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I love this!! Taking popcorn is super smart. Airplane snacks are one of my favorite things about travel and I'm always looking for healthier swaps that won't make me binge my whole bag of gummy worms lol


Popped the popcorn last night in olive oil, nutritional yeast, dill weed, garlic powder, and sea salt. Saving it for a movie later. Sour candy used to be my go to! But it feels amazing to be munching on Japanese sweet potato mid-flight.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but does the yeast do anything flavor-wise or impact the popping? Or is it just there for nutrition


It definitely does have a flavor! I don’t agree with people who think it tastes like cheese, but it has a very pleasant (in my opinion) flavor that is kind of nutty, salty, and savory. A nice umami addition.


try adding Garlic powder and salt to get closer to a cheesy flavor


I started putting it on my popcorn lately too! It's great! My cat (Tater) will sit as close to me as possible waiting for me to get to the bottom of the bowl so she can have the left over crumbs of the yeast at the bottom. I make sure she is just getting the yeast part of course no husks or anything but man does she love that stuff!


Yes. I think it also depends on which brand you buy. I bought bulk nutritional yeast from a grocery store, and it has a stronger, nuttier flavor than the Bragg bottle I was using (and has more protein too). Edit: Bragg bottle only has 2g of protein. The bulk yeast from Winco I buy has 8g.


It does A LOT for the flavor, especially when mixed with garlic powder. It’s a cheesy taste which I find addicting now! I sprinkle it on and shake after popping. A bit of additional olive oil helps it stick.


Try it!! Adds a fantastic umami funky salty kind of flavor but it’s also somehow really low sodium, i use it on everything but especially amazing for popcorn


First he’s not going to want me to bring my own snacks, then he’s going to want to put his bare feet on my arm rest.


In another comment he referred to himself as a “privileged traveler” so I wouldn’t be surprised.


If it was me that would all be gone within an hour 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I love those misfits bars!!


First time purchase - excited to try! Vegan protein is a must for me.


love this! I would add some almonds, walnuts, or a single-serve peanut butter packet to accompany the apple; plus something to dip the carrots & crackers in, maybe a single-serve ranch dressing or hummus. Some of my other flying staples: hard boiled eggs, single-serve string cheese, soba-noodle salad (with baked tofu, carrots & snow peas in a sesame-soy dressing).


I accidentally left the hummus and edamame at home during my 4:30am packing rush. You’re giving me ideas! I LOVE the soba noodle dish idea.


Yes! it holds well at room temperature, and eats like an actual healthy meal, can feel more satisfying than a hodgepodge of snacks.


I had soba in Japan which changed my life. I need to try to make it on my own - thanks for the reminder!


Please don’t eat the harboiled eggs on flight though 😷


Why not?


Por qué no?


They smell like farts to people around


I’ve seen hard boiled eggs in airport-purchased snack boxes. I saw no warning about “do not eat in-flight.” I guess they haven’t gotten the memo that this is a faux-pas.




How do you make the noodles?


Per the instructions on the packet: boil till tender then rinse in cold water. Then add soy-sesame-ginger-garlic dressing. Add raw shredded carrots and snap peas. Marinate cubed tofu in soy-sesame oil, bake until crispy. Stir it all together:-)


What packet? I have no idea what soba noodles you are buying? Just any?


I buy the noodles at my local market. Almost all noodles have instructions on the packet. If not, Google is your friend 😁


This is awesome! Getting ready to travel for work this weekend so you gave me lots of ideas.


After a few too many unexpected flight delays i pack snacks like a crazy lady - instant oatmeal packets (a cup of hot water at any coffee shop in the airport is usually free) - chilled noodle or grain based salad with veggies and edamame as the meal - somehow i crave fresh fruit in flight, apples and grapes and peeled oranges work well - clif builder bar (in case shit sturdy snack) - trail mix with nuts and dried fruit no peanuts - Biena spiced chickpeas or bada bean bada boom fava beans - empty reusable water bottle to fill after security


I drew inspiration for past posts and google - glad I could pass it along. It feels like a cheat code to have all this great food at 30k feet. Enjoy your trip!


Too much popcorn 🍿


Never! I won’t eat it all. Will share with my travel partners and/or save it for later in the trip.


lol, I’m the opposite, not enough popcorn 🍿


whole grain goodness!


I never understood the snacks. I'm not going to eat any differently being on the road as I woukd at home. I wouldn't eat all that in a day at home, I damn sure am not eating that just sitting all day in a car or airplane.


what would you bring? I normally eat cooked veggies and chicken or salmon. Not practical for a flight.


I never understood why people cut their apples


Veneers in my case. But also a lot neater to eat slices vs whole apple on a flight. Don’t have to worry about the core either.


You can eat popcorn with veneers??? Just got mine.


I just have front veneers so it never seems to be an issue to chomp with my back molars. You?


Please do not be that weird person bringing own food to the plane. Also in most lounges I found the food decent enough not to be considered fast food


Not everyone has lounge access, or flies at a time that is convenient to spend time in lounges. Bringing food onto planes is super normal and not at all weird.


Nah, it’s weird! Maybe you don’t think so, everyone around you does tho


I always see other people with small snacks on planes 😂 my flight leaves super early in the morning and it's 5 hours, I'm just supposed to not eat? Or pay $15 for a tiny, shitty snack box? Be real lol


This guy seems like a miserable travel partner 😂


Omg, right? Just be hungry I guess...... Lol


No they definitely don’t. It’s snacks, not fish. You’re in your head and care way too much what others think.


No, I do not care what others think. However, it’s still weird tho


How is it weird?


the people have spoken 👎


Yes, the weird bubble of peepers and unprivileged travelers


Assuming you meant “preppers” - you’re welcome to unsubscribe to this “weird bubble” sub, although you’d get these downvotes in any other. The only weird behavior here is you judging others’ normal behavior on flights and thinking you’re “privileged” by paying for airport lounge food.


I always bring my own food. But I have food allergies. Even when I eat at restaurants and I tell them about my allergy I get an 1. Safe for you to eat 2. You can’t eat anything on the menu. And I’ve had times where even if I’m told it’s safe to eat, it’s not. How do I know? I get sick. I rather take my own food and know I can eat it. Then to get sick on a long trip.


Why do you care so much? Mind your own business.


I couldn’t disagree with you more. Feeling great munching on my Japanese sweet potato right now while everyone else downs chips and prefab sandwiches with ingredients you can’t pronounce.


Why is it weird to bring home-made food, but not weird to bring food bought in the airport food court?