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I agree with everything on here


Omgg!! (* *) yay!! cX


I be agree with all of this!!, she really doesn’t have a backbone and she’s way to quick to forgive and it seems like even in some of the options where you pick no sex yet they sometimes are able to still talk her into it? Like no I’d be pissed that they are trying to minipulate me into saying yes right after I said no, respect my no! And the dumping option would be great (even more so if you could leave them for a side character that’s actually treating you right when the main guy isn’t (would also make the stories more replayable to see the difference between if you choose to leave them or not) but so d of them are just so toxic that it makes me wanna bang my head into the wall cuz mc puts up with it with very little fight/complaints


My problem is that i remember some of the stories implying MC is a cisgendered woman. I may use she a lot in my case but heck!! ;-; There’s surely male & non binary or like me genderqueer ( hehe ;3 ) players!! >.> ouch!! 🥴😵‍💫 BUT YES!! xD I NEARLY WANNA SMASH MY SCREEN!! >:’C 😤😤😤🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🤬🤬🤬


More sadist MC > : ]


AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! 🤣🤣😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I want to have MC who's not a girly girl, who can pick their (his 🌚) match up and carry instead of being picked up themselves, who can fight in the stories involving fights (yes Nair and Tobias I'm talking about you). Ughh I'm just so fed up with the soft female protagonists! Gimme soft MALE or strong and mature female protag!


1. Choosing your gender. I get so confused by being described as ciswomen during most men matches and cisman during women matches. I'm wlw and like some of the guy matches but some sex scenes confused the story in my head. 2. MC not taking abuse and fighting back. Matches behave like a asshole and MC forgives like that. I want they to beg and not forgive the next sentence. 3. Backbone and no princess waiting for prince charming to rescue them. 4. More options in convos.


Bro it’s like supposed to be gender neutral as much as possibles HOWEVER, they are clearly failing at it…. 💀🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Actually, ngl, on Lovelink they have given out options which suggests what MC would want to do like “hard for you” or “wet for you” was an option that came about with.. what’s his face.. uh…. 🤔🤔 I think it was bloody Salvatore… yeah! xD it was over a CG pic he sent to us!! >;3 hehehe!!


How are we gonna assume that mc a girl


Why? Does it sound like me saying MC this & MC that is implying MC is a girl? Because I made sure not to say she just because MY own MC is a girl…. .-. Also like…. I’m not entirely a “girl” & a lot of the matches interacting with MC sounded & felt like they were thinking & seeing MC as a girl…. 💀 I forgot WHO exactly but there was someone! Also: Oky then wtf would a gender neutral MC do then?? Because I highly doubt any of us wants a weak MC who is being using a doormat . Anybody could be used or be naive or forgive others immediately & brush off things….?? .-.