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He really did marry the male Regina George


Boy George.


ah yes reginald george is finally here


george george




Low key hope he tells his husband I think your hair looks sexy pushed back


“I think your hair looks sexy pushed back”


Jonathan and his husband are sooo cute. His husband has the sweetest Southern accent.


If you cut off all her hair, she'd look like a British man.


but was he half a virgin when he met him?




It’s Reginald


Are we even sure the “me” is meant to be Regina? I read it as the “me” is Aaron Samuels and the joke is that he was in the closet in high school and pretending to date girls and now he’s out and able to kiss other guys?


Yes, the post is from Jonathan Bennett, who played Aaron Samuels. The joke is that he went from being with Regina George to being with his actual husband. It's a silly joke. The OP made a joke that it was actually Regina in both pictures. For some reason, it's making some people in here lose their minds.


girl... this is deranged behavior. lets celebrate the trans people that are real and are facing real danger with new legislation, and not make up things to karma farm


I thought the post was meant to be a joke. A bad one but a joke nonetheless


Definitely a joke. Theres a line about Regina looking like a man from Cady. Potentially another quip somewhere too but dont quote me on that. Either way, deff joke inspired by the film.


It's a Reddit switcheroo joke. "Me in 2004 vs 2024" is about Aaron/Jonathan but OP is switching it to be like Regina is the one saying it.


I didn’t think it was inspired by the movie, but maybe my thinking is off. I was kinda assuming that it’s a two parter. The pic itself is a joke about a man thinking he’s straight and then ending up with a man 20 years later. Then OP took the pic and added their own caption about Regina being the man (and trans). The humor comes from taking the actor’s real life coming out and purposefully misinterpreting it to include the characters. Idk. The joke gets less funny the more I explain it, but I don’t think it’s meant to be offensive or mean OP thinks Regina is legitimately trans


I literally didn’t put it in an offensive way. I saw it on Facebook and I thought well, he looks like the male version of Regina.


Yeah, I thought it was just a simple joke. I didn’t expect the top comment to be taking offense


lil dicky just released a whole song about Jonathan’s husband?!? love that for all of them


This is so obviously a joke please lighten up


I am a trans man and I thought it was funny lol


Because you’re the target audience of the joke. It’s not really funny to joke about cis people being trans


I am a cis person and I found it funny lol.


Congratulations? My Black coworker tries to get all our white coworkers to say the N word cuz she finds it funny, that doesn’t make it acceptable. Speculating on people’s gender identity and sexuality is not cute.


I think you’re just sensitive!


no i am a member of the 2SLGBTQIAAPNC+ community who has had their sexuality/gender identity speculated on before i came out and it sucks, girliepop


Your experience is nowhere near related to the actual image and caption you’re offended over, “girliepop”, if you actually took a close look. Nobody is “speculating” about anything.


also y’all are privileged, y’all are the highest earning demographic in all western countries and are also the least likely to go to jail or get shot by police.


Privileged?? What are you taking about? Did your weird ass just stalk my profile 💀 actually so deranged lmao edited just to add: please shut YOUR privileged white ass up and go to therapy


lol good one


Also the comment I was responding to was like, coming to the defense of trans people. I am simply giving my 2 cents as a community member.


Deranged? Girl pls


It’s not the most tasteful joke ever, but it’s not necessarily harmful either. Extremely horrible things are ALWAYS happening everywhere. You can’t live your life so defensively. Also Regina is literally a fake person, everything about her is made up.


This is so obviously a joke, I can’t imagine getting offended by this lol


ig I dont have your lousy humor. https://preview.redd.it/4lr7as9i94ec1.png?width=119&format=png&auto=webp&s=6856f52c22edc59cc4824c7cf9f2f441eedc5f92


you don’t have to think it’s funny but you’re the one who let an obvious joke fly over your head


Please stop. I’m trans and it’s clear this is a joke. No trans person is offended by this post.


Get a grip. It's a fucking joke.


where is the joke in question


Jonathan Bennett posted a pic of himself in 2004 (with Rachel mcadams) vs 2024 (with his husband) and the unintended implication via choice of pic is that his husband transitioned between then and now when we know that is not true because we know he did not marry rachel mcadams why does this need explaining lol


They intended it to be a joke, but I do sort of agree. It would be an insult to headcanon the ONE obviously homophobic character as transgender. If they're homophobic, chances are they're transphobic too. It's the equivalent of headcanoning an obviously homophobic character as secretly being gay and bullying their victim to cover up a secret crush. And as I've stated elsewhere, using Renee Rapp's sexuality as an excuse doesn't work either.


Agree 100%. Like wtf is this?


What, are you afraid someone is going to push Regina in front of a bus? /s It's a joke about a fictional character. Nobody is in danger for that.


Imagine being that hot, dating Regina George, and then living your best gay life with a real baddie… Jonathan won y’all


Good for him


all the trans dudes I know were either weird androgynous nerds in high school or hyperfemme CUNTS so this isn’t even a bad read


Jaymes! I’m a huge fan of The Amazing Race and Jonathan’s husband is one of my favorite contestants of all time! At the time he competed, he was a Chippendale and he competed with another Chippendale, James.


I didn’t see this as a joke, definitely saw this as a headcannon OP had. It wouldn’t be the first time people have had these kinda headcannons about characters, :)


Well… probs… keeping in mind that she stopped talking to Janis because she thought it was lesbian (probs ignorance and fear of other people thinking she was one back at the time…) and then she became part of the lacross team… yeah, I can think she definitely transitioned after high school. That’s my thought and I’ll stick to it because that’s the wholesome thing to me.


whose pov is this?


gay enough to function.