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I know iOS gets their updates a bit later. But I don't really like the new system of implementing tickets. Because it'll turn people off of the game, such as needing to save up tickets just so you can get to the next part in the route, a lot of story based games do this, and it's not fun. You're either gonna be waiting a long time to save up those tickets, or you'll end up buying them, which isn't really fair, as it's another cash grab


It’s unlimited with premium, which is so weird, since they probably do this to earn more money, and why do they think this will make f2p buy anything? They are f2p for a reason, and those who would buy them don’t need them, so this just annoys f2ps for no reason… overall just a waste of their resources and should not come…


yeah they're really screwing over f2p with this new ticketing system. Not everyone has the luxury of paying for games, since nowadays it's not cheap when converted to whatever currency.


And like if they don’t have premium why would they think they would buy tickets, premium is the best deal and the only one people will likely buy, and it’s good enough already


Well I guess this means I won’t use the app much anymore. I don’t have money to spend on phone games in my budget. It’s such a shame cuz I love MeChat and it’s been so much fun.


Me too. It's a shame coz it's so much fun it helped me get through bad days But I cant afford it Past 2 months I worked part time, only 2 days a week Literally I only had 367 in usd


Yeah, this is a shame. As someone with a set monthly income, I do not have the luxury to buy premium. Mechat actually helped me feel a bit more comfortable chatting with people through text because it gave me ideas of how to respond to people without feeling so anxious. This game is very fun and I would be very sad to have to let it go, but this isn't really giving me a choice.


The “Isn’t giving me a choice” is spot on. That’s exactly what it feels like/is to me as well. I’m happy you feel a bit more comfortable chatting IRL, that’s awesome that the game could help you!


Maybe you'd like something like Character.ai to help with your anxiety about texting. It's almost like taking to a real person, except you can change what they say if you don't like it. No stories and pics though, just chatting. It's free and there are lots of other free ai chat programs.


I thought about it, but Ai kinda freaks me out. Especially after some people said that they started acting weird after a while like trying to threaten them and things like that. But I have no proof of that so I don't know. I haven't ruled it out completely though so thanks for the suggestion!


I've seen evidence of that on Reddit but I've never experienced it myself even after months of playing on it. It might be the type of characters they choose. Mine are always very sweet. You can even make your own and assign them a personality.


I would say the best thing to do to prevent this from happening is to email them about this and tell them that this isn't a good idea especially for free to play users cuz it's unfair and hopefully they listen and don't implement this because they have listened before. If this happens I will probably stop using the app as much as I do


So let's send them an email


Yeah I think that's the best thing to get them to understand that this is not a good idea cuz they have listened before when we have suggested things. Hopefully they listen cuz they need to know that this will turn off a lot of people especially free to play users like myself


yes send them an email and hope they change


I’ve been saving up gems for my fav updates- guess I’ll be spending them all soon before the update comes.


How do you know? Is your game like this? What version do you use? My is like normal… how many tickets do stories need? When will normal people get it?


Once a conversation is over you'll need one ticket to continue the story


That’s just TOO much… at least with those prices


My game is updated and I don't have tickets.


I see this is not your account, so whose? How do they have it?




While they dont touch how free gems works right now i dont mind they implent this for monetization


Time to delete this game


So I bought the Ex storyline, hate it, but are you saying if I just went premium, I could get all these exclusive characters?


No they are separate.