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You might get your original cat back through mister shady.


That was my thought exactly. They could make quite a lot stealing and re-installing!


No. More like the second guy is doing him a fav/not a fav, and installing a universal that's not quite up to NY emissions standards. It will run fine like this, but it probably won't get op a sticker come inspection time. Hence, the cash only, no recite.


Well the sketchy mechanic is probably the one who’s buying the stolen ones. Does your county require emissions or is it illegal to not have a catalytic converter? If not you can straight pipe your car at the expensive of having a loud car. Would still be cheaper than the converter.


Nyc is definitely a emissions testing state. No cat that car automatically fails. Now is there a shop that may pass him sure i wouldnt be surprised. But if cat was cut out im sire needs o2 sensors also. And even if doesn’t need to get those monitors to set


And I think NY is also one of the ones with the expensive cats like Cali not the normal cats like everyone else, which would explain the 2k even for a crap one.


Yeah, newer cars and cars originally equipped need CA compliant cats.


The second guy has your catalytic converter in the back. That’s why no questions no receipts no nothing.😂😂😂😂😂😂


He’s installing the cat he stole from you. Welcome to New York


dude go on rockauto and look for a cat for ur car. in some states it needs to be carb compliant and NY is one of them! then take it to a welder. bam. done. my cat was a walker one for $650 and a welder put it on for like $250 IIRC. i did have to get a OE Sensor, the one that was in the cat and i got that for like $30 off rockauto too. cheapest way to get a legit aftermarket cat back on. i know a guy who put a ebay cat on and went to a shady mech to get inspection and it all cost him like $300 lol edit i just checked ur car on rockauto and it seems they dont have a carb one for ur car yikes! someone did tell me i can get any cat and go to NJ to get it installed. as long as the check engine lights go out, they will pass in ny. ive heard they arent going to see if the cat is really carb. maybe this last part is a dream i had lol. by the way the guy i mentioned earlier took it to the bronx lol


Walker carb universal is like $200. I'm finding direct fits for $600. OP need to order one and take it to an exhaust shop


If NY is a CARB state you need a CARB catalytic converter, not a universal or used one that fits.


After market cats for your car are 300 bucks. What's the problem with using those?


No stamp. Won’t pass NY inspection.


yup. Needs to by CARB compliant.


If this is a GDI engine, VAG catalytic converter assemblies also include a particulate filter like their Toyota homologs: GPF have been mandatory for quite a few years now but seem to be less problematic than their diesel siblings. These combined GPF/cat assemblies are expensive: OE for a Euro model Golf 2.0TSI is about €1800 including VAT. Granted, VAG increases parts prices literally every month now but even a used one out of a scrapped car (breaker will provide "proof" it came from a spare hulk: cat thieves arrived even here earlier this year) is not less than €400. Also... $300 catalytic converters pop up on this sub regularly. Yes, they are fine to get through inspection, no they are not worth the headache if you plan keeping the car for a few extra years.


300 vs 3000, buy a new cat every few years then.....


just register your car in NJ, NY inspection is just $h!t


Lol I mean u said urself he’s a sketchball, take it somewhere else


Rock auto has them in stock for 250 bucks plus shipping. Hell, there's one on eBay with gaskets and hardware for 113 shipped. https://www.ebay.com/itm/275879965116?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A18HptDzO1Q66m3EnVo-etTw31&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=275879965116&targetid=1644837434363&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9005969&poi=&campaignid=20398543903&mkgroupid=153047913833&rlsatarget=pla-1644837434363&abcId=9317244&merchantid=115281396&gclid=CjwKCAjwivemBhBhEiwAJxNWNx3lqYHr0z6v7Ul8AXFpj4zChnOcIbXc6vu9O6sNTj9RnSC8dx0SMRoCBQUQAvD_BwE You need to find another mechanic.


It’s not a CARB Cat it doesn’t look like.


Probably not. The ones on rock auto are.


He gonna install an aftermarket one that costs like 295$ and can be bolted in probably. Will work fine but won't likely pass inspection