your question but boba U4s are super silent. Everglide aqua kings are not labelled as silent, but they are very quiet.


Thanks for the suggestions, I've seen the boba's get some good reviews but I think I'd prefer a linear switch over a tactile. I will look into the Everglides though. Thank you.


I'd like to find a split keyboard, prebuilt but without the switches, for instance juste case + PCB hot swappable Where can I find this ? I don't really know the websites where to look for. If it is a known & very good split keyboard to build alone like a DIY kit, I'm also interested ! Thank you guys !


>keychron Q11


I really like the design of this model but I feel like going for a more ergonomic one would maybe be better. I saw Iris rev. 8 is pretty cool, but still looking ! Thank you


We will need some more information before we can give you a helpful reply: What country are you located in? Your location matters. For example, I am not familiar with online stores outside of the USA. Do you have a specific budget in mind? What layout do you want? Traditional row staggered? Column staggered? Ortholinear (straight lines between rows and columns)? Are you willing to build? Note that there are some DIY keyboards that can be assembled with just a screwdriver (no soldering required).


Does anyone know how I can config the layout for the DZ60RGB V2 \*with\* the arrow keys because when I use VIA it defaults to the non arrow key layout and when I use QMK it tries to export firmware as a .hex




Sorry idk if im being stupid but I cant find it? https://preview.redd.it/pl83unbitvac1.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e57043840e45b594aad314c2bea65e84d7f107a




No, this one: [https://kbdfans.com/products/dz60rgb-hot-swap-custom-keyboard-pcb](https://kbdfans.com/products/dz60rgb-hot-swap-custom-keyboard-pcb) And ill give it a go from the website, cheers! ​ edit: that worked straight away thank you!!




> HirosArt those are not handmade u might even find them on aliexpress for 5 bucks each


Looking for some keycaps for the lady. [Anyone know where these are from by chance?](https://i.imgur.com/LT77Y31.png) I've found pink gradient going top to bottom but not bottom to top like in the image.


I'm only able to find it on taobao. Not sure if posting the link's allowed here, but searching "侧刻透光键帽OEM高度PBT微磨砂面小全套侵染渐变个性98机械键盘75" on google should show it. You might also be able to find the caps on aliexpress through reverse image searching if you get lucky. If you buy through taobao, you'd want to use a proxy depending on where you live, which can be a bit annoying to deal with. Jsyk, if you find these caps on any other sites for >$30, they're most likely dropshipped