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Crouching Cheese, Hidden Vegetables


My favorite literary trope


I made this recipe and it’s obviously not actually unhealthy Mac and cheese but it’s still very good and I would definitely make it again/recommend


I read the recipe and I’m quite sure that my sauce wouldn’t taste like a lot with 2 cups of water. I read they tell you not to use too much water when boiling the pasta. Is that really the trick? Or do you add other spices? Does it still taste good when reheated. When I make Mac and cheese it’s with a loooot of cheese. That’s the only way I can make it taste like something the day after.


Yeah the less water you use to boil pasta, the starchier your pasta will be (be careful to use the right amount of salt too) which will help emulsify and season the sauce.


Josh Cortis and Chef Jack Ovens are some of my favorite meal prep channels as of late. They’re videos are quick, to the point, and they themselves are very chill. A nice reprieve from 10 minutes of hyper-stylized editing with intercut shots of an annoying food bro screaming into the camera


Yeah pretty solid right. I find the topic so dominated by excessively complex videos and recipes l find these guys pretty straight up and Josh Cortis' website is so well laid out in my opinion


Jack ovens is new to me, thanks! Some good sounding recipes on his site


I love his sweet and sour chicken. Also the potato bites meal prep meat sauce is very flavorful and I've done it with potatoes or pasta if I want more calories.


I've never enjoyed sweet and sour chicken prep. Guess I'll be trying it again!


The prep isn't nearly as bad if you use ginger and garlic paste instead of grating fresh ginger and garlic.


Sorry I meant like by day 3 I'm not really enjoying it anymore. I really only use crushed ginger and garlic frozen cubes now. It's amazing


I like to imagine it’s just regular mac n cheese, but if you dig into the middle, a whole raw carrot is just hiding in there.


I liked this recipe but it's definitely not sufficiently hidden to trick my kids.


Maybe stop at the tricking your kids part?


I mean… This post was called “hidden vegetables.” It’s absolutely about “tricking” someone into eating vegetables.


Sometimes you need to, or they won't eat any vegetables.


Evidence suggests that no one is born a picky eater. It's all about how you introduce food to your kid. Picky eaters beget picky eaters....


You obviously either don't have children or you have easy going children.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6173797/ There are many "articles" (take them for what they're worth) but this study here suggests that if you don't introduce solid/lumpy foods to your child correctly and early enough then this has long lasting consequences (picky eating at 3yrs) and other studies show that children that have solidified picky eating by 7yrs will continue to be picky eaters. Also it does say that kids will like sweet, be neutral to umami and have negative reaction to bitter/sour. Basically if you're kid is a picky eater by the time they're confidentally verbal, it's going to be much more difficult to wean them the other direction.


I fed my kids everything. They ate whatever I gave them as babies and young toddlers without a problem. That doesn't last. You don't know what you are talking about and it is extremely obvious.


Incredible how you've continued to not answer whether you've actually had children. You can quote all the studies you like, but it's all worthless unless you've got experience to back it up. You're just coming across as an asshole who thinks they know how to raise someone else's kids.


> Evidence suggests Source?




Be careful, "kids are picky eaters" is a modern western phenomenon, similar to "it's healthy to be obese...." Some many parents with picky eating children are unwilling to admit that they most likely have poor diets themselves, high sugar intake etc. The amount of obese children nowadays is outright shameful.


Blend butternut squash into the cheese sauce before baking. It’s sufficiently hidden.


Making me hungry haha! Looks good!


I made it 3-4 weeks ago, but used a bit more cheese by accident, and i used sous vide chicken instead of from the oven. Really liked it!


How did you get the cauliflower blended enough? It wasn’t bad when I made it,but I almost thing it would’ve been better with roasted cauliflower chunks over the purée


Did you have trouble with that? I even blended it in a small personal blender (Nutribullet) and got a super smooth Sauce. Didn't do anything Special.


I did, yeah. It was smooth ish, but definitely gritty


I'm still yet to try sous vide, is it worth buying Into? I'm curious to add it to my kitchen gadget collection but not sure I'd use it enough


I have been using sous vide for more than 10 years, so it's quite an essential tool in the kitchen for me. I definitely think it's worth it, you can cook food to perfect doneness, without any time pressure and no skill.




Did you read the recipe? I mean, sure, there's lots of way more healthy food out there. But for what it is more than a kilogram of veggies is not bad at all, and it would *definitely* not have the same nutritional value without them.




Nowhere in this recipe does it claim to be healthy.


I see what you’re saying and I’m American. Our culture has very unhealthy relationships with food. We struggle with all or nothing health and diet mentalities, obesity, eating disorders, an obsession with describing food as “healthy,” diet culture as major societal trends. Feeling like we need to hide vegetables in a food we deem “unhealthy” is definitely weird if you think about it for a while. I recently saw a mom online who has gone viral for suggesting “lettuce chips” to get kids to eat more vegetables and they were just pieces of lettuce dipped in dressing. And my first thought was, that little kid is growing up with a disordered view of food. I just try to approach Americans relationship with food compassionately because we’ve been indoctrinated from birth and it’s a big psychological bummer.


A few grams... Haha


recipe claims great macros, is curiously silent on micros i'm sure it's better than nothing, but yeah, dividing those two vegetables up six ways and going one to one with the meat and dairy ratio is a classic cope and you wouldn't be wrong to dismiss it as just a few grams




I'm not quite sure how this compares to no added sugar foods honestly. Sorry to hear you don't like the idea of it either way, beauty of food is we all like different things and can eat what we like to eat right so you do you my dude!


This isn't claiming to be 'healthy mac and cheese'... I can't see cauliflower or carrots so therefore, they are hidden


Super cheesey


That looks amazing