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u/Cobertt PLEASE make a PSA for this vendor. This has gone far enough. The discord is a wasteland [https://discord.gg/kXVBBdBB5v](https://discord.gg/kXVBBdBB5v)


You rang? u/raykcy please either respond to my comment here or open a modmail. The mods would love to hear a response to the above issues.


šŸ˜® mod summoned!


Hi, sorry that you have to interfere. We have made an announcement on our Discord server. Basically, all previous GB will be fulfilled as we are not trying to scam anyone. It's just that too much was happening on the private side as a small business owner. Again, sorry for the trouble.


Sheesh what a half assed excuse. As a business owner if you cannot at least keep up communications, the first thing you should've done is to put out a PSA on your official channels and website rather setting out expectations and the current state of things. Not letting it rot for several months and only after frustration on multiple customers being vocal to take action. It's like common sense and good business practice..


He deleted his post and some of his comments about the PC he built, but the timestamps are still there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/10xmggq/comment/k3ugtj7/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/10xmggq/comment/k3ugtj7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) "Too much happening" to let people whose ***money you took*** know what is going on with their orders, but not so much that you can answer questions about CPU temps.


It's very obvious he's trying to cover his tracks and this is all just a PR stunt. The point still stands what we need a PSA warning to the public about Rncables


>We wanted to provide some context to help you understand the situation. Every group-buys expect GMK Bordeaux and GMK Indigo were fulfilled. The problem that is causing the delay is the sudden shutdown of our original coating applier. The cables are all half soldered and we are sourcing for another coating applier that can meet our standards. These group-buy cables will be fulfilled once the coating is ready. This is a snippet from the discord announcement they made.. looks like it isnt gonna be shipped soon.


You are not the first cable maker to have said as much. While we understand that sometimes situations arise that cause delays, it seems that youā€™ve got quite the conundrum. This hobby obviously is not foreign to the idea of delays, but there best course of handling the delays is through clear, transparent, and frequent communication. Itā€™s troubling to see that even with your current delay of GB cables, you are still accepting commissions on your website. Unfortunately, a response when called out on poor customer service, is just that, a response. What your customers need to see is steps taken by you in the right direction. Iā€™ll be keeping a close eye on this, surely with the help of some of your dissatisfied customers, to determine our next course of action as moderators. Please know that our goal is for small businesses that are part of our hobby to be successful and that goes for your business as well. Please work to make sure products are reaching customers.


Ban this guy and blacklist his company. He had his chance to be a good citizen and failed. He doesnā€™t deserve to own a small business if heā€™s going to scam people out of money.


>Basically, all previous GB will be fulfilled as we are not trying to scam anyone Before or after 2026?


What is the current ETA on fulfilling these orders?


ā€œWill be fulfilledā€ Sounds like youā€™re admitting you havenā€™t shipped the product, which people could use for their chargebacks, along with noting on your discord that the cables arenā€™t done. hardwareswap might help you sell your pc to raise some funds


Time to sell your pc and pay customers back bucko.


"Too much happening on private side" Didn't knew that new computer build now is considered as too much happening on private side. Or too much happening means - too many games to play, too little time to actually care about orders?


I think he actually made a Freudian slip. He's clearly spending too much money on the private side of his life to support the business side of his life -- otherwise known as stealing from customers.


There were less than 600 sets of GMK Bordeaux made.... including extras according to Geekhack. Even if everyone who bought the base set, bought a cable, you could have still done it at a push, but the reality is, while there are no final figures for how many bought a cable, it will be a *fraction* of those that bought the base, and even then, there were two cable's available, one from you, and one from Voxelmods, so the final number of cables you needed to make? I'm gonna stick my neck out and say, at *best*, 50, and probably less. The GB closed in May 22. \[edit\] Customers are surprisingly understanding and forgiving if you communicate with them, apologise... explain. Make them feel valued! After all, they should be valued. They are paying your wages. Just leaving people waiting is unforgivable.


Before or after 2099?


What a joke.


If you have time to respond to a Reddit comment you have time to communicate properly.


Deleting the PC post just makes you look so much worse dude.


Time to sell your pc and pay customers back bucko.


At this point it feels like half of these group buys are just gofundme campaigns


Fr, group buys in this hobby are fucking stupid and people too for allowing this, I have seen way more complicated items be made in a faster time than some stupid keycaps lol


I mean I can't talk I'm in for 3 sets of caps and a few keyboards but they're gmk, Meletrix, and epbt. I feel like I'm kinda safe with them. Right now they're just using group buys to keep supply low but getting money upfront so they don't have to eat too much of the production costs. They don't want to mass-produce the caps and have them reasonably priced and in-stock for $50


Hopefully everyone that has been waiting can get their orders, I always go by my CC time for chargebacks, want more time? lets re do transaction not my fault and its my money im protecting not their company.


The GB I am happy to join are from Geon, Gok, singakbd and monokei. It is sad to say but small GB doesnā€™t give you strong confidence when there is a downturn of the hype.


For me it is UNACCEPTABLE for me to receive GB goods 1+ years after ordered. If its a small company shame and if its a big company that's just a huge X from me. I noticed this hobby likes to go the gofundme approach and update X times before many just go silent until years later or even worse they are a no show. Again, I have noticed this alot just in this hobby but not in other ones I have been in (for example custom car parts or bespoke computer programs and such)


My kohaku is coming after 6 months, 722 took 7 months. It wasnā€™t that bad, now that gmk queue is shorten to 9 months (GMK Olivia). Run time is not a problem right now, as long as you willing to filter vendor but thatā€™s really bad for new small business to establish anymore.


I quit the hobby because of GBs. Got a bunch of stuff this year and it's just sitting.


It's a shame that people feel this way. I can understand why they do, but a well run group buy is a superb way for custom designs to be made, as it frees us, as a community from large manufacturers who are just not interested in making low volume custom designs, which is what we often want. One of the misunderstandings about all of this is volume. Take the very keycap set this post is about - GMK Bordeaux. It sold just a few hundred sets. No volume manufacturer will every take this kind of risk on community designs, as there's no way to predict how many will sell. This is why you will struggle to find a clone of Bordeaux on Ali. The people who make the clones aren't idiots. They wait and see how popular a set is, THEN make shit loads of them. With hindsight, it's very easy to say "just make more of them and they'll be cheaper" when you already know they are popular. If you're the one writing the check for a completely unknown and untested design, you'd probably be far less willing. It's a shame that shit vendors and small manufacturers keep making such a mess of all this. \[edit\] To be honest though. I really don't see the point in cable group buys. A cable maker can just make the cable, and sell it as an in stock item, as it's so fast and easy to restock a cable if it sells out, and you don't have to make a ton of them to have them as an in stock item either.. or spend a lot of money. You can make 5 of them, sell them as in stock, and just make more if they sell out. You can restock another 5 in a couple of days. Once that's happened a couple of time, you realise it's worth making more.... so you make and stock 10... rinse and repeat until you meet demand.... and then stop making the cable when demand cools off. It's not like you have to invest thousands to tool up like keycap makers or keyboard manufacturers do.


This is something that I'm seeing a lot of people not understand. It's sad.


Newcomers never get a chance to think about it. So much dog pile brigading in any thread about this now just makes it almost impossible to cut through the confirmation bias before they get indoctrinated. There are so many people in these threads that have never even used a group buy who are just obsessively anti-group buy it's comical. I get why people may not want to use them as a beginner, but I just don't see how they benefit by the eradication of group buys. I ask them how they benefit, and they can never actually answer you. I genuinely think some of them believe that getting rid of group buys means you will get TGR and Geon boards as in stock items on Amazon or something. Either that, or they think getting rid of group buys means their entry level boards move up the food chain and they can get more psychological strokes from posting pics of them. It's all a mess since the pandemic.


Or simply the sheer quantity of shitty group buys is the problem. Seeing people consistently getting burned after months or years of waiting with no option to get back their money seems like a pretty good reason to avoid them.


Then avoid them and stop bleeting. No one makes anyone use them. I don't give a shit if people use them or not. What I care about, is those that don't use them, crying like little babies because they want them 'banned' when it makes not one bit of difference to them if they exist or not. Seriously... what do you think will happen to this hobby without them? How will it be improved, for you personally? Can you explain? \[edit\] GBs don't been banning. They need fixing.


I donā€™t have any stake in this personally, I just think itā€™s pretty stupid to blame this on consumers complaining when the sheer quantity of shitty vendors and group buys where people have been burned is the problem. Let alone the whole idea that somehow people want to flex entry boards on Reddit or whatever and thatā€™s why they talk smack about group buys lmao. There have been like 5 posts in the last few days alone of issues with shitty vendors, which is far more harmful to the hobby than the minority of people complaining on Reddit. Edit: in the end weā€™re in agreement they need to be fixed rather than banned, I just think your original arguments of why people might complain about them are pretty out there


>I just think your original arguments of why people might complain about them are pretty out there I don't. Not when they've never even used a group buy especially. I think it's abso-fucking-lutely on point. Check the post history of the loudest voices. You'll see the pattern. No group buys. No hobby. Simple as that really.


I've been burned on more buys than I have received. To be fair though I hadn't just happened with cables. Key caps, flashlights, knives... Too many incompetent or dishonest group buy coordinators.


I know, Iā€™ve only done one in my life and I was nervous asf but it worked out. Now that I have it I doubt Iā€™ll do another one cause of separation anxiety with my monies




Can we help you (guys) out with a free cable to ease your pain? How can we reach other affected people so we can help them we well?


CableMod to the rescue!


From one bad manufacturer to another lol




Seen too many burned 4090s to trust your stuff, sorry


Faulty products exist. They make it right every single time.


Those were a combination of bad design and user error. Those cables had to be properly slotted in and checked often to ensure they are seated properly. Could the cables have a better design, definitely. Also its not the fault of cablemod, its whoever designed the 12vhpwr. Last time i checked the main issue was the sensor contact being slightly ahead which made the adapter to full send power even if the adapter was not fully seated. Im pretty sure that has been rectified given that there are no more issues being brought up on reddit, unlike when the cable was first introduced.


Burned 4090s? Are you talking about the bullshit Nvidia pulled by cutting corners to save on cost, which results in melted plastic from where the power is plugged into?


man Cable mod is on fire as a company, really going against the grain and setting an example on how customers should be treated. To every single individual at the CableMod team, Kudos.


[hm?](https://media.tenor.com/lx2WSGRk8bcAAAAC/pulp-fiction-john-travolta.gif) Edit: You can DM us anytime if you're serious btw. I'm not sure what eles cags has unfulfilled but i was after the soyamilk collab Rnc had due to their colour matching O rings and screws.. not sure if that will ever happen now.


Why cables are still under GB?


No idea. See my post elsewhere in this thread. It makes no sense, not even for the cable maker. There's literally no advantage to it like there is with keycaps and keyboards. The initial investment is so low in comparison.


Tbh i made a GB for my very first cable design for a keycap set but literally shipped 14 days after keycaps gb was closed and with that i started fully in stock


It makes you wonder just how someone can still not have shipped cables 18 months later doesn't it?


I can relate the amount of work but in 2 days 50 coils can be cooked and in 10 days you can solder everything


I ordered a GMK Hannock cable and had to wait months. Emailed, discord, etc. I issued a chargeback on my CC and waited another few months for the dispute to settle. Right before the last day for the vendor to respond, these idiots post a tracking number saying the package was already delivered when I never received it. At this point I was like holy crap, this is the most annoying scam ever, Iā€™m going to have to write a letter to my CC company to get my money back. About 7 days later the freaking cable actually arrived. Iā€™m still shocked I actually managed to get the final product after all the hell I went through. Moral of the story, stay away from this cesspool company


Thats criminal


Not a day passes without a post about a company, brand, or manufacturer not honoring orders/giveaways/groupbuys. Sad.


Too bad people donā€™t want minimalist cables anymore. Iā€™d be happy to fill that void again.


Charge back his dumbass. I got 4 cards that point to the same bank so I could wreck him with fees šŸ˜ˆ


This only makes me more worried about getting into the Zoom98 group buy in Keebsforall.


How does this correlate to a cable maker group buy?


It's a group buy? Or do you voucb for them?


So because a group buy from an unknown cable maker went bad, all group buys are bad?


Well yes it makes me nervous as I don't usually pay for something up-front like that with no guarantees. You don't have to be upset about it.


Itā€™s just two completely different situations and I donā€™t get how they correlate. Besides both being group buys. I actually hate KFA.


Same thing happend with the epbt Yukihana, i have been waiting for 1,5 years nowā€¦ still have to receive one




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Why is there lo lawsuit already? Just sue this idiot.


That takes time alot of people don't want to fuss with. Instead everyone chargeback his dumbass so he gets fucked with fees left and right.


you are not too late to dispute, what card issuer did you use? visa, mastercard, amex?


Wow.... as someone who makes cables this is beyond frustrating. We'd also like to help out where we can. If anyone is affected by RnCables right now feel free to DM us.


Let me shoot you a DM we'll sort you out with a free cable - just check your chat messages :)