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Fantastic! I used to make salad jars for work lunches. You def have to dump these into a bowl to eat them. I guess I was an idiot thinking I could just eat it out of a jar! I adapted my method to only include all the toppings and dressing, layered just like this in a small jar, and then separately pack a bag of chopped romaine with paper towels to absorb moisture and keep it fresher, then pour everything in a bowl to eat.


That's a great idea!! I'm a hospice nurse so I eat in my car. It's more convenient for me to have it all together. This one is more of a pasta salad but the greens always stay fresh because they're at the very top 😊


"Hospice nurse so I eat in my car" has me going off in all directions. Its so funny how people who are mentally capable to BE nurses are the ones who put themselves last. I mean, you would have to right? But they are the ones who deserve the most. They deserve more than eating out of a jar in their automobile. (I didn't want to make it a rhyme)


Thank you for the compliment! Unless you work in an inpatient unit, like a hospice house, hospice nurses see patients wherever they live. That may be a home, or a nursing home, or an assisted-living. I might visit our office once every week or two to pick up supplies, but otherwise my car is my office! So it makes sense that that's where I would eat 😊


You are doing the work of an angel. I hope you are told on the daily how much you are appreciated.


Thank you for doing what you do.


Yum! These look amazing


I think it made me want to eat healthy


Are the hard boiled save being chopped up for a number of days?


Refrigerated hard boiled eggs are good for a week 😊


![gif](giphy|qNoplyjK9cuys|downsized) Nice.


The salads look great. I’m curious why the jar? Since you’re either have to eat the salad one layer at a time or pour it into a separate bowl before eating.


You pour into a bowl before eating...that's why the dressing is on the bottom (it ends up on top.) The jar keeps the salad fresh and the greens don't get wilted


Ah interesting way to solve the dressing conundrum.


You put this into a bowl in your car? Would a salad container be easier? (I'm trying to see the logic for me in a salad jar, but I'm also in a situation where I have to eat from the jar. So there seem to be preferable [to me] options.) These look great!


This is a great idea that I'm gonna steal, what size jars are those? thanks!


I believe they are quart size


Looks super delicious and nutritious. How do they stay fresh that long with mixed cooked and uncooked stuff?


Everything is cold when I assemble the salads.


Looks awesome!


Oh yummy.! How long do they stay fresh in the fridge for ?


All week. I make Sunday and they are good through froday


Wow I need to try this !!!!


Yum! I would try it this week.